Title: The Real Thing
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 30_sex_scenes
Prompt: 4, Dildo
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
The Doctor lay back against the pillows, panting and looking up at Ianto. "Have I tired you out already, love?" he asked, smiling as his young lover rolled over onto his back with a soft groan. "I wouldn't have thought you could lose your stamina so quickly."
"What do you mean, already?" Ianto asked with a tired laugh. "That's three times in one night, Doctor! I'm amazed that I could go that many times. Yes, you do wear me out -- but in a good way," he added, smiling. "I don't mind being tired."
Wincing slightly, the Time Lord reached down, wrapping his long, slender fingers around his still-hard cock. "I'm sorry, love," he said softly, his tone contrite. "I didn't mean to tire you out so much. Get some rest. I can finish on my own."
Ianto propped himself up on one elbow, a frown creasing his brow. "No, sweetheart," he murmured, his own hand moving down to cover the Doctor's. "Let me help you with that." He began to stroke his fingers down the length of the Time Lord's shaft, his grip tightening slightly.
"It may take a while, Ianto," the Doctor gasped, closing his eyes as his lover's hand began to move on his cock. "You know that it takes me a while to come when I'm this ...." His voice trailed off into another soft gasp, his hips bucking up against Ianto's hand.
"Then I have an idea, if you wouldn't mind me putting it into action," Ianto replied, reluctantly taking his hand away and moving from the bed. Going to a small chest in a corner of the room, he raised the hinged lid, rummaging through the contents.
Finding what he was looking for, he came back to the bed, sitting down beside the Doctor and showing the Time Lord what he held. The Doctor's eyes widened as he looked at the dildo; afer a few moments, his gaze moved to Ianto's face, his voice doubtful when he finally spoke.
"It looks a little .... large, doesn't it?" he asked, his voice faltering. "You know that I've never liked having inanimate objects inside me, Ianto. It reminds me too much of .... of the M-Master." He gulped as he spoke the name, unable to keep his voice from trembling.
"You aren't afraid of me using this on you, are you?" Ianto asked, his voice soft and compassionate. "I'm not going to force anything on you that you don't want, you know. All you have to do is say no, and I can go back to what I was doing."
The Doctor hesitated for a moment; it was obvious to Ianto that he was considering those words. After a few moments, the Time Lord nodded and stretched out on the bed, spreading his legs and closing his eyes. "All right, Ianto, go ahead. I trust you, love."
"You have no reason not to, sweetheart," Ianto murmured, reaching for the tube of lubricant he kept on the table by their bed. It only took him a few seconds to slick the dildo with the slippery substance before he coated his fingers with it, moving his hand between the Doctor's thighs.
The Time Lord gasped softly as one slick finger entered him, followed by a second. His muscles flexed around Ianto's fingers as the young man slowly stretched and prepared him, his hips bucking up slightly when those probing fingers slid out of his body.
Ianto gazed down at his lover, taking in the Time Lord's parted lips, his flushed cheeks, his slightly dazed expression. "Are you ready, love?" he whispered, moving the hand that held the dildo between the Doctor's thighs, pressing the blunt, tapered tip against his entrance.
The Doctor nodded, swallowing hard and closing his eyes. "Yes," he answered, his voice strained and hoarse. "Please." There was an emphasis on the single word that Ianto had never heard before; his lover's need was summed up into that one syllable.
That one word was all the encouragement Ianto needed. With a slight forward movement of his wrist, he slid the slicked dildo inside the Doctor, watching his lover's face intently for any sign of discomfort, any indication that he needed to stop.
But all he saw written on those handsome features was pleasure, the fulfillment of a need that the Doctor could no longer control. The Time Lord's back arched, his hips pushing upwards, his body begging for more even though his lips weren't forming the words yet.
Taking the look on the Doctor's face as encouragement, Ianto moved his free hand between the Time Lord's thighs again, curling his fingers around the other man's straining cock and matching the rhythm of his strokes with the dildo.
He was sure that the Doctor was near the edge; he wished that he could keep this up forever, but he knew that it wouldn't take too longer for one hand or the other to grow tired. He only hoped that he could bring his lover to orgasm before his stamina gave out again.
It only took a few moments for the Doctor to writhe and squirm under his hands; Ianto couldn't have taken his eyes from the sight of the Time Lord writhing in pleasure, his slender fingers clutching at the sheets, his cheeks flushed pink, his breath coming in ragged gasps.
The Doctor's body was covered with a thin sheen of sweat; his hips were moving in rhythm with Ianto's thrusts of the dildo in and out of him, each movement punctuated by a soft moan. Ianto was transfixed; he couldn't have made himself look away even if he'd wanted to.
Not much longer now .... Ianto tightened his fingers around his lover's cock and thrust the dildo forward again, just as the Doctor's hips rose to meet the movement of his wrist. With a soft cry of Ianto's name, the Time Lord let himself go, his body trembling with the force of his climax.
The young man closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them again, not wanting to miss even one moment of witnessing the Doctor's afterglow. He'd always heard that a man was at his most beautiful right after he came -- and the Doctor was proof of that statement.
Opening his eyes after what seemed like a very long time, the Doctor smiled up at Ianto, raising a hand to stroke his fingertips down his boyfriend's cheek. "Thank you, love," he whispered, his gratitude written in his expression. "That felt marvelous.'
"I wish I could have given you that pleasure myself," Ianto said, his voice husky. "I should be able to keep up with you." He reached for the box of tissues on the bedside table, slowly wiping the sticky semen off the Time Lord's stomach and his own hand.
The Doctor shook his head, a frown marring his brow. "There's no shame in not being able to keep up with me all the time, Ianto," he said softly, stroking a hand through his lover's hair. "You can't expect yourself to be just like me. Two different species, you know."
"As long as you enjoyed it, then that's what matters," Ianto said with a smile. He eased the dildo out of the Time Lord's body, laying it on the chair by their bed; he'd wash it later and return it to the chest until they decided to use it again.
"I definitely enjoyed it," the Doctor murmured as Ianto laid back down beside him, gathering the Time Lord into his arms and pressing that lean, lanky body against his own. "But to be honest, I enjoyed you being inside me more. I prefer the real thing."
"That's good to know," Ianto told him with a soft laugh. "I think I'm spent for tonight -- so if you wouldn't mind me taking a rain check, I'll do my best to give you the real thing in the morning." He pulled the covers up around them, settling down against the soft, downy pillows.
"What if it's not raining?" the Doctor asked, tilting his head to the side, his tone teasing. 'Oh, never mind, love. I know what you mean. I'm just being silly. I think it's past time I got some sleep, before I start saying more things that might make you doubt my sanity."
Ianto laughed softly, reaching to turn off the light on the table by the bed. "Good night, sweetheart," he murmured, brushing a gentle kiss against the Doctor's cheek. He wrapped his arms around the Time Lord again, closing his eyes and falling into slumber with a smile on his lips.***
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