Title: No More Walls
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 1
Prompt: 21, Lovers
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the Tenth Doctor or Jack Harkness. Please do not sue.***
Jack turned over onto his stomach, punching his pillow. He was almost grinding his teeth in frustration; after the sight he'd had of the Doctor that afternoon, it was impossible to keep his mind off the other man. And almost as impossible to keep himself from going to the Doctor's sleeping quarters, pinning the Time Lord down, and demanding an unconditional surrender.
The Doctor didn't mean to tease him. Jack knew that, even if his body didn't. The other man hadn't expected Jack to walk in on him when he was changing clothes, standing there naked and exposed, nothing around to cover himself with. Jack hadn't been able to stop his eyes from roaming over the Doctor's nude body, with what he knew was an expression of lustful desire spreading over his face. He hadn't wanted to frighten the Time Lord. But he hadn't been able to help himself.
At least he'd managed to keep his hands off the Doctor, he told himself morosely, wrapping his arms around the pillow and trying to get comfortable. It hadn't been easy to do, but he'd managed to mutter a muted "sorry" and turn away from the tempting sight in front of him, heading back down the corridor to the main room of the Tardis. But not before he'd seen how the Doctor's hands were shaking, the look of fear on his face.
What had the Time Lord thought? Jack asked himself, barely holding back a groan. Did the other man seriously think that Jack was like the Master? Did he really think he was going to be raped if he let himself get close to his companion? Was he honestly so terrified of physical contact that he looked like he was going to faint any time Jack saw him even partially unclothed? It was unbelievable.
But that was the situation. Jack was so tense that he could barely be around the Doctor without snapping at him, something that was driving the Time Lord further away from him -- when what Jack wanted was for the two of them to get closer. Something had to give. Now. Tonight. They couldn't go on like this, not if he wanted to stay with the Doctor.
He wasn't going to let this go on. The Doctor couldn't keep being afraid to get close to him -- it was going to slam a door irrevocably in the face of any relationship they would eventually develop if the Time Lord couldn't trust him. Jack had to break down those walls the other man had built up --break them forcibly, if it came to that. But they couldn't go on like this. The situation was only going to explode in their faces if they did.
Jack got out of bed, looking towards the door and biting his lip. If he stalked down the corridors to the Doctor's room in the mood he was in, he would end up hurting the Time Lord if he didn't get what he was after. Maybe not hurting him physically, but the damage he could do might be something the two of them would never recover from.
But he couldn't stay away. He needed the Doctor -- and, even if the Time Lord didn't know it yet, he was convinced that the other man needed him just as much. He was sure that the Doctor wanted him, in spite of his obvious fear of the physical side of their coupling. Jack would just have to prove to him that he had no reason to be afraid.
He'd walked along as he talked to himself, turning the situation over and over in his mind. Now, he was in front of the Doctor's door -- and having a harder time than he'd expected making himself go into that room. The Time Lord was there, probably asleep, unsuspecting of what Jack planned to do to him tonight. Jack scowled, steeling his nerves for what he was looking at as a confrontation. This time, he wasn't going to back down.
Entering the Doctor's bedroom, Jack felt a thrill of anticipation run through his body. Tonight was it, he told himself silently, closing his eyes for a moment and taking a deep breath. This was the night he was going to break down those walls he'd been desperately trying to scale for what seemed like a lifetime. In truth, he hadn't been with the Doctor all that long -- but it was long enough to know how he felt about the other man.
He knelt by the side of the bed, letting his eyes adjust to the dimness of the room, his gaze locked on the sleeping Time Lord's face. Jack could feel his stomach muscles clench, the way they always did when he looked at the Doctor. He'd never seen anyone so beautiful in all the many years of his immortality -- or seen anyone who he wanted so badly. The Doctor was every dream he'd ever had, every fantasy he'd ever thought of, every desire he'd ever let roam through his mind. Everything he wanted, in one being.
It was past time he 'd done this, Jack thought, pulling the covers back and slipping beneath them. The Doctor always slept naked; he'd found that out from the few nights he'd spent here, when the Time Lord had awakened from one of his all-too-frequent nightmares, and he'd needed the comfort of Jack's arms to lull him back into slumber.
Jack had thought there would be more nights like that -- but they'd been few and far between, the Doctor choosing to deal with his nightmares himself most of the time, rather than imposing on his companion. But this time would be different, Jack told himself, stretching himself out next to the Time Lord and cautiously sliding an arm around that slender waist. No nightmares, no bad dreams to contend with. Just the two of them, meeting on equal ground.
