Title: Warm Aspirations
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Rating: R
Table: 3, 50ficlets
Prompt: 8, Bed
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto looked over the carefully arranged bedroom with satisfaction. Yes, everything was the way he wanted it; now he just had to keep the Doctor away from their bedroom until he could lead the Time Lord into the room according to his plans.
He'd been planning this all day; he wanted to seduce the Doctor, tease him until he was begging Ianto to take him -- then bring him to their bedroom, with candles burning, soft music, and the large, comfortable bed with its silk sheets waiting for them.
Ianto's gaze rested on that bed, his heart quickening at the thought of what the two of them would soon be doing in that expanse of midnight blue silk. The bed certainly looked inviting; he couldn't imagine the Doctor not wanting to sink into it.
All he himself wanted was to have the Doctor in his arms, letting his hands roam over that slender body, his fingertips touching the velvety softness of the Time Lord's skin, tasting the sweetness of those parted lips, feeling those dual heartbeats next to his own ....
He swallowed hard, closing his eyes. His imagination was getting away with him; if he wasn't careful, he'd end up moving to that bed and falling into it by himself, giving in to his fantasies about making love to the Doctor rather than actually doing it!
He could just imagine the two of them sinking into that expanse of indigo silk, the paleness of the Time Lord's skin standing out starkly against that dark background. He wanted to feast his eyes on that beautiful body, take in the other man's every movement, every expression.
Ianto crossed the room to the large bed, smoothing down an imaginary wrinkle in the dark blue coverlet. His hand lingered on the silken softness; it was so tempting, so seductive. He wanted to lie down on that softness, to bury himself in it.
But no, he wasn't going to do that. He had plans for this bed -- and he wasn't going to disturb that pristine smoothness until he could lower the Doctor onto those cool silken sheets and undress him slowly, exposing the pale silk of the Time Lord's flesh.
His heartbeats were quickening again, just thinking about how it would feel to slowly peel the Doctor's clothes away from his skin, to see every curve of that gorgeous body revealed, to know that the Doctor wanted him just as much as he wanted the other man --
Ianto firmly stopped his thoughts in their tracks, moving away from the soft temptation of the bed. He wanted to be in that bed, but he wanted the Doctor to be with him; he hadn't set all of this up for his own satisfaction, but for the Time Lord's pleasure.
He couldn't keep a smile from his face at the thought. Well, that wasn't quite true -- it was for his pleasure as well as his lover's. This would be a night that both of them would enjoy, and that they would both remember for a long time -- he intended to make sure of that.
What would the Doctor think of this little surprise? The Time Lord had always liked it when Ianto let the more romantic side of himself come out; he had no doubt that the other man would appreciate it. He hadn't shown that side often enough lately.
Why was that? Ianto asked himself with a slight frown. He didn't really have an answer; it just seemed as though they had been rushing here and there, with little time to relax and enjoy themselves. That was another thing Ianto intended to remedy.
If he could, he would make love to the Doctor every moment of every day, he told himself, smiling at the thought. But of course, that wasn't possible. His human body had limitations, even if the Doctor's body didn't share them.
Even if they couldn't make love as much as Ianto would like for them to, this night would be special. There was no particular reason why; he simply wanted to take the Doctor to bed for a memorable night that they would be able to look back on.
He would treasure this night for the rest of his life, Ianto thought, his eyes sweeping around the room again. He hadn't done anything like this in all the time that he'd been with the Doctor; this time would be the first of many.
He needed to let his romantic side take front and center more often; he was sure that the Doctor would enjoy it, and it would bring them closer together. Not that they weren't closer than he'd ever been with any other lover already, but he wanted to be closer still.
He wanted to sink into the Doctor, to lose himself in the other man. He wanted to give up his heart and soul to this man in every way, not only when they made love, but every moment of his life. He wanted them to not only make love -- but to be love.
All right, so maybe it was a lofty goal to try and reach, Ianto thought as he turned away to head for the control room and find the Doctor. Had anyone else ever wanted to be like this with their lover? These kinds of warm aspirations couldn't belong to himself alone.
It was a goal that he was sure the two of them could achieve -- even though it would take a lot of lovemaking to reach that point, he said to himself with a soft laugh. And he intended to get the Doctor into bed to start working on that as soon as possible.***
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