Title: The Seven Deadly Sins (as demonstrated by Jack Harkness)
Author: Amanda
Rating(s): Parts range from a harmless PG but the rating will climb to NC-17 for sex, violence, swearing and Jack generally behaving badly
Pairing(s): Parts will include Jack/Other, Jack/Ianto, some Gwen/Owen and maybe a smidgen of Tosh/Owen
Disclaimer: The Torchwood team belong to RTD and the BBC. I'm just playing
Warning(s): Very vague spoiler for 1.13. Be warned. Although this part is light-hearted, I'm planning on having Jack turn a little nasty towards Ianto later on. Not sure how nasty yet. Depends where the plot-bunnies take me.
Summary: Jack does Sloth, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Wrath, Pride and Greed. Busy boy.
A/N: Set sometime a couple of episodes into Season 2. My definitions of the deadly sins are rather loose to fit what I needed to achieve. Archive with pleasure, but let me know where it's going at asudderick@aol.com. Feedback appreciated.


Part 1 - Sloth

Sloth - a sin of laziness, of an unwillingness to act, and of an unwillingness to care



Jack Harkness wasn't good at being bored. 


It had been a slow day; a slow week.  It was almost as if all non-human life forms had packed up and gone home.  He vaguely wondered if he'd be relieved or worried to find out that was the case.  A couple of rogue Weevils had been the sum total of their efforts, and that had been a couple of days ago.  It was getting to the point where he was almost considering tidying up the mess that was his desk.  Almost. 


Jack decided he'd spent enough time in his office, giving the illusion of being productive, as an example to the others.  He pushed the chair back from his desk and headed for the door, stepping over the rubbish bin that he had strategically placed to enable him to play 'throw the scrunched up paper in the bin'.  Of course, by the time he'd thrown them right-handed, left-handed, batted them and then finally aimed with his eyes shut, the floor in his office had resembled one of those ball pools that children liked to sink into and play in.  Ianto was not going to be happy.


Wandering out of his office, he gave the Hub the once over, half hoping for a power drainage or low-flying pterodactyl to give him something to do.  He could see Gwen and Tosh, over by Gwen's workstation, heads together, giggling and whispering over some sort of book.  Owen was sat at his desk, engrossed in whatever he was looking at on his computer screen.  His avid concentration, together with the way he was licking his lips told Jack that it was sex rather than work that was holding his interest.  Lastly, he looked over to Ianto, who was sitting on the couch eating an apple with one hand, while flicking through a magazine with the other.  Jack decided that Ianto not doing something productive with his time was the most disturbing sight he'd seen in a long while.  Time to shake them out of their reverie. 


He was just about to walk over to make some suggestive comment to Owen that would have him half wondering – again - whether he was interested, when Tosh said something about 'looking cute in shorts'.  Owen tore his eyes away from the screen and suddenly leapt out of his chair, causing them all to stare at him.  Jack watched Owen glance at the book before fixing his eyes on Gwen's face.


"If that's what I think it is, you are so dead."  Owen pointed an accusing finger.  Gwen slammed the book shut and waved it in the air, grinning wildly.  Owen started walking towards her, making all kinds of threats about what he was going to do to Gwen if she didn't give it back to him. 


'"Ooh, I'm so scared, Owen."  She started backing away from him. 


"You should be.  Tickling and Torture, Gwen.  Two words you are going to become very familiar with.  Very soon."  Owen stalked her as she circled the workstations, out of his reach. 


Tosh made to block his path as they completed a full circle of the workstations.  "What's wrong, Owen?" she grinned up at him.  "Not usually one to be shy."  She then found herself unceremoniously picked up and deposited on Owen's chair, leaving his path free to continue his pursuit of Gwen.


"What's going on?"  Jack didn't like being out of the loop.  He looked to Ianto, who shrugged, took the last bite of his apple and stood up to put the core in the bin. 


Owen gave Gwen a scathing look.  "I'm sitting here minding my own business, trying to catch up on some important research and these two," he indicated towards Gwen and Tosh with a sweep of his hand, "have got nothing better to do with their time then giggle and gossip like a couple of schoolgirls."


Tosh glanced up at the screen at Owen's important research and was met with a colourful display of sex toys and fetish wear.  "This research been sanctioned by Jack, Owen?"


Ianto glanced at the screen and walked over to stand behind Tosh and get a closer look.


"Oi; that's private."  Owen raised an accusatory finger and wavered between continuing after Gwen and stopping Tosh and Ianto from delving any further.  His hesitation was all Ianto needed to click a couple of times and reveal his recent browsing history.  


"Lots of important work being done here." Tosh laughed nervously, feeling a little embarrassed at what she was seeing.


"So what conclusions have you reached then?"  Ianto hit a few more keys.  'Leather or rubber?"


Everyone laughed.  Owen was not amused.  'What is this?  Get at Owen day or something?" 


"Now there's an idea."  Jack felt a perverse pleasure at Owen's discomfort.  "How about every second Thursday?"  He watched as Gwen goaded Owen by opening the book at random and waving it around.  It all looked like some alien mating ritual the two of them were acting out. 


"Don't tell me none of you lot look up sex sites on the net."  There was a brief but telling silence as they subconsciously acknowledged Owen's assertion.  "I rest my case."


Ianto was still investigating Owen's PC.  "Interesting selection of purchases.  Expensive too; hopefully not courtesy of Torchwood.  I'll be checking you know."


"Get a life, Ianto."


Ianto ignored Owen's comment and called Jack over, who took a cursory glance over Owen's purchases.  "Interesting."  Jack conjured up a mental image of Owen wearing the leather harness he was looking at.  "I'll be more than happy for you to model your purchases for me in person when they arrive, Owen."  He gave Owen a mock leer and Owen rolled his eyes in return.  "Right now, I'm more interested in what Gwen's got."


Everyone turned their attention back to Gwen and the book, which had been temporarily forgotten.  Owen started towards her again, until they were on opposite sides of Tosh's desk.  "No!  Gwen, fun's over.  Give it back." 


"Oh, but you look so cute in these photos."  She reached forward to hand back what Jack now saw to be a photo album.


"Thank you."  Owen sighed, showing his exasperation, but as he attempted to take the album, Gwen snatched it back, laughing.  "Right, that's it!"  He lunged at her over the desk knocking over everything in the process, including a full but cold cup of tea, but retrieved his target.


"Owen, be careful!" Tosh admonished him, returning to her own desk to mop up the tea before it spoiled her half-completed crossword.


"Sorry!  But you know, I didn't start this."  Owen waved the photo album at Gwen and gave her a look that told her he would make good on his threat.  He then turned to Tosh.  "And I don't do cute!" 


"Let me take a look."  Jack took a step towards him and Owen started backing up.  "I bet you do look cute in shorts."  He took another step. 


"No!"  He threw the album in a drawer, locked it and pocketed the key. 


"Spoilsport."  Jack mock pouted at him.


"Not to worry, Jack."  Gwen grinned.  "We'll email them over to you later.  Right Ianto?"  She winked at him.


Owen looked to Ianto for clarification, puzzled by Gwen's comment.


Ianto was happy to give Owen his explanation and gave him a self-satisfied smile.  "I took the liberty of scanning the photos."


"What!"  The shade of red he was turning was partly through embarrassment and partly through anger.


"Thought they might come in handy, you know, for bargaining purposes." Ianto was enjoying having the upper hand far too much and Jack vaguely wondered whether he would need to step in. He looked to Tosh and Gwen, and could read the sudden unease in the looks on their faces.  Although Owen had mellowed somewhat since that whole unfortunate betrayal/shooting incident, he still couldn't be certain how far Owen could be pushed before he went over the edge.


Further than he thought, evidently, as Owen looked at them all in turn, sighed, and acknowledged his defeat with a smile.  "You're all enjoying this, aren't you."


Gwen visibly relaxed.  "Come on, how many times have you had fun at our expense?"  She smiled and playfully punched him on the arm.  "What's that they say?  Do unto others as you would have done unto you."


Tosh joined in.  "No.  Don't you mean 'people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones?'"


Jack rested against the desk and crossed his arms.  "I so love your quaint little sayings.  How about 'the devil makes work for idle hands.'"  Jack smirked.  "I'm sure I can come up with some fiendish bureaucratic way of curing your boredom."  Owen groaned.  "But for now, how about we call it a day and go have some fun."  Jack went over and put an amiable arm around his shoulders.  "After all.  All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."


Part 2 - Envy

Envy - uneasiness from suspicion or fear of rivalry, unfaithfulness, etc., as in love or aims.