He moved closer to the Time Lord, wanting to groan aloud when that rounded, firm ass pressed against his crotch. It would be so easy to turn the Doctor on his stomach, hold him down against the mattress, spread his legs, prepare the Time Lord with his tongue before he pushed himself into that tight heat ....
No, he told himself sternly, pushing those thoughts of taking the Doctor out of his mind. He was going to make this good for the Time Lord, not give in to his own selfish desires. This was about the Doctor's pleasure, not his own. As much as he wanted the Gallifreyan, he wasn't going to sacrifice their future for one night that would be a memory all too soon.
Jack slid closer behind the Doctor, pressing a kiss to the Time Lord's bare shoulder. He could feel the Doctor jerk awake, even though he couldn't see the expression on the other man's face. The sharp intake of breath, the sudden taut tension of the Doctor's body, told him that the Time Lord was wide awake and fully aware of Jack's presence behind him.
"Shhh," he soothed the other man, his arm tightening around the Doctor's slender waist, his lips against the Time Lord's throat. "There's nothing to be afraid of, okay? I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. I'm not going to do anything you don't want, I promise. But it's time to stop playing these games with each other. This is something that should have already happened. We've been heading towards it for too long."
The Doctor didn't answer, his body remaining tensed, rigid in Jack's arms. The immortal sighed softly, slipping his other arm around the Time Lord's waist and moving his hand up his chest. Jack hoped the gentle caresses would somehow manage to soothe the Doctor, give him some kind of reassurance that apparently words wouldn't. He'd have to take it slow and easy, give the Doctor plenty of time to get used to being held and caressed before he tried anything else.
"You have to talk to me sometime," Jack whispered, soft lips playing along the curve of the Doctor's shoulder. His hand moved over the Time Lord's chest, gently tweaking each small pink nipple, winding them between his thumb and forefinger until he could feel each tender little bud hardening beneath his fingertips. He smiled to himself; the Doctor couldn't hide his physical response to being touched, no matter how much he might want to.
"This isn't going to be the way it was with the Master," he whispered into the Doctor's ear, keeping his voice soft and husky, as soothing as he could make himself sound. "He didn't love you. He just wanted you. This is different, Doctor. I don't just want you .... I love you. I'm not like him, not in the least. I'd never hurt you the way he did."
"He said he wasn't going to hurt me, either," the Doctor whispered, his voice breaking, the words nearly a sob. "And in the end, that's all it was. Just pain .... until I couldn't feel anything else. I can't feel anything else, Jack. You're wasting your time trying. It's just as he said -- I belong to him. He's made me what I am, and there's no changing that. It's too late to make a difference, Jack, too late."
"No." Jack wrapped both arms around the Doctor's waist, pulling the other man back against him, burying his face in the tawny hair and sliding one leg over the Doctor's slim thighs. "It isn't too late. And he doesn't own you, dammit. You've never been his. You're mine, and I'm not going to give you up. Not without one hell of a fight. A fight I'm not going to lose."
The Doctor shook his head, silent tears beginning to creep down his cheeks. He still hadn't relaxed in Jack's arms, every line of his body taut, muscles tensed as though he was ready to bolt the instant Jack gave him the chance. Well, he wasn't going to have that chance, the immortal told himself. Not if he had to forcibly keep him in this bed.
"Doctor ...." Jack went back to kissing the Doctor's throat, gratified when the long lashes fluttered, the Time Lord's eyes closing in response to the caress. "Please, try to trust me, all right? You have to trust me at least a little, since you made me your companion. I know it's hard to open yourself up to anybody -- but try. Please. You can't keep living in the past, with all those bad memories. Let me make new memories for you. Good ones."
He could feel the Doctor's chest heaving, feel the sobs choking in his throat. He hated making the Doctor cry; he hated feeling that he'd pushed the Time Lord so close to the edge of his emotions that the only way the Gallifreyan could express himself was through tears. But maybe he'd needed that, Jack thought, turning the other man over and pulling him close. At least he wasn't trying to pull away from the embrace. That was a good sign.
"All right, Jack." The Doctor's voice was weary, strained, choked. "You win. Do what you will with me. If you think it's going to make a difference, then you're welcome to try. I won't try to stop you, and I won't fight you. I'll accept whatever you want, just .... just don't expect too much of me. I can't promise you that I'll be able to live up to those expectations."
"This isn't a conquest, Doctor." Jack tilted the Time Lord's face up to his, searching those fathomless dark eyes with his own. "This isn't about what I want. It's about what you want, and what you need. Just tell me what you need, sweetheart," he whispered, brushing away the Doctor's tears with his fingertips. "I'll try my best to make it happen."
