Title: The Need
Author: Clarity
Pairing: Jack/Ianto, Jack/Ianto/OC
Rating: NC17
Wordcount: 2,544
Spoilers: All canon events are utterly avoided
Warnings: Lots of naughtiness, so approach with an open mind if you will.
Summary: It's a fluffy, silly, hopefully slightly amusing PWP. Say no more.
NOTES: You know, I never write PWPs. I'm more of a plotty twisty writer. But, well, my job is really boring. And this wrote itself in my exhausted cottonwool-y brain on the way home yesterday. Actually, I've never written in this odd tense before either, but hey, as I keep saying to you guys, it's good to try different stuff sometimes. Hope it works out, although the lack of betaing might be a tad more noticable (cottonwool-y brain, remember?)



The first time you do it, you do it for pure shock value. Captain Harkness has made similar lewd insinuations a dozen times before and you've never responded with more than a smirk and a witty comment in return. You've thought about it lots though; kneeling down in front those strong thighs, clutching right onto those iron buttocks and taking him into your mouth like an expert.

Then, one day, you do. And his face is priceless. He was only ever expecting a droll comeback to follow that sly smile you pull. Not for you to nod and get down on your knees. Jack stares, like he's expecting the other shoe to drop as you unzip his flies and reach inside.

He's hard already of course; you suspect he almost always is. Big too. He wasn't exaggerating in his numerous tall tales and that makes you chuckle. You fix your eyes to his, taking a deep breath because, well, you've never actually done this before, and suspect you might need the spare oxygen. You decide that the only way to approach this task without collapsing from nerves is to do what you always do; appear as confident as possible and don't back off.

Jack catches his breath as you run your tongue along the length of it and sample your first taste of him. It's a little salty and tangy and, god if it doesn't turn you on more than you ever thought possible. You wonder why you've waited so long to get up the courage to actually go ahead and fulfil the fantasy. After all, it's been haunting you ever since you first saw him, strong and tall and powerful, grinning lasciviously at you in a way no other man has ever had the confidence to. It shouldn't have taken you this long.

It's a strange feeling really, giving head. It isn't exactly as you imagined. You didn't realise just how much you can feel every twitch, or how soft and silky it feels on the tongue, or how the moans being made travel all the way through and seem to go straight your spine. You never realised before how erotic it was, to take complete control of another man, especially one who holds people's lives in his hands every day, and reduce him to incoherent mush.

When he comes you misjudge a little and some of it escapes down your chin. You never realised quite how much there would be and, at the back of your mind, you wonder if it's just because Captain Harkness never does anything by halves, even that. It takes quite a bit of effort to coordinate swallowing correctly, especially since you were mesmerised a moment before by the series of jolts and judders that preceded it. Jack laughs as you try to wipe it away without staining your sleeve, and pulls you to your feet to lick it away himself.

Then he kisses you and seems to be searching for more, his tongue leaving no crevice in your mouth unturned. Again, the rule of confidence applies, and you endeavour to give as good as you get. But when one hand squeezes your ass and the other palms the bulge in the front of your trousers, you pull back. That's not a boundary you're going to cross.

At least not yet.

You hurriedly take care of it alone in the bathrooms, and then continue through the day as if nothing has happened.



Time goes by. It becomes like clockwork. You do the same every morning and it becomes your routine; the buzz that kickstarts the day. Gradually, you relax and become less nervous of him touching you in return.

One day, he sucks you off and you lose the use of your knees for the day. You don't let him do that until after hours following that experience, just for the sake of being able to do your job.

The day comes when he slowly strips you and bends you over his desk. You're not sure about this, really. You worry about cleanliness and not being ready and that it will hurt. Surprisingly, you find you are ready. Very ready. And the initial soreness is nothing compared to the pleasure of feeling him slide against you, around you, inside you, so heated and smooth and rough all at once. Afterwards, the mess is nowhere near as bad as you expected, and Jack just shirks his condom and disposes of it without a second glance. Even so, you still manage to blush terribly.

That evening you do some research online and every morning thereafter you endeavour to be clean inside and out, just in case he ever wants you bent over his desk again. Which, of course, he does.

It becomes paramount more and more often. The first few times, Jack doesn't notice your special effort. When he does, he laughs his head off and makes a comment about vegetables and enemas (or, vegetable-enemas?), but then kisses you all over in a way that makes you tingle.

Not long after that, when you're bent over and ready, he tosses his condom unused on the desk in front of you and waits for you to say something. You can't suppress the shiver that goes through your body, just because you know that this will be different, and that he is the only person you will ever likely allow to do this. You want it but you're not stupid. Normally it's a risk you would never ever take, but Jack is an exception.

He turns you around and leans you back onto his desk instead, lying you down carefully so he can stand between your legs and look down at you. Jack smiles and goes slowly pushing inside. You feel the change in sensation immediately. He tells you that it's going to be different from now on. At first you think he just means the lack of protection thing, but the look in his eyes tells you otherwise.

It's very different face to face. Jack leans right over you, hot breath on your cheek, slick chest against your chest, cock pistoning in and out of you in a way which makes your toes curl. It's so different and so perfectly wonderful you find yourself gasping and moaning when normally you'd be able to control it for far longer. You close your thighs around him, squeezing him, legs tightly held in place, not wanting it to stop. Jack kisses you and doesn't stop once, even to let you breathe. His hands simultaneously manage to pin you down and caress you at the same time. You start demanding more and more, pleading with him not to stop, pulling at him as if it could make him go even further into you.

Three hard tugs on your cock and you're seeing stars and you feel Jack push so hard it's like he's running against the desk, slamming right into you so your hips lift up a little, and you cry out in pure pleasure. One of your nails splits off at the end as one hand frantically clings onto the desk to stay exactly in place, not budging even as Jack moves the earth around you. Warmth floods your insides and you've never felt anything like that before. And when you think you can't possibly take anymore sensation, Jack pulls out, parts your legs as far as they can go and sucks himself back out with merry gusto.

