Title: Show Me Heaven
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG
Table: 50ficlets
Prompt: 11, Heaven
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
The Doctor sighed contentedly and stretched out in bed, wondering where Ianto was. He had no fears that his boyfriend had left; after all, the Tardis was in space, so it wasn't as though either of them could leave the ship. Ianto was somewhere around.
The last time Ianto had awakened before him, his lover had brought him breakfast in bed, which had been a lovely experience. And in all the centuries that he'd made the Tardis his home, that had never happened before.
But then, he'd had a lot of new experiences since Ianto had come into his life, he told himself with a smile. His life had changed for the better in so many ways.
Of course, not every experience had been good. They'd been through some things that probably would have torn ordinary couples to pieces. But their relationship only seemed to grow stronger as time went on, their bond strengthening with each new day.
Each time he and Ianto came through some adventure, he felt closer to the man he loved, in a way that he never had to anyone else. Of course, no one else had been his soul mate, and that certainly made a difference.
He'd never thought that he could have a relationship like this with anyone -- almost symbiotic, each of them entwined with the other and almost becoming one entity. Before Ianto, he'd never been able to give himself to anyone that fully.
No one had ever touched his life as completely as Ianto had. There had been something about this young man that had captured him from the moment they'd met, and he couldn't have turned away even if he'd wanted to.
Ianto had taken him to heights that he'd never achieved before, in so many ways. Ianto had lifted him to the skies, shown him a piece of heaven.
He hadn't really believed that such bliss existed before this man had come into his life, turning all of his perceptions upside down and changing his life in ways that he'd never have thought possible. But now, a lot of his views were rapidly changing.
How was it that a human could have such an effect on him? It didn't seem possible that his ways of thinking could be so swayed by that race -- but Ianto had made him look at the world through different eyes.
Maybe he'd grown jaded before his time; Ianto had taken a man who was disillusioned and sure that there wasn't much in the world he hadn't seen and given him a new lease on life, opened his eyes to so many new experiences.
He'd let himself sink into a sea of apathy before this young man had come barrelling into his life; yes, he was still interested in the world, but nothing seemed new and fascinating in the way that it did when he shared it with Ianto.
There was so much that he'd closed his eyes to -- especially his own emotions. He'd shut himself away in that respect, afraid to let himself feel for fear of being hurt.
And yet .... Ianto had managed to pull him out of that, to draw him out of the self-imposed darkness and into the bright light of hope. He couldn't help but smile to himself at the thought; a human showing him how to embrace life.
The passion that he shared with Ianto was something he'd never experienced with anyone before, either -- another way that this young man could show him heaven, when they were locked in an embrace and it seemed as if they were the only two beings in the world.
He had never been able to give of himself so completely to anyone else; he'd always been afraid to surrender his hearts, fearing that they would be shattered and that he'd never find a way to piece them back together.
But it had been so easy to turn those hearts over to Ianto, to give them into his safekeeping. And the other man had never let him down; Ianto had kept his hearts safe, protecting them as surely as he'd protected the Doctor outwardly.
The day that Ianto Jones had walked into his life had been the best day of that life, the Doctor told himself, a smile that wouldn't go away spreading over his features.
Ianto could always make him smile; there was something about his young lover that lifted his spirits, lightened his heart, and made him feel a though he was some sort of superman, capable of anything and everything that he could possibly want to do.
So their lives weren't always easy; they had to make some hard choices at times, and they could never feel completely safe from the dangers that were all around them. But they were together, and that was what mattered most.
The Doctor almost laughed aloud, shaking his head at his own thoughts. Was love making him get sentimental? It seemed so, but this was a side of himself that he quite liked, and he knew that it wouldn't go away as long as Ianto was by his side.
His hearts quickened when he heard Ianto coming down the hallway that led to their bedroom; he had no doubt that if he asked, Ianto would gladly show him their particular piece of heaven again with no hesitation -- and he couldn't wait to lose himself in those lofty heights.***
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