Jack could pinpoint the exact moment his mood changed. It was when he saw Ianto laugh. Not a polite, amused chuckle, but a proper full-blown laugh.
"Oi, you going to get those drinks or what?" Owen said loudly in his ear. Jack ignored him, eyes still fixed on Ianto.   He tried to recall the last time he'd heard Ianto laugh. Had he ever heard Ianto laugh?
He felt Owen poke him in the arm, which snapped him out of his contemplation. "Oh, yeah. What was it again?"
"Bud for me and Ianto, Mind Eraser for Tosh, uh, not the retcon variety mind, and – what you having again, Gwen?" He turned towards her.
"Sex on the beach."
Owen leaned towards her and winked. "Any time sweetheart, you just have to ask." Gwen rolled her eyes and groaned. 
The evening had been extremely pleasant, even fun, up until that point. They'd left the Hub at around six and gone to T.G.I. Friday's for dinner, courtesy of the Torchwood expense card and the premise that it was a team-building event. They'd spent a couple of hours not talking about work for a change. Instead, Gwen and Tosh had had an in-depth discussion about how unflattering grey was, and concluded that black was the new black. Owen and Ianto had had a passionate debate over whether rugby or football was the king of sports, and for the first time that he could remember, differing views between the two didn't result in derogatory remarks or ill-feeling. If there was one good thing that came out of the whole 'rift opening' business, it was that it somehow, amazingly, appeared to have made the team more cohesive. 
A three-course meal and a few drinks later, they'd moved on to a bar. Vibrant, but not too lively. Somewhere you could actually hold a conversation without having to shout over the music. Somewhere Jack had been to a few times before and liked, for the pretty people and easy atmosphere. 
It was about nine o'clock when Tosh rushed over to a nearby table and flung her arms around a blonde woman, who returned the exuberant greeting. Owen made his expected comment about Tosh and fit blondes, then suggested they all keep their thoughts pure and innocent just in case she turned out to be another alien with a pendant, something that Jack doubted any of them capable of, even if they really, really tried. 
After about ten minutes, Tosh returned to explain that said blonde's name was Sarah, and that they had been roommates at University. They'd kept in touch but hadn't seen each other in a couple of years as Sarah had been working abroad. She was there with two of her friends, catching up, while her husband was at home with the baby, and would they mind awfully if she went to join them. They waved her off and Jack was happy to see her enjoying a 'normal' conversation with people who did 'normal' things with their lives.
Twenty minutes later Jack noticed Gwen's attention drawn away from their table. She was gesturing and mouthing 'what?' to someone. He turned around to see Tosh pointing to Ianto, who was oblivious to the fact that she was trying to get his attention, as had his back to her. Gwen told Ianto that she thought Tosh wanted him, so Ianto turned round to see all four of the women looking at him. His eyes met Tosh's, and she beckoned him over. Ianto gave her a puzzled expression, feeling slightly uncomfortable at being the focus of attention, but she just beckoned harder, mouthing at him that he should come over there. 
Ianto hesitated, and Owen gave him a gentle shove. "Go on. Where'd you rather be? Sitting with four hot birds or stuck here with our ugly mugs."
"Watch it you!" Gwen countered, smacking him on the arm. "Girl could take that personally."
As Ianto got up, he shot Jack a 'come rescue me if I'm still there in five minutes' look. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do," he replied to Ianto's silent plea, amused at his discomfort at being the centre of attention.
Owen watched him walk reluctantly over. "If they want you to get their drinks for them, tell 'em to piss off," he suggested, helpfully.
Half an hour later and Jack was increasingly wondering what was so interesting to Ianto that he hadn't even glanced back at him, let alone given him any 'come get me' signal. He was happily engrossed in a conversation with the women and showing no signs of returning. Jack was doing his best to pretend that he wasn't watching, and wondering why he was getting increasingly irritated by it all. 
Jack had no idea what Owen had said prior to that to earn him that annoyed tone, and looked at him. "What?" he snapped.
Owen gave up, rolling his eyes. "Never mind. Bloke could die of thirst waiting for you to move." He got up and gestured to Jack's empty glass. "More water, or are you going to be daring and go for a lemonade?" 
Jack looked at Ianto, who was chatting with the pretty brunette to his right, and then back to Owen. "You're right. I'm not the one who's on call tonight. No reason I shouldn't have a few drinks. Surprise me, Owen." 
"That's more like it." Jack and Gwen watched as Owen made his way over to where Tosh and Ianto were sitting and had a brief conversation with them before heading on to the bar.   He then returned to the other table with drinks for everyone, before finally returning to their table.
"Thought they could piss off if they asked for drinks?" Gwen said, referring to Owen's earlier comment to Ianto.
"Yeah, well, you know, always happy to be of assistance." He sat down and handed her the cocktail she had requested.  
"Crap. You were just being nosy. Come on then." Gwen loved a bit of gossip, for which Jack was glad. He wanted to know what the deal was, but wasn't about to ask.
"JD alright with you?" Jack nodded as he handed it to him. "Turns out the cute one with the long hair," Owen indicated the brunette that Jack was now watching give all the right signals to Ianto, "comes from the same village Ianto grew up in. They're swapping stories." That piece of information did nothing to stop the increasing feeling of what he would only describe as unease. He caught Ianto's eye, and a small smile was directed at him, which he didn't return. Instead he broke eye contact, picked up the glass and knocked back the drink in one go.


Part 3 - Gluttony

Gluttony - Excess in eating or drinking


Jack had a very good reason for usually drinking water.  It meant that if the shit hit the fan, he'd be ready for it, fully focussed on saving the world.  Well, if the rift happened to pick tonight to open, mankind would just have to cope.  He swirled the liquid around in his glass, half-listening to Gwen going on about Rhys' recipe for apple strudel and how she'd bring some in for everyone.  He checked his watch.  Ten thirty.  He glanced over at Ianto for the hundredth time, not wanting to but not being able to stop himself either.  The girl next to him kept shooting Ianto cute smiles, tossing her hair back and brushing her fingers against his arm.  It was really pissing him off. 


Another very good reason for avoiding alcohol, he mused, was that if he was already in a bad mood, it would put him in a worse mood.  Ergo, he would usually have the good sense to stick to water in such circumstances.  However, his good sense seemed to have deserted him tonight.


He wrenched his stare away from the table and downed his drink.  Again.  Trying to focus on something else; he began indulging in one of his favourite past-times - people-watching.  Human behaviour fascinated him and although twenty-first-century humans were still fairly basic in their needs and desires, and not nearly as challenging to him as one of the many other species that he had encountered, he still prided himself on proving that he was a fairly accurate judge of character.


As his gaze passed from person to person and he'd mentally categorised them into who'd be getting lucky and who'd be going home alone tonight, he found a pair of eyes staring right back at him.  Momentarily startled, instinct took over and he returned the gaze with one of his smiles that he knew mesmerised so many people.  He surveyed the man sitting at the bar.  Early twenties, blonde, pretty in a not-obviously-gay way.  Definitely fuckable.  The man smiled back and tipped his glass in his direction, nodding slightly.  Definitely interested.


Before he could analyse why he was still sitting there without any enthusiasm for negotiating a meaningless session of possibly mind-blowing sex, Tosh walked up to their table.


"Hi guys.  Can I get you some drinks?"


"About bloody time." Owen retorted.  "There's me thoughtfully getting my beloved colleagues drinks hours ago, and I'm just forgotten."  He gave an exaggerated pout.


Tosh smiled at him.  "You're adorable when you're drunk."


"Cute.  Adorable.  If I didn't know better, I'd say you fancy me, Tosh."  He wiggled his eyebrows at her.


"Who wouldn't?"  She ruffled his hair. 


"Does that apply to you too, Jack?"  Gwen asked, with a laugh, expecting him to make a lewd comment that Owen would roll his eyes at.  He just looked at her, and her smile faded.  He thought she was going to ask him something, but her attention was drawn back to Tosh.


"Speaking of fancying, I think Ianto's made a big impression on Melissa."  Tosh gave Gwen a conspiratorial wink.


He was not going to look, and instead kept his eyes on Gwen, who peered over at the other table and smiled.  "He certainly seems to be enjoying himself."


"I don't think I've ever seen Ianto so laid back.  They have so much in common."


"That's nice.  Do you think he'll ask her out?"  Owen groaned and Gwen swiped at him.  "Shut up, you." 


Tosh ignored him.  "I hope so.  He could do with a bit of happiness."


Owen gave an incredulous look to Gwen and then Tosh.  "You make it sound like a bloody romance novel.  It'll only end badly."


"Like you'd know anything about romance."  Gwen addressed to Owen.


