Title: Untitled
By: cupiecake
Pairing: gen
Rating: PG
Summary: Something has happened to Ianto.


Jack's decided to treat everyone to lunch; he goes out and gets their usual sandwiches and chips.

"Lunch is served!" he hollers as he comes back, expecting at least some gratitude from his team; it's been a slow week. He figures they'll all sit down and eat lunch. But they're all clustered around Ianto, ignoring him entirely.

"What's going on?" he asks, curious. Ianto's wearing a hat, and as he approaches the Welshman squirms and pulls it down further. His cheeks are bright red with embarrassment. Owen's smirking, Gwen's smothering giggles, and Tosh looks curious and worried at the same time. "Something wrong, Ianto?"

Ianto seems to have curled into himself even more, if that was even possible. "Might as well show him, Tea-Boy," Owen says finally, and he pries Ianto's fingers off the hat and pulls it off.

Besides the mess the hat's made of Ianto's usually tidy hair, Jack can see what the trouble is. He laughs, low and booming and affectionate.

Ianto's ears droop dejectedly. "Myo~o."

Jack reaches out to scratch at the junction between skull and ear, right where soft black hair becomes softer black fur, and Ianto can't help leaning into it.

"Would you like a cup of milk, Ianto?" Gwen asks, and Jack can feel the fur bristle just a little bit, but Ianto's still Ianto, even with cat ears. Jack can see now that Ianto's hidden a smooth black tail underneath the couch cushions, and it's clear he doesn't exactly have control over it yet, because it waves in time with the strokes Jack gives to his ears. Even as Ianto's replying to Gwen, Jack's appraising the situation.

More than anything, Jack really wants to hear Ianto purr.
