Title: The Christmas Tree
Author: Jedi Princess Clarrisani
Pairing: TenxJack.
Prompt: 94. "Is it my imagination?"
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Lots of smut in this one
Summary: When Jack discovers a Christmas Tree on board the TARDIS, he quickly comes to realise its all part of the Doctor's plan...
Author's Notes: Flicking back through the tenxjack LJ, I discovered fishesofdoom's prompt list, which can be found here.Jack blinked as he slowly closed the TARDIS door behind him. He knew he was staring, but given the circumstances it had to be expected. Clearing his throat, he moved further into the console room, leaning against the handrail.
"Hey Doc?"
"Mm?" Came the partially distracted reply.
"Is it my imagination, or is there a Christmas tree in the TARDIS?"
The Doctor chuckled, sliding down the ladder and spinning to face him, a grin stretching from ear-to-ear. "Do you like it?"
"I guess." Jack frowned. "But... why is there a Christmas tree in the TARDIS?"
"It's Christmas, or don't you look at the calendar?"
"Ah-ah." Jack narrowed his eyes. "You travel in time and space, Doc. Since when do you keep a calendar?"
"Fine, you win." The Doctor shrugged, running a hand through his hair as he turned to look back at the tree. "Just felt like celebrating. Only ever celebrated Christmas once, not long after I regenerated. Decided to do it again."
"I see." Jack moved to drop into the battered chair, setting his feet up on the console. "Trying out the Earth culture?"
"More or less." The Doctor looked at him. "They still have Christmas in the 51st century, don't they?"
"Oh yeah. One of the few surviving holidays. Christmas, Easter and New Year. Although New Year depends on the planet you're on." Jack grinned. "When I was 17 a few of my friends and I took a cruise where we celebrated New Year every day for six months."
"I did that once, back when I was younger." The Doctor grinned, dropping onto the seat beside him. "Drank too much and woke up naked save for my hat."
Jack snorted. "Kept your hat on, eh?"
"Yeap." The Doctor winked at him. "Better than the Master. He was in a hula skirt. Old classmate of ours named Drax recorded the whole thing. Man that was a party. Should still have that recording around somewhere."
"You'll have to dig it out for me."
"Oooh no. I'm not showing you." The Doctor pointed upward. "I buried it up in the attic somewhere. Another classmate named Rani tried to get her hands on it at one point, so I hid it. Not sure who she was trying to blackmail. It was either me or the Master. She had a thing for us at one point."
Jack blinked. "What, the both of you?"
"Oh yes. The Master and I were the best of friends once, until we had a falling out. I mean, we still respected each other, just didn't... well, like each other."
Jack nudged him with his elbow. "Or maybe you did 'like' each other."
The Doctor scowled, only for it to disappear as he looked up sharply at the tree. "Anyway, that's all ancient history now. So what do you think of my tree?"
"Not bad. Bit tatty."
"I like it." The Doctor grinned smugly, admiring the new addition. 'I haven't got much in the way of decorations mind, but it works."
Jack raised a brow. "So, going to go join Martha's family for Christmas dinner?"
"Got invited too, did you?"
"Mm-hm." Jack shrugged. "I usually don't do anything so I figured I might go."
"Same." The Doctor chuckled. "That's the thing about companions these days – they still want to celebrate everything. Back in the day they were more interested in exploring, getting caught up in the universe and adventure. Now it's all routine."
"Just a holding onto that little bit of stability." Jack gazed at the tree and smiled. "Keeps them sane."
The Doctor looked at him. "You ever do that?"
"Back when I was starting out with the Time Agency, yeah. Drop in at home for Christmas and birthdays. As the years went by I just lost track and, as you said, got caught up in the adventure." Jack's eyebrows rose slightly. "Then I dropped out of the Agency and dropped out of sight."
The Doctor looked at him sharply. "You mean you haven't been home since?"
Jack shook his head.
"Are your family still alive?"