Owen leaned towards her.  "As Shakespeare once wrote, 'Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?'"  Gwen fell about laughing.  "'Thou art more lovely and more temperate.'"


"Stop, please!"  Her eyes were watering from laughing. 


"Owen, you never cease to amaze me."  Tosh giggled.


"I can do culture when I have to.  Now about these drinks..."


"What can I get?"


Gwen answered first.  "Lemonade for me."




"I'll remind you of that when I'm the only one without a hangover tomorrow."


"Bud for me.  I learned a long time ago that mixing drinks is a bad idea."


"Jack Daniels."  They all looked at Jack; as if realising for the first time since Tosh had arrived, that he was there.  Tosh raised her eyebrows at him.  "What?" he asked, sharply.


"Nothing."  She seemed a little disconcerted at his snappy tone.  "Just surprised to see you drinking alcohol."


He didn't reply, instead looking back down into his empty glass.


"Right, well, be back in a minute with those drinks."  She then turned and left.  Owen and Gwen immediately started a flirtatious exchange regarding romance and his poetry rendition and he phased out, the discussion regarding Ianto running through his mind.  Enjoying himself.  Laid back.  So much in common.  Could do with a bit of happiness.  His first thought was to wonder what the fuck they were doing, talking about wanting Ianto to find himself a girlfriend so he could find some happiness, in front of him.  He and Ianto may not have been advertising the fact, but the others had to know they were 'involved'.  And what the hell would they know about what would make him happy, anyway?  Only now were Gwen, Tosh and Owen treating Ianto as an equal instead of just the tea-boy.  That was perhaps the most positive thing that had resulted from his sabbatical.  Ianto had proved his worth, in areas even Jack hadn't thought him capable.


Jack's thoughts turned from what the others were thinking to what was going on in Ianto's head.  Maybe these vibes were coming from him.  Maybe Ianto had said something about what he was feeling.  Unlikely, but possible.  He had recently witnessed Ianto having actual conversations with his colleagues, whereas for so long they had just exchanged pleasantries.


The idea of Ianto confiding his feelings in someone rankled.  Ianto didn't confide in him.  Now he was thinking about it, Ianto hadn't said much of anything to him since his return.  Of course, that could just be because his mouth was usually otherwise occupied when they were alone together.


He watched Ianto.  He could have returned to their table, to him, at any time, but hadn't.  Ianto had barely looked over at him, too engrossed in conversation.  Ianto was enjoying himself.  Laughing.  Sitting there, openly flirting with someone in front of him.


"Jack."  He felt Gwen's hand on his arm and he turned his attention to her, noticing that Owen must have left the table at some point, but not knowing when.  "Are you okay?"


Although Jack valued Gwen's instinct for knowing when something was wrong, and her obvious concern, her inclination towards trying to get him to open up and talk through his issues could really piss him off.  This was one of those times.


 "I'm fine."


"No, you're not.  You're drinking.  That's not normal for you, Jack." She gave him that wide-eyed 'tell me what's wrong' look.


"Just because you haven't seen me get drunk before, doesn't mean I don't."


"You were a bit off with Tosh."


"She'll survive. She's a big girl."  He was starting to get annoyed and knew it showed in his tone, hoping it would shut her up.  He should have known better.  He watched her give a pointed look at Ianto, before returning her gaze to him.


"Jack."  She said it in that way she had; like she was looking at a big neon sign giving her the answer, but still not quite seeing it.  "Is this about Ianto?"


He looked away from her, glad to have his empty glass to fiddle with and focus on.  "Gwen, I'm fine."  He knew he was getting annoyed.  He didn't want Gwen thinking that Ianto was capable of affecting him like this.  Especially when he hadn't had time to figure out why it was bothering him so much himself.  He glanced over to see Melissa whispering something to Ianto.  Ianto then laughed.


"Look, Jack-"


He got up, immediately regretting the speed at which he did so as the effects of the alcohol hit him.  "Drop it, okay?"  He hoped that was clear enough for her.  He then turned and headed for the mens room, narrowly avoiding crashing into Owen, in his haste to escape her well-meaning, but unwanted, advice.



Part 4 - Lust

Lust - intense sexual desire or appetite


If Jack had taken the circuitous route to the men's room, it would have looked strange, but he would have avoided having to pass close enough to Tosh for her to notice him and grab his arm.


"Jack.  Jack, wait.  Come and say hello."


He forced a smile and let Tosh introduce him to everyone.  He resolutely avoided looking at Ianto.


"Tosh and Ianto have been telling us some interesting things about you, " Sarah giggled, much to Tosh's embarrassment.


"Really?  Such as?"  He was feeling slightly dizzy and just wanted to sit down again.


Tosh, sensing Jack was not in the mood for joking around, answered for her.  "Nothing, really.  We were just saying we like our jobs.  You're a very understanding boss."


"Yeah, I guess I am.  Let's see.  Staff breaching security by bringing people into the building.  Borrowing potentially dangerous items from work.  Disobeying direct orders."  He started counting them off on his fingers.  "Stabbing people in the back."  He looked around at everyone, seeing how uncomfortable they were with his attitude.  "Oh, not literally of course.  We tend to find shooting the preferred method of dealing with workplace disagreements."  He let the bitterness of one particular memory show in his tone.


"Jack!"  He wasn't sure he'd ever heard Ianto say his name so sternly before.  Jack looked into his eyes, no hint of a smile.  Ianto's expression showed a mixture of confusion and embarrassment.  "You're drunk."


How dare Ianto be embarrassed for him.  It meant he cared what they thought.  "Good observation skills.  Very important in our line of work.  To see what's right under our noses."


He saw Ianto exchange a look with Tosh, both wondering if the other knew what Jack's problem was.  "What's wrong?"


Jack considered Ianto, incredulously.  He was either ignorant of being the reason for Jack's bad mood, or playing dumb.  "Nothing."




"Ianto, this is my night off."  Jack pointed at him.  "You're the one on call tonight.  So you'd better be sober and you'd better be ready to get your ass down to the base at a moment's notice if you're needed."  He then turned and headed for the men's room before Ianto could recover enough to respond to Jack's harsh words.


As Jack re-entered the bar, he glanced between the two tables.  Tosh and Ianto were talking, about him no doubt.  When Tosh spotted him, she gave him a serious look.  Ianto just looked away.  Gwen, meanwhile, was slightly frowning, slightly biting her lip, giving him her classic concerned look.  He wasn't willing to deal with any of them at this moment in time, for fear of saying or doing something he knew he, or they, would regret.  Instead he headed for the bar and ordered another drink.


"Bad night?"


Jack turned to find he was standing next to the cute blonde he'd seen eyeing him up earlier.  Jack opened his mouth to tell him he was wasting his time as he wasn't interested, and then shut it again.  What the hell was he thinking.  He was Jack Harkness, for Christ sakes.  Of course he was interested. 


"You could say that.  Works night out.  Never a good idea."


"Too true."  He laughed.  "I'm Mark."




Twenty minutes later and Jack felt more like his old self.  He showed himself to be an attentive audience, even if internally he was less than enthralled by Mark.  Still, it gave him an excuse not to return to the others.  He knew Gwen was poised to continue her interrogation, even if Owen was doing his best to distract her.  Right now Owen was sticking his tongue in Gwen's ear and she wasn't doing a very good job of resisting, despite her heartfelt assertions that the affair was over and that Rhys was her number one priority. 


He had also learned everything he needed to know about Mark.  Cute.  Horny.  Uncomplicated.  He just had to say the word and Mark would be up for whatever he suggested.


The most satisfying thing that had happened in the past twenty minutes was that he had got Ianto's undivided attention.  Well, as much attention as Ianto could give without it seeming too obvious.  Ianto had kept shooting glances in his direction and was decidedly more sullen.  It gave him a certain satisfaction, and he smiled, inching closer to Mark, purely for Ianto's benefit.


Jack spent the next few minutes giving an Oscar winning performance of being completely mesmerised by Mark.  However, when he looked round, to check the effect his performance was having on Ianto, the table was empty.  He found that Tosh, Ianto and the women were talking with Gwen and Owen, who were standing to put their coats on.  One of them must have mentioned him, as they all looked over at the same time.  Jack merely raised his glass and smiled, pointedly not looking at Ianto, who immediately strode out of the bar, closely followed by Tosh and the women. 


Turning his attention back to Mark, Jack surmised that things were not going at all to plan this evening.  He sighed, and was just pondering his next move when he felt someone tapping him on the shoulder in a non-too-gentle manner.  He spun round, expecting it to be Ianto returning to take issue with him over Mark, only to be disappointed to find Gwen glaring at him instead.


