Title: Different Situation
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: R
Table: 10
Prompt: 4, Silk
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto opened one eye, smiling a bit at the remembrance of the dream he'd just slipped out of. He and the Doctor had been on some planet that he'd never been to before -- and the Doctor had informed him that it was a pleasure planet and that they would be there for a while.
.... And then, he'd somehow been awakened. He wasn't sure just why the dream had faded away, but he wasn't going to complain that it had -- not when he had the Doctor here in his arms. It was a more than fair trade, the way he saw it.
He certainly didn't mind giving up a dream for a reality. Smiling, he moved closer to the sleeping Time Lord, sliding one arm around the Doctor's slender waist. The other man stirred slightly in his sleep, sighing softly when Ianto pulled him closer. The young Welshman propped himself up on an elbow, looking down at the man slumbering beside him.
It still amazed him that he'd gotten this lucky -- that he had been the man chosen to mate with this extraordinary being. The Doctor might think that he was the lucky one to have someone in his life -- but Ianto knew better.
What had he been before the Time Lord had come into his life and opened him up to all kinds of possibilities? Not much, he told himself, his mind going back over the time he'd spent working for Torchwood, and all the things that had gone wrong in his life.
Oh, Torchwood had been a revelation for him. He'd begged Jack for a place with the team after the devastation at Canary Wharf -- and he'd done a good job. He'd become an invaluable part of what Torchwood did. But he'd never been fulfilled, never felt that this was really what he wanted to do with his life. There'd always been an empty space that couldn't be filled.
At first, he'd thought that the emptiness had been caused by what had happened to Lisa. Then, there had been Jack -- and that relationship had done a good deal to heal him emotionally. But there had still been something missing, something that he couldn't quite put his finger on.
He'd discovered just what that missing piece was when he'd met the Doctor. From that first moment that he'd laid eyes on the Time Lord, his pulse had leaped, his heart had beat faster, and he'd just known that this man was his future.
How had he known? There had been something within him that had led him to the Doctor, as if the other man was a beacon shining in what had been Ianto's own personal darkness. After what had happened to Lisa, and his subsequent relationship and breakup with Jack, he'd never thought he would see a light at the end of that tunnel again. But the Doctor had proved him wrong.
And he'd never been as happy in his entire life as he'd been these last few months that they'd been together. Yes, they'd had their share -- more than their share, some would say -- of difficult times, but they'd made it through those situations and were stronger than ever.
Ianto had to resist a sudden urge to wake the Doctor, to turn the Time Lord over onto his back and rain kisses on that soft, vulnerable mouth, to move his hands over that beautiful body and have his way with the other man. Looking at him like this, it was so damned hard to hold back ....
But he wouldn't. The Doctor had gone through a period of time when he hadn't been sleeping well; he'd been plagued by nightmares, memories of what the Master had put him through, and he'd only just gotten to the point where he was able to get a good night's sleep. Ianto wasn't going to do anything to keep his lover from getting the rest he needed, tempting thought it might be.
He simply laid there, watching the Doctor sleep, thinking of the time that had passed since the Time Lord had discovered that Ianto had been the person leaving those roses and love notes in the Tardis for him to find. So much had happened in that time ....
Ianto couldn't help but smile at the remembrance of how the Doctor had looked when he'd finally discovered the identity of his secret admirer. He couldn't quite believe that the Time Lord had been that surprised -- but then, he'd given the other man no reason to believe that it could have been him. He'd kept his feelings a deeply buried, carefully guarded secret.
It had been such a relief to let that secret out, to finally be able to tell the Doctor how he'd felt. And the first time they'd kissed -- ah, that had been a revelation. He'd wanted to let himself fall into that kiss, to lose himself in the man he'd held in his arms.
From that first kiss, things had happened so quickly. He'd cared for other people in his life -- but never with the burning intensity of his feelings for the Doctor. That intensity had shocked him a bit at first, even frightened him in some ways. He hadn't been prepared for it.
There had never been a time since their first coming together when he'd wanted that intensity to stop, either. Ianto had jumped into this relationship full-force, more than willing to give the Doctor everything within him and knowing that the Gallifreyan would do the same. They were perfectly matched in so many ways, he thought to himself -- especially in the way they loved.
He'd never had a partner with such a fierce will as the Doctor; and he was sure that he'd never known anyone who was capable of such devotion in his entire life. Maybe it was because they were soul mates, but whatever the reason, Ianto wouldn't have given up their bond for any reason.
Those days that the Doctor had been with the Master, when they'd quarrelled and been separated, had been the longest of Ianto's life. He'd thought that he had felt pain before -- but nothing had ever compared to the desolation he felt when he'd thought of losing the Doctor for good.
Ianto closed his eyes, swallowing hard and reaching for the pendant that nestled against the base of his throat. They hadn't been parted; the Doctor was here with him now, and he was going to make sure that he never did anything so stupid as to push the Time Lord away from him again. He had learned the folly of that the hard way -- and Ianto always learned his lessons well.
He couldn't stop himself from running a gentle hand down the Doctor's bare shoulder, watching as his fingers stroked along the Time Lord's silken skin. He wanted to let his hand move lower, but he refrained -- for now. There would be time enough for that later, when the Doctor woke up.
