Title: Slow Dance
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: 25fluffyfics
Prompt: 4, Dancing
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"I'm not a good dancer, Ianto," the Doctor protested as Ianto rose from the couch and moved to the stereo in the Tardis' library. The young man shook his head as he put one of his cd's into the player, turning to the Doctor as soft music filled the room.
He almost wanted to laugh at the look on the Doctor's face as the strains of Cole Porter were heard. His lover knew him well, but he probably hadn't expected Ianto to have this kind of music in his collection. It was more something that Jack might listen to.
Ianto's muscles tensed for a moment as that thought flew through his mind; maybe it had been a mistake to put on music that the Doctor might associate with his former lover. Maybe he had danced to this very tune with Jack.
That thought cut into Ianto's heart more than he'd thought it would. He had accepted long ago that his beloved Doctor had been involved with Jack at one time; he had as well, so he hadn't thought that the mental image of Jack with the Time Lord would bother him.
But somehow, it did. The thought of Jack holding the Doctor in his arms as they moved around a dance floor to the strains of a romantic song, their bodies swaying against each other .... that was something he didn't care to think about too closely.
Ianto pushed those thoughts firmly away from him. The Doctor wasn't with Jack any more; even if he'd danced to this very song with his former lover, that didn't matter. He and Ianto would make new memories to superimpose over the old ones.
"Oh, come now, Doctor," he said, keeping his voice gentle and persuasive. "You've danced with me before, so I know that you're not as bad a dancer as you're making out." His voice became softer as he continued. "And I love dancing with you."
"Just why do you like dancing with me, hmmm?" the Doctor asked, a small smile playing around the corners of his mouth. "Do you like having your feet stepped on? Or maybe you just like dancing with someone who isn't all that rhythmic."
"Oh, stop that," Ianto admonished him, taking the Time Lord's hand and pulling the other man to his feet. "I'll admit that you've stepped on my feet a few times when we've danced, but that was before you had gotten used to dancing with me."
"It does seem that we've gotten accustomed to dancing with each other," the Doctor murmured as Ianto's arm went around his waist, the other hand entwined with his partner's. "I can't imagine myself dancing with anyone but you now."
"I hope you don't ever dance like this with anyone else," Ianto told him, his voice soft and husky. What was it about Cole Porter's music that always made him feel seductive? He could already tell that this was probably going to end with the two of them in bed.
And that wasn't a bad thing at all, he told himself, smiling inwardly. If he was perfectly honest with himself, he would use any excuse he could get to have the Doctor in bed with him. And the Time Lord seemed more than willing to go along with that idea.
"I never would," the Doctor said, his eyes widening. "Ianto, you don't think that I would ever let another man hold me like this -- or get close enough to me for us to slow dance. No one else is ever going to be in this position but you. Ever."
"I know, sweetheart," Ianto whispered, his tone soothing. "I didn't mean that I thought you would dance with someone else. I have no doubts about your fidelity to me." Ianto sighed contentedly and leaned his cheek against the Doctor's, closing his eyes as they swayed around the room.
With anyone else, he would have snorted and shaken his head at those words, knowing that they weren't true and that he was only saying them to keep up appearances. But with the Doctor -- well, that was a whole different ball game.
He had almost expected the Time Lord to be like Jack, to get tired of being with one person and start to stray after they'd been together for a while. Especially near the beginning of their relationship, when he'd stayed on Earth so much of the time.
That had been an almost constant worry -- that while the Doctor was out there amongst the stars, and he was left behind on Earth, that his lover would find someone else, even if only to assuage any loneliness he might feel for a single night.
But that had never happened. The Time Lord had been completely faithful to him -- and Ianto was certain that there had been people who had tried to change his mind about that. No one could look at the Doctor and not want him -- he was absolutely convinced of that fact.
Of course, as Jack would say, he could be blinded by love. But Ianto was quite sure that wasn't the case; he'd seen enough lustful looks thrown in the Doctor's direction in nearly every place they'd gone to that he didn't doubt there were others who wanted his lover for their own.
That wouldn't happen. Ianto was positive of it. And now that the two of them were bonded, there was even less of a chance that his mate would stray. The Doctor was faithful in a way that Ianto would never have expected from anyone -- just as he himself was.
He couldn't help smiling as the Time Lord leaned closer to him; glancing at his lover's face showed him that the Doctor's eyes were closed, a small smile curving his lips. Ianto loved seeing that smile; he knew it meant that the other man was happy and content.
"See? Dancing with me isn't so bad, is it?" he asked, a teasing note in his voice. "And notice that you're not stepping on my feet -- so you're really not as bad of a dancer as you make yourself out to be. Not when you're slow dancing with me, anyway."
"I think you must be right about that," the Doctor told him, opening his eyes and fixing his dark gaze on his younger lover. The look in those eyes took Ianto's breath away; he'd seen it many times before, and he knew what it meant.
The Doctor wanted him -- and the Doctor wanted him now. He was all too familiar with that look of smoldering desire that glittered in the dark depths of those eyes -- a desire that he could feel rising in himself to mirror what he saw in the Doctor's face.
The notes of the song faded into nothingness; the next song started, but Ianto could barely hear it. There was a rushing in his ears, a wave of desire washing over him that he was sure the Time Lord felt as well. He knew that the Doctor was thinking of exactly the same thing he was.
It was time for a different kind of dancing, he thought as he moved towards the stereo to turn the music off. A slow dance that didn't require music or a beat -- the sort of dance where they could find a rhythm of their own as they lost themselves in the joy of being together.***
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