"Can I have a word?" 


"Just the one, Gwen?  That'll be a first."  She just looked at him.  "Go ahead."


"In private, if you don't mind."  She was completely ignoring Mark.


Jack smiled at Mark.  "I apologise for my friend.  She's not normally this rude."  He got up from his seat and patted Mark's thigh.  "Don't go anywhere."


Gwen grabbed Jack's arm and pulled him a few steps away.  "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"


He was genuinely amused.  "Excuse me?"


"If this is all one big act to make Ianto jealous, then it's pathetic.  He thinks you're being a prick."


"Really!"  Amusement turned to anger at her perception of his intent and Ianto's apparent response.  "I was under the impression that what I do, and who I do, is my business and no-one else's."


"You can be a heartless bastard at times, Jack.  You can't play with other people's feelings like this.  Or your own."


"Oh, is that what you think I'm doing?"


"You've put on this big act with lover-boy here," she gestured distastefully at Mark, "to prove a point. What are you going to do now your audience has left?  You've made a good job of making it look like you're going to fuck him.  And it'd serve your right if Ianto follows your lead and does the same with Melissa."  Having finished her diatribe, she walked off. 


Jack watched her walk across to Owen, take his hand and lead him out of the bar.  He stared at the door for several seconds, processing her words.  Ianto.  Melissa.  Jack gritted his teeth at the thought of them together.


"You not leaving with the rest of them, mate?"


Jack felt Mark's hand rest on his shoulder.  He breathed in and turned around, fixing the trademark Jack Harkness grin onto his face.  "I thought I might leave with you."


"I was hoping you'd say that.  Your place or mine?"


Jack only prevented his grin twisting into a vengeful one by an act of will.  "I thought mine."


Mark smiled at him, a genuine smile.  "Great.  Let's go."




As they walked from the bar back to the Hub, Jack knew that it wasn't the thought of fucking Mark that was exciting him, as pretty as he was.  It was the anticipation of his audience's reaction.  He had it all planned out in his head.  Get to the Hub.  Accidentally forget to reset the alarm when he opened the door to the 'Tourist Office.'  That would trigger a message to whoever happened to be on call, namely Ianto, who would then take approximately twenty minutes to arrive to investigate the security breach.  Ianto was nothing if not punctual, and Jack hoped Ianto had gone straight home, or his timing would be out and his plan would be screwed.


Jack considered, with a self-satisfied smirk, that the call out would put paid to any notions Ianto might have about sleeping with Melissa that night.  Further, it would show Ianto that Jack didn't appreciate his company being rejected in favour of someone else.  That there would be consequences.




Jack closed the door to the Tourist Office and ignored his instinct to punch in the key code, instead triggering the silent alarm.  There was ample light from the full moon so he ignored the light switch, instead glancing at the clock to estimate Ianto's time of arrival, and shrugging out of his coat, which he deposited on the counter.  He felt Mark's hands snake around his waist and a warm body press up against his back.  Jack turned around in his embrace and opened his mouth to speak when Mark surged forward and kissed him, all teeth and tongues.  He returned the kiss, with practised efficiency, but found Mark's lack of finesse off-putting, even if he got points for enthusiasm. 


It wasn't long before he felt Mark's erection rubbing against him, and then more pressure as Mark started humping his thigh. Jack liked to think it was his irresistible charm that was driving Mark, but he rather thought the kid hadn't been laid in a while.  Then two thoughts crossed Jack's mind.  First, he wasn't hard.  Now that was unusual.  He was horny, a lot, even without any direct stimulation to his cock.  He decided that his pre-occupation with the timing of this little scene was the reason for that.  Another thing to blame Ianto for.  Secondly, if he wasn't careful, Mark was going to come in his pants and it would all be over by the time Ianto got there.  He took hold of Mark's arms and pushed him back.


"Hey, slow down."


Mark looked up at him, panting, lips swollen, pupils dilated.  He was a sight for sore eyes.  "Sorry."  He giggled.  "Guess I got a bit carried away there."


"No rush."  Jack walked away from him, to the other side of the counter.  "We've got all night."  He then disappeared behind the curtain.  "Want a drink?"




Jack grabbed a couple of cans of Coke and opened them, slipping a quantity of Retcon into one so it was to hand, should it become necessary to administer it.  He then placed the cans on the counter, careful to note which one was drugged.  A glance to the clock told him that Ianto was likely to arrive in five minutes.  He walked back over to Mark.


"Right.  Now why don't you let me," he ran his hands up Mark's chest, "show you why slow is good."


Mark just gave a ragged breath and nodded as Jack backed him into the counter.  He interspersed undoing shirt buttons with planting kisses to Mark's newly exposed chest.  When Mark's shirt was fully unbuttoned, he ran his tongue around Mark's nipples, teasing them with his teeth.  Jack then kissed his way down to Mark's abdomen and sank to his knees, tugging on his belt buckle to undo it, as Mark gripped the counter in anticipation.


Jack made short work of the fastenings on Mark's jeans, tugging them down his thighs.  He then ran his hands over Mark's clothed erection, and heard Mark groan above him.  As he was doing this, Jack considered how he wanted Ianto to find them.  His original plan involved Ianto walking in to find him fully impaled in Mark.  However, he realised that timing-wise that might prove difficult, regardless of the fact that he now found he had no real desire to fuck Mark.  He considered getting Mark to suck him, but he needed to be able to control the situation.  Decision made. 


He peeled down Mark's boxers and ran his hands back up his thighs, grazing his balls with his thumbs and holding them there to keep Mark still as he ran his tongue up the length of his straining cock.  Mark gasped and tried bucking his hips, but Jack kept his grip firm and lapped at the head a couple of times, before stopping, mindful of the need for him not to come.  He turned his attention to Mark's balls, stroking and nuzzling, when his attention was suddenly drawn to the faint but unmistakable sound of someone at the door.  


Keeping his eyes on the door, he waited until it quietly and slowly opened, then took Mark's cock in his mouth and swallowed him down.  


Part 5 - Wrath

Wrath - Forceful, often vindictive anger

From the corner of his eye Jack saw first the barrel of a gun, and then Ianto, appearing in the doorway. He then heard an 'oh, fuck' from above him as he slowly released Mark's cock and ran his tongue around the head. Jack glanced up to see that Mark's eyes were closed, oblivious to their audience. Turning his head slightly towards Ianto, Jack looked straight up into his icy blue stare and started to slowly suck Mark's cock once more.
Jack's eyes remained locked onto Ianto's, who stood frozen to the spot for several seconds, just staring at him. Jack thought he detected a hint of hurt and disappointment but Ianto had so perfected the art of impassivity, he could never be completely sure of what Ianto was thinking or feeling.
More inarticulate sounds from Mark shook Ianto from his stupor and Jack watched him as he looked to Mark, swallowed, and then tucked the gun back in the waistband of his jeans, hidden underneath his jacket. Jack waited in anticipation of what Ianto would do next.
"Jack!" He noticed Mark had gone very still, except for nudging him with his leg. "Jack, we've got company."
Jack released Mark's cock and stood up, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Mark looked at him for a steer on what he should do or say, his cheeks turning pink with embarrassment. When Jack said nothing, turning his attention fully to Ianto and silently waiting, he self-consciously turned away from them and yanked his boxers up. 
"Sorry to interrupt." Ianto's voice was quiet and consummately professional, as if he was intruding on a business meeting. "I'll just reset the alarms and be on my way." 
Jack watched Ianto, incredulously, as he silently punched in the key code and pressed the button that opened the door to the lower levels. Ianto started walking towards the entrance and then stopped, turning his head back slightly. Jack held his breath. Come on. Yell, hit me, what's it gonna be? 
"I'll take the other exit. So as not to disturb you any further." It was said with just the barest hint of bitterness, before Ianto disappeared through the door.
Jack stared at the doorway until he was certain Ianto wasn't coming back, wondering what the fuck was going on in his mind. He couldn't believe Ianto had just walked out on him again. With that fucking annoying stoic way of his.
"So, um, what now?"
Jack turned to look at Mark, still standing there holding his jeans up and looking nervous. Jack knew he should do what he'd planned to do with Mark all along and channel everything he was feeling into a good, hard fuck. All he wanted to do, however, was follow Ianto and direct his frustration at the source.
Decision made, Jack walked over to Mark and kissed him, one hand gripping the back of his neck while the other delved into his boxers and grasped his still erect cock. A few expertly administered strokes and Mark broke free of his kiss, cried out, and came in his hand. Jack made short work of fastening him back into his jeans.
"Look, Mark, as much as I hate to cut this evening short, you really have to go." He stepped back and looked around for something to wipe his hand on.
"What about you? Don't you want me to finish you off?" 
"Another time, another place, I would insist, believe me." Jack located a box of tissues and cleaned the come off his fingers. 
"Are you in trouble for bringing me here?"
"Something like that." Jack grabbed the drugged drink, took Mark's arm and led him towards the door. "How about I meet you back at the bar same time next week?" He had no intention of being there, but Mark wasn't to know that.
"Yeah, that'd be good. Maybe go back to mine next time?" He laughed.
"I look forward to it." Jack gave Mark a quick chaste kiss and passed him the can of Coke. "Here." He wasn't to know whether Mark would drink it and forget this whole evening but figured that if he didn't and came looking for him, it was no big deal. He ushered Mark out, locked the door behind him and made his way down into the Hub.
Jack came to a halt as he entered the Hub and saw Ianto sitting at one of the terminals, resetting the alarm system Jack had tripped.   Jack saw Ianto's hands pause momentarily on the keyboard, betraying his awareness of Jack's presence, even though he gave no outward acknowledgement. Jack continued to watch him enter data for a few seconds, before deciding that he'd had enough of staring after Ianto for one night, waiting for a reaction that was never forthcoming.
"Going to ignore me all night, Ianto?" Jack couldn't keep the irritation out of his voice as he walked over to one of the desks and leant against it, crossing his arms.
"Don't worry, I won't be interrupting you again," came the stony reply, but Ianto still didn't turn to face him. He just continued to navigate the system, punching in a few alphanumeric codes. "You really should get back to your friend. It's rude to leave him up there on his own."
Under any other circumstances, Jack would have inwardly smiled at Ianto's appreciation of good manners. "He left."
Ianto nodded, as if something had just been confirmed to him. "So soon? It looked like you were just getting started." He closed down the program and got up.
"Your appearance kind of killed the mood," Jack lied smoothly.
"Well, I'm sure it won't be difficult for you to find a replacement," Ianto countered, picking up his keys from the desk.
Jack fumed, but ignored the accusation in favour of returning the focus to Ianto. "Not like you to be so eager to leave." He'd always found Ianto to be eager for the others to leave so he could have Jack to himself. His thoughts turned to Melissa and what he may have interrupted with the call-out. "Got somewhere to be?" 
Ianto walked towards the entrance, stopping by Jack and looking him in the eye. "Yes. Anywhere but here."
Jack knew he really meant anywhere that Jack wasn't, and that galled. 
"Now if you don't mind, I'll be going." Ianto started to walk out. 

