Previous part of Heart and Soul.
***Warning*** Chapter contains description of torture and aftermath of torture.
Day One - Late Afternoon.
Ianto sat his back up against a tree, trying to calm his mind. Something was wrong, he should have been able to make some kind of contact, but there was nothing not even in the tiniest sense. He thought it was just tiredness but he knew that was not it. Every moment since they had arrived he had tried to make contact. Every time he failed it just made the sense of wrongness grow.
Where Jack should be there was only emptiness. He paused because it was so difficult to quantify what he was sensing into words. Then he realized that something essential that made Jack who he was gone. He felt a tremor and the ring knew it to and he closed his eyes and reached out again and he took a deep breath. All he could sense was a terrible hollowness where Jack should be. He took the offered water pouch from Owen and took a drink.
"How far have we come?" Owen asked as he saw John fiddle with his wrist strap.
"Fourteen miles," John told him his face long with fatigue.
"Hours to sunset?" Owen asked as he took back the water pouch and took a drink himself.
"Two," John told him.
"Ten more minutes," John said.
"Something's wrong," Ianto said standing and moving over to John. "With Jack."
"Well yeah," Owen said. "That goes without saying, I don't think Gray's gonna hold back is he with the ..." he stopped as he saw the look on Ianto's face.
"Try again Ianto, your bond is so new it may just need to attune," John told him. "Jack's not wearing the ring; it might mean we have to get closer."
"You don't understand, regardless of distance I should have a knowing of him, don't ask me how I know this, I just do. I've tried and tried, there nothing there, he's gone," he told him and saw Owen began to say something but John raised his hand.
"Gone like dead?" John asked him and saw him shake his head.
"He's there physically, I know that it's Jack. Who Jack is, is gone." He said getting more frustrated as he tried to explain.
Owen listened as he tried to get a handle on the conversation as Ianto explained further.
"It's like some essential element of who Jack is, is missing. I can't explain it but all I can get is this hollow feeling." He closed his eyes. "It's like his essence has been stripped away," he cursed his own inability to explain.
Taking Ianto's hand Owen examined the ring on his thumb. "I think I get this Ianto, you're somehow bonded to Jack," he said and he saw Ianto nod. "Well that explains the congratulations," he added. "How does this work then, is it telepathic, empathic, can you talk directly to each other is that what you're trying to do?" he asked quickly.
"Sort of empathic, as the relationship grows the rings attune each partner to the other, you have a sort of knowing of each other," Ianto struggled to explain.
John interjected," The rings are old, very old. They belong to some long forgotten culture. No one recalls who they were all that remains of them is the tales of the bonding rings they forged. All sorts of stories exist around what powers those who are fortunate to wear them can access. The point is we don't know their full capability, at best we were hoping we could send a message like 'Now' as we got closer. However their most basic function, from what Jack told me was their ability to connect each bonded partner at all times on some level."
Owen interjected," It's like knowing you have a leg. You don't have to think about your leg at all times it's there as part of you. However if something happened you would instantly know it if was numb or missing," and he saw Ianto nod.
"That's exactly how it feels like I know part of me is missing," Ianto told them relived they now understood.
"However," John continued, "according to the instructions for the rings, to be at their most effective they have to be worn on the left thumb. Because that's not possible right now. Jack has hidden his, in his body," John added, as he saw Owen raise an eyebrow.
"So the effectiveness might be limited because Jack is not wearing his ring as prescribed?" Owen asked as he reflected back what John had told him then added. "So it sounds like you have connected but Jack can't receive and or respond."
"I'm the other half of the bond and I'm telling you there is nothing to connect to." Ianto told him his face creased with concern as he watched Owen stood thinking.
"I think we can guarantee that Jack is being tortured," he said quietly as he paused then looked to them. "I got it. Jack was tortured for a year, the year that never was. When he came back he was in a right state. I was very concerned for him especially when he found you missing," he indicated.
"Later on Martha filled me in on the gory details because she thought Jack might have a breakdown and would need help. I mean he can't go to some shrink and say 'I was held prisoner for a year by as psychotic Time Lord who used my body to take out his anger and sadistic tendencies on. ' She told me he came very close a complete breakdown, the reason he didn't was because he had one thought that kept him sane," he looked at Ianto," coming back to You." He took a deep breath, "Jack doesn't know you came back after the argument to sort things out, he believes he's lost you and as a consequence has lost it. It in this case being himself."
"But I've been trying to tell him that he's not on his own in the dark, that I'm here and I love him," Ianto told him.
"What you're both telling me is that the rings most basic function is to create or enhance an empathic link. That means feelings, not thoughts. So stop trying to send thoughts and send feelings. Right now you need to send him the strongest feeling you have for him and keep sending, because what kept him hanging on during the year that never was, is going to bring him back now," Owen told him as he saw Ianto nod his understanding, close his eyes, and brought the ring to his lips.
Jack lay unmoving his eyes blank, agony his existence ....he blinked; something was different, there was an insistent feeling in his chest. Again his physical discomfort overwhelmed all other considerations and he lost it. Several moments passed and it returned. It was the tiniest ember which grew into the faintest warm glow that spread upwards, downwards, and outwards. He closed his eyes and concentrated. It was so distant, barely perceptible, but it was there, a presence reaching out with a feeling of love. He dismissed this instantly as something not for him. He knew the truth, he was wrong, a freak. The feeling returned stronger and he dismissed it again as a sick fantasy of wish fulfilment. Hours passed or was it seconds he could no longer tell. The feeling was back and no matter how hard he pushed the feeling away it returned stronger each time. Now it was a constant whisper stroking his mind. He was confused; bewildered he only had a single purpose, a vessel for pain. Moments passed then the feeling touched his mind ardently with passion and determination and left him no doubt it was directed solely at him. As this powerful feeling bombarded him he unable to deny it any longer and images filled his mind of the times when he was a man, a man with hope. He broke down, and wept, as his heart responded
Owen caught Ianto as he swayed, tears running down his face. "He's back," Ianto told.
"One hour 30 minutes to sunset let's get moving," John told then both as Owen slapped Ianto on the back.Day two
Ianto held the cloth scarf he wore around his neck in front of his nose as he surveyed the ruin in front of them. It had been a three room daub and wattle dwelling, with a thatched straw roof of some kind. It had been the first actual building they had come across. They had strayed from track they had been following and taken off cross country choosing a direct route which meant they missed any dwellings along the way until now.
They had smelt the destruction a long time before they had seen it. It was the sweet cloying smell of death mixed with smoke. The remains of several bodies possibly all members of the same family were inside the cottage. One a young man had tried to make his escape but he had been run down and trampled to death. Another a much older man had been hung over the branch of the nearest tree and his body swayed in the stiff wind.
"I thought this was a time of feudalism, where the peasants were beholden to the lord of the manor who in return protected those on his manor?" Owen queried sadly.
"Who would do this and why?" Ianto asked as he looked around at what looked like a productive small holding.
Owen shook his head as he indicated to Ianto help him lower the body from the tree branch.
"With all due respect, we need to keep moving," John insisted.
"Are you suggesting we just leave him hanging there?" Ianto asked him.
"It's tragic, but they're all dead, and the dead don't care." He stopped as he saw the look of determination on both Owen's and Ianto's faces.
"Well we do, the least we can do is cut down the body, and lay it to rest with the others in the cottage," Ianto told him in disgust
John watched in frustrated annoyance then realized there was no moving them on until this has been done and went to assist them.
"Fucking disgusting," Owen commented as they cleared the second body from the track and laid it alongside the other bodies in the cottage.
"Bleeding hearts," John commented as they kicked in a wall covering the bodies.
"If nothing else they are together and we did the decent thing," Owen told him as he saw John roll his eyes.
Searching around for a source of water to refill their water bladders, Owen came across a small well. A sniff told him it had been fouled and looking down he determined another body lay at the bottom. He returned to the others shaking his head and saw Ianto had found a flat round of blackened burnt bread which he added to John's pack.
"Let's get moving then," Ianto indicated sadly without another word and they took off west once more.
Several hours passed and the sun climbed from late morning to mid- afternoon. Owen wiped his face clear of sweat. Ianto had now stripped down to jeans and tee shirt and had managed to find a way to pack everything in one bundle. Unlike himself who looked like some mad gypsy on wash day with articles tucked to his belt and pack as he has stripped off. The going was not rough, mostly part moor land interspersed with tree filled valleys. They had followed a mixture of rough tracks and open grass land cutting across country keeping west at all times.
In un-typical fashion for this part of the country the weather was excellent. It was an early autumn day without a cloud in the sky and if you ignored the stiff breeze it was almost perfect. They had come across several other minor dwellings and structures but had skirted by them, keeping out of sight as best they could. To their relief none appeared to have suffered the fate of the earlier one. What was a surprise was the absence of people it was clear from the heavily laden fields that this was the time of harvest yet they had not met a single a soul. The only face they did see startled in terror and ran off.
He looked at Ianto's back and something registered, "Ianto you're limping are you ok?" Owen asked him.
"I'm fine," Ianto replied not looking back as he continued to stride ahead.
Owen continued to observe and noted they were coming up to a small track that cut across a stream it had been at least an hour since they had last stopped to rest. "John," he called ahead to John who turned nodded and after looking at his wrist strap indicated they should stop.
They made their way to the stream and dumped their packs on the bank under several trees. Taking the scarf from around his neck Ianto dipped it in the water and wiped his face. Wetting the cloth again he tied it around his neck.
Returning to his pack he took out the remaining bread and small pieces of cheese from his pack and shared it equally amongst them. Owen took the time to fill up their water bladders from the clear water in the steam. Ianto sat down his head on his knees but took the water bladder when offered and took a deep drink.
