Title: Skin Deep
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 10
Prompt: 32, Oil
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto paused in the doorway of the bedroom, letting his eyes adjust to the dim light of the candles burning on the small table by the bed. The Doctor lay on his stomach, sprawled across the silken sheets, his porcelain skin pale against the dark blue fabric. Ianto could feel his stomach muscles clench with a desire that he had to fight down.
No, he didn't want to rush things to completion tonight. He wanted to make this night last until morning -- or at least until he knew that the Doctor was completely satiated, without benefit of anything other than Ianto's own body. It was time that he proved to himself that he could satisfy the man he loved without turning to sex toys for help.
Of course, most people didn't have an alien lover who was multi-orgasmic, he told himself as he let his eyes roam over the Doctor's nude body. My god, he's beautiful. He was always struck by the physical attractions of this man he'd fallen in love with, the almost unearthly beauty that the Doctor took on in his eyes.
Especially when he's naked, Ianto said to himself with an inward smile. His eyes followed the curve of the Doctor's ass, the slight swell of his hips, down the slender, pale thighs. His heartbeat quickened, his hand clutching a little more tightly at the bottle of massage oil he held. This was going to be an interesting night, indeed.
He moved across the room as silently as a cat, but the Doctor's acute sense of hearing told the Gallifreyan that his lover was near. The Time Lord turned over onto his side, propping his head on one hand and holding out his free hand to Ianto. "I take it you were enjoying the view?" he asked, one eyebrow raised, a teasing note in the question.
"Indeed I was," Ianto said softly, sitting down on the bed next to the Doctor and moving one hand down his love's side, over his hip, the slight curve of ass and thigh. He leaned down to press a gentle kiss to the soft flesh of the Doctor's bare hip, drawing a soft intake of breath from his lover, a slight shiver moving through the Time Lord's body.
"I hope you liked what you saw," the Doctor whispered, letting Ianto turn him onto his stomach again, stretching out and pillowing his head on his hands. He turned his face to one side so that he could peer up at his young lover, watching Ianto as he took the cap off the bottle of oil and poured a small amount of it into his hands.
Ianto leaned forward again, this time brushing his lips against the small of the Doctor's back. He'd discovered early in their relationship that this was a particularly sensitive place on the Gallifreyan's body; placing a kiss or caress in that area could make the Doctor moan with pleasure, a sound that Ianto was starting to crave hearing as often as he could.
The Doctor let out a soft moan, his muscles flexing; Ianto watched in fascinated silence, loving the way that the Time Lord's long, smooth muscles seemed to tighten under his skin. He was planning on seeing that happen several times before this night was over.
Sitting up on the bed, he moved one leg over the Doctor's thighs, straddling the Time Lord and getting comfortable. He bent forward again, pressing a gentle kiss to the Time Lord's shoulder, murmuring against his love's skin in a reassuring voice. "Don't be nervous. Just relax. I promise, you're going to enjoy this."
"I know that, love," the Doctor said softly, closing his eyes and going limp under Ianto. The young Welshman smiled, moving his hands to his lover's slender shoulders, starting to work at the tension knots at the back of the Doctor's neck. The Time Lord groaned, his long, tapering fingers clenching in the fabric of the pillowcase.
"Oh, that feels marvelous," he murmured, sighing softly as Ianto's fingers worked at his muscles until he was completely relaxed. "I think that I should have let you do this a long time ago, love. You have absolutely brilliant hands, you know."
"No, I didn't know," Ianto murmured, his hands moving over the Time Lord's shoulders and down his arms. Ianto caught the Doctor's hands in his own, leaning down to press his cheek against the softness of the Gallifreyan's tawny hair. There was something incredibly sensual about being this close, naked, his hands on the Doctor's flesh -- but not making love.
Well, not yet. That would come later, he reminded himself silently.
Ianto worked his hands back up the Time Lord's arms to his shoulders, then began moving down his back, thumbs circling the vertebrae of his spine as he went. The Doctor squirmed under his touch, soft moans and sighs alternating as Ianto's hands moved down his back, then up to his shoulders again and back down his sides.
"Do you know what you're doing to me?" the Time Lord whispered, his eyes still closed, his muscles starting to tense again as his young lover's hands moved down to his hips.
"I think I have a very good idea," Ianto replied softly, moving his lower body down on the Doctor's legs as his hands moved lower. He reached for the bottle of oil again, pouring more of it into his hands and warming it before he touched the Doctor's bare skin again.
His hands traced circles on the Doctor's slim hips, one finger trailing down the crack of the Time Lord's ass, drawing a long, breathy moan from the man beneath him. Ianto was filled with a sense of power; he could wring that kind of sound, that sensual, needy sound, from the Doctor's throat. He was capable of giving this beautiful man such pleasure.
Ianto shifted his position a little; he knew that the Doctor trusted him, but he still didn't want to make any sudden moves that would make the Time Lord's body tense under his intimate caresses. He leaned down to press another kiss to the small of the Doctor's back, letting his hands slip down over the Doctor's ass and squeeze gently.
He shifted the position of his body yet again, settling himself between his love's slender thighs, spreading the Doctor's legs and trailing his hands over the other man's hips. The Doctor moaned breathily again, long fingers clutching at the sheet. Ianto reached out one hand to twine his own fingers with the Time Lord's, reassuring him before continuing his caresses.
His hands slid back up, then mirrored their former downward trek, with one difference. This time, Ianto trailed his thumbs down the crack of the Time Lord's ass, gently spreading his cheeks, finally resting the pad of one thumb against the Doctor's tender rosebud, eliciting a soft mewling sound from the man sprawled under him.
The young man slowly stroked his thumb back and forth, reaching out with his other hand for the bottle of massage oil. He hadn't intended for this to turn into sex, but he needed the Doctor. Badly. And he was fairly certain that the Time Lord needed him just as much.
