Title: The Tardis Variations
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 30_sex_scenes
Prompt: 1, Feather
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"Where did you get that?" the Doctor asked, looking at the feather in Ianto's hand. "I didn't know we had any on the Tardis. Or did you find it when we were on Earth a few days ago?" He sounded genuinely curious, as well he might be.
"You're right, love -- I did get it when we were on Earth," Ianto said with a chuckle. "I thought it might be interesting to, errr, play with a feather once in a while." He favored the Time Lord with a devilish little smile, moving across the room to sit down on the bed.
The Doctor lay back against the pillows, crossing his arms behind his head. "Just what do you intend to do with that feather?" he asked, still sounding curious, but also a little apprehensive. "I'm just full of questions today. Maybe I should be quiet and let you get on with it."
"You know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, or startle you," Ianto told him, leaning down to brush his lips across the softness of the Doctor's mouth. "I intend to make you feel good, Doctor. And to try something new that we haven't experimented with before."
"I don't recall us playing with a feather before, so this will definitely be new," the Doctor agreed, looking up at his young lover with a smile. "Whatever you have planned, I'm sure I'll like it. After all, it's you doing it, so I have no objections."
Ianto didn't reply to those words, only giving the Doctor a roguish smile and holding up the feather. The Time Lord closed his eyes, letting his body relax, waiting for whatever his lover cared to do to him with the trust that it would feel good.
Ianto lowered the hand that held the feather, letting the downy edges of it tickle across the Time Lord's chest -- first over one nipple, then the other. The Doctor gasped softly, his eyes flying open, staring up at Ianto with a surprised expression.
"Does that feel good, sweetheart?" Ianto murmured, tickling the Doctor's right nipple with the feather again. "I think it probably does," he adding, watching the Time Lord's nipple harden as he brushed the feather back and forth.
The Doctor lay back against the pillows again, closing his eyes, one hand clutching at the sheets. "If it feels that good now, I can't wait to see what else you're planning to do with it," he whispered, arching his back as the feather moved lower, circling his navel.
"Turn over and lie on your stomach, and you'll find out what I'm planning to do," Ianto told him, his voice full of promise. The Doctor complied, rolling over and propping himself up on his elbows, looking over his shoulder with an expression of curiosity on his face.
"Don't ask questions, love," Ianto murmured, shaking his head. "Just enjoy what you're feeling, and don't think about what's coming next." He moved the feather slowly down the curve of the Doctor's spine, his gaze following its slow downward trek.
The Doctor nodded, pressing his face into the pillow as the feather continued moving down. He hadn't expected the mere touch of a feather to feel so good against his skin; with a soft moan, he spread his legs without realizing that he'd done so.
"That's right, sweetheart," Ianto whispered, bending down to whisper in the Doctor's ear. His breath was hot against the back of the Time Lord's neck, his lips trailing fire down the Gallifreyan's bare shoulder. "Just relax and enjoy this."
The Doctor moaned softly as the feather moved even lower, moving between his legs to brush against his balls. He arched his back again, raising his ass into the air, eliciting a soft laugh from his lover as Ianto leaned down to press a kiss against each firm, rounded cheek.
The feather danced down the backs of his thighs, making the Doctor shiver with pleasure; he hadn't thought that something so small and insignificant-seeming as a feather could feel so good. There were chills moving over his skin, flashes of heat at his nerve endings.
He gasped as Ianto's gentle fingers spread his ass cheeks slightly; he had no idea what his lover planned to do, but he wasn't going to protest. He trusted Ianto completely, and he knew that whatever his lover was going to do to him would feel wonderful.
The sensation of the feather tickling between his cheeks, brushing against his entrance, was enough to make him gasp again, his dark eyes opening wide. His long, slender fingers clutched at the sheets, his body arching into the caress of the feather.
Ianto's lips were against the small of his back, his lover's other hand moving under his body to grasp his cock and stroke him in rhythm with the brushing of the feather against his entrance, the sensations combining to make him moan and writhe with pleasure.
There were tiny sparks shooting down his spine, both from his lover's lips and from the gentle pressure of the feather against the most intimate part of his body. The Doctor was sure that he'd never felt anything so intense before, not even the first time that he and Ianto had made love.
The Doctor knew that he couldn't hold out much longer; the sensations created by both the feather and Ianto's hand stroking him were too intense. He hadn't expected to feel this kind of pleasure, lifting his body and his senses into a maelstrom that threatened to crash over him.
The pressure inside him seemed to build to a fever pitch -- until his body finally spasmed in release, a cry breaking from his lips without him realizing it. Then he was falling, drifting from dizzying heights back to the ground, to be cradled in his lover's arms.
Ianto leaned down to press a kiss against the small of the Doctor's back before rolling him over and looking down into his eyes. The Gallifreyan looked dazed, his body still trembling slightly from the force of his orgasm, his gaze unfocused as he looked up at Ianto.
"Th-that was .... I don't have the words," he murmured, placing one hand on his chest to feel the rapid pounding of his dual hearts. "I'm not sure exactly what I expected, but it definitely wasn't that. I'm starting to have a good opinion of feathers now."
"I've always thought that feathers had their uses," Ianto said with a laugh, dropping the feather and taking the Time Lord into his arms. "But I hadn't really thought about just what could be done with them. It looks like we're both expanding our horizons a bit."
"I wonder what else we'll find to expand our horizons with?" the Doctor asked, snuggling into his lover's embrace with a smile. "I'm sure that there are a lot more exotic options we could try. A feather is more than likely just the beginning."
"We could always pick up a copy of the Gay Kama Sutra, and try all of the different positions in it," Ianto teased, ruffling the Time Lord's hair. "Actually, I'd be surprised if we hadn't already done most of them. But I'm sure that we could think of some interesting variations."
"What would we call them?" the Doctor asked, a teasing note in his tone. "The Tardis Variations?" His laugh rang out as he curled comfortably into Ianto's arms, his thin arms sliding around his young lover's waist. "Creating those could be a good hobby for us."
"Well, if you decide to use a feather again, I hope that book doesn't give you any ideas!" Ianto laughed, shaking his head. "I mean, a feather is a little kinky -- and enjoyable. But something tells me that you might try to use the whole bird!"
The Doctor's laughter rang out, then was slightly muffled as he buried his face against Ianto's chest. "I promise, love, no birds in our bedroom!" he managed to gasp out. "The Tardis Variations may be a little kinky, but they wouldn't go that far!"
Ianto joined in his laughter, hugging the Time Lord close against him as he pulled the covers up around their bodies. He couldn't think of a better way to end this evening than snuggling in bed with the Doctor -- though the ideas they'd come up with tonight would certainly be used in the future.***
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