Title: Taste My Love
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: R
Table: 4
Prompt: 29, Taste
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto lifted his mouth from the Doctor's, looking down at the man under him with a smile curving his lips. The Time Lord's eyes were wide, slightly dilated; he looked a bit disheveled, as though he'd been taken by surprise when his lover had kissed him.
"I love it when you look like this," Ianto whispered, raising a hand to trace the heart-shaped outline of the Doctor's upper lip. "A little confused, a little breathless .... and completely beautiful."
A pink blush spread over the Doctor's face at his words; Ianto couldn't hold back another smile at that reaction. What was it about mentioning his looks that always made the Time Lord blush? Surely he couldn't think that he was unattractive.
Ianto had seen pictures of the other bodies that the Doctor had been in, and he had to admit that this one was definitely the most attractive body the other man had ever been in. He hoped that the Doctor would keep this body for a long, long time to come.
And he also hoped that he would be with the man he loved for all that time, he told himself, bowing his head again to press his lips against the softness of the Doctor's mouth. He only wished that they could manage to share eternity together.
But that wasn't possible, a little voice piped up in the back of his head. Ianto firmly pushed the thought away, refusing to let it enter his mind now.
This time was for the two of them to enjoy each other, not to let any kind of sadness and worry creep into their thoughts. He'd tried his best to push all of that to the back of his mind for the last couple of days, and he'd succeeded very well so far.
There were no problems cropping up, nothing that the Doctor needed to rush off to take care of. There was nothing to keep them from spending time together, locking themselves away in the Tardis, and forgetting about the rest of the world.
Of course, they couldn't do that forever, he reflected. But they had this time together now, and he meant to enjoy every moment of it that he could -- without letting anything get in the way of the pleasure they found in each other.
Lowering his head again, Ianto caught the Time Lord's lips with his own, taking his time tasting the other man's mouth. Kissing the Doctor like this always made him feel lightheaded, breathless, as though he was being lifted to the stars.
He'd never known heights like this with anyone, he told himself, his inner voice sounding dreamy and content. And he never would.
He would never be with anyone else -- he knew that. This was the only man for him, for the rest of his life; he'd known that from the first time he'd held the Doctor in his arms and their lips had met, from the first time he'd looked into those fathomless dark eyes.
"I love the way you taste," he murmured, raising his head slightly to look into those eyes again. The Doctor stared back at him, his lips parted, his breath coming fast, the flush still in his cheeks. Ianto thought he'd never looked more desirable than he did in that moment.
Lowering his head again, his lips met the Doctor's, their mouths almost crashing together this time. Each time they kissed, Ianto could feel the flames of desire rising higher in both of them; he knew that it was only a matter of time before they were doing more than kissing.
And that was certainly fine with him. He could lie here and kiss the Time Lord forever; he was sure that he'd be perfectly happy for the rest of his life if he could have this man in his arms every moment, to hold him, kiss him, touch him and never have to let go.
His kisses were growing fiercer, more fiery, more demanding as he trailed his lips down the Doctor's throat, nibbling at the soft skin.
Ianto didn't realize that he'd moaned aloud until the sound broke through the haze that seemed to surround him; he raised his head, panting, staring down at his lover again with a look in his eyes that said everything in his heart without any need for words.
He wrapped his arms around the Doctor, pulling the slender Time Lord against his own body, almost crushing the other man to him. He could feel those long legs twining through his, those arms twining around his neck, pulling him down for another kiss ....
The young man molded the Doctor's body against his own, meeting the other man's flesh with his own. They were locked in the closest embrace they could possibly be in, skin to skin, their bodies fitting together as though they were trying to meld into each other.
His hips were pressed firmly against the Time Lord's, one leg sliding between the Doctor's slim thighs; Ianto sighed softly and closed his eyes when the Doctor spread his legs, giving the younger man tacit permission to move his hands down to his hips.
The Doctor moaned Ianto's name, arching his back and pressing his body even closer to Ianto's. It was obvious what the other man had in mind -- and Ianto intended to give him what he wanted.
"I love you," he murmured against the Doctor's mouth, intoxicated by the taste of the man he loved. All he could think of was how the Time Lord felt in his arms, the velvety softness of his skin, the taste of those lips under his own.
"And I love you," the Doctor whispered, raising one hand to run his fingers through Ianto's hair. "More than I can possibly put into words."
Ianto had to blink back tears; though the Doctor had said many times before that he loved him, those words carried so much weight at the moment. He'd never thought that he would hear those words spoken with such sincerity from anyone.
And they meant even more to him because they came from this man; the man he'd chosen to spend his life with, the man who owned his heart and soul completely. The man who could return his own feelings in a way that no one else could ever be capable of.
His eyes closed as he lowered his head to kiss the Doctor again, losing himself in their embrace, knowing that he wouldn't come up for air for quite a while.***
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