"Is the last of the bread?" John asked.
"Yep, except for the burnt loaf," Ianto told him not looking up.
"How many miles?" Ianto asked him.
"To go or how far we've come?" John asked him
"Both," Ianto and Owen replied together.
"19 today yesterday 18 total 37 miles," he told them. "Approx. 69 to go." "There's still several hours of daylight left we can burn up a few more miles."
'That means if we can average 23 miles a day we should make it," Ianto commented quietly conserving his strength.
"Reality check," Owen interjected as he saw John and Ianto looking at him, "From now on our energy is going to wane, so far we've been running on adrenaline. We've pushed ourselves to the limit and we're running out of food and the weather's been good. We're beginning to suffer dehydration and I bet the two of you have as bad a headache as I have."
"So what are you suggesting Owen?" Ianto asked him
"We need to buy and or exchange something for food because to keep going we need calories, as higher an intake as we can manage, fat and carbohydrates should do it ," he saw them both nod in agreement and start to rise.
"Ianto feet," he ordered before Ianto could stand.
"No, Owen," Ianto told him.
"I need to see them, I know you're in pain because I've been walking behind you for hours, now get them boots off," he told him his tone leaving him in no doubt to his order.
"I can cope," Ianto advised "And we are wasting time we have to keep moving Jack..." he told him, "we must keep moving," he said with urgency.
'This is from the man who wanted to waste time to bury the dead?" John added sarcastically.
"It was the right thing to do, "Ianto told him sternly.
"Ianto we will lose time if you can't keep up," Owen told him bluntly ignoring John's comment.
"I will crawl there if I have to Owen," Ianto told him categorically, but then saw the stubborn look on Owen's face and John's crossed arms and knew he had lost the argument.
Moving with extreme reluctance Ianto removed his boots then peeled off his right sock. Owen let out an expletive as he saw the heel of his right foot rubbed bloody and raw. He pulled over his pack he took out his medical kit.
Ianto sat stoically as Owen worked cleaned up the wound and applied some cream.
"How is Jack doing?" Owen asked quietly as he worked.
Ianto closed his eyes for several moments as they saw the blood drain from his face. "Not good," he told them.
"Look there is something you should know about Jack," Owen began to explain.
"It's ok, I know that he can't die, I mean he can die he doesn't stay dead, John told me," Ianto said to the shocked look on his face, "and the rings have given me a kind of knowing, so even if he hadn't told me I would have figured it out by now anyway...," he stopped himself not wanting to share the true cost of each death Jack experienced and the scars it left on his being as he now understood it.
"So why all those bloody conversations of don't tell me any of Jacks secrets, we had?" Owen asked him.
"We didn't know if Gray could monitor any of conversations in the Hub and I could only block so many in case he was and got suspicious we were up to something," John replied.
"Like a double blind, double cross," Owen added shaking his head.
"Yeah something like that," John replied as Owen indicated to Ianto to hold a wound pad on his heel while he fixed it into place.
"And if he was listening and thought I was being all stubborn not wanting to know, then it was a small advantage we had because it was something we could possibly use," Ianto shrugged as he told him.
"This is one dangerous game you're both playing," Owen told them both.
"This is no game Owen, two people's lives are at stake: Ariana and Jack's," Ianto interjected angrily, "Jack might not be able to die, but he is in terrible shape mentally. You should know they've dragged him out again and have given him another beating and from the sensation it was his hands this time. Right now he's curled up into himself and there's a lot of darkness in his mind. I can feel he's hanging on by a thread , he's trying with all his strength to hold on, but he's slipping away."
"Was that when I saw you stagger?" Owen asked him as he worked.
"Yeah," Ianto replied as he flexed his hands, "I didn't feel the pain but the sensation was horrible, best way I can describe it would be soul shock," he tried to explain as he began to pull his right sock carefully over his heel so as not to dislodge the pad.
"You're ok with all this? " he asked curiously trying to recover from the knowledge that Ianto knew Jack's big secret as he packed away his kit.
Ianto eased his boot back on, "Jack can't die Owen, but he's had no life. He's had no one to care or really give a damn about him beyond work for a long time. The bottom line is I sense Jack's been a member of the living dead for decades and he's been just going through the motions, not that he has much choice as he. So you tell me if that's living?" Ianto stood easing his foot inside the boot.
"But Jack can never grow old; I mean have you thought about the implications?" Owen asked him concerned Ianto did not fully understand.
"When I found out, I had to do some serious thinking and then I realized that life only exists in the now and the purpose of life is to live. So if Jack and I can live in the now giving of each other fully in each moment then that's all I ask. And when I die Jack will carry with him the knowledge that he was loved unconditionally, just the way he is. Because of that he will live a better life and continue to make the most of every moment, so his existence will be life affirming. " He stopped realizing how much he had said.
John looked at him in a new light, "Jack is a very lucky man," he said wistfully as he watched Ianto pick up his pack.
"Well what I want is a life for and with Jack and with every passing moment that life is slipping away," Ianto told them both.
"Wow that is some insight," Owen commented as they began to stride out.
"Yeah the rings are mind blowing and I have a feeling they are just warming up," Ianto admitted honestly as Owen set back into his walking pace behind Ianto noting his walking had eased.
Stepping in beside him Owen went over the conversation, and he recognized there had been fundamental change in Ianto.' Yes' he told himself 'Ianto could be still be reticent about himself, but when it came to Jack, he was an unstoppable force.' Owen had never known a previous time when Ianto had spoken so forcefully on any subject.
He wasn't sure if this was the effect of the rings or the Henge but found his friendship had deepened and he looked in admiration at the man who had forged himself out of his tragic history. Or maybe he concluded this was who Ianto always was and he was only seeing it now. For a fleeting moment he felt sorry for Gray, and wondered if he had any idea of the force that was marching towards him God help Gray, he thought God help any who had hurt Jack when Ianto got his hands on them.
***Warning*** Chapter contains descriptions of graphic violence including rape.Chapter 27
Day Three - MorningA fine rain fell soaking all three of them as they stood at a crossroads. There was no sign but one of the tracks that led to the left was deeply rutted tracks and indicated heavy use. So far they had not seen or come across any type of dwelling where they could barter or buy provisions from. Towards early evening the day before, they had come across a very crude hut with the remains of a half-eaten meal laid out. It was a meager meal of flat dark bread with a large pot of some kind of cold thick pea soup. They had had a small debate and decided as hungry as they were didn't want to deprive who ever this supper was for. As a consequence they had taken only a small bite each of the bread and eaten about half the contents of the pot, leaving several small coins as a thank you.
Now it was morning. They had walked several miles and knew if they wanted to keep up their killer pace, they needed to eat There was no argument or discussion as they took the more deeply rutted track in the hope it would lead to a small holding or village,
The rain eased as each one behind the other they moved forward trying to keep out of the mud and puddles that made up the track. An hour later they saw their first fields, and followed the hedge row lined track as it widened into grassy paddock, when they heard a high pitched scream of terror.
Racing ahead, they saw a small arrangement of buildings which looked like a small holding of some kind. A man sat on horseback, while another was dragging a terrified girl from the main dwelling. From her age she looked to be about twelve and was writhing in his grasp screaming. The occupants of the dwelling were huddled around each other with an older man pleading with the man on horseback. Without warning the man on horseback drew his sword and thrust into his chest. The man staggered and then collapsed to the ground. As he sank to the ground the older woman threw herself on his body screaming adding to the scene of chaos. Another man on horseback now came into view and began to crowd the group of terrified peasants back into the cottage. Another stood by carrying a torch stood ready to set the thatch alight.
From their dress it was clear the riders were a class above the farmers. Each was in a shift covered with a cape fastened at the front with a large brooch. Each of the three men wore helmets and all carried swords.
Owen and John looked at each other but before they could act they found themselves confronted by several men who pulled them down and stifled any protest. Ianto who was just ahead of them horrified at the scene he was witnessing, shucked of his pack and ran forward. He was entirely unsure what he was going to do but knew he was not about to see a twelve year old dragged off and raped and people burnt to death before his eyes.
Ianto screamed at them to draw their attention and several of the occupants took the opportunity to escape taking off in every direction leaving the old woman who remained on the body of the fallen man and young girl who still screaming and struggling against the man who held her.
"Fuck wits, leave her alone you bastards!" he screamed at them. The man holding the girl grunted as she bit into his hand he let his grip slip momentarily and she scurried away.
Roaring with frustration at the girl's escape the man on horseback goaded his horse into a full gallop directly aimed towards Ianto. Gripping his quarter staff with both hands Ianto stood his ground as he held his breath. All he could see was the horse bearing down on him the vibrations as it thundered towards him. Just before the horse reached him he stepped aside and he swung his staff and hit the horse full in the mouth. He felt it connect with bone and saw blood fly. The horse staggered sideways and came to a stop unseating the rider who flew forward onto the ground cursing.
Another horse he had not seen brushed up against him and he felt himself roughly snatched. He was held awkwardly and his feet dragged along the ground. For a few terrifying seconds he thought he was going to be thrown under the hooves but before he could react he was thrown on the ground next to the fallen man. He landed roughly on all fours with a thump which knocked all the breath out of him. The unseated rider now joined the group and pulled him up by the hair and slapped him across the face with the back of his hand. The force of the slap sent him reeling backwards and he saw stars dazed he had little time to react as another arm grabbed him around the neck forcing him back on to his knees.
"Well men," the man in a red cape shouted out, "We lose a fuck, but gain gold," as he greedily examined the thick gold ring on Ianto's left thumb. Ianto struggled against them but found himself held. He grunted with pain as their efforts to remove it nearly dislocated his thumb. But no matter how hard they tried the ring remained firmly lodged between his first knuckle and his hand.