"I don't know what I need," the Doctor whispered, his mouth trembling, more tears near the surface again. "Just .... be gentle with me. I-I've never had that. I'd like to know what it's like."
Jack nodded, feeling his own tears rise in the back of his throat, so close that he had to swallow hard to keep them back. The idea that the Doctor had lived for so many years -- so many centuries -- and had never known what it was like to be treated gently and lovingly broke his heart. He'd make this good for the other man, he vowed. Not only good. He'd make it perfect. The Doctor deserved no less than that.
He turned the Doctor onto his back, moving his own body closer to the Time Lord's, settling them both more comfortably against the pillows. Jack lowered his mouth to the Doctor's, his tongue teasing and exploring, coaxing the other man's mouth open to slip inside. The kiss was gentle, searching, their lips barely brushing at first, then meeting and clinging.
One hand was busy moving down the Doctor's body, stroking over velvety-soft skin, gently winding one small nipple, then the other; continuing down to the flat stomach, fingertips trailing over the Doctor's belly, tracing circles around his navel. Jack didn't want to touch the Time Lord's cock yet; there was plenty of time for that. His first priority was to relax the Doctor, gain his trust before he went any further.
Damn. He'd left the lube in his room. Jack turned the possibilities over in his mind. He could keep going without the aid of lubricant -- and if he did, he'd inevitably hurt the fragile man who was desperately trying to give him what he asked for. He couldn't risk that. There was nothing he could do but get up, go back to his room for the lube, and pray that the Doctor wouldn't panic, run and hide from him.
"Sweetheart ...." He bent to press another gentle kiss to the Time Lord's lips, cupping that beautiful face in both hands and gazing into the Doctor's dark eyes. "I have to run back to my room for just a few seconds, okay? I promise you, I'll be right back. I'm not going anywhere, Doctor. I'm coming right back to you. Don't run away from me, please."
The Doctor shook his head, his voice sounding weak and a little breathless. "Where would I go, Jack? I know the Tardis better than you do, obviously -- but there are only so many places I could hide, after all. If I ran, you'd eventually find me. Rest assured, I'm not going anywhere. Do what you have to do."
"I love you," Jack whispered, unable to resist kissing that luscious mouth again. "I'll be right back, I promise. I can't stay away from you for too long -- I'd go crazy. Count the seconds, sweetheart. It'll only be a few."
He slipped out of bed, going quickly to the door and turning back to look at the Doctor, lying there against the tumbled sheets. He wasn't moving, wasn't making any move to leave the bed. Jack let his eyes roam over that body once again before moving swiftly down the corridor to his room, fumbling for a few seconds in the drawer by his bed to retrieve the lube, and practically sprinting back to where the Doctor was waiting.
To his immense relief, the Time Lord was still there, motionless. He looked as though he hadn't moved a muscle since Jack had gotten out of bed. He settled himself beside the Doctor again, slipping one arm underneath the other man's body and bending to kiss him again before letting his hand continue the downward trek it had been on before he'd left the room.
"Forty-two," the Doctor whispered, his breath hot against Jack's skin.
"Forty-two?" Jack raised his head, brow furrowed. "Forty-two what? Is that a number I should know? You've lost me somewhere, Doctor."
"That was how many seconds you were gone," the Time Lord said softly, his dark eyes meeting Jack's. "You told me to count the seconds. I did -- and wondered through each and every one of them if you'd come back, or if you'd decided you didn't want me after all and that was your way of bowing out gracefully."
"Not want you?" Jack murmured against the other man's lips, reluctant to lift his mouth away. The Doctor tasted delicious; he couldn't get enough of kissing the Gallifreyan. His mouth was so soft, so yielding .... Jack almost thought he could lose himself in those gentle, teasing kisses and be content for the rest of his life. "There's no way I could ever not want you."
He reached for the bottle of lubricant that he'd set on the small table by the Doctor's bed when he returned; the Time Lord's eyes followed the movement of his hand, and Jack could feel the other man's muscles tensing again. He moved his free hand down the Doctor's body again, hoping to soothe whatever apprehension he was feeling. The Time Lord closed his eyes, looking away, a shudder moving through his body.
Jack frowned slightly, seeing the look of fear cross over the Doctor's features again. He silently cursed the Master; whatever he'd done to the Doctor in the past had been enough to terrify the Time Lord to the point where he couldn't seem to relax and enjoy anything sexual. Jack was determined to change that, if he could.
He coated two fingers with the thick, slippery lube, not hiding what he was doing from the Doctor. The other man didn't look at him; his body had gone rigid, his breathing shallow, as if he was waiting to be invaded, not pleasured. Jack leaned over him, lowering his mouth to the Doctor's nipples and flicking his tongue over one hard little bud. He was rewarded with a sharp gasp, the Time Lord's back arching up off the bed.
