Sweet Shiver Burn
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 10
Prompt: 24, Candles
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
The Doctor frowned up at Ianto from where he lay in their bed, looking uncertain about what his young lover was proposing. "Candles? Wax? I'm not sure about that, Ianto. I'm not afraid of the idea, but I don't fancy being burnt."
"I won't burn you, love." Ianto sat down on the edge of the bed, leaning over to press a kiss against the Time Lord's parted lips. "I'll be careful. And I made sure to get the candles from a sex shop -- they don't burn at such a high intensity."
He moved his mouth down the Doctor's throat, nibbling gently as he went along before lifting his head and speaking again. "And you know that if you're not comfortable with whatever I'm doing, I'll stop. I'm not going to do anything to you that you don't want."
The Doctor nodded slowly, sighing and leaning back against the pillows. "All right .... but I'm still not completely convinced this is a good idea."
Ianto's mouth continued its downward trek to the Doctor's chest, his tongue circling one small pink nipple, then nipping at the tender bud with his teeth until it hardened. Satisfied, he moved to the other nipple, teasing it until it, too, was taut under his lips.
"Don't worry, love," he whispered, wrapping his arms around the slender Time Lord and pulling him close. "I promise, this isn't going to hurt. And if it does, the least little bit, I swear I'll stop. Just let me know if you're uncomfortable."
The Time Lord squirmed under the ministrations of Ianto's mouth, his words coming out on a gasp. "Keep that up, and I'll let you do whatever you want," he managed to say before his lover's mouth came down on his, silencing him.
Ianto sat up after a few moments, reaching out to stroke a hand down the Doctor's smooth cheek. "Just close your eyes, Doctor," he murmured, his voice soft and reassuring. "Put yourself in my hands. You know you can trust me."
The Doctor nodded, obeying the young man and closing his eyes. Ianto reached for the silk scarf that he'd left lying on his pillow, wrapping it around the Doctor's wrists and then securing it to the railing above the bed, making sure that the other man couldn't pull free.
Ianto reached for the candle that was already burning on the table beside the bed, picking up the holder it rested in and studying it
There were a few droplets of wax sliding down the candle; he almost felt mesmerized by them as he watched more form close to the wick. How was that wax going to feel on the Doctor's sensitive nipple when it touched his skin?
There was only way to find out -- by gauging the Time Lord's reaction to it. Ianto lifted the candle, holding it a few inches above the Doctor's chest; he didn't want the wax to be too hot, and he'd read that the closer it was held, the more intense the heat would be.
The Doctor's eyes were no longer closed; he was watching Ianto, his lips slightly parted, a shadow of fear darkening his eyes. Ianto leaned forward to kiss him again, murmuring against the softness of the Time Lord's mouth. "Don't worry, love, I know what I'm doing."
Ianto tipped the candle, letting the red wax fall, his eyes following it as it seemed to hang in the air for a few seconds before it hit the Doctor's skin, the red wax spreading over the Time Lord's erect nipple like a second skin.
The Doctor gasped, arching his back, his wrists jerking against the silken bonds that held him captive. Ianto watched him intently, hoping that what he'd just done hadn't been a terrible mistake and that his lover wasn't in pain.
"Are you all right, love?" he asked anxiously, ready to remove the thin coating of wax if the Doctor answered negatively.
But the Time Lord nodded, taking a deep breath and looking down at the small pool of red wax that coated his right nipple. "It .... stings a bit, but it doesn't burn," he said, sounding surprised. "I'd thought it would hurt, but it doesn't."
"Would you mind if I tried something else?" Ianto asked him, reaching out to tilt the Doctor's chin up so that their eyes met. "I want to blindfold you -- supposedly, the sensation is more intense if you don't know just when the wax is going to hit."
The Doctor's dark eyes widened, and again, Ianto thought he caught a flash of fear in those dark depths. He was sure that the Time Lord would shake his head and refuse the idea, but with another deep breath, the other man nodded again.
"All right," he murmured, his voice low and a little hesitant. He looked down, swallowing audibly, and Ianto leaned forward to press another gentle kiss to that soft mouth, hoping that he wasn't making his lover uneasy with what he was suggesting.
He reached for the other silk scarf laying on his pillow, tying it over the Doctor's eyes and making sure that it couldn't be loosened.
"I'm not going to hurt you, beloved," he whispered again, his lips nearly touching the Doctor's earlobe. "All you have to do is tell me to stop, and I will. But trust me, love. Please. I want us to discover new things together, but I don't want to frighten you."
The Doctor swallowed again, nodding and giving Ianto a slight smile. "You'd think I would have done more experimenting in over 900 years, wouldn't you? But this is the first time I've ever trusted anyone enough to let them do something like this."
"I'm glad you trust me that much," Ianto said softly, lifting the candle again, but holding it a bit closer to the Doctor's chest this time. With luck, he'd be able to make the next drop of wax fall directly onto the Time Lord's other nipple.
The Doctor's body arched upwards again, another gasp coming from his throat as the wax spread over his skin, a shiver going through his body. Ianto was fascinated by the way it pooled around his nipple, cooling quickly and hardening around the erect bud.
Encouraged by the Doctor's reaction, he let a few more drops fall onto each nipple, until they were both coated with red wax and the other man was breathing heavily, almost moaning Ianto's name aloud and squirming against his bonds.
Aware that the candle was starting to burn a bit low, he moved his hand downwards, letting a few droplets of red wax cover the Time Lord's skin around his sensitive navel.
"You're .... not going to let that go any lower, are you?" the Doctor gasped, his voice sounding a little breathless. Ianto looked up at him; the Time Lord's lips were parted, his cheeks flushed, his wrists twisting in his bonds.
"Of course not, love," he assured the other man, setting the candle down on the bedside table and reaching up to pull the blindfold away from the Doctor's eyes. "How did that feel? Judging from your reactions, I'd say you rather enjoyed it once you got used to it."
"I did," the Doctor admitted, visibly relaxing once the blindfold was gone and blinking up at Ianto. "It was .... different from anything else I'd ever felt. Especially not knowing just when or where the wax was going to fall."
"So I would say that we can add this to our list of things to do again and get more comfortable with," Ianto murmured, his hands moving to the silk scarf around the Doctor's wrists to untie his lover.
"Oh, definitely," the Time Lord agreed, looking down at the red wax on his body as he propped himself up on his elbows. "But .... this is a bit of a mess, isn't it? Just how are you going to get it off me? Peel it away from my skin?"
Ianto nodded, laughing as he began to do just that. "See, it comes off easily. I made sure that these were the kind of candles that wouldn't leave any residue -- and that wouldn't hurt to peel the wax away. I wasn't going to run the risk of hurting you."
"Thank you, love," the Doctor murmured, the flush on his cheeks intensifying. "I'm sorry that I was so nervous about this at first. But, " he added, reaching for his young lover and pulling him down for a kiss, "I think that I can make it up to you."
Ianto laughed, wrapping his arms around the slender man and rolling over until he was lying on top of the Doctor, the Time Lord locked into his embrace. "I'm sure you can, love. And I can think of one good way to start doing that right away."
The Doctor only mumbled incoherently in answer as Ianto pulled him closer, the young man's lips claiming his and assuring him that no answer to those words was needed.***
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