The unseated rider whose face was scarred with deep pits marring his good looks drew a wicked looking dagger and moved menacingly towards Ianto.
"Give us the ring or we will cut off your hand," he growled at him.
"Fuck you," Ianto said spitting in his direction.
"Hold out his hand," he demanded. Ianto struggled as three men now restrained him and another pulled his arm out straight exposing his wrist. His eyes widened as he saw the blade rise then he screwed his eyes shut and braced himself against the coming pain. Instead of pain he heard a full thwack beside him and he opened his eyes to see an arrow sticking out of the chest of the man holding him. The man coughed blood then fell forward as another arrow joined the first. A another blink later and he felt a whisper of disturbed air as a furious flurry of arrows flashed passed and hit each of the other riders with deadly accuracy.
He blinked again and saw the scarred man now on his knees his hands behind his neck as wiry man holding a stretched out bow filled with an arrow pointed directly at his eye.
Stunned at the speed of events he placed both hands behind his head in a submissive pose. He watched as Owen and John were dragged forward and pushed to the ground beside him. They struggled to their knees to find themselves facing several ragged men with drawn bows. A few moments later their packs along with his staff were dumped alongside them.
A solid built man now entered and from his dress and bearing it is clear he was someone of importance. His very presence commanded respect and all the bowman in the room straighten unconsciously as he viewed the scene. He looked around at the four men on their knees and he spat with some forced towards the scarred man.
"I see Anlaf has you doing work of honour in his name," he snarled at him.
"You will call my Earl by his rightful name," he said snarled with force.
"Oh we have names for Anlaf but Earl is not one of them," he said and he heard the men around him chuckle as he indicated the scarred man be bound. Several ragged men fell upon him began to bind him with great vigor and force.
"It least I am not hiding like some outlaw with a rabble of peasants, villains, and cowards," the scarred man grunted out as he was being manhandled.
He put his foot on the prone man's neck. "Ablendan Bandwof be careful of who you insult, for today my peasants, villains, and cowards out matched you."
"Sir Brice what are your orders?" One of the bowman asked as he approached and snapped to attention.
"For now he comes with us," he ordered as the man was forced to his feet and dragged off.
He put his hand on the man's arm beside him as he noted the look of distress on the bowman's face. "I do not forget Deman. He will suffer our justice, for his crimes, but right now we need him alive," he said as he saw the man nod perceptibly then snap to attention and leave.
He turned and the older woman fell on her knees and kissed his hand.
"Oh Sire, forgive us we did not heed your words, it is harvest and if we don't get the crops in it will be a bleak winter," she sobbed.
"Stand woman this is no time for thanks as we must melt away into the forest, gather your things and join the others," he told her. "We will come back and harvest on the first full moon but for now you must join with the others in hiding," he nodded to a couple of the bowman to assist her as she nodded her relief.
As she left he now turned to the three strange men on their knees hands behind their heads. "And now we come to you three. Strangers, who have been travelling across this county, doing strange inexplicable deeds, explain yourselves!" he commanded.
He continued as he saw the startled looks that passed between each of them. "The times are perilous we have watchers and runners who report every occurrence, you have been followed since you left the strange stones of Emin," he told them.
"We travel to Castle Godwin," Ianto began and saw several of the bow man draw their bows. "A man of importance to me is being held captive by his brother Gray and we seek to rescue him," Ianto said speaking quickly.
"My sister is also held and we are also hoping secure her release," John added and he saw a look of surprise on the man's face.
"You are brother to the sweet Lady Ariana?" he asked as he saw John nod.
"I am a Doctor travelling with them in case I'm needed," Owen added finally.
The man started at them for a long moment not sure what to make of this strange trio dressed in such a mix of familiar and the odd, and who spoke with such a strange accent.
"Why did you cut down the body of Alfred farmer and place him and his son in the remains of their dwelling? " He asked them.
Ianto took a breath and replied, "We were shocked at what we saw and as there was nothing we could do to help, we thought the least we could do was make sure they were all together." He saw the look of confusion so added, "It was the right thing to do."
"Explain why you left coins enough for a king's banquet, then left the remains of the meal you clearly paid for uneaten?" he asked of them.
Owen replied this time. "We didn't want to steal the person's supper so we took only what we needed. We had no idea to the true value of the coins, so we left what we thought was a reasonable sum."
The regal man stood thinking as he scrutinised the as he pulled his upper lip then indicated they stand.
"I tell you true I am not sure what to make of you, but your deeds indicate you are here with good intentions. I am Rodderick Brice captain of the guard at Castle Godwin and supporter of good son Eadwulf Godwin the true Earl," he held his hand out to John assisting him to stand.
"You are most welcome Sir John, I have long admired your sister, and as unworthy of her attention as I am, she has returned my favours to her in most kind manner. I carry her token with me and I have pledged myself to her release," he bowed his head towards John.
He now turned to Ianto. "I apologize for my words as your acts deem you to be a courageous man, but these are difficult times and we trust no one. You are clearly not a man of war and yet you stood and faced a full knight bearing down on you and managed to unseat him please tell me your title," he requested.
"I am Ianto Jones, librarian," he replied then seeing the look on confusion on Rodderick's face he added, "I look after books. "
"Surely books have not become so dangerous one needs to know such skills to care for them," Rodderick told him as he looked at him curiously not sure why this man was being so modest.
"And you kind sir are a Doctor, if so we are in much need of your services as we have many wounded, would you aid us with your skills?" he asked forthrightly.
John interrupted. "Sir we are on a quest and must reach Castle Godwin by sunset in two and a half days' time, Ariana's life depends on us keeping that appointment," he told him
Rodderick looked at him seriously and was about to speak, when he heard a shout and a whistle.
"We are discovered, we must in haste escape for we are in no position for a pitched battle," he declared, indicating to his men, to leave.
He looked at the three men, "Come, we must hurry if you remain here you will be killed, Anlaf Godwin has an army of mercenary Germanics and they are headed this way, COME!" he commanded leaving them in no doubt they should follow.
Day Three -Early Evening
Ianto tore a hunk of bread as a large circular flat loaf was passed around the eight men sitting around a small fire deep in forest. He was beyond hunger, the last meal they had eaten was the evening before and that had not been much more that a bite. He found a large blackened pot in front of him. A small crude wooden bowl was pushed into his hand and he scooped up a helping of what looked like some kind of thick porridge. It was getting dark so it was hard to tell exactly what it was but at this point he was so hungry he would have eaten the pot if it had been edible.
They had finally stopped late in the evening after a seemingly endless track. The bowmen had no problem with running almost the entire distance and had it not been for the horses Ianto knew they would never have made it. The speed of the travel meant they were now many miles closer to their goal than they would have been otherwise. But the trek had been fraught with difficulty and it felt like they were only just one step ahead of their pursers the whole day. It had only been in the last hour or so it had become evident they had lost them.
He dipped the bread into the bowl then took a bite, he could not make out the strong flavour but it was hot and filling and he felt his belly warm. He shifted trying to get comfortable on the hard log. He had never ridden on a horse and he was sore and the inside of his legs were raw. He squirmed and he reminded himself to ask Owen for some cream.
He scoffed down the bread along with the porridge and looked across the fire to see Captain Rodderick was in deep conversation with several others just out of fire light along with his prisoner who sat slumped tied against a tree.
"What have we been caught up in?" Owen asked John after he had taken a few bites of his supper.
After paying attention to his own helping John replied, "It's nasty; this is a time when possession is everything. Anlaf Godwin is the youngest son of the late Earl. His older brother Eadwulf Godwin was meant become the next earl, which everyone agreed would be good thing considering Anlaf's reputation. However when Eadwulf was away his father died suddenly. Anlaf took the opportunity to take over and locked his brother out, literally. It might have sorted itself out but then Gray turned up around the time the Earl died, and Anlaf suddenly had a lot more gold and hired a bunch of mercenary Germanics as his private army. They've been terrorising the locals, keeping them in line ever since."
"And Captain Rodderick; how does he fit in to all this?" Owen asked
"Oh he's the good guy. He's Eadwulf Godwin's right hand man; problem is he's losing. He's been trying to set up resistance, help when he can, and fight back. He's done just about everything right and is as well organised as he can be. However he can only call on the locals but they're caught between a rock and hard place, any dissent and you see what happens. It's only a matter of time before he's killed or captured."
"Where's Eadwulf Godwin in all this? Shouldn't he be here?" Ianto asked joining the conversation.
"He's away trying to rally support, but without the resources of the earldom he's basically penniless. To make matters worse Anlaf is holed up in Castle Godwin. Castles in this time are damn nigh impregnable. There is only one way to get him is to starve him out, right now he has enough food to last years. With his private army he can take whatever he wants whenever he wants it."
"But doesn't he have to pay the King taxes and that sort of thing, won't the king intervene at some point if he doesn't get his dues?" Owen asked.
"If I recall correctly at this time the king has his own problems trying to keep the bigger barons in check, who are almost as powerful as he is. Along with the threat of invasion by the Danes. So as long as the gold keeps coming, he probably doesn't care who it's from," Ianto added.
'And him?" Owen asked pointing to the scarred man tied to the tree.
"Ablendan Bandwof?" John asked looking in his direction. "He leader of Anlaf's private army and he's been untouchable until today. From what Rodderick's got planned for him his days are seriously numbered. He's had a hand in every rape, murder and atrocity since Anlaf took over. If I had any personal feelings on the matter I might even do him myself just for the sheer pleasure of it. But considering the grief he's caused I would rather the locals get their hands on him and see real justice done."
