Title: Transcendence
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: VRD challenge - Red, 5_prompts
Prompt: Strawberries
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
The Doctor sighed as he stepped into the bathtub, sinking down into the warm water. There was certainly something to be said for huge baths with claw feet, he thought as he rested his head against the edge of the tub and closed his eyes.
He liked having a bath that he could stretch his long, lanky body out in. It had come in handy more times than he could count, when he'd been through far too much physical exertion battling some enemy and he'd needed to soothe his aches and pains.
This time, there were no battle aches to soothe. Ianto had run a hot bath and insisted that the Doctor get into it and relax; the Time Lord had no idea what his young lover planned, but whatever it was, he would go along. A bath would be relaxing.
What could Ianto possibly want him in the bath for? The Doctor hoped that his lover intended to join him here, but he'd seen no evidence of Ianto doing so. Ah well, he thought with a shrug, sinking further into the warm water. He could enjoy a soothing bath on his own.
Just as the thought crossed his mind, the bathroom door opened and Ianto came in, wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist and carrying a bowl. The Doctor raised an eyebrow in question, a smile hovering on his lips, but he stayed where he was.
"Have you decided to join me in the bath?" he asked softly, knowing that the question was redundant. Ianto more than likely wouldn't be wearing nothing but a towel that looked as though it could be very easily removed if that wasn't his objective.
"But of course." Ianto smiled as he let the towel drop to the floor, stepping into the bath as the Doctor moved forward. He sat down behind the Time Lord, still holding the bowl in one hand. "There. That was a bit of a balancing act. Glad I didn't spill anything."
The Doctor peered into the bowl that Ianto carried; his eyes widened when he saw the strawberries, the red juicy fruit covered with sugar and cream. "Oh, my. That looks delicious. So am I going to be fed strawberries in the bath, then?" he asked with a soft laugh.
"However did you guess?" Ianto laughed along with him, leaning back against the rim of the bath. "Just lie back and relax, Doctor," he murmured, taking one of the strawberries from the bowl and holding it to the Time Lord's lips. "I've been wanting to do this for a while."
"What, you've been making plans to feed me strawberries in the bath?" The Doctor opened his mouth, closing his eyes as his tongue savored the luscious taste of the fruit. This was beyond relaxing -- but yet, he found it incredibly sensual at the same time.
His only problem with this was that Ianto's hands were both occupied -- one with holding the bowl of fruit, the other with popping strawberries into his mouth. Reaching for the bowl, the Doctor took it from Ianto, leaning back against his lover's chest.
"There. Now you have a free hand to .... explore," he whispered, hoping that Ianto would understand just how he intended that concept to be put to use. Taking one of the strawberries from the bowl, he half-turned to hold it against his boyfriend's lips.
Ianto obediently took the fruit into his mouth, his blue-grey gaze locking with the Doctor's. "I was hoping you'd do something like that," he said softly, his hand moving under the water, gliding along the Time Lord's inner thigh before those long fingers curled around his cock.
The Doctor closed his eyes, a shudder of pleasure going through his thin body. He absently popped another of the juicy strawberries into his mouth, though he hardly tasted the sweetness on his tongue; his entire being was concentrated on the movement of Ianto's hand.
The bowl of strawberries was forgotten; he couldn't concentrate on holding it while Ianto was doing such marvelous things to his body. It tumbled to the bathroom floor as the Doctor cried out his lover's name, the last few strawberries spilling over the tiles.
What was it about Ianto's touch that could reduce him to a moaning, whimpering mess? Jack's touch had never affected him like this even at the best of times; neither had anyone else's. There was something about his physical connection with Ianto that transcended lovemaking.
No one had ever been able to reach inside his hearts and soul the way this young man did. The two of them shared a bond that went beyond physical passion; whenever their bodies touched, their souls joined as well, until they were no longer two separate entities, but one.
This was more than mere lovemaking -- this was not only a mating of bodies, but of everything that made each of them who they were. He could lose himself within Ianto's touch, let himself sink into a pleasure that no one else had ever been able to give him.
The Time Lord's hips arched upwards into Ianto's hand as the young man continued to stroke his cock, a soft moan coming from his throat. He dimly heard himself whisper Ianto's name before his orgasm swept over him, taking his breath away.
The Doctor sank back against Ianto's chest, his hearts pounding, his breathing rapid and shallow. Those long fingers were still wrapped his cock, not moving now, but simply holding him, as though Ianto liked the feel of his lover's cock in his hand.
"I dropped the strawberries," the Doctor finally whispered, remembering what they'd been doing before he had been distracted by Ianto's touch. "I'm sorry about that, love. But there didn't seem to be too many left, anyway. I hope it doesn't matter."
"Not at all," Ianto whispered into his ear, nibbling at his earlobe and sending more chills down the Time Lord's spine. "They were only a little appetizer, you know. A prelude. And we haven't even gotten to the main course yet."
"And where does the main course take place?" the Doctor inquired, closing his eyes as he rested his head against his lover's chest. He had an idea that he knew what was coming, but he'd wait until Ianto confirmed his suspicions.
Ianto gently but firmly pushed him forward a little, then stood up and got out of the bath. He held out a hand to the Doctor, encouraging the Time Lord to get up as well. The Doctor complied, stepping out of the bath and letting Ianto wrap him in a fluffy towel.
He stepped over the strawberries that littered the floor, feeling a little regretful that he hadn't been more careful with them. But even as he looked down at the red juice staining the tiles, Ianto bent to hook one arm behind his knees and sweep him into those strong arms.
All thoughts other than the man he loved were swept from the Doctor's mind as Ianto's lips met his. With one last look at the strawberries scattered over the floor, Ianto carried the Time Lord out of the bathroom and down the hallway towards their bedroom.***
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