Title: Night Shift
By: karaokegal
Pairings: Jack/Ianto, (References to Owen/Gwen and Jack/Gwen)
Rating: PG13
Wordcount: 100
Spoilers: Up to They Keep Killing Suzie.
Notes: Unbeta-ed (It's 4 in the AM and I don't have my glasses on. That can't be good.)
Warnings: J/I slashers, this ain't gonna make you happy.

The stopwatch was amusing, although Jack didn’t bother asking if he’d set any records. He did wonder whether the offer reflected a change to his status as a “monster” or merely Ianto’s own neediness.

A brisk “Good night, sir,” left Jack alone with the newest additions to his usual complement of demons. Suzie. How could he have let her down so badly? Grounds for court martial, if he were still a soldier in anyone’s army. And Gwen. All that humanity he’d mocked was getting to him. He watched her cling to Owen and wished he didn’t care.

But he did.