"Sounds a bloody mess," Owen commented as he chewed.
"Sounds horrible," Ianto agreed.
"Personally I don't give a damn, I have no interest in local politics and as soon as we've got Ariana and Jack out I never want to see this god forsaken hole again, they can all go to hell for all I care. Now if you will excuse me I need to err, um," John added standing as he moved away from the fire and walked off in the direction of the darkness.
Several moments passed as Owen took another helping from the pot. "How the hell did you learn to do that thing with a horse?" he asked Ianto who also helped himself to a second helping of porridge.
"I've read lot of Sharpe books," he replied paying attention to his food.
"You got that from a book?" Owen queried.
"You know Bernard Cornwell's; Sharpe series: Sharpe's Eagle, Sharpe's Rifles..." he stopped as he saw the look of confusion on Owen's face. "Well anyway according to Sharpe the way to deal with a charging horse is not to go for the rider but to hit the horse in the mouth," he explained.
"Why didn't you just shoot it?" Owen asked him
Ianto look sheepish, "Err I kinda forgot, it all happened so fast and I just reacted," he told him.
"You reacted by punching a horse in the mouth!" Owen retorted.
"Worked didn't it?" Ianto replied
"Yeah just before they dragged you off," Owen told him seriously.
"It seemed a good idea at the time," he replied wiping his finger around the bowl to capture the last morsel.
"Running towards a gang of heavily armed horseman calling them fuckwits. Yeah I can see how that worked," Owen said sarcastically.
Ianto was about to reply when out of the darkness a wildly dress man charged towards him brandishing an axe and screaming. He blinked as his tired brain tried to make sense then he realised the whole camp was overrun with shouts and cries of agony as desperate pockets of fighting broke out.
He stood and saw the man was lunging towards him, an axe aimed at his shoulder. Stepping aside he threw himself at the man grasping him around the waist in an attempt to unbalance him. The wild man was twice his size and he found instead the momentum slammed him onto his back. Frantically he scrambled to his feet as he warded off blows and he tried to grab the axe but found it was too slick. He brought his arms up again to fend the blows punching down on his face. He attempted to reach for his gun but the blows were so furious he knew he couldn't reach it and stay alive at the same time.
The world filled with light and pain as the night sky was filled with a blinding flash followed instantaneously by a shockwave which travelled through his body stunning him. He screamed as another blinding flash and wave of sound ripped apart the air around him.
Blinking in shock he lay disorientated, and numb, his ears ringing. He tried to move but found it impossible because he was pinned down by some heavy object making it difficult to breathe. He willed himself to move but found he was only capable of tiny movements. Time appeared to have slowed as he tried to make sense of how and why he was lying on sodden ground with a body on top of him and the head of a large axe buried in the ground right next to right ear.
There was a change as he recognised that the silence was now filled with what his befuddled brain told him was gun shots. As he listened they moved ever closer. He tried to get his body to move even arguing with it but it was impossible. He heard a sharp crack and the body pinning him jerked suddenly and began twitching in a horrible fashion. Several more shots rang out accompanied with moaning, pleading splutters and sick wet gurgling noises.
How long he lay there he was unsure as time appeared to have taken on a strange quality. He tried to call up the strength to move, when the body pinning him was gone and he looked up to see Owen, whose ears were bleeding holding out his hand so he reached out and pulled himself up.
"Percussion grenade," he croaked in explanation. "Two," he added holding his fingers up in case Ianto's hearing was affected as his was. After a quick survey to ensure Ianto was not injured he turned to see if he could help any of the surviving bowmen.
As Ianto stood he found himself in a scene that could have come straight out of hell. Firstly the area was flooded with light; from a source he didn't fully understand making it look surreal. Secondly as he looked around he noted a number of unconscious bodies in various unnatural poses scattered across the small campsite all dressed in a strange mixture of clothing he didn't recognise. As his thinking cleared he recognised them as their attackers. He looked at the body by his feet and it had a single gunshot to the back of the head. He swallowed bile as he understood the implications of the shots he had heard earlier and realisation that the prone bodies were not unconscious they were dead.
He looked across and saw two of the wild men huddled together on their knees, as John dragged a young adolescent to join them.
John stepped back from the cowered men who were looking at him in abject terror as if he was a very demon from hell. He began to speak with a deadly calm while he checked, and adjusted then reloaded is weapon.
"As an ex-time agent I normally don't get involved in local politics. It's not that I give a damn about screwing with time lines, it's just comes under my 'I don't give a fuck'rule', he told them a grim bitter look distorting his face.
His speech was interrupted as one of the huddled wild men jumped to his feet and started running towards the dark in a desperate attempt to escape. Glancing briefly in his direction, John aimed his weapon and shot him square in the back and he fell to the ground in a sickening heap.
"But in this case I am going to make an exception. I'm tired, hungry, dirty, I've had to deal with malevolent rocks. I've been spat at, chased, my feet are sore from walking across this god forsaken landscape, I'm worried sick about two of three people in the universe I ever gave a damn about and I can't even take a piss up against a tree in peace," he said as he grabbed the last remaining wild man by his long hair and dragged forward on his knees.
The man struggled with all his might but he was clearly still weak from the effects of the grenade and he put his hands up in a submissive gesture and began to gabber incomprehensively as John jammed the muzzle of his gun to the back of the man's head.
"John don't do it," Ianto said his voice cracked as he moved forward desperate to intervene.
"They're vermin Ianto, they would have killed us with no more thought than they would a cockroach," John snarled at him.
"It's one thing to kill in self-defense but this is wrong," Owen added his voice shocked at the speed of events and John's actions.
"Oh this is self-defense..., proactive self -defense," John shouted at them.
"You can't just kill people in cold blood," Ianto argued and he saw Rodderick and the recovering bowmen look between the strangers in bewilderment as they argued.
"This is not in cold blood," he snarled at Owen who stepped backed instinctually as he saw rage flash across John's eyes.
"There has to be another way," Ianto argued. "John you're better than this," he told him.
"I'm a doctor for god sake. I heal people I can't stand by and let you just execute them!" Owen pleaded as he now added his own voice.
"You saw the farm; you've seen what they've been doing. They don't deserve your pity or your mercy. Any pity you feel should be directed towards their victims," he pointed his gun in the direction of the bowmen, "I bet every one of them has lost a family member or had to witness some nightmare travesty caused by them." He spat towards a dead body then wiped his mouth." If the pair of you don't have the stomach to witness what must be done then you should turn away now," John told them hissing the words through his teeth.
He pulled his attention back to the man he held by the hair. The man writhed in his grip as he lifted his gun; when the body lurched backwards as a deadly flurry of arrows hit the man in the chest and throat. Ianto and Owen startled as they saw the surviving bowmen walking forwards as they reloaded their bows and fired again.
John grabbed hold of the boy and dragged him on his hands and knees next to Ablendan Bandwof who was still tied to the tree. "Ablendan Bandwof, "he pressed the gun viciously against his forehead as the man looked defiantly into his eyes, "pray to whatever god you believe in," he said as he pulled the trigger
Turning he pulled the boy roughly to his feet. "No!" Ianto and Owen shouted almost simultaneously moving towards him.
"That enough, he's only a boy," Owen argued. John looked at them in disgust then turned back to the boy.
"You any good at running?" He asked the boy who was shaking in fear.
"I -said-are- you- any- good- at- running?" he shouted at him.
"Yes," the boy stammered in a thick accent.
"I have a message for you to deliver," he pointed him in the direction of the Castle.
"About 17 miles from here is a castle. You run and keep running, and you tell your boss Anlaf that John Hart is on his way. You tell him I'm coming and I am bringing all hell along with me," he shook the boy. "Got it?" he snarled as the boy desperately nodded his understanding. "Then Run - RUN!" he shouted as the boy took off.
Ianto watched the boy race into the forest. He sank on the ground and put his head between his knees.
"Who are you?" Rodderick Brice, Captain of the Guard, asked John as he viewed the carnage.
"Anlaf Godwin's worst nightmare," John replied taking him by the elbow and leading him aside
Chapter 28
Day Four. Early Morning.Day four began badly for Ianto. Sleep had been nigh impossible considering the blood bath the night before as images kept replaying over and over in his head. Compounding this was Jack's continued misery, he had finally fallen asleep fitfully just before first light. He had awoken stiff, sore, and aching, and from the sharp pain as he breathed, he thought he might have a cracked rib.
On examination Owen declared he was badly bruised from the fight the night before and other than a part of his ear lobe missing, he had no serious injury. It stung as Owen cleaned him up. He then handed over some cream for the raw patches caused by the ride the day before. His headache Owen declared was the result of the grenades which were designed to completely incapacitate. All he could offer was pain killers which Ianto gratefully accepted.
Looking around he saw the bowmen were also looking worse for wear after the nights' activates but were clearly restless to get moving. He accepted a large hunk of stale bread and a bowl of liquid which turned out to be ale of some kind. As he attempted to eat the hard bread when he looked up and saw a couple of the bowmen who were watching burst into laughter then mimicked dipping the bread in the ale to soften it. Smiling shyly at them he followed suit.
As they ate John had led Rodderick aside and spent a considerable time in discussion with him. Ianto was not sure what was being discussed but the look on Rodderick's face lightened as he listened intently. As the discussion ended Rodderick summoned several bowmen to him who took off at great speed.
Rodderick viewed the behavior of the strangers as he joined and shared the same common breakfast as his bowmen. One was a skilled healer and several of the most injured had reported that his ministrations had been gentle and of great assistance. None of the wounds were festering as they might. His most injured, had been cleaved along the length of his leg in a way to suggest he could lose his leg and become a cripple, or worse his life; and yet it would appear neither fate would be visited upon the man.