"Oh, I do mind." He shrugged off the desk and stood in the middle of the entrance. There was no way Ianto was going to walk out on him this time. "I mind a lot." He knew his tone of voice would leave Ianto in no doubt as to his mood, as if his glare didn't already speak volumes.
Ianto stopped, a couple of feet in front of him. "Jack, don't." Ianto looked at him, almost visibly unperturbed, but Jack could see the silent plea in his eyes. 
"Don't what?" He wasn't feeling at all magnanimous.
"Just let me go home." His control was slipping. "You're drunk. I don't want to do this now." 
Ianto tried to slip past Jack but Jack gripped his forearm. "Well maybe I do." He squeezed Ianto's arm tighter to emphasise the point.
Ianto looked from Jack's face, to his arm, and pulled it free of Jack's grip.  He then spun round and walked away from Jack, seemingly resigned to the fact that Jack wasn't going to let him go until he'd said what he had to say. He put his hands in his pockets and waited.
"I don't appreciate being made to look like a fool," he stated.
Ianto gave him a puzzled look. "I don't understand."
Jack laughed, humourlessly. "You know, for a long time I bought that innocent look you do so well. But not any more." Ianto still looked at him blankly. "Let me refresh your memory. Bar. Girl. Lots of fawning."
Ianto frowned. "This is about Melissa?" 
"Yeah, the girl you left the bar with. Remember?"
He looked at Jack, incredulously. "In any other circumstance, your petulance would be endearing. I was talking to her, Jack. I liked her."
"Yeah, I noticed." Petulant didn't even begin to cover what Jack was feeling at present. "So did everyone else."
"I must have missed the memo that stated I wasn't allowed to talk to anyone else in your presence," he said sarcastically.
"There was a hell of a lot more going on there than talking." He walked up to Ianto, stopping just in front of him. "She was all over you and-." He abruptly stopped, as soon as he realised he was sounding like a jealous boyfriend. 
Ianto still stood rooted to the spot, watching him for a few seconds before answering. "Yes, she was interested. Before she left, she gave me her number and told me to call." He smiled at that. "It's nice to be reminded that you're attractive. That someone enjoys your company."
Jack was somewhat mollified by the indication that Melissa and Ianto had gone their separate ways earlier that night. He stepped forward, into Ianto's personal space, his words echoing in his mind. "Well, I find you very attractive, Ianto," he said in his most seductive voice. He placed his hands on Ianto's abdomen and slowly ran his palms up to his chest. Ianto remained still, hands still in his pockets. "And I really want to enjoy your company," his left hand snaked around the back of Ianto's neck, "right now." Jack opened his mouth and moved forward to kiss him, but Ianto snapped his head back.
"Fuck you Jack!" Ianto wrenched himself away from Jack, who was too stunned to react immediately. 
He spun round to face him. "What? My kisses not good enough for you any more? I didn't get that impression last night," Jack said, referring to their extended fucking session the previous evening, when Jack had insisted on covering his entire body in kisses before relenting to Ianto's pleas to fuck him.
"You had another mans dick in your mouth not ten minutes ago and you expect me to kiss you!" It was Ianto's turn to start pacing now, his earlier emotions now displaced by anger. "I can smell him on you. It turns my stomach." 
"I could have fucked him but I didn't."
"And I'm supposed to be grateful for that?" Ianto laughed. "Yeah, you probably think I should be." He gave a long drawn out breath and sat back against a desk. "You know the worst thing about all this? I was actually surprised that you'd orchestrate this whole set-up just to spite me."
"What?" Jack regretted his hasty and almost breathy response, which belied his intention to deny any such thing.
"That was a good act you put on for me in that bar. Top-notch performance. Almost had me too, until I walked in on your little show.   As if you'd just forget to turn the alarm off. You know, I don't ask who else you're fucking. I don't want to know. But I thought you respected me enough not to shove it in my face."
"I've never promised you monogamy."
"No, you haven't. You expect me to be okay with you shagging anyone you want, but when I show an interest in someone, it's a different story. What's my crime, Jack? I haven't cheated on a partner. I didn't even consider taking her home for a one-night stand. That's not me, Jack. You wanted to punish me for failing to pay the great Jack Harkness the homage he deserves, by daring to spend some time with someone else. It's pathetic." He turned away from Jack, as if trying to get his temper under control.
He thinks you're being a prick. Gwen's words came back to him. 
"You haven't cheated on a partner," Jack said thoughtfully, walking slowly towards his office.
He knew that what he was about to say might irrevocably damage future relations, but the vengeful part of him couldn't resist, especially since the alcohol he'd consumed was still affecting his sensibilities. 
"Let's see. Bit hypocritical isn't that? Condoning my behaviour when you were happily, exuberantly even, fucking me while your beloved Lisa was stashed away in my basement." It was said with venom, and he knew without a doubt that finally, he would get the reaction he had craved since this evening had gone so terribly wrong.
Ianto rushed up to him, pinning him against the wall of his office, an arm across his throat. "Don't you mention her name," he growled.
"I didn't sense any guilt when you were begging me to fuck you," he spat out.
"Stop it."
"I didn't see any regret in your eyes when you told me I make you come longer and harder than anyone else."
Ianto increased the pressure against Jack's throat. "Shut up!" 
Jack gave an evil smile. Ianto's body pressed up against his, the raw emotion emanating from the younger man was arousing him. 
"Bit close to the mark, huh?" His throat was beginning to hurt and his breathing was somewhat curtailed, but he was enjoying Ianto's response too much to fight him off. He pressed his groin forward against Ianto, seeking some friction.
 "You want to kill me? Go ahead. Haven't died in a while." Jack laughed and the pressure against his throat eased fractionally as Ianto blinked, his expression changing from fury to horror over his actions. "Or is this your way of introducing breath play into our ever growing repertoire?" He ground against Ianto again, grinning. 
Jack didn't miss the momentary look of lust in Ianto's eyes, in response to the erection he must have felt Jack pressing against him.   However, Ianto quickly recovered himself, pushed back from Jack and walked away. "Why do you always have to be so fucking flippant?"
Jack wasn't about to give Ianto the time to compose himself. He liked the intensity that Ianto could generate when he was fired up. It turned him on. He rubbed at his throat, entered his office and poured a drink. "Oh, but you like me the way I am. That's why you can't stop yourself from coming back for more," he shouted out to Ianto, who was still outside.
He perched himself against his desk and watched as Ianto appeared. He glared at Jack but remained silent, leaning against the door jamb and crossing his arms. Point proven, Jack thought.
"How many of the tears you shed over her were ones of relief? That you no longer had to lie to her and for her. Were you grateful that you no longer had to reproach yourself for wanting me more than her?" He finished his drink, watching Ianto's hands flex and make fists. He couldn't help but continue to goad.
"You know, I commend your willpower in holding out on me for a couple of months there. I'm guessing that that's when your conscience decided it'd had ample time to assuage your guilt. You've certainly been a lot more vigorous since then." He couldn't help a leer at that. "So I guess I kind of did you a favour by relieving you of your burden."
Ianto flew at him again, grabbing at his shoulders and knocking them both to the floor. Jack had the breath temporarily knocked out of him as he hit it hard, Ianto landing on him, chest to chest.
Jack raised his head towards Ianto's and sneered, "Truth hurts, huh?"
Ianto bared his teeth, made a fist and started to raise his hand but Jack was ready for it. He grabbed Ianto's wrist "Not the face. Not twice you don't."
"Apologise," Ianto hissed.
"Uh-uh." Jack used his grip on Ianto's arm for leverage and flipped him over onto his back, sitting astride him before Ianto could think about scrambling away. "Not hearing a denial," he taunted, keeping a loose grip on Ianto's wrist. 
