Title: Show Me Your Soul
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 3, 50ficlets
Prompt: 6, Soul
Author's note: Slight spoilers for the Torchwood episode Countrycide.
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Who else had seen the Doctor like this? Ianto thought as he looked down at the man under him. The Doctor's eyes were wide with desire, his cheeks flushed, hair disheveled, his lips slightly parted. Ianto had never seen his lover look so desirable.
There had been countless people who'd seen the Time Lord in this kind of position, the young man told himself, but very few to see him like this since he'd been in this particular body. In fact, he would be willing to bet that there were only two men who ever had.
Himself and Jack. They were the only ones who could possibly have been privileged to see the Doctor in such a state of lust. As far as he knew, the Time Lord hadn't had any other lovers since he'd been in this body, unless there were some one-night stands he didn't know about.
That didn't matter, Ianto told himself firmly as he pressed his hips forward, eliciting a moan from the Time Lord's lips. One-night stands meant nothing.
Besides, people who only lasted for one night and were forgotten just as quickly as they'd come into the Doctor's life didn't see his soul. They only saw the outer man, not the beautiful soul that lived under the trappings of a body that was equally as attractive.
Those people wouldn't even appreciate the Doctor for who he was, Ianto thought, gazing down into the Time Lord's dark eyes, taking in the expression on his lover's face. All they would see was the face and the body, not the inner man who they belonged to.
They wouldn't even look for the real man under the surface, he thought, and that was a pity. The Doctor deserved to be loved for who he was, not merely for the way he looked on the outside. He wondered if anyone had ever loved the Time Lord in that way.
He was sure that no one had, at least not in this body. He knew that Jack hadn't, though the immortal might have glimpsed parts of the Doctor's soul when they'd been together.
Or had he seen the Time Lord's soul, naked and exposed in the same way that Ianto did? The young man felt his heart clench at the thought; he knew how close Jack and the Doctor had been. It was entirely possible that Jack had seen what he did now.
That was over, Ianto told himself, pushing the thought away. The Doctor wasn't with Jack now; the Time Lord was with him. The two of them were soul mates, sharing a bond that the Doctor had never let himself form with anyone else.
The Doctor moaned out his name, arching under him, his slender body pressing against Ianto's. The younger man let out a soft gasp, his eyes widening as they searched the Doctor's face. He could swear that he was seeing more of his lover than he ever had before.
There was something so .... so open about the Time Lord's gaze. As though Ianto was looking right through him, seeing into the very essence of his being.
"Show me your soul, Doctor," he breathed, lowering his head to brush a kiss against his lover's lips. "I want to see all of you. No barriers, nothing between us. I want to see everything that you are and will ever be. I want to lose myself in you."
"My soul is yours," the Doctor whispered, his dark gaze locking with Ianto's. "It always has been, from the moment I first saw you." He gasped, the flow of words stopping as Ianto thrust into him again, his long, slender fingers tightening on his boyfriend's shoulders.
"And mine belongs to you," Ianto murmured, his lips against the Doctor's throat. "It always has and always will." His hips were rocking against the Doctor's now, his eyes riveted to the Time Lord's face. He wanted to take in every fleeting expression on his lover's features.
He could swear that he almost saw the Doctor's soul shining out of those dark eyes, drawing his gaze inexorably to the Time Lord and not letting him look away.
Ianto couldn't look away from those eyes, the dark fathomless pools drawing him in. He was sinking into the Doctor, losing his hold on the world around him, melting into the man beneath him who he was thrusting into so passionately ....
A cry burst from his throat as his orgasm rushed through him, sending a series of shudders throughout his body. The Doctor moaned his name again, those slim hips bucking up against his own, the other man's body trembling in his arms as the Doctor, too, found his release.
Ianto managed to prop himself up on one elbow, trying to catch his breath and looking into his lover's face. Now more than ever, he could feel that he was looking into the Time Lord's soul -- and that his own heart and soul were visible to the other man.
He reached out with a trembling hand to push a few errant strands of hair back from the Doctor's face, bowing his head as he did so to kiss the other man. This had been not only a joining of their bodies, but their very souls -- a bonding that he knew would only grow stronger with time.***
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