The other was a young man who appeared reckless but whose courage was beyond measure. Stranger still he claimed he had taken all his learning from books. He glanced across at John; never had a being ever filled him with such fear or anticipation. On the one hand he knew of him as the brother of the lady Ariana. On the other he carried concealed on his body the most terrifying weapons. They were so far removed from anything he had seen that they could be considered magical, but he didn't believe in such nonsense. He knew a weapon when he saw it, it may fire lumps of metal, but did a bow not do the same. The explosion and its effects were more problematic; he had nothing to compare it against. What was so difficult to comprehend was why if they were carrying such weapons they had not used them until there was no choice. It was conundrum to be sure, but their reluctance to deploy such fire power allowed him to trust them in a way he would not done otherwise.
He dismissed his men's talk that the three were demons of some kind. They ate, pissed, and had been injured so they were clearly men, but never had such men appeared to be so removed from the land they walked upon. On one hand they had skills and weapons that were beyond anything he had ever seen or experienced and yet they did not know how to dip stale bread in ale to make it edible. From their questions which were many, all centered around their everyday lives and their answers were met with fascination as if they had found themselves in some strange new land.
He sat back as he reviewed his conversation with John, how his hope had soared. After months of running skirmishes and desperation he was being offered a resolution to all their difficulties. He would be a fool to turn such an offer down; John had explained he had a personal grievance with one of the Castle's occupants; Lord Gray who held a man of significance to himself and the pale young man along with his sister. He knew about the Lady Ariana and John had told him they come here to rescue them both. The rescue of the Lady Ariana was something he had pledged himself to, and felt privileged for the opportunity to do so. He took a deep breath as handed back his bowl and stood, indicating they should now leave, there were so many unanswered questions, and it was a puzzle to be sure and one he fancied he would not solve this day.
Day Four -Mid to late afternoon.
The trek continued on foot in silence as Ianto used all his energy to put one foot in front of the other. He noted their travel was interrupted with short breaks as others joined and left to report to Rodderick then left with an excited air. He had to admit he didn't take much notice, all his focus was on Jack's deteriorating situation as the torture intensified. To make matters worse the torture, was causing Jack to relive some of his worse moments at the hand of the Master. He shuddered at the sheer cruelty and inventiveness of his torture of Jack. But the worst the very worst which Jack kept coming back to in an almost continual loop was himself being dragged before Jack being tortured and killed. Apparently the Torchwood team had led some kind of resistance and he had been captured. It was like Jack's very soul was ripped apart as Jack had watched his suffering and death. It took every ounce of energy he had to keep Jack here as he fixated obsessively on this one event.
Reeling as another round of torture began he could feel himself coming to the end of strength as Owen joined him and helped him along. He refused the offer of a horse preferring to walk because the rhythm of walking helped him keep his focus. He argued if Jack could endure he certainly could.
It was late afternoon, when he staggered into a large clearing in a wood to find a sizable encampment. He looked around and found it was filled with organized bustle combined with an air of excitement. From a brief head count there appeared to be around over a hundred men with bows and pikes. As he watched several more heavily armed men arrived and with even more coming up behind.
"What is going on?" he asked speaking for the first time as John Hart joined him.
"I'm organizing a surprise violent redistribution of power," he told him bluntly.
"Jack! " Ianto cried out startling him.
"Ianto" John called out as he saw him fall onto the ground trying to protect himself from unseen blows.
"John, I think they got your message," he managed to gasp out as he now felt the sheer savagery of the beating increased.
Owen watched in horror as Ianto thrashed around on the ground attempting to protect himself. Knowing he was mirroring the horror Jack was experiencing he fought to control his emotions as Ianto reacted to each blow with a grunt moan or cry. "God almighty, how long does it take to beat a man to death?" Owen cried out not sure how much more he could take of Ianto's and Jack's suffering as he looked up briefly and saw John similarly affected.
Screaming out, blackness overtook him, Ianto found himself in a wide expanse of nothing, darkness would have been something, but there was nothing, no sound, touch, sight, or smell just non- existence that travelled in every direction into infinity. It took him a moment to figure exactly where he was and the answer came to him, Jack had died and somehow he had been pulled here. "Was the afterlife then?' he thought.
If he had been pulled into the afterlife and Jack was dead then maybe he was here as well he reasoned. A movement caught his eyes he found himself alongside Jack and he threw his arms around him. Jack stiffened and he knew his worst fears for Jack had been realized. He pulled back to see the blank look on his face as understanding flowed through him and he knew why he was here.
"Listen Jack this is very important, you need to put your ring on, when you get back you must, must put on the ring," Ianto told him urgently not sure how much time he had before Jack revived.
He saw Jack look in bemusement at him not sure what he was talking about.
He held up his hand to show him the ring on his thumb as he saw a look of confusion on Jack's face.
"I can bring you back, but you must put on the ring, we've been keeping you here, me and the rings, but the last beating took you over the edge," he struggled to explain, "the ring in your body has preserved a part of you, within its matrix."
Jack interrupted. "Am I lost?" he asked.
"Yes Jack you are lost, an important part of you is lost," he lifted Jack's chin as he looked at his crotch. "Concentrate," he told him trying to get him to understand.
"Oh I was thinking about an important part of myself being lost, and I thought I might know where to find it," he replied.
Ianto took his hands and looked into his eyes and sighed and rested his forehead against Jack's.
"I understand how important that part of you is..." he started to explain but stopped when he saw the skeptical look on Jack's face as if he couldn't possibly understand. "Trust me I know. It's as important to me as it is you," Ianto said as he saw the look of interest on his face grow.
"Ohhh, so have you and I?" Jack asked thinking sex with this delicious creature was something he would really like to do and by the sounds of it they had already done so.
"Made love, oh yeah," Ianto replied wistfully biting his bottom lip.
"How come I don't remember, you're so, so kissable, I am sure I would remember you?" Jack asked then looked puzzled thinking this was possibly the most lovable person he had ever seen. As he thought deeply, trying to make sense of the conversation he realized he couldn't recall his own name.
"Who am I?" he burst out
"You're Jack, My Jack, please listen concentrate," Ianto tried to explain as Jack tried to understand, he felt the rightness of his name but somewhere in the back of mind he felt there was another name but he couldn't recall that one either.
"I bet you look good in a suit," Jack said as looked at the man again wide eyed as he mulled over the words,' my Jack" and he felt a thrill as he realized he might actually belong to someone, this one. He had been so lonely for so long he felt a tug at his heart that this wonderful being might love him. He looked in wonder and surprise not sure what he could have ever done to gain the regard of this handsome pale serious young man.
"Jack I look bloody fabulous in a suit when you allow me to keep it on, that is" he told him. He realized this was going nowhere. He was feeling more and more desperate and he did the only thing he could think that might work and he pulled Jack towards him and kissed him. He kissed him with all the passion and desperate yearning of their first kiss.
He drew back as he saw a look of recognition beginning to grow on Jack's face and he kissed him again.
"Ianto," Jack said as their lips parted and a deeper awareness came to him, this was his Ianto.
"Yes Ianto, your Ianto," Ianto repeated as he pulled up Jacks hand, "Listen when you get back, you must put on the ring, kiss it then place it here" he indicated to the nail on his left thumb.
"My Ianto, if I do this will you promise me another kiss like that?" Jack asked his voice full of longing
"I promise a life time of kisses and I'll even wear a suit," Ianto told him brushing his lips against Jack's.
"A life time of kisses I like that," Jack repeated softly looking into his eyes realizing this was a solemn vow as well as a promise.
"The ring Jack, you must put on the ring," Ianto shouted at him as he felt himself being pulled back. "PUT ON THE RING," he shouted.
Suddenly Ianto felt himself returning and he sat up gasping taking a huge breath.
"God Almighty," Owen exclaimed "Are you ok?"
"The bond's broken, Jack's lost" He said as he broke down inconsolable.
Moving him with care, John and Owen lifted him to a secluded area away from the main group. Owen was a loss on how to help; he was distressed to see his stoic friend who was normally so reticent in such distress. He looked at John who was equally at a loss. When Ianto had passed out Owen was terrified the bond he shared with Jack meant he had died with him, a quick examination confirmed that had not happened. Moments later he had returned and apart from his initial statement had been unable to speak
Owen felt useless as Ianto lay unmoving; he knew from bitter experience that there were no words to console him all he could to be to offer his presence as support.
"When did he last eat?" John asked as some time passed.
"I've no idea I was looking after the injured bowmen and treating cuts and scrapes all day," Owen replied.
"We need to be practical here," John told him. "Tomorrow is going to trying in the extreme and he must be ready," he took a deep breath. "I don't care how we do this but he has got to get it together."
Owen thought for a moment. "He needs food and sleep; he's been in pain all day it's been written all over his face, so some serious pain relief. You go find some food real fool not the muck we've been eating," he saw the look on John's face, "do your best, some soft bread and cheese, and ale should do it," he suggested as he saw John head off.
"Right mate" Owen said to Ianto as he saw John return and place what looked like a round of bread and cheese along with large brown earthen ware jug of some kind. "We need you to sit up," he commanded in his best I know what's best for you doctors voice.
Ianto was unresponsive and it took John and Owen both to get him sitting. After several moments it was clear that Ianto was not going co-operate.
"This is hopeless," Owen said after short while as there every effort was resisted.
"I've got an idea, let's get him on his feet," John told him
With some effort John and Owen got him to his feet and leant him against a tree, as he began to slip back down John slapped him across the face. He saw Ianto's eyes flare with anger, and knew he had got a reaction. He went to slap him again and this time Ianto caught his hand.