"Shut the fuck up." He jerked his body upwards in anger, and Jack became conscious of the fact he was sitting directly on Ianto's groin. His already half-hard cock responded immediately and he shifted against Ianto, purposefully rubbing himself against Ianto's crotch.
Ianto squirmed under him, unwittingly increasing the friction and eliciting a grin from Jack as he felt Ianto's cock react to the stimulation. 
"Still not hearing anything." Jack locked eyes with him, silently daring Ianto to challenge him.
"Let me up!" Ianto bucked, trying to dislodge Jack, but only succeeded in grinding their crotches together once more.
"Oh yeah, that's good. Do it again," Jack laughed.
Ianto defied him instead, by lying still, breathing heavily. 
"Aww, you spoil all my fun." Jack continued to rub against Ianto's crotch, feeling him getting harder as he did so.
"Get off me, Jack." Ianto was no longer shouting, but Jack could sense the restrained anger in his voice.
"You sure you don't want me to get you off instead?"
He watched Ianto clench his jaw, internally battling the arousal he couldn't hide from Jack. 
"Or how about this?" He slowly leant forward, until he was on his hands and knees over Ianto, half expecting Ianto to throw him off at any time. "How about you take all that anger," he moved one hand onto Ianto's cheek and stroked the back of it slowly downwards, "all those things you're feeling right now," his hand stroked down his chest, pausing to squeeze an erect nipple, "and channel it into something a little more productive." 
His eyes remained locked on Ianto's intense gaze as his hand continued it's downward path. "Teach me a lesson, Ianto." His hand brushed lightly over Ianto's erection, making Ianto's breath hitch. "Make me sorry for hurting you." Jack gave his balls a squeeze. "Give me the fucking I deserve." He moulded his hand over the bulge in Ianto's jeans and rubbed purposefully, eliciting a groan from Ianto. His own cock throbbed, begging for some attention of its own. "Pound me into-"
Jack stopped talking as he felt Ianto's hands on his belt and he looked down to see Ianto undoing it with well-practised ease and an eager impatience.   As he looked back into Ianto's eyes, he saw an intensity there that raised his own level of arousal a further notch.
"Take your boots off," Ianto instructed him. Jack didn't need to be told twice. He pushed himself up off Ianto and started unlacing his boots, as Ianto sat up and removed his trainers and socks. Once boots and socks were discarded, Jack stood up, watching as Ianto took off his sweatshirt and jeans and threw them on top of his trainers, leaving him in his t-shirt and boxers. Jack slid down his braces and then watched, with an amused smile, as Ianto walked over to him and removed his trousers, with a determination he had rarely seen in their previous liaisons. 
Ianto's patience obviously did not extend to wasting time on undoing buttons and cufflinks, as Jack watched him walk around the desk to open the drawer that contained the lube he kept there for their impromptu office encounters. Finding what he was looking for, Ianto slammed shut the drawer and returned to Jack's side, holding the bottle out to Jack.
"Lube me up." 
Ianto was all business and Jack definitely liked it. He took the bottle and unscrewed the cap as Ianto took off his boxers and kicked them away. Jack then coated his hands, warming the liquid before taking Ianto's cock between his palms and slowly moving up the shaft. 
"Just do it, Jack." 
Ianto was in no mood for teasing. Jack saw that Ianto was taking his suggestions to heart and was indeed intent on giving him the fucking he deserved. He liberally coated Ianto's cock, mindful of the fact that Ianto might choose not to prepare him first. 
Ianto had obviously decided he was ready, or too sensitised to have Jack continue, for Jack found his wrist grabbed.
"Face down on the desk." The intensity on Ianto's face was exquisite. Jack smirked. "If I'd known you could be so masterful, I'd have done this months ago." He pulled down his boxers and turned to the desk "Of course, now I know which buttons to press." He laughed, bracing himself with his hands. "And to think, you wouldn't even kiss me twenty minutes ago." He waited for Ianto's touch.
And waited.
He let a few more seconds pass. The anticipation of Ianto's touch was driving him crazy. He looked down at his cock, throbbing with arousal, the head wet with pre-come. Finally, impatience got the better of him and he glanced over his shoulder. Ianto was just standing there, holding his cock by the base as if lining it up, but looking to the side, a strange expression on his face.
"Whenever you're ready..." Jack said, hoping to spur him into action. 
Ianto then looked at him and he could see the anguish in Ianto's eyes.
"I can't do this." Ianto stepped back and turned away from Jack, who stood back up and turned to look at him, wondering just what was going on. 
"Yeah, you can. Angry sex is amazing. And I know how mad you are at me."
"You thought I was interested in Melissa, so you set me up to walk in on you having sex with someone." Ianto said it as if he was recapping what had happened out loud.
"We're not back to that, are we?" Jack's exasperation with this topic of conversation was evident in his tone.
Ianto looked around the room until his eyes fixed on his pile of clothes. Jack saw Ianto's uncertainty, his desire to fuck Jack into oblivion faltering. Jack's own desire and sudden resolve that there was no way Ianto was walking out on him again, especially when his balls were literally aching from the need to come, made him grab Ianto, as he turned to walk away from him, and shove him against the desk.
Ianto braced his hands on the desk and tried to push away, causing Jack to groan as his cock came into contact with Ianto's ass. He pressed himself forward, so Ianto was wedged between him and the desk and took the bottle of lube from the desk, pouring some into his hand. 
Ianto turned his head to look at him. "Jack, I-"
"Shhh." He ground himself once against Ianto before placing a hand in the middle of his back and exerting pressure, an indication that he expected Ianto to remain there as he eased back, giving him the room necessary to coat his cock, enjoying the stimulation from his own hand. As he did that, he put a foot between Ianto's, expecting him to automatically spread his legs. He waited a few seconds and then kicked a little harder, at which time Ianto complied. Jack wasted no time in inserting first one, then two fingers, scissoring them in preparation. He could feel the tension in Ianto's back as he did so; hear his laboured breathing slowing, as he made a conscious effort to relax his muscles.
Whatever Ianto was going to say, Jack decided it could wait. He couldn't. He removed his fingers. 
Without waiting for an answer, Jack lined his cock up and pushed slowly in. He heard Ianto groan below him as he sank his cock into Ianto's ass, right up to his balls. He never got tired of the feeling of the tight, hot grip of an ass, especially if it was Ianto's. He remained still for a few seconds, lest he come too soon to give Ianto the pounding he'd expected, and wanted, Ianto to give him. When he felt that orgasm was no longer imminent, he slowly withdrew until only the head of his cock remained embedded in Ianto. He then gripped Ianto's hips tightly and, without warning, thrust in and started a rigorous pace. He could hear Ianto gasp in time to his thrusts and knew he would not be able to hold out against his own orgasm for too much longer.  He tilted Ianto's hips slightly, knowing from experience what he needed to do to ensure he hit Ianto's prostate with every thrust. He smiled as Ianto's gasps immediately changed into moans and he moved one hand from Ianto's hip to wrap around his rigid, slippery cock.
Several forceful thrusts later and he heard Ianto cry out as his orgasm hit. He continued to fist Ianto's cock as he felt his own being squeezed tightly and gave one final thrust. He actually heard himself wail as his own orgasm hit and he bucked against Ianto several times before collapsing against his back.
Jack didn't know how long it had been, but he felt Ianto squirming underneath him, obviously uncomfortable with the dead weight pinning him to the desk. He lifted himself off Ianto, collapsed onto the floor and threw an arm over his eyes, laughing. 
"God, that was good!" he said, as he categorised that orgasm on his mental scale, that ranged from 'may as well not have bothered' to 'blew my fucking head off.'
He heard Ianto moving around the room and eventually looked to see what was more interesting to Ianto than him, lying naked on the floor. Ianto already had his boxers on and had the rest of his clothes in his hands. Jack sat up, frowning.
"I'm going home, " Ianto said simply but firmly.
Jack flinched, internally, at the look Ianto was giving him but before he could open his mouth to speak, Ianto walked out.


