Title: Taste the Future
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: 5, 50episodes
Prompt: 50, Whipped Cream
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto picked up the two drinks he'd ordered for himself and the Doctor at the café they'd gone into, heading for the table near the back where the Time Lord was sitting. He slid into the chair opposite his lover, handing the Doctor the frothy drink.
"I know you like whipped cream on lattés, so I made sure they put it on there," Ianto told him with a smile. "It's been a while since we went to a café like this, hasn't it? I like these places. They have a kind of ambiance about them."
"I love little shops -- and little cafés are nice, too," the Doctor murmured, licking at a bit of whipped cream. "There's something about places like this that feels .... I don't know, cozy and intimate." His voice reopped on the last word, sounding husky and breathless.
Ianto's eyes were riveted on what the Time Lord was doing -- he was fascinated by the way his lover was licking at the whipped cream on top of his drink. He could imagine that talented tongue doing other things, going to places he shouldn't mention in public.
He couldn't take his eyes off the Doctor; his gaze was focused completely on the man sitting across from him. This was happening more and more often lately; one little thing that his lover did would capture his attention, and his mind would immediately be focused on sex.
There were times when that could be a little disconcerting, but Ianto didn't feel uncomfortable with it at the moment. All he could think of was finishing their drinks and shortening their sojourn in London, taking the Doctor back to the Tardis and getting him into their bedroom.
"Do you know what it does to me when you lick that whipped cream?" he whispered, leaning forward, his gaze still fixed on the Time Lord's face. "It makes me want to strip your clothes off and lay you down on the table and make love to you right here."
"In front of all these people?" the Doctor asked, his tone light and teasing. "That might be a little intrusive, don't you think? After all, not everyone wants to see two men making love in a coffee shop. They might lose their appetites -- or not patronise the place any more."
Ianto couldn't help but laugh at the Doctor's words. "Not only that, but they would probably sue the place for indecency," he said ruefully, shaking hi head. "It's a pity that my world is still so judgmental. Though I doubt any place or time condones public sex."
"Oh, there are places that do," the Doctor said, waving a hand in the air. "But they're all far away from here -- and they usually don't condone personal relationships. It's all about the indiscriminate sex there -- and that isn't something I want to be a part of."
"Neither do I!" Ianto told him, feeling a little startled. "That's one planet that I think we can avoid." He didn't want to go to any place where he might be forced to surrender the Doctor to someone else -- no one was going to touch his lover if he had anything to say about it.
"Don't worry, Ianto." The Doctor reached across the table, laying a hand gently over his. "We won't go there. It's not a place that I was ever comfortable being in -- and just for the record, I never participated in any shagging there. I left before it came to that point."
"I know you're not the kind of person to shag anyone indiscriminately," Ianto told him, smiling. "Though I'd have worried if Jack found that planet. It sounds like the kind of place that's tailor-made for him. You know how he is -- he'll shag anything that moves."
"Oh, he's been there," the Doctor said with a grin. "And yes, he loved it. We weren't together romantically at the time, so it didn't bother me. If we had been, I'd probably have gotten upset enough to leave him there. And honestly, I doubt that he would have minded."
Ianto couldn't help laughing at the droll expression on the Doctor's face; he had to agree with the Time Lord's words. Both of them knew Jack far too well; it was a good thing that neither of them had been so in love with him that they'd though he would be their destiny.
If not for having Jack in his life, though, he would never have found the Doctor -- and that would have been the most terrible tragedy he could possibly envision. This man was not only his destiny, the Doctor was his entire heart and soul. His life.
His heart leaped in his chest as the Doctor licked at the whipped cream again; Ianto watched in utter fascination as the Time Lord's pink tongue circled the creamy froth, then darted back into his mouth. The urge to go back to the Tardis was growing stronger with every passing moment.
He wanted to taste the whipped cream on the Doctor's tongue, taste the softness of those slightly parted lips, taste the other man's skin. He wanted to move his hands and lips all over that beautiful body, feel the Doctor squirm under him, hear him cry out for more ....
With difficulty, Ianto brought himself back to the present moment. He really needed to stop fantasizing here in public, he told himself severely. There was plenty of time for them to make love later. They didn't have to hurry back to the ship.
It was hard to remember sometimes that he was now immortal, and that the two of them had all the time imaginable to be together. He'd spent so long feeling that there could never possibly be enough time that it was hard to get used to the idea that it would never end.
How long had he lived with the idea that his time with the Doctor would be limited? Ever since they'd met, really. He had always had that worry in the back of his mind that there wouldn't be time for everything they wanted to do together, that he would have to leave his lover much too soon.
But now .... all of that had changed. They were no longer limited by the constraints of time; they had all the time in the universe. There was nothing holding them back; they could relax and let life come as it may, knowing that it couldn't defeat them.
Life with the Doctor had always been interesting. But now, it was transcendent. It was a life that anyone would have envied him -- and Ianto was loving every moment of it, despite the doubts that still lingered in the back of his mind, nagging at the edges of his consciousness.
When the Doctor licked at another bit of whipped cream, his control started to fray around the edges. Yes, they had plenty of time to make love -- but the more he watched the Time Lord lick at those elusive bits of cream, the more he wanted the other man. And he didn't want to wait.
All he wanted to do was be with the Doctor, every moment of every day. It didn't matter to him what time they were in, or what planet they were on. As long as they were together, his happiness was assured -- for today, tomorrow, and the rest of eternity.
But right now, he had something very specific on his mind. He wanted to be with the Doctor in a way that he couldn't be here in public; he needed the Time Lord, with an acute longing that he had rarely felt, and never for anyone else but this particular man.
"You need to finish that drink so we can go back to the Tardis," he said softly, glancing around to make sure there was no one near their table to hear his words. "I want to take you back to our bedroom, strip you naked, and make love to you all day long."
"Are you sure that you don't want to spend more time walking around London?" the Time Lord inquired, raising an eyebrow. "After all, it's been a while since we were here. Is it worth cutting our visit short to go back to the Tardis and make love?"
"Anything is worth being able to make love to you," Ianto replied, his voice going soft and husky. "And if you don't finish licking that whipped cream and drink your coffee, I'll pull you out of that front door before you're done. Then you might be annoyed with me."
"In that case, I'll finish it right away!" the Doctor told him, laughing. They both raised their coffee cups and drained their drinks, then rose from the table as one, heading for the front door of the cafeé with a spring in their steps and an eagerness to taste the future in their hearts.***
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