His unlubricated hand pushed the Doctor's thighs apart slowly, gently, not wanting to rush anything. The Doctor didn't resist, letting Jack spread his legs and stroke caressing fingers up and down the silken softness of his inner thighs. Jack kept up his teasing at the other man's sensitive nipples, wanting to keep the Doctor distracted in case there was a little bit of pain from the initial penetration.
Jack could feel the resistance, the tight ring of muscle clenching to keep his finger out. But he was patient; he could wait until the Doctor's body relaxed a little. He rubbed that finger slowly back and forth over the tiny, puckered hole, taking his time, moving his mouth up from the Doctor's chest to capture those lips with his own.
The Doctor moaned into his mouth, the muscles in his thighs flexing, his hips lifting off the bed. Jack kept up his relentless stroking, judging when the time was right to slip his finger into the other man. The Doctor gasped at the invasion, eyes flying open, his small, delicate hands clutching a handful of the sheets.
"Shhh, it's all right," Jack soothed him, raising his other hand to stroke the Doctor's tawny, damp hair back from his face. "I'm not going to hurt you, Doctor. Just relax, and think with your body, not your mind." His mouth started a downward trek again, a smile curving his lips at the thought of where he was heading.
He paused a moment at the apex of the Doctor's thighs, taking a deep breath and feasting his eyes on the sight of the Doctor's hardened cock. He'd wanted to do this since the first time he saw the Time Lord -- fall to his knees in front of the other man and worship his body with his lips and tongue. Another fantasy that was finally coming true.
Jack lapped at the tip, smiling again when he heard the Doctor's soft groan and felt the Time Lord's hands tangle in his hair. He'd finally found something that the Doctor would enjoy -- well, he hoped so, anyway. He let his tongue circle the head, wrapping his free hand around the base and trailing the flat of his tongue down the sensitive vein on the underside. Finally, taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and took the Doctor's cock into his mouth, deep-throating the Time Lord in one smooth motion.
The Doctor cried out Jack's name, his hips raising off the bed. The immortal sensed that it was the right time to slip another finger inside the Time Lord, eliciting another cry from the Doctor -- this time, more of a pained sound than one of pleasure. Jack immediately raised his head, looking up at the Doctor with a worried expression.
"It burns," the Gallifreyan gasped, squeezing his eyes closed and shaking his head. "I-I think I'm too tight for both fingers, Jack."
Jack shook his head, smoothing the Doctor's hair back from his face and looking down at him lovingly. His fingers crooked inside the Doctor, stroking across his prostate, making the other man squirm and gasp, eyes widening as he stared up at the immortal. Jack spoke softly, lovingly, his words meant to soothe and reassure.
"No, sweetheart, you're not too tight. You're just scared, and that's natural. Try to relax, okay? I'm not going to hurt you, I'm not going to do anything you don't want. If it hurts too much, I'll stop, I promise. Moan if you want to, scream, say anything. Let me know how it feels. Tell me if it's good, or if it hurts you. Talk to me, let it out."
As he spoke, he kept moving his fingers inside the other man, watching the Doctor's face intently. If this was causing the Time Lord pain, he didn't want to think about what it would feel like to the other man when Jack's cock pushed into his body. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt the Doctor, but some pain would be inevitable. Jack just hoped it would only be a temporary pain, soon forgotten in the pleasure that would follow.
But the Doctor didn't look as though he was in pain; his head was thrown back, his lips parted, cheeks flushed, soft moans coming from his throat. He'd never looked so beautiful, Jack thought to himself, unable to resist reaching out a hand to stroke his fingertips down the side of the Doctor's face. To his surprise, the Time Lord turned his head, pressing his lips against Jack's palm, leaning into the soft caress.
The walls were coming down, Jack told himself, his heart leaping in his chest. Not only coming down -- crumbling to pieces before his eyes. He was seeing the Doctor as he'd always wanted to; wanton, abandoned, focused on the here and now, not on some phantom fears that had controlled him for far too long. He'd finally broken through.
It was now or never; if he didn't take the Doctor while the other man was at this receptive point, then he might run behind those walls again, build them back up in a flash. Jack shifted his position, pushing the Doctor's legs up a little as he carefully eased his fingers out of the other man's body. He himself was pulsing, aching, almost painfully aroused by his desire for the man lying underneath him. A desire that he was about to fulfill.
