Title: Soul To Soul
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG
Table: 3
Prompt: 99, Soul Mate
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Dear Doctor,
How do I address you? I've never known your real name. I suppose that I never will, but that's never mattered to me. What do names matter when you connect with someone on the basis that we have? Names are unimportant. Anything around us ceases to matter. There is only the two of us, the world around us falling away.
It's been a week since you've been gone. A long, lonely week, when I haven't known what to do with myself. Every morning I wake, and look at the pillow next to me. I can't feel anything inside but a gnawing emptiness that never disappears, never gets any better.
In fact, it gets worse with each day that goes by. It's like hunger pains, but worse, much worse. Those can always be assuaged by a quick trip to the kitchen. There is no way to comfort the emptiness that descends when your lover isn't there.
You've been more than my lover in the time that we've been together. You've been my lifeline, my heart, my soul. What need do I have for the moon and the stars, for anything else in my life other than what I share with you? I don't need any of it. All I need is you in my arms, my lips on yours, your body entwined with mine.
What I have with you transcends anything I've ever known before. Lisa? Yes, a fond memory of the past, and yes, I loved her, but never with the completeness and intensity that you're loved with. Jack? I cared for him, obviously, but again, never with that wholehearted, unconditional surrender that I've given to you.
I've never been one to believe in soul mates. I've never thought that souls could migrate from one time to another. But I know that, somehow, we were meant to be. You were made for me, and I for you. We were destined to belong to each other.
The sense of completeness that I feel when I'm with you, whether we're making love or only holding each other, is something that I'd have thought was an impossibility for me. But you have opened me to so many possibilities within myself that now I would never have the audacity to claim that. Anything can happen.
My love for you is the ultimate proof of that.
I don't know when you'll return. I don't know if you'll return. I can only hold on to the last words you spoke to me before you entered the Tardis and it shimmered into darkness. "I'll be back for you soon, beloved."
I'm holding you to those words. I'm clinging to that promise, the vow to return to me. I know that you will. I feel it in my heart.
Beloved. You are that. You always will be.
Hold that word close to you, my beloved. Never let the sound and the meaning be far from your hearts. And never, never forget the one who says it.
I don't know how to make sure this letter reaches you. How do I address a letter to a Time Lord? I can't send it. So instead, I'll let it sit here, on top of your favourite t-shirt, the one that you always wore when we went to the park, to wander down the paths hand in hand. I'll keep it here for you to read when you return to me.
Tonight, I'll search the stars, and wonder which one you might be on. You seem very far away from me now, beloved. But I hold you in my heart, and in my dreams.
And I pray each day when I wake that this will be the night I'll fall asleep with you in my arms again.
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