Title: Told You So
Author: Outside Edge
Pairing: gen
Fandom: Torchwood
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters merely borrow them from time to time.
Summary: Has Jack made the right decision. Has Gwen got it wrong?


"Give Rhys my love and I will see you tomorrow."

"Are you sure that's wise sir?" Ianto asked, as he followed Jack back into the office cradling his glass of whiskey.

"When has wisdom ever come into it?" Jack retorted crossing to the drinks cabinet and pouring himself a large whiskey. He tossed it back in one, relishing the hot burn of the alcohol on his throat. "God, I needed that."

"D'you think he'll talk?" Ianto asked.

Jack laughed. "Who Rhys? Good old dependable Rhys Williams. Oh yeah, he'll talk." Jacks smile was almost predatory in its intensity.

"Then shouldn't we..." Ianto started.

Jack closed the gap between them, a look of thunder on his face.

"Shouldn't we what? Burst in there, forcibly Retcon the guy and what would Gwen say. Are you prepared to take that nuclear fallout, because if you are Ianto you're a braver man than me."

"But what if Torchwood is compromised?" Ianto was like a dog with a bone, he just couldn't let it go.

"Is that all you think about - your beloved Torchwood?" Jack sneered.

Ianto bit his top lip, aware that he had overstepped the mark. Jack sighed pulling the younger man towards him and placing a chaste kiss on Ianto's lips.

"I'm sorry Yan. It's been a long day," he soothed, "Gwen will come round, you'll see. Give it a week and then she'll be begging us to Retcon him."

"How do you mean?" Ianto asked.

Jack leant back against his desk. "Imagine the scene, Gwen arrives home, late, tired and just wanting to chill out and fall into bed and there's Rhys her loyal little fiance," Jack put on his best Welsh accent, "caught any good aliens today love? Did you bring me any pictures? Dav down the pub thinks there's an alien in his bog, Gwen love could you check it out?"

Ianto punched his arm. "Jack, Rhys doesn't talk like that!"

"Mark my words Ianto, she'll be begging us."


One week later.

Gwen stormed into the Hub, tossing her bag down on the desk.

"That's it," she exclaimed, "I can't take it any more!"

"Gwen?" Jack came out of his office to find out what all the noise was about.

"Rhys," Gwen said, "one more 'Caught any aliens today love' or 'Dav thinks there's a woman down in Splott who must be an alien' and I'm going to kill him."

"I see." Jack commented.

"Why don't you just say it Jack?" Gwen asked.

Jack threw her a puzzled look. "Say what?"

"I told you so."

Jack glanced across at Ianto, a knowing look passed between them. Ianto silently retreated to Jacks office.

"So what do you want me to do?" Jack asked.

"You damn well know what Jack Harkness," Gwen growled and held out her hand, "I just want it to be like it was before."

Jack turned to find Ianto behind him, the wooden box that contained the supply of Retcon tablets in his hands.

"Will you need one for this Dav character?" Jack asked.

Gwen laughed. "God no, Dav always thinks there's aliens somewhere in Cardiff. Last year he was convinced there was one in his garden shed, wouldn't go in there the entire summer. Rhys reckons he was just trying to get out of cutting the grass."

Jack nodded sagely, handing over the tablet.

"Thanks Jack." Gwen said, putting it safely in her bag.

"No problem."

