Title: Across the Universe
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG
Table: 3
Prompt: 16, Universe
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"Jack isn't going to be happy with this." Ianto's eyes met the Doctor's, a worried look in their grey depths. "He doesn't have a hard time with me not being at Torchwood all the time now, but .... I don't think he's going to be happy if he doesn't have at least some idea of when I might be back."
The Doctor frowned, brows knitting in annoyance. "Ianto, I don't have to answer to Jack. If you want to come along with me, then do it. If you're worried about what Jack will think, then stay here in Cardiff. It's up to you."
Ianto blinked, taken aback by the vehemence of the Doctor's words. "But .... Jack is my boss, you know," he stammered, unable to fathom just why the Doctor sounded so annoyed. "It's not as though I can just take off without letting him know where I am. And he's also a friend. I wouldn't want him to worry."
"He does a fair bit of worrying about both of us, that's true," the Doctor agreed, sighing and sitting back in his chair. "But he should realise by now that worrying isn't going to change whatever might happen -- or do either of us any good. Jack knows that I'll take care of you wherever we are, Ianto. Or at least he should know."
"He knows," Ianto said softly, reaching across the table to take the Doctor's hand in his own. "I think he worries about you just as much as he does about me. Perhaps even more so -- he's been inconsolable on the few occasions when he thought he wouldn't see you again, you know."
"Yes, I'm aware of that." The Doctor shook his head, as though he was trying to clear it of whatever worries he himself might have. "Ianto, don't feel that you have to let Jack know each move that you make. I've never done it, and I've always ended up coming back. He should know by now that I'll always do that -- and that I'll always bring you back with me."
"All right," Ianto said, still sounding a bit dubious. "When I don't come to work, I'm sure he'll know that I'm with you. Especially once it dawns on him that you aren't here either." He couldn't help smirking at the thought of how Jack would look, imagining the expression on the immortal's face when he discovered that the two of them had gone.
"We're both big boys, Ianto." The Doctor raised an eyebrow, privately wondering just what that little smirk on his lover's face meant -- though he was sure that he could guess the reason if he tried. "Jack isn't an authority figure that we're accountable to. If he doesn't like the idea of you coming with me, he'll just have to get used to it."
"Used to it?" Ianto looked sharply at the Doctor, surprise written on his features. "Do you mean that you intend to let me come with you more often?" This was something out of the blue, completely unexpected, but not unwelcome.
"Yes, I do," the Doctor answered, his voice soft and a little husky. He leaned forward, reaching for Ianto's hand and twining their fingers together. "After some of the things that have happened to us because of me feeling that I had to leave you behind .... I think that it would be best if I took you along, don't you?"
"Of course I do," Ianto whispered, feeling a lump rise up in his throat and swallowing hard to keep it back. This was a definite change of heart for his lover; he didn't want to do or say anything that might jeopardize this decision, make the Doctor change his mind and think that it would be best for him to go out there into the stars alone.
"I won't think that, Ianto." The Doctor's voice was soft, but his words were strong and firm. "I've been giving this quite a bit of thought in the past few days, and I've decided that even though it may be hard for me to see you face danger, I'd much rather have you do that with me than away from me. At least then, if anything happens, I'll know about it."
"Doctor ...." Ianto wasn't quite sure how to put what he had to say; he felt as though he was walking in a minefield. He didn't want to question the Doctor's decision to take him along, but was this something that the Time Lord thought of as some sort of obligation? If that was the case, maybe it would be better if he stayed behind.
But of course, he really didn't want to do that, he told himself, suppressing a sigh. No, he wanted to be with the Doctor as much as possible, every waking -- and sleeping -- moment, if that was possible. They'd already spent far too much time apart, as far as he was concerned.
"No, Ianto, I don't look at this as some sort of obligation." The Doctor's voice cut into his thoughts, startling him a bit. Even though he was fully aware that the Doctor was telepathic, and that their emotional bond allowed him to read Ianto's thoughts quite easily, it was still a bit disconcerting when he did so.
He nodded, frowning at the look that had fleetingly crossed the Doctor's handsome features. He'd seen that look before; the Time Lord wore it when he was uncertain about something -- or frightened of some possibility. It was a look that he didn't want to see, a look that he would give anything to make sure the Doctor never wore again.
"What is it, love?" he asked softly, watching the Time Lord's face intently. "You're unsettled about something. I can tell."