Part 6 - Pride

Pride - a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc

Jack had wondered if, by tempting fate and hoping the day would find them up to their eyes with hostile aliens and/or their advanced technology, it would happen.   Fate, however, was obviously not listening, or possibly laughing at him. It was almost noon on one of the quietest days he could ever recall, so there was no reprieve from the oppressive vibes he was getting from his team.
Toshiko had been hurt by his behaviour. She'd been cordial that morning but he could tell she was worried that he was still in a bad mood and looking for the slightest provocation to start yelling by the way she wouldn't maintain eye contact and shuffled papers, busying herself whenever he came near. As he returned a file to her that morning and she gave a mumbled thanks, he told her with a smile that alcohol did strange things to him and that next time they went out, she should make sure he stuck to water. She looked at him for several seconds, gave a small smile and continued typing. Apology sorted. 
Owen had managed to do something few had been able to accomplish and rendered him almost speechless. He was about to warn Owen against making any of his trademark wisecracks, when Owen put his hand up in a 'shut up – I'm talking' way and then proceeded to tell him, in no uncertain terms, that he'd been 'out of order' last night and that he and Ianto needed to 'sort it out like grown men'. He then added that if he and Gwen could still be friends after their affair, and not let it affect their working relationship, then he didn't see why Jack and Ianto should be any different. Jack watched Owen pace, gathering confidence as he realised he wasn't going to interrupt. Owen then said that Ianto had been through enough shit because of Jack and finished by telling Jack that he had a blinding migraine – not a hangover – and that he was going to go and lie down for a while. Jack was so shocked by Owen's words of wisdom, he just let him go with a 'hope you feel better'.
Gwen, in typical fashion, had to storm into his office and speak her mind. He figured she must have spent the better part of the night preparing a mental list of all the wrongs he'd committed, as she counted them off on her fingers as she went through each one. When she was done, he was tempted to open his mouth and tell her that there were a few others that she wasn't aware of that she might like to add but sense won out over indignation and he thought better of it. In any event, he wouldn't have had the chance, as she told him she didn't like him very much right now and left.
Pity. For once she'd have been surprised to have him agree with everything she said. It wasn't often he was wrong - in fact, he couldn't recall the last time he'd made a bad decision - but he was genuinely sorry. He'd hurt Tosh's feelings and embarrassed her in front of her friends. He'd been unpleasant to Gwen for caring. And then there was Ianto...
Out of all of them, Ianto was behaving the strangest. Anyone else and they would have called in sick to avoid the situation until the gossip had died down. Of course, Ianto's self respect prevented him from taking that course of action. So Jack had expected Ianto to do one of two things. Avoid him or make his displeasure very apparent. Jack should have known better than to second-guess him. Ianto brought him coffee. He fetched the reports he'd requested. Ianto was being the consummate professional. The only indication that Ianto gave that he was most definitely not okay with Jack was his normality. Each time their paths crossed Jack observed him carefully, anticipating the moment Ianto was going to crack and initiate the conversation he knew they would inevitably have to have about the previous night.
It didn't happen. By mid-afternoon Jack's patience was running thin. Ianto had brought him lunch, with a curt but polite 'You're welcome,' in response to his 'Thanks.' He then watched as Ianto then proceeded to eat his with Tosh and Gwen on the couch. Owen was still mooching about, nursing his hangover and refusing to go near food or the smell of it. Jack knew he was reaching the end of his patience when he decided to tidy up his desk. At the very least, he considered, that ought to get some kind of reaction from Ianto. In the process, he discovered that several vital documents that were to go to Number 10 were stuck together. After much cursing as he tried, unsuccessfully, to separate them while keeping them intact, he remembered that Ianto had come all over his desk last night and it had never been cleaned up. He tossed them back on the desk and sighed.
Jack looked at his watch. 3.55. He'd decided to give Ianto until 4 p.m. to say something to him. He'd been generous enough as it was allowing Ianto to pretend nothing was wrong all day. Now he'd had enough. He wasn't used to, or good at, suppressing his urges and his mind was screaming at him to confront the issue head on. He IM'd Ianto and instructed him to urgently pull some files kept in one of the archive areas in the basement. Somewhere private enough for them to talk without being seen or heard, the side of him that was sensitive to Ianto's need for professionalism at work and distaste at public displays reasoned. Somewhere where he could corner Ianto, in case his fight or flight impulse too hold, or where they could have noisy, dirty make-up sex without being interrupted, the self-serving part of him conceded. 
He then orchestrated it so that Gwen and Owen went out to do some 'research' on rift activity in an area in which they had picked up several Weevils in recent weeks. Gwen gave him one of her looks and he half expected her to start issuing warnings, before Owen took her by the shoulders and marched her out of the Hub, grateful for some fresh air and freedom from the oppressive atmosphere that Jack had created.
That left Tosh but he was fairly certain that if she even noticed he had disappeared from the main Hub, she wouldn't come looking for him today unless it was a genuine emergency. On his way down to the archives, he stopped by her desk and handed over the reports for No. 10, asking her to see if she could replicate them urgently. As he watched her try to peel them apart, he half considered telling Tosh she had her fingers in Ianto's semen before shaking that thought away. Definitely the wrong day to be making jokes.
"We need to talk," Jack said, firmly but amiably, from the doorway to the filing room.
Although Ianto had his back to him, Jack saw him freeze momentarily, before sighing silently, but noticeably. "Yes, we do." He then continued to rummage through the filing cabinet in search of the next file on Jack's list.
Jack waited for several seconds, until it became apparent to him that Ianto wasn't going to stop what he was doing and give him his attention. He walked slowly into the room until he was a few steps away from Ianto. 
"Well are you going to stop that and talk to me?"
"I am capable of doing two things at once, Sir."
He smirked. "Oh, I know."
Ianto ignored the innuendo and continued leafing through the papers. "And you were the one who made the urgent request for these files."
He'd promised himself he wasn't going to get irritated but he wanted to clear the air between them and Ianto was making things difficult.
"I'm not interested in the damned files!" he said harshly, before breathing deeply and continuing in a calmer manner. "Look, I sent Gwen and Owen out. Tosh won't interrupt us down here unless the world comes to an end, so-"
Ianto suddenly slammed shut the cabinet drawer and, still with his back to Jack, said with obviously struggling composure, "You know, sometimes I think you actually enjoy manipulating people into situations to suit your purposes. I have got better things to do with my time than play your games."
Jack could tell Ianto's self control was precariously placed. One little push and… "We could have sorted this out last night if you hadn't left so abruptly." It came out as more of an accusation than he'd perhaps intended.
Ianto spun round to face Jack, barely concealed emotion now evident on his face. "I think it was best that I left."
Jack paused momentarily as he tried to identify what Ianto was feeling, anticipate how their exchange was going to play out. Jack must have taken too long with his deliberations. Ianto frowned slightly, maintaining eye contact.
"Do you know why I didn't fuck you?"   The coarse question was asked with sincerity and in a way which implored him to know the answer. He searched his mind for the response Ianto was hoping for but the question had surprised him and he took too long. Did that happening twice make it an irritating habit?
"Do you remember what you said to me just before I was going to?"
Not the exact words. He recalled being a little pre-occupied at the time and smiled at the image his mind conjured up. "I think I was encouraging you."
It was barely noticeable but Ianto flinched, an indication to Jack that that was the wrong answer. Damn, he wasn't good at this. 
"You reminded me why I wouldn't kiss you."
He suddenly saw the events of last night with clarity he hadn't had before. Of course Ianto was mad at him. Now he knew the source of the problem, he could find the right words to resolve it. "Ianto-"
Ianto shook his head, silencing him as he cut him off. "Maybe you thought that would encourage me but it just made me feel sick." Jack saw the hurt expression on Ianto's face. "I was going to leave then and there, but of course you had other ideas." He dipped his head to study the floor as the implication of his words registered with Jack.
"What are you saying? You didn't want to have sex with me?" He folded his arms and lifted his chin slightly, challenging Ianto to deny it. Ianto didn't move or speak. "Your come on my desk says otherwise," he spat out.
Ianto raised his head to look at Jack and the misery he saw in Ianto's face immediately tempered his own emotions. He exhaled deeply and started pacing, as he said with relative calm, "Don't turn this into something it wasn't. You didn't say no."
Ianto shook his head. "You don't get it."
Jack shot him a glance. "Clearly!"
Ianto gave him a brief, sad smile in return. "That's part of the problem. My problem. I can't say no to you."
"And that's a problem because…?"
"Jack, this is not a time for flippancy." Jack stopped pacing and faced Ianto again, hands on hips, as he continued. "What if-"
"No." Jack shook his head as he spoke. "I don't want to talk about what ifs. I want-"
Ianto gave a hollow laugh, and that stopped Jack in his tracks. "It's always about you, isn't it? What the great Jack Harkness wants." Ianto leant back against the filing cabinet and put his hands in his pockets. Ianto looked tired, as if he hadn't slept. He hadn't noticed that earlier. He had a sudden sense of foreboding, which Ianto's next words did nothing to dispel. "The world does not revolve around you, however much you wish it did. And I think I've finally realised that."