He didn't think he'd ever touched anything so soft in his life as that skin; sometimes he was almost afraid that the Doctor was only a figment of his imagination, that the man he loved would melt away into nothing as though he'd never existed outside of Ianto's mind.
But no, that wasn't true, he said to himself, his eyes following the trail of his fingers down the Doctor's arm. The Doctor was real, he was here, he was alive and warm and responsive next to Ianto, the most important part of a life that had suddenly become more precious than he'd ever thought his own life could be.
Ianto had always thought of himself as expendable, even when he'd been with Lisa and then with Jack. His life had never seemed as though it was something that needed to be held sacred; he'd been more than willing to give up his existence if that had been required of him.
That approximation of himself had changed, now that he was with the Doctor. Could finding his soul mate really have changed him that much? Ianto pondered, realizing only a moment later that it had changed him in more ways than that. He put a much higher value on his own life now that he had someone to share that life with -- and there was more emphasis on other things, too.
He'd never really taken the time to look around him at everything that he had in his life before; somehow, he'd always let his surroundings slide by. He'd just taken everything for granted, as if it would always be there whenever he decided to slow down and take it all in.
Since the Doctor had come into his life, he'd stopped doing that. He spent more time trying to appreciate the word around him -- and being grateful for all that he had, instead of searching out what he didn't have and trying to find ways to acquire it. Had loving the Doctor made him more of a selfless person? Had that much of the Time Lord's nature impressed itself on him?
It would seem so. The Doctor never seemed to care about personal possessions; he really didn't have anything that wasn't in the Tardis, and he seemed perfectly happy with the way he lived. Ianto was becoming more like that, caring less for the material things in his life.
And if he was honest with himself, he'd have to admit that he was happier now. All of the things he had always considered so important seemed to pale in comparison to what he had right here beside him, sleeping by his side. The Doctor was really the only thing in his life that mattered.
He'd been in so many different situations with Torchwood, so many things that had put his own life at risk, and he'd never thought for a moment that it would matter much if he'd been killed. But now -- he had so much more to live for, now that he had a soul mate to love.
The situation he was in now, loving the Doctor, molding and shaping his life to fit with someone else's, wasn't anything like he'd thought it might be. But it was the only place he wanted to be; anything else would just be marking time, existing instead of living. This was where he belonged.
Everything that he'd done with Torchwood had somehow led him to this -- to the great love of his life and to the realization that his life mattered. He could only be thankful that he'd survived everything he'd been through and that he was able to love the Doctor in the way that he deserved to be loved.
Ianto looked down at the Doctor again, his gaze softening as he took in the slender body under his hands. He'd been blessed with this; somehow, fate had smiled on him and chosen to make all of his dreams come true in the beautiful man who was lying here beside him now.
His hand had continued on its downward trek, moving from the Doctor's shoulder, down his arm, down to rest on his hip. Ianto pushed the silk sheets down, over the Time Lord's hips and down his long legs, exposing that slender body to his gaze. There was nothing he'd rather look at -- nothing he loved seeing more than his lover's body naked beside his own.
The resolve not to touch the Doctor left him; all he could think of doing was turning the Time Lord onto his back on the silk sheets, and letting his hands roam over pale silk of a different kind. Not only his hands, but his eyes and his lips, as well.
He was always amazed at how soft the Doctor's skin was; had anyone else he'd ever touched felt like this? No, he didn't think so. He could lose himself in touching that soft skin, in letting his lips and hands cover every inch of that beautiful body. And he fully intended to do so.
As if the Doctor had somehow sensed what Ianto was about to do, his eyelashes fluttered, those dark eyes opening, blinking a bit before he turned over slightly to look up and focus on his lover lying behind him, a smile on his lips as he bent to kiss the Time Lord.
"I couldn't help watching you sleep," Ianto said softly, moving his hand down the Time Lord's body as the Doctor turned over, his hand stopping the downward motion to rest between the other man's legs, long fingers curling around his half-hard cock. "I thought it might be a good idea to .... help you wake up a bit, if you're up to it."
The Doctor glanced down at his body, raising one eyebrow and then looking back up at Ianto with a smirk on his face. "Well, judging from what I'm seeing, I would definitely say that I'm up for whatever you might have in mind."
Ianto laughed, shaking an admonitory finger at the Time Lord. "Now you're just being naughty," he said softly, leaning down to press a kiss to the Doctor's parted lips, letting his tongue slip inside the other man's mouth. A shiver went through his body when he heard the Doctor's soft moan; that sound never failed to arouse him and make him abandon all rational thought.
When their mouths finally parted, Ianto breathed soft words into the Doctor's ear, eliciting a laugh and a nod of agreement from the Time Lord. "I think I'll take advantage of this situation to the fullest." His voice was low, husky, full of promise.
The Doctor didn't answer; he only moaned again, his slender arms wrapping around Ianto's neck and pulling him down for another sweet, heady kiss. As his lips met the Time Lord's, Ianto couldn't help thinking that this was one situation he definitely didn't mind being in. Not at all.***
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