Title: Work of Art
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 10
Prompt: 39, Body Paint
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"This is going to be interesting to play with," Ianto murmured, picking up the tube of body paint that he'd bought the last time he and the Doctor were on Earth and looking down at the Time Lord. "I'll be able to test my artistic skills."
"Oh?" The Doctor raised his eyebrows, looking amused. "I had no idea that you had artistic aspirations, Ianto! By all means, use my body as a canvas." The Time Lord lay back on the pillows, stretching his lean body and smiling invitingly at his lover.
"I intend to," Ianto murmured, his breath catching in his throat as he looked at the other man. For just a moment, he had the urge to toss the bottle of body paint aside and take the Doctor into his arms. He wanted to make love, not play with paints.
But this would be marvelous foreplay, he told himself as he popped open the cap of the bottle. Though he really had no idea where to start. He let his eyes roam over the slender pale body exposed to his gaze, his eyes taking in what would be his "canvas."
The bright pink body paint would look odd on that pale flesh, he told himself, smiling at the thought. But it would wash off easily -- and he looked forward to having the Doctor in the shower after the paint had been applied.
Ianto squeezed some of the paint onto the small piece of paper he'd torn from a notebook, taking a deep breath as he considered merely dipping a finger into it and drawing designs on the Doctor's body. But no, that wouldn't achieve the effect he wanted.
Picking up the brush that had come with the paint, he dipped it into the paint, then leaned over the man lying beneath him. He could feel the Doctor's muscles tighten, hear the breath catch in the Time Lord's throat as he waited for what Ianto was going to do.
The young man swirled the paint-filled brush around the Doctor's nipple, a smile curving his lips as the tender pink bud hardened almost immediately. He knew how sensitive the Time Lord's nipples were, which was why he'd started with that particular area.
Ianto worked silently for a few moments, dipping the brush into the paint repeatedly as he did so. In a short time, there were several pink flower petals around the Doctor's nipple, stretching a short way across his chest.
The Time Lord looked down, a smile quirking his lips as he took in Ianto's work. "I had no idea that you could draw, love," he said softly, glancing up at his lover. "That's really quite good. You could have been the next Van Gogh."
"No, I don't think so," Ianto laughed, reaching for one of the other tubes of body paint he'd bought in that interesting little sex shop. "I have no intention of going mad, or of cutting off an ear. I don't think you'd appreciate the aesthetics of that, either."
The Doctor shook his head, laughing softly. "No, I like you with both ears intact," he murmured, reaching out to smooth a few strands of Ianto's hair back from his face. "I wouldn't want you to lop one of them off in the interests of art."
Ianto laughed, shaking his head. "I don't intend to lose an ear -- or any other body part. You can rest assured of that," he said, busy with painting a purple flower around the Time Lord's other nipple. The Doctor lay back, closing his eyes and sighing.
"Do you realise how hard it is not to squirm when you're teasing my nipples like that?" he asked, his voice soft and husky. "I know you need me to be still, but I'm not sure how much longer I can do it with that brush tickling me. You're driving me mad."
Ianto leaned forward, bowing his head to press a soft kiss to the soft skin just below the Doctor's navel. "There's more to come, Doctor, " he whispered, lifting his head to look up at the othe rman, a devilish smile curving his lips. "Should I tie you down?"
The Time Lord shook his head, a rueful laugh coming from him. "No, you don't have to do that," he told the young man, his dark eyes sparkling with mirth. "Though I'll warn you -- your creation might be a bit smudged if I can't keep myself still."
"I don't think that's going to matter," Ianto murmured as he sat back on his heels, regarding the flowers he'd painted on the Time Lord's chest. "I intend to get into the shower afterwards -- to wash all this paint off. It's too bad I didn't think of getting the flavoured kind ...."
"We can go back and get some of that later," the Doctor said softly, closing his eyes as Ianto's gentle fingertips stroked down his stomach. He couldn't suppress a slight shiver, his back arching as Ianto's hand moved lower.
The young man reached for the third tube of paint, this one a brilliant green. "There's still a bit of this painting left to do," he whispered, his eyes on the Doctor's face. "If you think you can bear to let me keep doing this for a while longer, that is."
The Doctor nodded, opening his eyes and smiling up at Ianto. "Yes, I can," he murmured, watching as his lover uncapped the tube of paint and squeezed some of it into his palm before coating the brush with color. "It's going to be interesting to see the finished product."
"Oh, it will indeed," Ianto assured him, working with the brush and the green paint. Within a few minutes' time, there was a trailing green vine, complete with a few leaves, working its way down the front of the Time Lord's slim body.
The Doctor was obviously trying to control his squirming as Ianto carefully extended the vines and leaves around his navel, but he was having a hard time of it. Finally, the young man sat back on his heels again, shaking an admonitory finger at his lover.
"Now, Doctor, don't wiggle!" He bent over the Time Lord again, holding back a laugh as he drew a large green leaf onto the tender skin just above the base of the other man's penis, coloring it in with the bright green paint slowly and carefully.
By the time he was done, the Doctor was literally holding his breath; Ianto looked up at him inquiringly as he released that breath, gulping in air and closing his eyes. "Doctor? Are you all right?" he asked, a slight frown creasing his brow.
The Doctor nodded, looking down at himself and raising an eyebrow. "I'm fine, love," he said, raising his gaze to meet Ianto's. "I didn't want to breathe while you were working, in case I started squirming and disturbing an artist at his craft."
"Hardly an artist," Ianto said with a laugh. "But it does look quite good, doesn't it?" He moved from the bed, standing up and going to the dresser to pick up his camera. "I've got to get a picture of this, Doctor. I hope you don't mind."
"Take all the pictures you like!" the Time Lord told him, laying back closing his eyes. Ianto raised the camera to his face, laughing as the Doctor half-turned onto his side and rested one hand on his hip in a provocative pose.
"You're a beautiful work of art all on your own, you know, without the paint," Ianto said softly, lowering the camera and letting his eyes roam over the Doctor's nude body. "I don't think I've made you look any better than you already do."
Was it his imagination, or was the Doctor actually blushing? Ianto couldn't keep back a smile at the thought. "Thank you, love," the Time Lord murmured, rolling over onto his back and shading his face with one hand, as though to hide the telltale blush.
"Is this going to end up being a modeling session?" the young man teased, lowering the camera as he questioned his lover. "I wouldn't mind, but I have a few other ideas for spending our time. We have to get that paint off now that it's been immortalized in pictures."
"And how do you intend to do that?" the Doctor queried, looking down at his body again. "It seems a shame to wash all of this off. It's really very pretty," he mused, sitting up gingerly. "But it obviously can't stay on me for a long time."
"Oh, I thought we might get into the shower together," Ianto told him, holding out his hand as the Time Lord got to his feet. "I'll turn on the hot water .... and lather soap all over that beautiful body ...." His voice sank to a whisper as he moved closer to the Doctor, their gazes meeting.
"That sounds like a good way to get rid of the paint," the Time Lord murmured, his voice suddenly much huskier than it had been only a few moments ago. "I think we should get started on that right away. You can always paint me again later."
"Your wish is, as always, my command," Ianto said, making an exaggerated bow in front of his lover. He slid an arm around the Doctor's waist as they headed out of the bedroom, making their way in the direction of the shower with eager steps.***
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