Title: Wicked Smile
By: Azulsky
Pairing: Doctor/Jack
Rating: PG-13
A/N: Just a quick thing I wrote one day and realized that I had someone on the mind, even though I didn't mean to.
Summary: It's in his wicked smile I see the universe. Ficlet.***
It's in his wicked smile I see the universe.He smiles at the dawn like its night coming to grant him a good dream and walks each step with a purpose towards a new goal. One he doesn't know yet, but he's willing to trust his feet to guide him swiftly towards it.
He trusts nothing more than his feet. Neither I nor the coming sun, though he wishes to. Each day is his first of his lasts hopes. He does not know if I'll be there tomorrow.
His smile carries the rapids of the universe, but he cannot slow the tempo of the flow. He only knows where it is going, not how to stop it, yet still he tries to walk forward. Each step he takes I take as well, at least I try. It is so hard. He's a man that does not fear to tread where feet have not fallen before his own. It is difficult for mine to follow his. The one thing he does trust of me is there will come a day I will not be there in the morning sun, and he will be tossed into the wake a nightmare. He's a silly man with a fleeting smile. He still hasn't grasped that even when I've gone and can no more feel the wind and sun in my hair; I'll still be taking his steps with him, even if he can't hear the echo of my footfalls.
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