"Last time I checked they were." Jack met his eye. "They won't be happy with me, Doctor. It's better for me and for them if I stay away."
The Doctor eyed him, sighing and shifting back to recline in the seat, propping his feet up beside Jack's. "Well, you ever want to visit home just say the word."
"I'll keep that in mind." Jack looked at the tree again. "So, the tree as far as you're going or are you going to go all out and decorate the rest of the TARDIS?"
The Doctor's eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint. "Oh, I put up one or two other things."
Jack cast his gaze around, turning to look at the Time Lord questioningly. The Doctor smirked, pointing up, Jack following his gaze to spot several familiar looking sprigs hanging from the roof. He made a soft sound, eyebrows rising as he counted the mistletoe.
"Think you went a little overboard there, Doc."
"Really?" The Doctor's grin widened as he looked up, then down at Jack. "I figured putting them everywhere would make it easier to get you under one."
Jack's head snapped around, the shock rolling off him. "What?"
The Doctor smirked, feet dropping to the floor as he caught Jack's face in his hands, pulling him forward and kissing him firmly on the mouth. He pulled back after a moment at Jack's soft sound of surprise, the Doctor looking rather smug.
"You know, Jack, I'm technically under one too."
Jack blinked a couple of times before looking back up. "So you are."
The Doctor nodded. "And you know the custom."
Jack met his eye with a narrowed gaze. "You're a sneaky bastard, you know that."
The Doctor shrugged it off. "It works."
Jack's own feet dropped from the console as he returned the kiss, the Doctor tangling his fingers into Jack's hair as he darted his tongue out to play along Jack's lips. Jack chuckled softly, but accepted the invitation into a deeper kiss.
The Doctor made a pleased sound at the back of his throat as he explored the interior of Jack's mouth with his tongue, mapping out the uncharted territory and enjoying the sensation of Jack doing the same. He shifted so that he was facing Jack fully, Jack's hand coming to rest on his hip as the kiss became more heated.
Eventually the kiss broke, the Doctor sighing contently as Jack's lips moved to his throat, nipping and sucking at the skin. The Doctor tilted his head back and closed his eyes, fingers coming to play across the fine hairs on the back of Jack's neck.
He opened his eyes and gazed upward, eyeing the mistletoe for a moment before casting his gaze back further to the Christmas tree. The move strained his eyes a little, but by now Jack had him half leaning back on the seat, the Doctor propping himself up with one elbow.
Jack paused, eyes following the Doctor's gaze as his breath played over the now heated skin on the Doctor's throat. "Ever done it under a Christmas tree, Doctor?"
The Doctor grinned, gazing at Jack. "I was hoping you'd say that." He slid from the seat, catching Jack's hand and pulling him up and toward the tree. He stopped before it, shifting the ladder before absently kicking at a roll which spread out into a mat.
Jack shot him an accusing look. "You had this planned."
The Doctor winked at him. "You complaining?"
"Hell no."
They dropped onto the mat, the Doctor seating himself in Jack's lap and catching his face in his hands once more. He gazed at him a moment, trailing his fingertips over Jack's face. Jack moved to speak but the Doctor silenced him by placing a finger to his lips, a soft smile playing over his face before he leaned in and kissed Jack again.
This kiss was slower, yet no less as deep. Jack shifted, wrapping his arms around the Doctor's middle and pulling him closer. He could feel the Doctor's arousal, and knew the Doctor could feel his as the Doctor pulled away from Jack's mouth and locked onto Jack's throat.
Jack glanced upward, chuckling softly as he spotted yet another mistletoe dangling above his head. "You certainly have it all covered."
"Hm?" The Doctor pulled back, looking up and smiling. "Oh yeah. Knew you'd either stay by the railing, tinker with the screen on the console, help me with the tree or sit in the chair, so I put them up everywhere."
Jack gave him an admiring look, then frowned slightly. "Where'd you get them?"