The oil would be somewhat chilled, but he only had two hands; there was no way to warm it. Ianto tipped the bottle slightly, letting some of the oil run down the cleft of the Doctor's ass to where he was still stroking the soft pad of his thumb rhythmically across the Doctor's entrance. The Time Lord groaned, finally getting a few words out.
"Ianto." The name was throaty, husky, caught on a choked sob, almost a plea. "For fuck's sake, don't tease me like this."
"No more teasing," the young man whispered, pulling the Doctor to his knees and rubbing his thumb harder over the tiny, puckered hole. He slipped one oiled finger inside the Time Lord, gasping at the tight heat surrounding the digit, surprised when the Doctor pushed his ass back against the invasion.
"More." The Time Lord gasped out the word, almost making it sound like a command. "Please. Oh god, please."
He was begging. The Doctor was begging. Well, Ianto had every intention of giving him what he wanted.
One hand moved to his own cock; his fingers were already well-oiled, and it only took a few strokes to prepare himself. He didn't warn the Doctor of the imminent penetration -- he wasn't sure that he could get words to come out, at this point. He raised himself to his knees, pressing himself against the Doctor's ass.
Ianto pulled the Doctor back against him at the same time that he snapped his hips forward in a reflexive motion, then fell back on his heels. The Time Lord almost screamed as Ianto's cock pushed inside him, buried deep in the tight heat of his body.
The young Welshman wrapped strong arms around his lover's body, holding the Time Lord against him, flexing his hips against that rounded, tight ass. He was lost in the sensation of the Doctor's warmth surrounding him; he couldn't have said a coherent word now if his life had depended on it. There were no words that existed for him; only their two bodies fused together.
The Doctor leaned back against Ianto, turning his head to the side to give his lover access to his mouth. His arms were raised above his head, bent at the elbow, hands in Ianto's hair. The younger man raised his own hands to run gentle fingertips over his lover's arms, the massage oil leaving gleaming trails on the Time Lord's pale skin.
Ianto's thrusts became more erratic as he felt his orgasm start to uncoil deep in his stomach; he could hear the Doctor's panting gasps and knew that the Time Lord must be close to his own climax. This time, they were going to come together; he wasn't going to stop until he knew that his love was more satisfied than he'd ever been in all the times they'd made love.
"Close .... so close ...." The Doctor's voice was ragged, seeming to come from a long way away. Ianto nodded, before he remembered that he was behind the Doctor, thrusting into him with enough force to shake the slender Time Lord's body with each movement.
"So am I," he panted, his arms encircling the slim waist again to pull the Doctor against his own body. His hand moved down between the Time Lord's legs to grasp his cock, stroking the Doctor hard, almost roughly, in rhythm with his own thrusts.
The Doctor moaned Ianto's name, his slender body squirming in his lover's arms, pushing his ass back into the thrusts that were coming harder and faster now. Ianto had never seen him like this, abandoning himself in such a completely wanton way. He knew the Time Lord was close; he could feel his lover's orgasm hovering just under the surface.
He was rewarded just a few moments later by a cry that bounced off the walls of the room, the Doctor's muscles clenching around him, the Gallifreyan's body trembling violently with the force of his orgasm before he went limp in Ianto's arms.
The Doctor's cry, almost a scream, had pushed the young Welshman to the edge and beyond. He came with a cry of his own, releasing deep into the Doctor, his own muscles spasming at the same time that his lover's body contracted to milk his orgasm with a force that he hadn't expected.
It was the first time Ianto had ever come simultaneously with a lover, and the feeling was a million times more intense than the young man had ever expected. He kept his arms wrapped around the Doctor, resting on his heels, eyes closed, panting and gasping as his heart rate began to slow down back to normal after its mad galloping.
The Doctor was slumped in his arms, his thin body still trembling with orgasmic shudders. Ianto nuzzled his love's cheek, feeling sated. He could only hope that the Time Lord felt the same way -- or at least close to it.
When the Doctor finally spoke, his voice sounded weak and thready. "That was the most incredible sexual act I've ever experienced."
"It was perfect," Ianto whispered, his lips against the sensitive shell of the Doctor's ear. "You're perfect, beloved."
"I think we're perfect together," the Time Lord murmured, his hands resting over Ianto's hands on his stomach. "All these lives, all these bodies, and I never knew that sex could be like that."
"Neither did I," Ianto admitted, tightening his arms around the Doctor. "It seems that tonight was a first for both of us."
He started to pull out of the Doctor, stopping when the Time Lord's muscles tightened around him in protest. "No, don't," the Doctor whispered, leaning back against Ianto. "I want to feel you in me for a while."
"I love being inside you," Ianto murmured, pressing small kisses against the Doctor's cheek, his throat, the curve of his bare shoulder. "You're so tight, like you were made to fit me. Being in you is like .... sliding into the most comfortable glove imaginable."
The Doctor sighed softly, his head falling back against Ianto's shoulder, his eyes closing. "Then by all means, you should stay as comfortable as possible. For quite a while."
"I've got no problem with that," Ianto whispered, one hand turning the Time Lord's face to the side and meeting those soft lips with his own. "In fact, I think I could stay hand in glove all night."
"That definitely sounds agreeable to me," the Doctor breathed, gasping as Ianto's hips flexed against his ass.
There was definitely something to be said for things like massage oil, Ianto reflected as the Doctor leaned back against him, moaning softly and squirming slightly in his arms. He would have to remember to incorporate it into their sex life a lot more often. It had certainly added some spice to this night that they'd both remember for a long time.
He could hardly wait to find out just how the Doctor would react to the next little escapade he'd planned for them.***
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