Title: Warm Love
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Rating: R
Table: 25fluffyfics
Prompt: 25, Writer's Choice - Snuggle
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"It's chilly in here," Ianto complained as he stripped out of his clothes. "I know you're used to a cooler temperature than I am, but could we keep it a bit warmer?" He looked over at the Doctor, who was already stripped to the skin and heading for bed.
The Time Lord pulled back the covers of their bed and slipped beneath them, focusing his attention on his young lover as he spoke. "Of course we can," he said, holding out his arms to Ianto with a smile. "Come here, sweetheart, I'll get you warm."
Ianto didn't need any more encouragement than that; he moved quickly across the room, getting into bed beside the Doctor and drawing the covers up around them. "Body heat can work wonders, you know," he said with a smile as he slid his arms around the other man.
"Even though my body temperature is a bit lower than yours, I think I'm still capable of keeping you fairly warm," the Doctor told him with a laugh, settling into Ianto's arms. The young man shifted his position so he was lying on his back, sighing contentedly.
"Snuggling in bed with you is far different than than it is with anyone else," he said softly, running gentle fingers through the Doctor's hair. "I don't feel as though it's just a prelude to sex, or that I have to prove my manhood in some way."
"Did other people make you feel like that?" The Doctor frowned slightly, leaning his head back against Ianto's shoulder to look up at his lover's face. "I don't feel that you have to 'prove' anything, Ianto. I just enjoy being together like this."
"So do I,' Ianto said with another soft sigh. "But most people seem to think that any time two people are naked and they get close, sex always has to follow. Not that I don't want to have sex with you, but .... sometimes it's nice to just be close."
"I agree," the Doctor said, turning slightly in Ianto's embrace and wrapping his own arms around the other man's waist. "I never got this very often in the past, you now. And in some of my bodies, I wasn't exactly a very sexual being."
"Why not?" Ianto asked, genuinely curious as to what the Time Lord had been like in his past. "Was it because you just didn't feel the need, or because you hadn't found the right person? Or were you just too busy thinking of other things?"
The Doctor laughed softly, shaking his head. "A combination of all three reasons, I think -- besides the fact that in some of those bodies, I, errr, wasn't very attractive." He was blushing now, a pink flush rising in his pale cheeks.
"No, you weren't," Ianto said, joining in the Doctor's soft laughter. "But you were also a different man then. You're certainly very attractive now." He ran a hand appreciatively down the slender curve of the Doctor's back, resting his hand on the Time Lord's hip.
"Not so different in some ways." The Doctor sobered, his expression serious. "I'm essentially the same man, even when I regenerate. I have the same memories, and some of the same feelings. There are just new personality traits added to who I am."
"But you aren't the same person," Ianto said, the words as much of a question as a statement. He had a hard time wrapping his head around the fact that the Doctor changed, but stayed somewhat the same. The concept simply didn't make sense to him.
The Time Lord sighed again before slowly shaking his head. "No, I'm not. I become a different man in so many ways. And of course, I look completely different." He looked down, as though his gaze was taking in his own body. "I don't want to lose this body. I like it."
"I don't want you to, either," Ianto said softly, taking the Doctor's hand and twining his own fingers with the Time Lord's. "So we'll have to be careful to keep you out of danger and be sure that you have this body for a long, long time to come."
The Doctor smiled, snuggling against him and pressing his face against Ianto's shoulder. The young man closed his eyes, reveling in the Time Lord's nearness, the scent of his skin, the feel of holding the man he loved in his arms.
He was certainly thoroughly warm now, basking in the warmth of the Doctor's love, he told himself with an inner smile. There was something about snuggling under blankets with the Doctor that could banish any thought of cold from his mind -- and from his body, as well.
Judging from his body's reactions to being naked next to the Doctor, not only was he completely warm now, but there were other thoughts in his mind -- thoughts that had transmitted themselves to his body and were speaking very loudly and clearly.
The Doctor, as though reading those thoughts, turned over onto his stomach, almost draping himself across Ianto's body. He propped his chin on his young lover's chest, smiling up at him, a devilish gleam in these beautiful deep brown eyes.
"You know, I believe that you might be thinking the same thing I am," the Time Lord breathed, his voice low and husky. Ianto knew what was on his mind when he adopted that tone, and he couldn't deny that his own thoughts were heading in the same direction.
"I think I might agree with you," Ianto murmured, his blue-grey gaze locking with the Doctor's. He watched as the Time Lord lazily rolled over onto his back; he couldn't take his eyes from that body, the body he loved more than any other.
Within moments, their positions had changed; he was on top of the Doctor, straddling the other man and looking down at him. Reaching up to grasp those slender wrists, Ianto held the Doctor's arms above his head, bending down to press a kiss to those softly parted lips.
The time for sweet snuggling was over; they were both ready for more than that. Ianto's senses were whirling, demanding that he take the Doctor here and now with no ceremony. But he wasn't going to do that; he liked taking things slowly and prolonging the pleasure for them both.
Besides, he told himself sternly, there was always time for more snuggling, more caresses, more warmth. He wrapped his arms around the Time Lord's waist, lowering his head to the other man's chest, his sharp teeth nipping at first one tender nipple, then the other.
Ianto smiled to himself as he heard the Doctor moan softly and felt that slender body shiver in his arms; it gave him a feeling of power, almost of invincibility, to know that he was able to give someone like the Time Lord this much physical pleasure.
And it was far from over, he said to himself as his lips began to travel downward. He abandoned the thought of snuggling, letting his mind take over and point him towards further realms of pleasure, knowing that the Doctor would follow wherever he decided to lead.***
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