"Same place as the tree."
"Which is?"
"That's for me to know. Now, dear Captain..." The Doctor tugged at Jack's coat. "You are wearing far too much clothing."
Jack smirked, fingers sliding up under the Doctor's jacket. "Just following your lead, Doctor."
"Well, in that case..." The Doctor shot Jack a hot look as he reached up to pull the tie free, tossing it aside. It was soon followed by his jacket, the Doctor having barely put it aside when he felt Jack's fingers making light work of the buttons on his shirt, the Doctor bringing one hand back up behind Jack's neck as Jack's lips explored each new expanse of flesh as it was unveiled.
Snapping his mind back into focus, the Doctor tugged at Jack's coat, pulling it from the man's shoulders and sending it to join his jacket. The vest was easier, the Doctor momentarily savouring the smooth feel of the satin and playing with the chain of the pocket watch before removing it as well.
By now Jack had his shirt completely undone, fingers smoothing over the pale skin and causing the Doctor to shudder. The Doctor reached for the buttons of Jack's own shirt, his fingers trembling as Jack's attention went south and began to work on the Doctor's fly.
The Doctor swallowed hard, knowing he was fast becoming the underdog as Jack slowly lowered the zip, the Doctor less than halfway through the buttons on Jack's shirt as Jack hand curved along the expanse of the Doctor's stomach and downward, sliding beneath the fabric of his boxers and closing around him.
He gasped at Jack's almost teasingly light touch, just firm enough to cause him to twitch. Jack's leaned forward, the Doctor knowing he was grinning in smug satisfaction even as he tugged at the Doctor's earlobe with his teeth.
Letting out a steadying breath and trying to force the quickly building haze from his mind, the Doctor struggled with the remaining few buttons of Jack's shirt, all the while cursing the creator. Buttons, he decided, were almost as bad as a bra strap – good at holding things together, but altogether not designed to be removed quickly and easily.
Some people could undo buttons quickly, though. The Doctor remembered as he undid the last two a former companion of his. Jamie had been very adept at undoing buttons, able to smooth his hand down the front of the Doctor's shirt and undo them with a casual flick of his thumb. Despite having had Jamie show him how it was done, six centuries on he still couldn't do it.
He gave a short laugh of victory as he undid the last, the laugh quickly melding into a groan as Jack nipped hard at his collarbone while smoothing his thumb over the slit, smearing precum back into the flesh. The Doctor yanked at Jack's shirt, pulling it back off his shoulders and staring as he realised Jack had another shirt, this one a tight white one, underneath.
Jack seemed to notice the Doctor's plight and pulled back, shooting him a grin as he caught the shirt at the hem and easily tugged it over his head, in the process mussing his hair. The Doctor grinned as he trailed his fingertips lightly over Jack's well toned chest, bringing his touch back to Jack's nipples and pinching gently.
He was rewarded by a short sucking in of breath from the stoic Captain, the Doctor noting how Jack's eyes dilated. Smirking slightly, the Doctor leaned forward, replacing his fingers with his teeth and nipping one nipple. Jack gave a sharp gasp, hand sliding down the Doctor's back, tracing the line of vertebra.
The Doctor continued downward, pressing a hand to Jack's chest. Jack needed no other encouragement as he shifted so he could lean back onto the mat, the Doctor still straddling his hips. The Doctor continued his line down, laving his tongue into Jack's bellybutton once before tracing the outline.
Jack's breathing was becoming harsh as the Doctor stumbled upon yet another cursed button, this one resisting less as the Doctor mentally threatened that if it didn't undo, he'd bite it off. The zip caused no problems, sliding down easily and allowing the Doctor to see that some things didn't change – Jack still went commando.
The Doctor flicked his gaze upward, finding Jack watching him with wide eyes as he slowly took the hardened flesh between his lips. Jack cursed softly, head falling back as he groaned, the Doctor smiling around him before setting to work.