"Good, you're angry, be angry Ianto, be angry at me, it's my fault," John goaded Ianto as Owen watched in stunned silence. Taking Ianto by the arms he started to shake him. "Come on Ianto , I 'm the bastard who brought him here, if it wasn't for me he would safe and you and he could play out your little university fantasy, for fuck's sake Ianto, get angry." He looked across at Owen in desperation and slapped him again harder this time and he could see the wildness growing in Ianto's eyes.
"What do I have to do to get you angry, your lover is over there and you are bailing out on him, Ianto he needs you, we need you, I need you, remember you tried to kill me with your bare hands? What happened to all that anger you felt, here's your chance hit me, a once in a life time offer, fight me, I'm the selfish son of a bitch who got him into this." He turned away towards Owen shaking his head, as Ianto lunched at him screaming as he landed a blow knocking him sideways.
"Fuck you!" Ianto screamed at him. "You brought all this down on us you selfish bastard!"
"Yeah I did it because I knew I could get him back ,you will never have what we had Ianto, we were real lovers, more than you will ever know," he goaded and Ianto gained his feet and lashed out again and pushed him forcefully away.
John stood his best cocky self both arms outstretched his hands out motioning him to bring it on. "That all you got big boy, big man in bed, but not so big where it really counts, that's right Jack needs a real man like me," he snarled at him and found Ianto was on top of him pounding with every ounce of strength he had left.
Owen watched open mouthed as he now saw John grasp Ianto round the waist holding him close as the Ianto now broke down and began to sob. He screamed, cried and raged at the injustice of it, the pain, his fear, his love for Jack, his grief and agony of feeling Jack die, his desperate attempt to get Jack to understand, the hopelessness, that Jack was lost insane for eternity. John listened and took it all as he rocked him and soothed him with soft words and stroked his hair.
As Ianto calmed down, he helped him sit up then took the offered food and jug from Owen. "Don't you ever tell anyone you ever saw this," John warned Owen raising a finger.
"My lips are sealed and even if I told anyone, I doubt they would believe me," Owen told him shaking his still not believing what he had just witnessed.
"Good," John said as gathered some food. "I have reputation to maintain."
The darkest point of night.
Sitting crossed legged wearing a tattered grey coat Jack examined a small object in the palm of his hand. There was just enough light seeping under a crack under one of the walls for it to gleam. It was so removed from anything else he had discovered in this strange dismal room. Jack had no idea where he was, he had awoken alone in a stone cold box, filled with discarded rotting fragments and he had found a coat and this. It was beautiful, a perfect circle of smooth buttery metal and he racked his brains to why such a simple object could hold him so enthralled.
He heard a faint murmur. He listened intently as he strained to hear; there it was again, it someone calling his name. He tilted his head twisting it around to see where it was coming from. Maybe it was coming from under the crack along the bottom of one of the walls he reasoned. He lay down putting his head by the gap. He heard it again; he sat up, no it definitely was coming from within the box. He stayed as still as he could, as he strained to hear. He returned to the center of the box to see if that would help and he heard it again and his attention was pulled to a growing warm feeling in his hand.
He opened his fist and in wonderment he realized the whisper had come from the ring. The whisper was faint; he brought the ring close to his ear and closed his eyes in an effort to focus on the sound. As he concentrated he saw the vision of a pale serious young man, a very handsome pale serious young man.
He watched intently and realized the whisper was not coming from the ring but from the lips of the young man. Each word was spoken with a lovely accent and he knew he could stand and listen here for a life time without interruption even if he couldn't make sense of the words.
"A life time," he said out loud surprising himself as he felt the ring warm again and his left thumb begin to itch.
He closed his eyes again and concentrated on the vision and imagined what it would be like to hold him in his arms. He felt a tear run down his face and he looked up and saw the young man was also crying. In some way he could not understand he felt somehow connected to the emotion pouring out the young man and it tore at his heart, such pain, passion, grief, love seeking solace. Caught up in grief he looked into his eyes and for a fleeting second he understood that the man was pleading, trying to get him understand something. It was like he was asking for something, he stamped his feet in frustration, and he had nothing of value he could offer and he felt the ring tingle. Maybe he could offer the ring he thought and, began to hold it out. He stopped as he saw the man already wore a ring on his left thumb and his own left thumb itched again as the vision began to dissipate..
Indescribable sorrow filled him as the vision began to fade.
"Don't leave me," he cried out as the words took on meaning.
"The energy is going, fading I'm fading, the last remaining remnant of you is almost gone, I am sorry I failed you, I love you Jack, if you recall nothing else remember I love you, I love you," The man kissed the ring on his thumb and held it to his lips as tears flowed down his face. Jack looked down at the ring in his hand bewildered and confused. He looked up as the vision was almost gone.
"Don't leave me here in the alone in the dark!" he screamed out as he felt his senses whirl and shadows began to fill his mind. The darkness was almost complete when the ring began to glow and pulsate. He looked down the ring and felt a moment of clarity, if he was going into oblivion then he was going with a final memory of the wonderful being who for a fleeting moment had made his terrible bleak existence bearable, he kissed the ring and brought it to his left thumb.
He fell to his knees as an ocean of feelings and emotions swept through him "Oh Ianto, my Ianto," he cried out as he landed on all fours and rolled on to his back ' I promise a life time of kisses," he gasped out.
Laying his eyes unseeing Ianto felt the last remaining ember of who Jack was slowly dwindle into nothingness. "Take me with you, I don't want to live," he felt himself cry out inwardly as he felt the fragile strand began to part. Tears flowed down his face as he sent his last thought as the final moment arrived.
"I love you Jack, if you recall nothing else remember I love you, I am sorry I failed you, I love you, I love you, I love you," he pushed out.
Ianto curled in on himself and sobbed. "Oh my Ianto, my Ianto, I promise a life time of kisses." He opened his eyes enraptured. Whispers, followed feelings, thoughts of a future, fulfilling the promise of their love for each other, feeling it deepen, they soared.
Day Five - Hour before Dawn.
Leaning his back against a tree Ianto listened to those sounds accompanied with the waking of the two hundred souls gathered here in the clearing. Movement in the center caught his attention and he saw flames flicker as a fire was lit
He wondered where Owen was then remembered that he had left on some task John had set him. As his thoughts touched Jack again he smiled, and felt his love and he laid his right hand across his heart and closed his eyes.
A hand touched his shoulder, and he opened them to see it was John offering him a beaker filled with a warm liquid. He sniffed and then took a cautious slip of the spiced warm ale. He grimaced, he would never get used to the sour taste but water was not safe so he took another sip.
"You ok?" Owen asked as came up behind John holding his own beaker.
"Better than ok," he told them both and John slapped him and broke into a huge grin.
"You look brilliant Ianto" Owen observed as he noted the exultant look on his face. "Jack? He asked and saw the small smile on Ianto's face grow until his whole lit up.
"Where is he?" John asked expectantly.
"Dungeon in the castle lowest level," he told them as he saw John relax his shoulders.
"I love it when a plan comes together," he said rubbing his hands together and in the half light of the dawn Ianto could just make out the look of unrestrained relief on John's face.
"If he's in the castle it means we use Plan A. We only have one objective and we can ignore the barrow completely," John explained. "And if I know Anlaf and Gray like I do they will want to drag Jack in front of Ianto and do some serious gloating." He stopped as saw the look on confusion Owen's face "It means none of them will be going down the corridor leading to the barrow. It means our waiting friends will be less likely to be discovered," he said thinking of those souls who had chosen to infiltrate the night before and lay in hiding.
He saw a look dawn on Owen's face and he nodded his understanding. "And it means we have Anlaf's escape route covered because the one thing I can guarantee today is that Anlaf will make a run for it."
"What condition is Jack in?" Owen asked Ianto.
"He's good for now, he's cold, hungry, but his body has reset," he told them.
"Let's hope they don't have another go at him before we can get there," Owen said.
"Oh I think they are going to have a lot more on their minds in a few hours than making Jack's life difficult," John told them as his face darkened.
"Are you sure you want to trust me with high explosives?" Owen asked him as they started to walk towards the fire.
"More you, than them," John said as he indicated the small army that was now beginning serious preparations in the forest opening.
"Can I ask you something John? It's being driving me crazy for months," Owen asked as they joined the others to take a share of the breakfast which was being handed out from a large blackened caldron hanging over the fire on a tripod.
" What is it with you and Tosh? One minute you are all over each other, next thing she's hurling large objects at you, and calling you a temporary lapse of good judgement, while you duck. According to my calculations her good judgement seems to have lapsed five times since you first turned up." He queued.
"Is this really the right time to quell your curiosity?" Ianto asked rolling his eyes and taking a serving of what looked like some of porridge.
"Well you never know what might happen today, I might cark it and I would hate to die with this one mystery unsolved. Come on what is it between you, cos I don't get it," he said taking a bowl filled with hot cereal.
John looked round then replied softly. "It's like this, err how can I explain this, em, it's a question of libido. "
"Libido?" Ianto questioned not sure he had heard correctly.
"Let's just say there has only been one other person who has ever been able to keep up," John explained.
"Keep up?" Owen said not sure he understood.
"Insatiable," he added with a grin raising his eyebrows up and down, as he saw a look of understanding grow on Owen's face.
"Oh god, I'm not sure I wanted to know that," Owen retorted.
"Well you did ask," John replied taking a mouthful of food.
"Well that explains a lot," Ianto interjected as he threw a knowing look at John who smiled and slapped Ianto on the back.
