Title: Speechless
Author: Jinni
Pairing: Ten/Jack
Rated: NC-17
Disclaimer: All things Torchwood belong to RTD, the BBC, et al.
Prompt: "Huh"
Notes: For the Porn Battle on LJ.
Summary: All the things he'd planned to say to the Doctor went flying out the window when Jack saw him again.
Wordcount: 756***
All the things he'd planned to say to the Doctor — the hurt, anger, recrimination, why me's and you left's - went flying out the window when Jack saw him again.
"Huh," he managed, TARDIS sliding into the Vortex.
"Hello again, Jack."
Jack would later blame what he did next on having missed the Doctor. Or maybe because being back here dredged up aches in him that needed to be soothed. Then again, it could have just been the fact that the Doctor really was damn attractive in his new body.
Jack crossed the short distance between them, took the Doctor's face between his hands, and kissed him. He meant for it to be a hello Thought for sure that the Doctor would push him back after only a second. An indulgence, nothing more.
Cool lips parted under his, though, and Jack found himself drowning in the Doctor's taste. Mouths meshed, tongues twining together in the hollow darkness, sliding over teeth and gum. More than a hello, more than a missed you, this was something that Jack knew all too well. Desperation. There was no doubt that they missed one another. No doubt that they had both cared, and still did.
Jack pushed the Doctor back against the console, pinning him in place with the already hard press of his body, feeling the Doctor's answering reaction against his hip. He pulled back enough to suck in a deep breath, groaning when the Doctor's hands slid between them, adjusting himself in those beautifully tailored pants, a quick press of his palm down and over the hard ridge of his cock. The sight of that arousal, so blatant and obvious, was enough to make Jack's own body throb with reminder of his own predicament.
Jack swallowed hard. He wanted this, had always wanted it.
Yet - they'd just found each other again. He wasn't going to throw that away.
"I never bought you that drink," he teasingly reminded the Doctor, a way out if that's what the other man wanted, before it went too far.
"Don't see me complaining, do you?"
No, he didn't.
"Or maybe," the Doctor stretched out the word, words light. "You're just not interested. Silly me. Read those signals completely wrong. The kiss goodbye. This kiss hello." He looked embarrassed as he ran a hand back through his hair, leaving it tousled.
Jack shut him up with a kiss so hard it made his jaw ache, putting the Doctor's apparently quite agile tongue to good use, as he made short work of their fastenings on their trousers. Teeth clacked together, lips meeting imprecisely as need took over. Even still, Jack could tell that most of that primal desire was coming from him and not the Doctor.
That wouldn't do. He wanted the other man to lose control.
He got his wish when he slid his hand inside of the Doctor's trousers, fingers sliding over the silken skin of the Doctor's shaft. Nothing different from a human male, from what Jack could tell just by touch. He broke the kiss, looking down as the Doctor arched into his touch. Just like a human male, Jack thought to himself as he pulled the hard length free of the trousers. Swollen, purpling head, thick and soft; hard from just under the ridge all the way down the shaft, to the short, dark hairs at the base.
The need that burned inside of him was nothing compared to the desire to see the Doctor give in, give over, and lose control. Jack ran his hand up the Doctor's cock, taking note of what made the Time Lord twitch and gasp. Pressure just there, a thumb over the tip, right along the slit. Back down, easing up.
"Later," Jack said, when the Doctor reached out to touch him.
The Doctor's eyes widened, a short nod of his head right before it fell back, mouth going slack as Jack put all his observations to good use. The Doctor hadn't argued that there wouldn't be a later, which meant there would be. All the more reason to get this part over with.
It took less than a minute once he put his mind to it, to take the Doctor over the edge. He went suddenly still, a low keening moan spilling from between his lips. Thick strings of cum splashed over his hand, slicking his fingers. Jack felt it, but didn't look down. Couldn't look away from the rawness in the Doctor's eyes.
There was a heartbeat of silence, then — "Your turn."
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