Title: These Dreams
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: 11, 50episodes
Prompt: 18, Daydreaming
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto leaned back in his chair, putting his feet up on the coffee table and closing his eyes. He'd loved this room from the first time he'd seen it; there was something about the Tardis' library that was soothing, more relaxing than any other place he knew.
It was the perfect place for daydreaming; for imagining himself and the Doctor on some pleasure planet, simply strolling along through some beautiful garden and enjoying each other's company. Or in bed together, making love, their bodies united as one.
The Doctor could find him here if he wished, but they usually respected each other's need for a bit of privacy here and there. As much as they loved each other and wanted to be together, both of them realized that they did each need some private time once in a while.
Ianto's lips curved in a smile as he let himself slip into a daydream; himself and the Doctor on that lovely pleasure planet, the lush green garden spread out in front of them, the path nearly hidden by greenery. They were alone in a veritable garden of Eden.
He could see himself sinking down to the ground with the Doctor in his arms on a bed of autumn leaves, the red, orange, and gold splendor surrounding them. Rolling the Time Lord over onto his back, starting to remove his clothes, bit by bit .....
Ianto sighed softly, settling more comfortably into his chair as the daydream became more intense. He saw himself removing his own clothes after the Doctor was naked, lowering his lips to the other man's, their kiss becoming more intense by the second.
He could see himself wrapping his arms around the Doctor, thrusting into the other man; he could hear their soft moans of pleasure, see the looks on their faces as each of them achieved the pinnacle of satisfaction in each other's arms.
The daydream was so clear, so real, that he almost felt as though he was watching a movie that was playing for him alone, a film of someone else's life. But with a start, he realized that he was replaying a recent memory, not just a pleasant dream.
He had been in that garden with the Doctor. They had made love there. And there had been a spice to their lovemaking; there had been such a risk of being seen by anyone else who might be there that they had both felt an even more intense rush of passion.
Ianto couldn't help but smile at the memory; the Doctor had been so unsure about what they were doing, but he had allowed himself to be talked into making love anyway. And the Time Lord had fully enjoyed every moment of it; Ianto had made sure of that.
He had enjoyed it immensely himself -- especially the sense of danger. He hadn't wanted them to be seen, of course; that would have been more than a little embarrassing, even though he was sure that others had done exactly the same thing here over the centuries.
But the risk had added a flair and an excitement to their lovemaking that wasn't always there; he could look back on that in any daydream and relive the feeling, along with the love that he'd felt surround him within the Doctor's embrace.
Daydreaming about making love to the Doctor wasn't nearly as good as the real thing, Ianto told himself with a sigh. But as far as he knew, the Time Lord was under the console in the control room, working on something that he said he needed to do alone.
He'd offered to help, but his lover had gently but firmly told him that he could do this best if he was left to his own devices. Ianto had gone to the library, feeling confident that the Time Lord would be able to fix whatever was wrong.
And from there, he'd let himself sink into wonderful daydreams of making love to the Doctor, daydreams that seemed to be more and more frequent. He couldn't hold back a wry smile at that thought; he'd have expected to have those daydreams a lot more quite a while ago.
When he'd been staying at home and waiting for the Doctor to come back to Earth for him, that was when he should have expected to have erotic dreams about sex with the man he loved. But back then, he'd spent more time worrying about his lover than anything else.
The Doctor had told him time and time again that there was nothing to worry about, and for the most part, he'd been right. But Ianto hadn't been able to keep those dark thoughts from his mind, until they'd led to the fight that had nearly broken them apart.
He drew his thoughts away from that particular point in their lives as quickly as he'd touched on them; that was the past, something that was over and done with. He didn't want to think about it again. It was behind them, and they'd agreed to close the door on it.
Besides, there was no fear of anything like that happening again. He and the Doctor were bonded now; they were together for eternity, now that they each had the gift of immortality, albeit in different ways. They would never disappear from each other's lives.
Ianto sank more deeply into the plush chair, letting his body relax completely and letting out a contented sigh. He was right where he wanted to be; not on Earth, not with Torchwood, not wondering where his lover was and if they would ever see each other again.
No, he was here on the Tardis, exploring the universe with the man he loved. He was more than human now; he was immortal, and even though he didn't look forward to the experience of dying, he knew that he would come back.
He would never have to worry about leaving the man he loved alone, to live a long and lonely life without the person he'd made the choice to bond with. He would always be here for the Doctor, their hearts and souls entwined, loving him and being with him.
They would more than likely have their share of hard times in the future. He would have to see people he'd grown to care for age and die, now and in the future as well. And he knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that the Master would continue to make trouble for them.
But they could deal with all of that. They had each other; not only were they bonded, but he intended for them to have an Earth wedding at some point in time. He wanted to share their happiness with his friends and family, to show them that he'd found what he had always searched for.
His mother would want to see him married, and so would his sister. His father? Ianto almost snorted at the thought. That man couldn't care less what he did; ever since he'd found out that Ianto was gay, he hadn't been a part of his father's life.
That was one thing that didn't fit into his daydreams, he thought sadly. There was no father figure to stand beside him at his wedding, no complete family picture. There would always be an empty space that no one would fill, a space that he'd turn away from.
Ah well, Ianto told himself philosophically, even daydreams couldn't always be perfect. And he was better off without thinking of his father in his daydreams; that would only cloud them, make them seem less perfect and crystal-clear than they were.
He would be better off to confine his daydreams to the Doctor; if he tried to think about their future, about the wedding that he wanted them to have, then the dreams degenerated into uncertainty -- and that worry began to come through to him again.
Ianto firmly pushed his worries about the Doctor and their future together away, slamming a mental door and keeping those anxieties locked behind it. He didn't need to think about that. He wanted these dreams to be good ones, and he was determined to make sure that they were.
Closing his eyes, he conjured up that garden on the last pleasure planet again, letting himself sink back into daydreaming. When the Doctor found him, he would be more than ready to spend some time with his lover -- time that he intended for them to spend in each other's arms.***
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