Owen looked between them. "Oh god", he groaned out loud, and realised there really were some things better left unsaid as he coughed quietly taking a large bite of the excellent porridge he had been served.
Chapter 29
Authors Note: Andlean translated form Anglo Saxon means retribution.
Early Morning Day Five.
Issuing final instructions Owen, John took off his wrist strap, and opened a panel removing a tiny crystal which he placed in Ianto's open palm to ensure it would not inadvertently dropped or lost.John now removed a small pinkie ring from his right hand and he lifted out the jewel revealing a tiny cavity. He placed the jewel into Ianto's palm along the crystal he had removed earlier. With deft ease he took the crystal from Ianto's palm and placed it into a small cradle in the ring and the replaced jewel placing it on top. He took several moments to ensure the jewel was seated correctly.
Keeping the panel on his wrist strap open he checked the time on Ianto's watch and adjusted the time on Ianto's watch so they were in sync. Then he handed his wrist strap to Owen. John pushed the stone and got Owen to check that the signal was being received. John pointed to a small screen and explained, "When Ianto and I arrive at the main gate I will signal you by pressing the jewel on my ring. I will send the second signal only when Ariana and ideally Jack are with us. If you do not receive this signal within two hours of the first signal it means either myself or Ianto are incapacitated, or the signal has failed, at that point blow the charges," he told Owen who nodded his understanding as he closed the wrist strap and fastened it to his wrist. John placed the ring back on his hand and Ianto put his watch back on.
Turning they walked across to Rodderick who was dressed ready for the fray in chain mail covered with his deep green captain's uniform, his long sword sharpened, with two bowmen and pike men by his side.
"Are all preparations complete? Are they ready? Because if not, you need to tell me now?" John asked Rodderick. "I cannot emphasize this enough you must lead; where you lead they will follow." He looked around at expectant faces and saw the truth of his words "They will get scared, some will want to run away, some will become paralysed unable to move, but you must get them to move as soon as there is an opening, remember, blast, move, and fight. Do not allow the other side to recover, we need to get as many men inside as quickly as possible," John advised passionately
Rodderick listened intently before replying, "We have spent the night in preparation. All men have been pulled aside in groups and as individuals. They are aware there will be destruction as they have not seen before, it will roar and the earth will split aside and shake, there may be smoke and fire. All of the bowmen who are able and who survived the attack are here. Each lead a group of known steady men and are expected to lead if I should fall," Rodderick told him and slapped him on the shoulder. "I understand the element of surprise John; blast, move fight, three very simple instructions which you can be trust we will obey." He took a deep breath and continued.
"Now there are some important details you need to know," he said and a huge grin spread across his face. "The word has gone out that we have found a way to breach the castle and all those who have been waiting for this moment to come. Many you see are gathered here but some are hidden." He shouted, "ANDLEAN!" and the gathered men roared the word in reply.
"Today we have Andlean," he continued. "All those who suffered will gain peace this day," he added.
"Andlean," the men pronounced in unison savagely cheering.
"Remember this word, it is what binds us together," he told John, Owen and Ianto as he turned to them.
"Each of you need to wear one of these," Rodderick told them as he took several strips of cloth from the bowman next him and handed one to Owen, John and Ianto.
As each took a strip of cloth, they noted every man including Rodderick had a piece of yellow cloth tied around their necks or around their arms."Any man or woman you see today wearing this colour in such a fashion is a known friend," he warned them. "Do not strike any who you find so adorned without true cause." He now drew back and looked at John directly and bowed.
"To fair Lady Ariana whose brave and regal heart has kept our hopes alive and worked tirelessly for this very day," he grabbed John's hand, pulling him to him, slapping him on the back almost knocking him off his feet as he lifted his sword and motioned to his bowmen who now took off with speed.
Owen, John and Ianto hugged each other silently knowing no words were required here, for this moment meant they might see each other again. They broke apart and nodded to each other as Owen moved away racing to catch up with Captain Rodderick.
"What hell does andlean mean?" John asked as he saw Rodderick's army moving at speed towards the castle some miles distant. "And what did he mean her brave and regal heart?" he said as they moved off. "What has she been up to?" he scowled.
"Well maybe, just maybe she's her brother's sister, "Ianto offered as he saw John begin to mutter as they moved off together.
Mid Morning.
Standing concealed about 200 feet from the main castle gate; John pressed the jewel on his ring on his hand then handed his weapon over to Ianto. Ianto took the weapon and placed it through his belt next to his gun holster and John tied it into place with what looked like a thick loop of brown parcel string. John moved to double check both weapons were encompassed by the string, enough to have an effect but not enough to stop either weapon being drawn quickly. He looked at Ianto, and he nodded silently, they both knew this was a long shot. A long shot of all long shots. It could be that their deception would be uncovered immediately on inspection, but it was worth a try. Pulling his tee shirt down Ianto covered both weapons and the holster as best he could."I'm sorry about this Ianto, but you have to appear to be my prisoner," he said as he took some strong rope he had prepared and tied up his hands behind his back. As he finished he tested the rope and began to speak.
"Now today is going to be difficult, whatever friendship we have is going to be tested to the limit. We will have to trust each beyond anything we have had to deal with so far. I tell you now Ianto I trust you with my life, more importantly, I am entrusting you with Ariana's life. If anything happens to me I am counting on you along with Jack to get her out," he said as he glanced around the tree towards the gate as Ianto nodded his agreement
"We will do everything in our power to get her out," Ianto told him as John slapped his arm.
"I know you and I started out hating each other, so before we get into this today I want you to let you know how much I have come to, how much you.." He paused. "I am not sure how to say this..." He pulled Ianto to him and gave him a deep kiss. He drew back to the surprised look on Ianto's face. "Keep that in mind today, as the fourth person in this universe I give a damn about," he explained.
"Andlean," Ianto said as he looked at John with a small smile.
"Andlean" John repeated as picked up a rock and walked towards the gate.
John pounded on the gate. "This is John Hart, and I have Ianto Jones!" he shouted out.
Stripped down to his black tee shirt, jeans and belt Ianto was pushed and bullied along a stone corridor. Struggling to keep himself upright he felt a hard blow between his shoulder blades and he staggered forward just managing to right himself. His heart pounded in his chest terrified at what might happen if he fell and he swallowed fearing the consequence if he showed any perceived resistance.
They had arrived and been searched. The first guards they had encountered had been quiet and business like and it certainly helped that they were both wearing scraps of yellow cloth. John had been stripped of all weapons but the ring went un-noticed. The guards had just completed their search of Ianto with raised eyebrows and the odd nod, when a brute of man arrived to collect them.
The other guards had stepped back as he took over in fear of his anger if they failed to obey. John had watched in horror as Ianto was given a beating leaving him bewildered and in shock. It had only stopped when he finally convinced the brute that Ianto was to be delivered to Gray and he might have to face the consequences if he was really damaged.
One final shove and Ianto found himself unceremoniously dumped before a long table around which sat several men who looked up as he fell flat on his face. He hit the hard stone floor, with a crack and felt the wind knocked out of him as he felt a foot on the back of his neck.
"Get Jack," he heard a gleeful voice say. Ianto grunted with pain as the foot ground into his neck making it difficult to breath.
The pressure stopped and he was roughly forced onto his knees.
"So you are Ianto Jones?" The voice said and he looked up to see a young man. Before he could answer he heard a crash as a richly dressed man hurtled into the room fury written on every line of his face wielding a long sword.
"You!" he demanded, moving menacingly toward John Hart.
"I will have my vengeance," the man spat out. John stood his ground and spat back.
"He had it coming," John sneered forcefully as Gray as moved to intervene.
"Lord Godwin, stop!" the young man began to command as two guards manhandled Jack into the room.
Anlaf turned to see source of the noise to see Jack enter, his jaw dropped. "How!" he burst out his eyes widening in disbelief as he stared at the impossible. Less than a day ago he had beaten the life out of this man in the most savage manner possible, and yet here he was without a mark on him.
Jack found himself pushed down beside Ianto. He struggled to touch him and saw Ianto struggle towards him but they were pulled apart. Denied the comfort of touch they looked into each other's eyes and they pushed out as much love and comfort as they could. Ianto took a breath as he took strength from Jacks gaze and felt himself calm.
"Gray," Jack croaked as he fought to break his gaze from Ianto's and to look at his brother.
"Ariana," John Hart demanded before Gray could respond.
"First things first," Gray told him dismissively. "Did you search them?" he commanded of the brutal guard. "Did you remove everything you did not recognise?"
"Yes sire," he replied as he emptied a large bag of guns, several daggers and a samurai sword onto the table with a clatter amongst the food dishes.
Several of the occupants seated around the table started to examine the strange collection dumped before them. One picked up the samurai sword and drew it out of his scabbed and tested the blade by running two fingertips down its length. As he did so he sliced the tips of his fingers off. He dropped the sword, cursing and sucking on his bleeding fingers as he called for cloth. Another now picked up at the sword with more respect and began examining it more closely.
"Ariana?" demanded John. "Where is Ariana? I have kept my end of deal, where is she?"
"No" Anlaf shouted out. "I claim her for the death of Ablendan Bandwof! " He pointed his sword towards John.
"Gray control him, you and I made deal. I bring him" he pointed to Ianto, "in exchange for her," John told Gray forcefully.
Gray walked over to Anlaf and pulled him aside as John watched an argument ensued. He took the opportunity to view the room. The walls were covered in several tapestries, a large fireplace filled with several blazing logs. He counted the men; there were thirteen, he noted with interest that two of the guards had yellow strips of cloth about their person. It meant if it came to a fight six of them against the gathered knights including Anlaf and Gray. Odds two to one, they might make it yet John calculated.