Part 7 - Greed

Greed - excessive or rapacious desire, esp. for wealth or possessions.

Jack just stood there, not quite knowing where Ianto was going with this conversation but having the distinct feeling that he wasn't going to like it.
"What, no biting response to that?" It was a twisted form of Ianto's usually humorous sarcasm.
Jack gestured for him to continue. "This is your party."
Ianto slid down the cabinet and made himself comfortable on the floor. "Tell me about Jack Harkness. The real one."
Jack's breath hitched at his mention. It didn't go unnoticed. He was about to tell Ianto how he stole his identity, but saw the pain in Ianto's eyes before he lowered them to study the floor between his outstretched knees and knew that wasn't what Ianto was really asking.
"Ianto, that was a moment in time." Literally.
"You connected with him. Really connected."
Jack looked puzzled, wondering how Ianto knew. 
Ianto answered his unspoken question. "Tosh sent me an IM."
A fleeting sense of perverse delight in the fact that he'd caused her to finger Ianto's dried semen passed through his mind before it was replaced with annoyance and he frowned. As much as he actively promoted his liaisons, that particular encounter was still too raw for him to be reminded of it, without the additional complication of Ianto questioning his feelings.
"Don't be angry with her. She just thought she was sharing office gossip. She wasn't aware at the time that I had any personal interest."
"Yeah, I was attracted to him." This conversation was not going the way he expected and that make-up sex he was looking forward to seemed less and less imminent. "What do you want me to say, Ianto?" He was good with words – usually – , telling people what they wanted to hear; convincing them of his sincerity. 
"You don't have to say anything, Jack. I know what I need to know about you."
Jack would have liked to think that was a good thing, but the unhappiness radiating from Ianto confirmed for him that it was more of an unspoken accusation.
"I did a lot of thinking when I got home. About what you did. What you said. You hurt me and I still can't work out what I did that was so wrong that you'd treat me that way."
Finally, something he could work with. "You're reading way too much into this, Ianto. I drank too much, simple as that. Alcohol does not agree with me." He gave Ianto his best sheepish expression. "The others were taunting me about you and that girl and, well, I'm not good at sharing." Assuaging Ianto's insecurities about where he stood with him shouldn't be too hard, Jack thought.
"You make me sound like a bloody toy."
"Come on. You know you mean more to me than that." 
Ianto looked back up at him. "Do I?"
Jack wasn't sure what Ianto was asking and while he was pondering that, Ianto continued. "Last night I saw the spiteful, vindictive person I know you can be." His voice was quiet and pained. "You tell me you don't like sharing, yet you expect me to be okay with you shagging anything you want and being grateful to you for those occasions you choose to fuck me." Jack just watched him. He was stunned by Ianto's icy diatribe. "You've been discreet lately, I'll give you that. Made it easy for me to talk myself into pretending you don't screw anyone who takes your fancy." The small laugh he gave was an indication to Jack that Ianto thought himself an idiot for harbouring those thoughts. "And then to have it displayed so blatantly, so deliberately, in front of me." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "You have no idea how much that hurt."
Maybe not then, but he sure as hell knew now. Jack felt a strange churning sensation in his gut. He'd not set out to hurt Ianto. Teach him a lesson maybe, sure. Until last night he'd never considered the possibility that Ianto might be interested in anyone but him. He didn't consider himself arrogant in that assumption; it was just a fact that Ianto channelled his energies, his passion, and that Jack was the focus of it. So it kind of threw him when Ianto seemed interested in spending time with someone other than him. 
As for him being discreet, the fact of the matter was that, excepting last night, he'd not actually had sex with anyone but Ianto in weeks. He considered telling Ianto that but he wasn't that comfortable with the idea. It would mean admitting to Ianto that he had no real urge to do so and he wasn't even really prepared to admit that to himself yet. Then he'd have to examine the reasons why.
"I promise you I will give more consideration to your feelings in the future." And he would.
"Don't make promises you can't keep, Jack."
"You're not being fair." He was trying here.
"You want to know what I promised myself?" Ianto looked at him, the epitome of despair.
"I promised myself I would never fall in love with you." 
Jack was surprised. Not at what Ianto was telling him but the fact that he was saying it. 
"I thought that what bit of you I had would be enough.   But it isn't. It just took me until now to come to terms with that. So in one way I'm actually grateful for what you did last night."
"Ianto…" Where to start? He certainly hadn't expected this when he'd orchestrated this little liaison.
"Hear me out, please Jack? I haven't got much left to say." 
How could he refuse that pitiful look?
"You're not going to change. I wouldn't ask and wouldn't want you to. Then you wouldn't be you, if that makes sense?" Ianto gave him a wry smile. He didn't return it. "I've hurt enough, Jack. I'm not going to let myself hurt any more."
He knew the answer to the question, didn't want to hear it but had to ask anyway. "What are you saying?"
"I'm saying that this thing between us has to end. Now."
Jack was stunned. And angry. And upset. Not a good combination. "Don't I get a say in this?"
Ianto shook his head. "No."
He crouched down in front of Ianto. "What we have-"
"Is great sex. Other than that?" Ianto shrugged. "What I do know is that it's not enough. And as much as I've wanted to believe things can be different, we're never going to have the future I want." Jack could see the tears in his eyes now, although Ianto was trying his best to maintain his composure.
"And that's it?" Jack asked. "You're not even going to give it a chance?" Ianto shook his head. "I don't accept that," he said vehemently.
Ianto stood up. "You're not listening to me, Jack. As much as it's going to hurt me to come into work, see you every day, I have to do this. For my sanity. And every day it'll get easier, however long it takes me to fall out of love with you."
Jack reached out and ran the back of his hand down Ianto's cheek, before Ianto stepped back, out of his reach. "You made me a promise a few minutes ago, to be more considerate of my feelings. I'm going to hold you to that. I don't doubt we can maintain a professional relationship. But if you care about me, you'll not touch me, flirt with me, remind me what I'm missing." He turned and walked towards the door, only stopping when he reached it and turning around again. "Oh, and in your more aggrieved moments, I'm sure you'll feel the need to dredge up the past - Lisa, or brag about your latest conquest. That's fine. It will provide a useful reminder that I've done the right thing." He then turned and walked away.
Jack blinked back tears of his own. As much as he wanted to follow Ianto and shake – or kiss - sense into him, he knew it would do no good. He had to think. He'd be damned if he was just going to let Ianto go that easily. Who was he kidding? He had no intention of letting him go at all. He just had to think up a game plan. A strategy to get him back in his bed. It might take some time, but he had no doubts about his powers of persuasion.
On the other hand…
A quick email from Ianto to the others saying how he and Jack had worked things out and how he'd appreciate it if they never mentioned that night to him ever again as it was sort of embarrassing, and just the right dose of Retcon in his coffee, and it would be as if the last 24 hours had never happened. And he was doing this for Ianto, as well as for himself. It was for the best, really. He would be taking away the pain he had caused him. And if, unbeknownst to Ianto, he now had knowledge of what Ianto felt for him, and what they had, well that was just an added bonus.
He gave himself a huge grin, and a metaphorical pat on the back. Sometimes he even surprised himself. Man, he was good!