Like he had done with Jack's mouth, he set about mapping out the new territory. He traced every vein with his tongue, savoured the taste and velvety texture, and catalogued the reaction he got from the other for every trick that he knew.
He glanced up again as Jack's breathing became laboured and noted the strained expression on Jack's face. Jack had his eyes closed, teeth gritted as he seemed to be fighting, resisting the urge to come. Narrowing his eyes, the Doctor sat back, releasing Jack with a soft 'pop'. He saw Jack's eyes fly open to stare at him as he stood, kicking off his pants and boxers and smoothly relieving Jack of his trowsers before dropping once more into his lap. The Doctor reached out, plucking up a tube he'd set aside earlier.
Jack swallowed hard, coherency spreading back into his gaze as he watched him. "Thought you'd get lucky, eh?"
"I was hoping." The Doctor flipped off the cap, squeezing some gel onto his fingers before setting the tube aside. Letting out a steadying breath, he sat back on his heels and met Jack's eye. "Watch closely, Captain."
Jack's eyes widened as the Doctor fingered himself before impaling himself on one digit. The Doctor swallowed hard, reaching around to stroke his own erection as he carefully inserted the second finger, stretching himself as he thrust them in and out of his own body, all the while pumping his erection in time to the movements.
"Oh god..."
Snapping his gaze down, he saw Jack's head fall back, an almost pained expression on his face that caused the Doctor to grin. Seeing Jack reach for his own erection, the Doctor released his to swat the hand away, once more leaning down to take it in his mouth while continuing to stretch himself.
"You're killing me here," Jack breathed, fingers tight in the Doctor's hair.
The Doctor didn't reply, caught between focussing on pleasuring Jack, the pleasure he was feeling from his own fingers buried with himself, and the painful strain of his now untouched erection. He fought to keep control, closing his eyes because he knew just seeing the expression on Jack's face would be the end of him.
He forced himself to continue for a little while longer, listening to the sound of Jack's moans over the sound of his own double heartbeat and judging how far off the man was. He had to admire Jack's stamina, but he was close himself now.
Barely able to take it any longer himself, the Doctor sat back once more, pulling his fingers free. He shifted, bringing himself further up into Jack's lap and reaching back to catch hold of the Captain's erection, gently lowering himself back onto it and unable to stifle his moan as he was filled.
Jack ran his hands over the Doctor's thighs as the Doctor wriggled, determined to take all of Jack's length within. Jack pushed himself up, once more kissing the Doctor's neck as the Doctor curled an arm around Jack's shoulders for support.
"You right?" Jack breathed.
"Mm-hm." The Doctor opened his eyes, meeting the grey gaze with his own hazel. "Never better."
Jack chuckled softly, the Doctor feeling it within. Needing more, the Doctor used his thighs and his hold on Jack's shoulder to raise him up, so high he could only feel the tip within before slowly lowering himself back down, savouring the slide of skin-on-skin.
Jack's arm tightened around his waist, offering further support to his movements as their lips met again in a heated kiss. By now their bodies were becoming slick with sweat, the Doctor finding it harder and harder to maintain his grip on Jack as his thighs trembled with effort.
Below him he could feel Jack's own body trembling and knew Jack was most likely also feeling the burn, so after a few more thrusts the Doctor paused to break the kiss, planting a hand on Jack's chest and forcing him back down onto the mat.
The Doctor shifted his position so it was slightly more comfortable though his legs still ached, but found it easier now he wasn't helping to hold Jack up. For his own part Jack shifted below him, planting his feet and catching hold of the Doctor's hips, thrusting upward with every downward movement the Doctor made.
In this position Jack found it easier to find and hit his target, the Doctor giving a short, sharp cry as every thrust brushed his prostate and sent wave after wave of pleasure over him. He leaned back slightly to gain a better angle, gasping as one of Jack's hands circled his erection and began pumping it with each thrust.