The Doctor shook his head, refusing to look at Ianto; the young man could sense that his lover was trying to push some worrisome thought away, and he wasn't going to let that happen. Whatever the Doctor was thinking, he wanted to know about it -- even if it was something that might not be easy to deal with. He'd learned that the hard way.
Ianto rose from his chair, moving to where the Doctor was sitting and kneeling beside him. One hand reached out to cup the Doctor's cheek, the other covering the Time Lord's own thin hand and twining their fingers together.
"Tell me what's bothering you," Ianto whispered, stroking his fingertips over the other man's soft skin, his grey gaze never leaving the Doctor's face. "Whatever it is, Doctor, we can talk it out -- we promised that from now on, we would be open with each other. I'm holding both of us to that promise."
The Doctor swallowed audibly, looking down at their intertwined hands. "I ...." His voice trailed off, and he had to take a deep breath before he could speak again. "I'm terrified that something will happen to you, Ianto," he whispered, his voice almost breaking. "And of what I would want to do if I was a witness to that."
"Nothing is going to happen to me," Ianto said firmly, standing up and pulling the Doctor to his feet. He wrapped both arms around the Time Lord's waist, drawing him close and resting his cheek against the other man's soft hair. "I would much rather be there with you than be here, wondering if something might happen to you."
"I couldn't live with myself if I was the cause of you being hurt," the Doctor whispered, his own arms sliding around Ianto's waist. He leaned against his young lover, resting his head against Ianto's shoulder, not moving from the comfortable embrace.
"Don't worry, love," Ianto murmured, pressing a kiss to the Doctor's forehead. "We've been through some sticky situations together, and we've come out of them. I realise that there's a certain amount of risk, going out into time and space with you. I'm willing to take those risks to be with you."
"It isn't much of a choice, is it?" the Doctor said, his tone rueful. "Unless you come with me, then we're parted for longer than we want to be. The risks seem rather small compared to what it can feel like to be away from you for a while. That's a kind of pain I'd rather not feel unless it's absolutely necessary."
"I couldn't agree more," Ianto said, disentangling himself from their embrace and holding out a hand to the Doctor. "Now, don't you think we should make whatever plans we may need to, and be on our way to the Tardis? We can't spend all day here talking about what may or may not happen, you know."
The Doctor nodded, slipping his hand into Ianto's and looking around the small flat. "We'll be back, love. Even though we may wander all over time and space, this will always be home to me." The color rose in his cheeks, and he couldn't quite meet Ianto's eyes. "You've given me a home that I never thought I would have again."
Ianto squeezed his lover's hand, a small smile curving his lips. "I'm glad you feel that way, love," he said softly, wondering why the Doctor looked embarrassed at such an admission. "This has seemed more like a home to me now that you're here."
"The sooner we go, then the sooner we'll be back home." The Doctor heaved a sigh, glancing towards the door. "We should leave soon, Ianto. I don't know exactly what it is, but there's .... something .... pulling me out there. It's as though I have to be there, even if I don't know exactly why."
"Then I'll be with you. No matter what happens, or where you may go," Ianto promised, his own eyes moving around the front room of his flat. "I'll leave a note for Jack -- he has a key, and he's said that he'll stop by when I'm gone. Just to make sure that things are in order and that there are no problems."
"I'm glad you'll be with me," the Doctor whispered, his eyes meeting Ianto's again. "I don't think I'd be able to leave you again."
"And I wouldn't be able to let you," the young Welshman said softly, pulling the Doctor into his arms again. As his arms closed around his lover and their lips touched, the only thought in his mind was that he never wanted to let this man go -- and staying by his side was well worth any risks that might be involved.
Several long moments later, Ianto reluctantly moved out of their embrace, moving to his desk and sitting down to write Jack a note. The Doctor leaned on the back of his chair, waiting patiently until Ianto had finished writing and stood up again.
"Ready to go, love?" the Time Lord inquired, smiling as he took Ianto's hand. "The universe is waiting for us."
"As ready as I'll ever be," the young man replied, picking up his keys from the desk and following his lover to the door. A few moments later, they were in the elevator, Ianto pushing the button to take them down to the lobby.
As the two of them headed for the front doors of the building and out into the busy street, Ianto could feel his heart thumping against his rib cage, his spirits soaring. He had no idea what was going to happen, but it was the beginning of what he was sure was going to be a great adventure. An adventure that he wouldn't have wanted to miss.***
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