You are overwhelmingly pleased you're so completely clean or you think seeing him do that might have ruined the moment. As it is, the feeling of it makes your cock twitch again and more moans escape from your chest. Jack comes away grinning and then licks your stomach clean as well, before subjecting you to a stupidly deep kiss that you think shouldn't make you as hot as it does, considering what you're tasting on his tongue.

When Jack nibbles at your lip and bats his nose gently against yours, and whispers that he never wants to let you go, you feel contentment beyond all measure and are only too happy to return the sentiment. That night, he takes you to his bed for the first time and snuggles into your side, and you decide that you'd be only too happy if the clocks all stopped and you could stay there forever.

Your first time the other way around doesn't go entirely as planned, as Owen, Gwen and Toshiko make an unexpected appearance and catch you slamming into Jack over his desk. Jack at first looks a bit flushed but soon starts laughing his head off at their embarrassed responses. You flee down the ladder into his sleeping quarters to hide and refuse to come out until long after they've all gone home.

Fortunately, they don't mention again, at least not to your face. You think it will take quite some time to get over the mortification of that happening, but it's not as bad as you were expecting. Indeed, it's quite amusing to watch Gwen finding excuses to avoid eye contact, and catching all of the sly side-glances from Owen whenever you and Jack interact.

Life carries on, and so do you and Jack.



After a while, you begin to wonder what Jack would do if you weren't around to see to his morning and evening needs. Curiosity makes you perform a test of sorts, by taking an impromptu day off. When you return, Jack is so frantic and needy in his lovemaking, you can't stop grinning to yourself for days. The words are unsaid but the meaning is clear. Jack needs you.

Everything becomes more and more fun as time goes by. You do it on the desk, the chair, other people's desks and chairs, in the morgue, on the autopsy tray, against the water tower, and even once in the pterodactyl's nest whilst she is out feeding (she doesn't look too happy when she gets back either). You do it on the roof of the Millennium Centre, in every elevator you can find, in the SUV and even on the lift in front of dozens of passersby who can't see you there.

It's bad and wrong and naughty and stupid and you've never had so much fun in your life. You like to think Jack is creating some special memories as well. But you don't like to ask.


When Jack comes to you one day, with a guilty look on his face, you know that whatever he's about to request is going to be pretty big, since there isn't much you'd say no to anymore. Not after what you two have done over the past few months.

He explains that he is a little rusty at his Delafrostian and has accidentally agreed for you to have sex with the main delegate. Considering the tentacles on these people, you of course hit the roof.

He quickly explains that he managed to makes them understand that it wouldn't be possible. You breathe easier hearing that. Until, that is, Jack says that now you're both going to be doing it. You glare at him, shocked, as he recounts having done this before with a Delafrostian, and how amazing an experience it was. You can't believe he's being serious but over the course of an evening, with far too many scotches, you eventually end up agreeing. For the sake of the planet and future diplomatic relations.

So that's how you find yourself sandwiched between Jack and a man with eight slightly transparent blue tentacles emanating from his sides, having pretty much the ride of your life. You feel really strange doing this but you can't deny you enjoy it. Indeed, you're pretty sure you have now earned your "omnisexual" stripes and no longer ever need call yourself merely bisexual (oh, your parents would be so proud).

The alien delegate, Tumny his name is, enjoys the experience just as much as you do and you end up cleaning Jack's office for a whole hour to get rid of all the stains. It's no big deal though since the Delafrostians leave very happy and Jack tells you that the Earth will now be included in their forthcoming protection treaty; if any hostiles tried to invade, the Delafrostians will be on hand to see them off. You feel oddly proud about that and Jack shows his appreciation for your going along with it by massaging you from head to toe in candlelight, so you're purring like a cat by the end of the night, when he rolls you into bed and wraps himself around you like a blanket.

A few weeks later, you discover there was a catch that Jack didn't quite, well, catch before. You start throwing up and fainting and end up undergoing some extremely embarrassing procedures with Owen. You're pregnant, and bloody cheesed off about it too. Jack's not, despite doing exactly the same depraved, hot things with Tumny's tentacles, which makes it a lot worse. He apologies repeatedly and mixes formula after formula to get rid of it, assuring you that the master apothecary and patented creator of RetconTM knows what to do. He has what he needs, he just has to get the right quantities to make it work.

Eventually, after seventeen attempts, during which your pee turns blue, you start to burp out bubbles and your stomach swells to what feels like unnatural proportions, it works. Jack jokes that he hopes it wasn't his. You agree, because you'd have had to think about it for a lot longer if it had been. He gives you a strange look and seems rather quiet and thoughtful for the next few days.

Owen makes endless jokes while Gwen and Toshiko spend a lot of time whispering together, apparently trying to guess how and when it happened. You resolutely refuse to divulge a word, but plant some strong evidence towards alien coffee beans you were using having something to do with it. The three of them end up drinking PG Tips for the week just in case and you can think of no better punishment.


Finally, one day Jack asks you the big questions. What is it you share? What is it all about? Why are you together? Why does he keep coming back to you?

You don't really have much in the way of answers for him. You don't know if it's love, or lust, or need or just want. The only answer you have is, you are happier than you've ever been and while that's true, you never want it to stop. Jack seems to feel the same way. You never intended for this to happen. Never expected it either. Love, well that's not impossible, although you think the term would be far too constricting a description when what you feel for Jack is so much more complex than that. All you know is, you need each other now like you need to breathe, like your heart needs to beat, and while that need remains, you will continue to fuck and laugh and love and never lose a moment to wanting rather than doing again.
