Title: Thinking About It...
By: mythverdandi
Pairing: 9/Jack
Fandom: Dr Who
Rating: PG at most
Summary: Jack ponders about what makes the Doctor attractive.***
Physically, if Jack was honest with himself, the Doctor wasn't really much to look at. At least, not with his clothes on, and as he wasn't in the habit of wandering around naked, everything under them was left to Jack's more than capable imagination.
He had a big nose and sticky-out ears. If you tried to remember him after meeting him once, these features expanded to comical size. You wouldn't look twice at him in a crowd.
By all rights, these factors should have been detrimental to his sex appeal, but, Jack noted with distinct admiration, they really, really weren't.
At first, Jack had written it down to the omniscience. There was something very sexy about omniscience, and the Doctor was so negligent with his. Of course, he'd quickly realised that it wasn't omniscience, it was experience, and that was somehow even sexier, and Jack had had to go sit by himself for a while until he'd calmed down after imagining all the things the Doctor could have experienced.
Then he'd thought it was perhaps the way the Doctor was when he was playful - all stupid faces, stupid jokes and amusement at everything - bananas and dancing and teleporters and all. When he was playful, he was in control - he knew he could win and he was going to wind his opponent up as much as he could before he did. It was impressive and wholly capable of drawing you into dance with death. He made everything seem safe and put you at ease with every situation.
Another time, he thought it was when he was serious. When the Doctor stopped smiling he radiated power, wore it like a badge, a cloak proclaiming his strength. Everything seemed inferior. This was a new sensation for Jack, who was used to being better than everyone and everything he met in some way or another, finding himself completely dominated by an alien with a big nose and funny ears. Especially since he found he didn't particularly mind.
Rose was pretty. She was sweet and spunky and generally the sort of girl who Jack would normally go for. It was a terrible pity that she was outshone by someone who was more attractive than anyone with ears that stuck out that much should be allowed to be. Rose was someone you would have to be gentle with. The Doctor was the sort of person who you wanted to push you up against the wall and -
An amused voice cut through his thoughts.
"The gallant Captain appears to have better things to do than pay attention to us."
Jack smirked down from his perch at the Doctor, who was grinning up at him.
"Come on Doc." He said. "We both know it's the lady's choice where we go." He winked at Rose, who grinned back.
"But it's up to seasoned space travellers like us to offer suggestions. Unless," The Doctor raised an eyebrow. "You didn't stop to take in the scenery while you were sleeping your way around the Universe."
"Oh, I took in the scenery." Jack drawled. "It just wasn't the sort of scenery that a nice girl like Rose should be seeing."
"Well you can help her choose from my suggestions then."
Jack chuckled and clambered down to join them. It really didn't need to be examined this deeply - this...desire. He didn't usually think this much about people he was attracted to. Usually he just acted on it. The Doctor was making him think, though. Making him work for it, so it would be better when he got it.
And he would get it.
Captain Jack Harkness always got his man. In every sense.***
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