The Doctor whimpered softly as Jack's cock pressed against his entrance, squeezing his eyes shut. Jack bent down to cover the Time Lord's mouth with his own at the same moment that he pushed his hips forward, entering the Doctor in one quick thrust, wrapping his arms around the fragile body and pulling the other man close against him, praying that the initial pain would only last a few seconds.
A shudder went through that thin body, a gasp torn from the Time Lord's throat as his body arched against Jack's. His thin arms wrapped around the immortal's neck, clinging to him, his hips pushing into Jack's thrusts. Jack kept up a steady rhythm, holding the Doctor close against his own body, feeling those dual heartbeats speeding up under his own.
It was ending all too soon; Jack could feel his orgasm spiralling upwards, his body starting to shake with the first spasms. The Doctor was moaning and gasping in his arms, crying out Jack's name, his nails digging into flesh. Jack hadn't expected quite that kind of a reaction -- but at least the Doctor wasn't holding back.
He looked down at the other man just as the Doctor reached his climax; the Doctor cried out his name again, clutching at his shoulders, his eyes squeezing closed and his body arching up into Jack's. He couldn't take his eyes from the Gallifreyan; he'd never seen the Doctor look so utterly beautiful, so .... so sensual.
And this man was his. His to hold, to kiss, to love for the rest of eternity. Forever.
His own orgasm was almost anticlimactic; he'd been concentrating so hard on pleasuring the Doctor that he hadn't thought about his own needs. He spilled into the other man, gasping, his arms tightening around the Time Lord's slender waist. Spent, he collapsed on top of the Doctor, dimly realizing that the Doctor was stroking his hair.
"That was ...." The Doctor had to stop and clear his throat; his voice was husky, the words sounding thick in his throat. "That was .... incredible. I don't think I have words to describe it. Anything I said wouldn't even come close to being accurate."
Jack rested his head on th Time Lord's shoulder for a few moments before slowly easing himself out of the Doctor; turning onto his side and pulling the other man's limp body into his arms. "I don't have any words for it myself," he admitted softly, tilting the Doctor's face up to his and pressing a kiss against those soft, warm lips. "The only word that even comes close is .... perfect. It was perfect. You're perfect."
"Far from it," the Doctor whispered, closing his eyes and turning his head on the pillow to look at Jack. "But if you'd like to think that I am, I won't argue with you. I'm too tired to argue about anything at the moment. Tired, but .... happy. A good kind of tired."
"As long as it was good, that's the most important thing," Jack murmured, tracing the outline of the Time Lord's heart-shaped upper lip with a gentle fingertip. "That's what this is all about, you know. I wanted to make this good for you -- so you wouldn't be afraid of me any longer. So you'd know there was no reason to be afraid."
"It worked." The Doctor's voice was barely audible, but Jack could hear the words loud and clear. His hand found the Doctor's and twined their fingers together, squeezing gently. Those words were all that he needed to hear; as long as this had been good for the Time Lord, then he'd succeed in everything he'd wanted to do.
"No more walls," Jack said softly. "No more separations. From now on, we're together. In every way, Doctor. I won't have it any differently."
"Neither will I, Jack." The Doctor's eyes fastened on his, holding his gaze. He couldn't look away from that intent stare; it was as if the Time Lord was staring into his very soul. "I've been a fool, haven't I? Turning away from the one person who I should have been running towards. All this time I've made us waste because I was being stupid."
"You weren't being stupid, sweetheart." Jack's voice was gentle, his thumb tracing over the Time Lord's soft lips. "You were scared, and given what's been done to you in the past, I don't blame you. Anybody would've been afraid. It took a lot of strength for you to let this happen tonight. If I was in your place, I don't know if I'd have been able to."
"No, it didn't." The Doctor shook his head, sighing softly. "I just gave in. I knew that I would have to, eventually -- if I wanted to keep you with me."
"Are you glad you did?" Jack almost held his breath as he waited for the Doctor's response.
"Yes, of course I am." The Time Lord smiled, resting soft fingertips against Jack's cheek. "I wish that I'd given in when we first met. Things would have been so much easier for us if I had. We wouldn't have been playing these silly guessing games with each other."
"No more games," Jack said softly, closing his eyes and pulling the Doctor close. "From now on, it's me and you. Nothing to come between us, nothing to take us away from each other. Remember that, Doctor. We belong to each other now. There's no going back. We're bound to each other." He paused, swallowing hard before he whispered a final word. "Forever."
"Forever," the Doctor echoed, closing his eyes and relaxing in Jack's arms. Moments later, he'd fallen into a deep, dreamless sleep, secure in Jack's arms. The immortal lay there for a long time, contemplating the twists and turns of fate that had brought him to this place in time, before he, too, finally slept.***
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