Title: Stars Collide
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 1, 50ficlets
Prompt: 34, Pure
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
No one had ever made him feel like this before, the Doctor thought, leaning back against Ianto as the young man's strong arms wrapped around him.
There had never been such a primal embrace with anyone else. Ianto seared all the civilized veneer away from him, turned him into something that was beyond what he'd known with other lovers. Ianto pulled him out of himself, into a realm of the senses.
This was more than just sex. It was .... incandescent, a coming together not only of bodies, but of hearts, minds, souls. The Doctor wouldn't have been surprised if he exploded into a shower of white-hot sparks -- and Ianto had only begun to touch him.
What he shared with Ianto was more than a physical bond. It was more than love, even. It was something that he didn't have a word for -- only an unnamed emotion, one that came from the depths of his hearts.
If he'd tried to name what he felt, he would have been at a complete loss for words. But this feeling didn't need a name.
He knew it when he felt it -- and so did Ianto. The two of them were lost in a world of their own making, a world that no one else could enter. A world that no one else could ever know, their own private paradise.
Not only sex, not only love, but .... soul bonding. It was the only way that the Doctor could think of to describe this feeling, this emotion that was so primal it seemed to permeate every fiber of his being down to the core of who he was.
He'd never given himself to anyone else like this; Ianto had been the only person who'd ever brought out this depth of emotion in him. He'd resigned himself to being alone forever before he'd met this young man, the love of his life -- of all his lives.
He was burning, bursting into flames, a fire that seared him from the inside out and purified him as those flames raced along every nerve of his body.
Just having Ianto's hands on his body, those lips on his skin, being able to touch and be touched, was a freedom that he'd never allowed himself with any other lover. He was himself, stripping away all artifice, every mask he'd ever worn, any facade he'd ever hidden behind.
He'd always kept a tight rein on his innermost feelings, never letting anyone see how deeply and completely he was capable of loving. He'd never wanted to let anyone see that private side of who he was, never trusted anyone with that kind of knowledge about him.
He'd kept himself pure for this -- not physically pure, for that wouldn't have been possible. But pure in his needs, in his desires, in the emotions that he'd kept bottled up within him and only set free with this one man.
This wasn't just lovemaking -- this was pouring the essence of themselves into each other, melding themselves together, becoming as one with every movement, every breath.
There was a purity to their lovemaking that he'd never known with anyone else -- maybe that was because he'd never given his hearts away before, never allowed himself to experience complete freedom in all of his long life before he'd known Ianto.
The Doctor gasped as Ianto pressed against him from behind, sliding into him, pulling him back against that strong body as the young man's hips pushed forward. The Time Lord arched his back, crying out Ianto's name, his head falling back against his lover's shoulder.
Ianto's arms were around him, one hand on his chest, teasing and tweaking his nipples; the other between his legs, stroking him, fondling him, moving in the same rhythm as the hips that flexed against him, each movement driving the breath from his body.
He'd never been this transported outside himself, never felt this entwined with another being, as though he'd ceased to be one entity and now was the sum of a much larger whole.
The blazing fire was searing through him again, the flames leaping higher, threatening to engulf him and leave him a pile of sizzling ash. The Doctor drew in a breath, squeezing his eyes shut, waiting breathlessly for the final leap from a dizzying height into a pool of molten lava.
When that moment came, the world exploded around him in a shower of sparks that obliterated his vision; all he could see in his mind's eye was a dazzling array of pictures from the life he shared with Ianto, unfolding like a slideshow that moved by at the speed of light.
This was pure; this was complete; this was what he'd been meant for from the moment of his birth, all those centuries ago on a planet that no longer existed. This was what he'd always been destined to have, this primal melding with the man who was the other half of his soul.
He lay back against Ianto, his eyes still closed, turning his head to the side to let his lover capture his lips in a heady kiss that turned his knees watery and left him gasping.
Together, they were pure, primal, finding their destiny and embracing it, two shooting stars racing towards each other until they collided and became one.***
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