As he rode Jack the Doctor felt Jack raise his body slightly off the ground, bringing his knees higher so that the Doctor could lean back against them. With Jack raised slightly the strain on his thighs lessened, the Doctor silently complementing Jack for his thoughtfulness.
After a while Jack's hand slid from his hip back down onto his thigh, gripping it tightly for a moment. The Doctor tried to resist the trembling he could feel, the burning ache slowly becoming unbearable as he realised that with both their stamina they couldn't stay in this position for much longer.
Jack sensed it too because he caught the Doctor's hips to still him, pushing himself back up into a sitting position and kissing him chastely. He wrapped an arm around the Doctor's waist, carefully twisting them until the Doctor's back was on the mat, Jack now hovering above him. In the move Jack slipped free, allowing the Doctor to shift until he was comfortable.
Wrapping his legs around Jack's waist as Jack carefully eased inside him once more, the Doctor had to admit he liked this. Without the strain on his legs he could focus solely on the pleasure, Jack now doing most of the work as he thrust into him.
Jack paused a second, reaching back to catch hold of the Doctor's knees and hooking them over his shoulders, adjusting himself once more before beginning to move again. The Doctor gasped as Jack went deeper, slamming into his prostate with every firm stroke.
The Doctor's breaths were now coming in hiccuping gasps as he gripped Jack's shoulders, wrapping his legs tighter around the man above him. He threw his head back, eyes staring unseeing up toward the roof and the now forgotten mistletoe, his entire focus now simply on the feel of the beautiful man inside him.
Jack shifted his weight so he could bring one hand to grasp the Doctor's erection, pumping it jerkingly as the thrusts became harder, faster and more uneven. Their breathing was loud now, gasps broken with curses, grunts, low moans, soft whines and every so often, each other's name.
And then the Doctor was coming, letting out a strangled cry as his back arched from the mat, spilling out into Jack's hand. Above him he distantly heard Jack whimper before Jack gave a sharp bark, slamming into him a couple more times before erupting within him, so deep inside.
Then they were both trembling, bodies heaving with exertion as the Doctor wrapped himself around Jack, drawing him down as Jack buried his face in the Doctor's neck, placing soft yet absent kisses over the damp skin.
The Doctor kept his eyes closed as the wave slowly faded away to leave a calm relief, like the calm after a storm. He idly drew patterns over Jack's back as the world came back into focus, the Doctor mentally patting himself on the back for a plan well carried out.
Swallowing back the lump in his throat, the Doctor looked at the man in his arms. "You all right?"
Jack gave a contented sigh, shifting his head slightly so he could smile tiredly at him. "Never better."
The Doctor chuckled as Jack threw his line back at him, the Doctor feeling a pang of loss as Jack withdrew to lay beside him. They wrapped themselves in each others arms, curling together and exchanging soft kisses, hands caressing each other in a more exploring way rather than sexual.
"Not sure we should go to Martha's family’s dinner," Jack said softly.
"Oh?" The Doctor rested his forehead against the mans, enjoying the feeling of Jack's once more regular breaths playing across his face. "Why not?"
"Well," Jack began, chuckling slightly. "We've already had dessert."
"And there's plenty more where that came from." The Doctor gave a contented sigh, pulling Jack closer. "Let's just stay here for a while."
"No complaints from me." Jack brushed his nose against the Doctor's. "You know, if you wanted to do this you could have just asked."
"And miss out on being creative?" The Doctor laughed. "More fun this way."
"No complaints here." Jack kissed him again. "Doctor?"
"Yes Jack?"
"Merry Christmas."
"Not Christmas yet."
"Maybe not, but we are under a Christmas tree." Jack raised a brow. "So, does this make me your Christmas present?"
"Makes us both presents, I believe." The Doctor smiled, kissing him again and letting it linger. "Like your present, Jack?"
"Oh yeah." Jack kissed the tip of his nose, chuckling as the Doctor wiggled it. "Love it."
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