Title: The Other Half
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: 3, 50ficlets
Prompt: 38, Found
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto settled himself more comfortably on the couch, glancing toward the door of the room he was in. He and the Doctor had decided to spend an evening watching movies, and the Time Lord had gone to the kitchen to make them some popcorn.
It still seemed odd to him that they could do something as mundane as making popcorn on the Tardis. It was such a human thing to do; he hadn't considered that the Doctor would enjoy things like eating popcorn and watching movies.
None of the other people he'd been involved with had considered that a fun evening. They'd all thought that it sounded a bit boring, though they'd joined him in it at times. But those evenings had been few and far between, so he'd learned to savor them.
Lisa had been the type of person who preferred to go out, rather than have cozy, quiet evenings in. And Jack -- well, of course he hadn't been the kind of person who liked to sit in front of a television. But their relationship had been odd in many ways.
He'd had a few other relationships in the past, but most of the people he'd dated before Lisa had long since faded from his memory. He'd only had two significant relationships before the Doctor -- and even though he'd loved them both, neither of those people had been a perfect fit with him.
It wasn't until he'd found the Doctor that he'd been with someone who seemed to share most of his likes and dislikes. Which was probably a bit strange, given that the Doctor was an alien -- but somehow, their oddities seemed to merge together until they weren't odd at all.
He'd never thought that he would find anyone who could slip into his life as easily as the Doctor had. His past relationships had been bumpy at times, to say the least. And their beginnings had been positively rocky -- to the point where he'd had his doubts as to whether they'd last.
But there had been nothing like that with the Doctor. The Time Lord had become a part of his life as easily as though he'd always been there; it seemed that there had been a place just waiting for him to slip into and take up residence in.
That was probably because there was a place in his life reserved for the Doctor, Ianto thought with a smile, settling himself more comfortably on the couch. The two of them were destined to be together; he couldn't have any doubt of that.
He'd never believed in the concept of soul mates before he'd found the Doctor, but his now his attitude had changed. How could he not, when everything in his heart and his life told him that the man by his side was a part of his very soul?
Finding the Doctor had been the best thing that had ever happened to him. Or had the Time Lord found him? Ianto couldn't help smiling at that question; they could probably argue until the end of time about that point and never have a satisfactory answer.
He had the sneaking suspicion that Jack had somehow contrived to throw them together, knowing that he and the Doctor would be a perfect match. He would never be able to prove that, of course. Jack would never admit to matchmaking, even if he'd done it.
Did it really matter which of them had found the other? No, he told himself, his smile growing. All that was really important was that they had managed to find each other, that over the vast reaches of time and space they'd come together.
According to the Doctor, they'd been destined to do so -- and Ianto couldn't help but believe him. Their connection was so strong, so much a part of each of them, that he was absolutely sure the two of them had always been intended for each other.
The Doctor had spent so much of his long life alone -- and now, he'd found the other half of his soul. Ianto felt much the same way -- that he'd spent a good deal of his life alone, or being with people who he'd known weren't intended to be his life partner.
Now that the two of them had found each other, they'd both finally come home. The Doctor's place was in his heart, by his side -- and he knew that he belonged just as firmly in the Time Lord's soul. He'd known that from the first moment he'd gazed into those dark eyes.
Whatever force had brought them together, Ianto knew that he would be forever grateful to it. Fate, kismet, chance -- no matter what name he put to that force, it was undeniable that it had played a large part in the two of them finding each other.
Ianto smiled as he heard his lover's soft tread in the corridor; the Doctor had apparently finished making their popcorn. He was looking forward to spending a quiet evening with the Time Lord -- secure in the knowledge that each of them had found their other half.***
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