Title: Where You Lead
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: 5
Prompt: 48, Treachery
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"We're going to have to be very careful until we know just what we're going into, Ianto," the Doctor warned his lover, looking over at the younger man. "I know that you've had to deal with the Master before, but .... this is a bit different."
"How is it different?" Ianto asked, raising a brow in question. "It seems to me that every time we go after him, it's a situation that doesn't very all that much from the last one. He's always got some grandiose plan to take over the world in some way."
The Doctor sighed, shaking his head. "I know it seems that way, love," he said quietly. "But this time, I think it's more than that. He seems to have gathered a lot of followers -- even more than he did when he was under the Harold Saxon guise."
"And you're worried that they could catch us or stop us?" Ianto's brow furrowed; he'd thought of that possibility himself, of course, but the only solution he'd managed to come up with was that he and the Doctor would have to be even more on guard than they usually were.
"It's not just that." The Doctor sighed, looking down at his hands clasped in his lap. "This time, those followers he has aren't familiar. I don't know what we're dealing with."
Ianto nodded, swallowing audibly. He knew that it would be more difficult to track the Master on such unfamiliar terrain; he'd been in that sort of situation before, and he really wasn't looking forward to going out of the Tardis and putting their lives on the line.
But he wasn't going to turn back. He'd pledged himself to the Doctor, in every possible way; he wasn't going to let his lover face whatever might be waiting alone. He would be right there beside the Time Lord, fighting the Master right along with him.
"I can't help but wonder if they know about his reputation in the galaxy," he murmured, wondering if the Doctor had thought of that. "The Master isn't exactly known for being generous, even to those who help him with his plans."
The Time Lord smiled wryly, shaking his head. "He's always been able to recruit followers, even though he's one of the most treacherous beings there is. I've never been able to understand why others follow him so easily. It's not as though he really has much to offer."
This time, it was Ianto's turn to shake his head. He knew just why the Master was able to coerce people into following him, and believing in his empty promises.
"He has a charisma that people respond to," he said softly, not looking over at the Doctor. "He's able to turn on the charm when he wants to, and it's hard to see behind the dazzle of that front he puts up. There've been a lot of humans who were able to do the same thing."
The Doctor sighed and looked down at the floor, his hands dangling limply, as though he didn't quite know what to do with them. "You're right," he admitted, his tone sounding discouraged. "Even when we were young, he always had the charm to convince people to believe in him."
"You have that same kind of charisma," Ianto told him, getting up and going to kneel in front of his lover, taking the Time Lord's hands in his own. "You know that there are so many people who would follow you anywhere, and give up their lives for you."
"Too many people have already done that, Ianto," the Doctor whispered, his dark eyes lifting to gaze into his boyfriend's face. "I don't know how many people have died because they chose to follow me, but it's been far too many. I don't want that to happen again."
"I don't either," Ianto told him, his heart aching for the guilt he knew that the Doctor must be feeling. "But I'm one of those people who would follow you and give my life for you."
"You're different, Ianto." The Doctor sighed softly, managing a small smile. "You love me. There's a huge difference between the love you and I share and whatever allegiance others might feel towards me. You'd do things for me that I'd never ask of anyone else."
"And you've never asked them of me, either," Ianto countered, squeezing his lover's hands gently. "I've followed you without question because I believe in you. And that's why others do it, too. They believe in you -- and in what you stand for."
"No one should have to give their lives for a cause that isn't theirs," the Doctor muttered, shaking his head. "If it's something they believe in deeply, then I can understand the sacrifice -- but too many have died because I've made mistakes."
"You're not infallible, love," Ianto said softly, wishing that he could take the Time Lord into his arms, but knowing that this wasn't the right time for such a gesture. "People choose to follow you. You don't talk them into it. And you don't make false promises like the Master."
"I suppose you're right," the Doctor sighed, finally looking up again. Ianto leaned forward when their eyes met, brushing his lips gently against the softness of the Doctor's mouth.
"Of course I'm right," he whispered, standing up and pulling the Doctor to his feet along with him. After only a moment's hesitation, Ianto threw caution to the winds and wrapped his arms around the Time Lord's slim waist, holding him close.
He had to resist the urge to bury his face against the Doctor's hair, to clutch the other man to him as though he was some sort of lifeline. This might be the last time they ever had a chance to embrace like this, the last time they would look into each other's eyes.
No, Ianto told himself firmly, pushing that thought away. He wasn't going to think like that. To think of defeat at the Master's hands could be self-fulfilling prophecy. The Doctor had always triumphed over the Master, and he would this time, too.
This time, the Doctor wasn't alone. He had a man by his side who not only his companion, but his lover, his soul mate. Ianto couldn't help but think that their relationship made the Doctor stronger, in all the ways that counted in his battles against the Master.
Nothing was going to make him forsake the Doctor. Nothing could pull him away from this man's side. He'd made his choice, and he was sticking to it -- for all of his life, and beyond.
No kind of treachery, no promise that anyone else made, could tear him away from the love of his life. As sentimental as it might sound to others, Ianto knew where he belonged. He'd known it from the first time he'd looked into those fathomless dark eyes.
As though the Doctor could read his thoughts, the Time Lord lifted his head to gaze into his young lover's eyes, a slight smile on his lips. "Thank you, love," he whispered, blinking, his eyes suspiciously moist. "I won't forget that. Ever."
"You don't honestly think that anything could change my feelings for you -- or the decision that I've made to be by your side, do you?" Ianto answered, his voice barely audible. "You have me for eternity, Doctor. You've had me from the very first look."
"You know how treacherous he can be, Ianto -- probably almost as well as I do. And you know that we're going into this with no one behind us -- only the two of us against him," the Time Lord warned him, looking sober. "This isn't going to be an easy battle."
"I don't expect it to be," Ianto told his lover, his voice strong and resolute. "Lead the way, Doctor. I'll follow wherever you lead." As though to prove his point, he tightened his arms around the other man's waist, emphasizing the fact that they were together, bonded physically and emotionally.
"I don't deserve you, Ianto Jones," the Doctor said softly, raising a hand to stroke Ianto's cheek. "But I've never been so grateful in my life to have someone by my side." He pulled away slightly from Ianto's warm embrace, heading for the door of the Tardis.
Ianto took a deep breath, following his lover to the door of the ship. This was it; they would have to face the Master on his chosen ground soon, and he had no idea what was going to happen .All that he could do was stand by his love, and hope that they would prevail.***
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