The argument ended and a subdued but enraged Anlaf returned to the table and glared at John then hungrily moved his eyes towards Jack.
"You bastard," Ianto yelled as he struggled to stand and threw himself at John knocking him off his feet. There was a brief struggle then two of the men from around the table pulled him to standing as John punched him in the stomach. He doubled over in pain as he was dragged back beside Jack.
"Ariana," John demanded again, and as he spoke a young woman her hair braided with long yellow ribbons raced into his arms and immediately buried her head in his shoulder.
"Gray, I can make this right with you, but not him," Jack said as he motioned towards Ianto as he looked up at his brother.
"Dear brother I have waited a long time for this moment. He is going to suffer; his death will be slow and agonising. I promise you will witness every single moment of his anguish. I have dreamed of this moment, hungered for it, and when I'm done, I am going to hand you to Anlaf. You see he has just worked out your little secret Jack. Can you imagine what a gift you are to him? He's a sadist of the worst kind and you will get to endure under his hands the horror of my life." He motioned for Anlaf who was licking his lips in anticipation of the feast that awaited him. Gray moved aside as Anlaf pulled Jack to his feet by the lapels of his coat, his face twisted with delight. Pulling Jack to his feet he heard a strange metal clack and something heavy and cold was pressed into his neck.
"Get your hands off my husband," Ianto hissed through his teeth as he ground the muzzle of his gun into Anlaf's neck.
Anlaf tilted his head to see the young man was standing unbound, pressing a heavy black object with a hollow tube into his neck.
"You hold nothing a lump of metal, I fear it not," he declared, keeping his hold on Jack.
"Bet your life?" Jack asked him looking directly into his eyes. Anlaf jolted as he saw a flash of rage cross the man's eyes.
"Let him go," John added his voice pointing his own weapon at Gray.
"They have nothing Gray, do not be fooled my men will take them," Anlaf snarled indicating his men move forward.
"For gods' sake Anlaf get back," Gray shouted at him as he watched John aim at the nearest approaching man and fired. The room echoed as the shot rang around the room as everyone jumped.
"Oh, I've got your attention," John said as the man grasped his chest and fell to the ground.
On hearing the shot Anlaf stared wide eyed at the barrel of Ianto's gun.
"I'll, fucking blow you brains out, you fucking piece of shit, if you don't let him go," Ianto snarled at him.
On hearing the insult Anlaf suffused with anger but dropped his hands. His eyes flicked over to his men who were now quickly recovering. John pointed his weapon at them and they backed away. Ariana now ripped off the bottom half of her outfit off revealing leggings. She reached out and took a dagger from the table and moved to release Jack. As she did one of the Anlaf's cronies tried to grab her arm. As he did Ariana exploded in a ballet of precise movement and the man fell to the floor in agony clutching his genitals, and sporting a broken nose which bled profusely.
The tension in the room broke and the men scattered, some taking the opportunity to arm themselves the majority along with Anlaf headed for the door.
"I have waited for this, for so long," John hissed at Gray who seeing his intent raced to reach one of the four pillars in the room as John aimed and fired. The bullet chipped the pillar and John cursed.
Now free Jack grasped the front of Ianto's tee-shirt and crashed their lip together.
"You ok?" John asked Jack as the kiss broke.
"I am now," Jack told him as he put his arm around Ianto's waist to steady him as Ianto lent back and kissed him quickly as they edged back towards the fire end of the room.
"What happened?" Ianto asked as they joined John as Jack armed himself from the weapons on the table along with Ariana who took the samurai sword.
"The stone on my ring is jammed," John told him through his teeth.
"Shit," Ianto cursed under his breath as they heard Anlaf call out to the guards for reinforcements.
John saw moment and almost fired. "Andlean!" two voices screamed out and he recognised the two guards he had noted earlier pressed up against the right hand wall. John called out the word in reply and the men hurriedly joined them.
"What does that mean?" John asked Ariana loudly
"Retribution," she replied with glee as the two guards slapped their right fists over their hearts and repeated the word.
John was about to say more when an arrow hit one of the guards in the throat. Moving as one the group pushed over the table and took cover as an arrow hit the front with a thunk.
"What have you been doing?" John demanded of his sister as he handed his weapon to Jack and took his ring off.
"Me!, How the hell did you managed to hide your weapons, I mean there were in clear sight?" she asked him as another arrow hit the front of the table as Jack looked over the edge and fired towards the door.
"We had this," Ianto said as holding up a brass house key with a black chip on it, along with a loop of string.
"I love you," Jack said as pulled Ianto into quick kiss.
"What the hell as that key got to do with it?" Ariana said in frustration as another arrow flew across the table edge hit the stone wall behind and clattered to the floor.
"It's Jack's, we found it and Tosh modified it so we could surround objects with a perception field," he explained as another arrow hit, looking over the edge he fired towards the door.
"'She's my technological genius," John said an edge of pride in his voice.
"I'll explain later," Ianto said to Jack who nodded and quickly kissed Ianto again.
"This castle is impregnable it's full of my men. I will see to it you never leave this room alive," Anlaf screamed at them from the door.
"There are only five of you," Gray yelled at them from behind the pillar. "You only have so many bullets. I tell you now there are more men here in this castle than you have bullets, you may kill one, two, even ten but in the end they will over power you."
"Filth!" Ianto suddenly shouted out at Anlaf.
"What!" Anlaf said moving forward slightly as he heard the word.
"You heard me, filth," Ianto replied as both John and Jack looked at him. "Fix the ring," he hissed under his breath.
"I'm trying," John replied as Ariana went to assist him.
"Worm ridden filth," Ianto shouted back as he saw the look of rage grow on Anlaf's face.
"Don't fall for it," Gray shouted desperately towards the door as he realised the tactic was to enrage Anlaf into doing something unguarded. He cursed as he realised the word they were using had changed its meaning, to Anlaf it was the most degrading word in his language.
"You're a slimy piece of worm ridden filth," he added as rage now began to infect Anlaf's entire being and several of his men tried to hold him back.
"Empire Strikes Back?" Jack asked.
"Return of the Jedi" Ianto corrected him as he saw Jack nod.
"Keep at it," Ariana said she heard the scuffle to contain Anlaf. "I think he's losing it."
"How does the quote go?" Jack asked.
Ianto thought for few moments then shouted out defiantly as Jack mirrored the words with him, "You tell that slimy piece of worm-ridden filth, he'll get no such pleasure from us!" Then turned to Jack. "You know I have always wanted to say that."
"I know," Jack told him as he took his free hand and brought it to his lips.
Red faced Anlaf struggled from of his men and spluttered, "After I have killed each and every one of you, I am going to stand by while Ariana is violated by every man in this room," he spat out venomously as he saw Ianto look over the table edge, aim his weapon and fire as Anlaf jumped back to safety.
"Enough," Gray shouted out. "There are five of you, more of Anlaf's men are on their way, you would need an army to get out of this room, let alone to the gates," he told them.
John pressed his ring and shouted out, "We were thinking the same thing ourselves so we brought one with us," he said as the entire building suddenly shook, then rocked with a deep ominous rumble, then shook again more violently.
Silence followed as dust drifted down from the ceiling filling the room in a haze. In the distance a broken howling and clash of metal could be heard as fighting broke out.
Chaos erupted in the corridor as the realisation hit Anlaf and his men that the castle had been breached and scattered to lead a defence.
The guard stood his sword at the ready as he raced towards the door his face dark with fear and anticipation as Ariana moved to follow. Seeing her intent he pulled her back.
"Let me go," she screamed as she struggled to join the guard "I've been planning this for months, I have a right to be there."
John swung her around "No, this is their fight," he told her.
"But," she struggled to say.
"I told Captain Rodderick we would get him into the castle only," John told her keeping a good grip as he saw the stubborn look on her face.
"Not fair!" she retorted.
"It's their day, they have deserved this moment without our help and history must record this as a local uprising," he explained.
Ianto shook his head. "It doesn't," he told her.
"Doesn't what?" she glared at him.
"Today. It's not recorded. I had a quick look at the history of this place as part of the Henge study. There's no mention, except a brief sentence that after some family difficulties Earl Eadwulf Godwin took back the earldom from his brother, Anlaf's name is not even mentioned."
"But, but that is so unfair, after all they've been through, there's nothing," she burst out indignantly.
"In 66 years this all gets swept away with the Norman invasion of William the Conqueror. The Godwin's stood with Harold, they lose everything," Ianto explained as he saw the distress on her face.
"So this was all for nothing. All their suffering, this day, no one remembers," Ariana said, distraught.
"The people who count do," Jack interrupted. "It doesn't matter what history recorded. What matters is that today justice was done by the people who are living now. They got their moment to take back some control and dignity over their lives. Every individual who stood up to be counted, every man, woman, and child who was saved, protected and fought know who the true hero was."
"Rodderick Brice, Captain of the guard," she said quietly.
"And he and all those with him don't need our help, let them have their moment of glory," Jack told her.
John released Ariana and reloaded his weapon. "I however have unfinished business," John said.
"No John he's my responsibility," Jack said as he grabbed his arm.
"He has an appointment with death," John growled back.
"This was my fault," Jack said distressed as Ianto tried to comfort him
"You let go of his hand Jack you were twelve," John retorted. "He caused all this grief. I didn't think it was possible to endure the suffering I've had to witness," he choked. "I made a vow when I held Ianto, after he beat you to death that Gray would pay for what he had done to him, Ariana and you. Don't deny me this Jack," he said as wild rage filled his face.
"Look after Ariana," he said as he checked his weapon.
"No, don't do this John, Ariana needs you, I need you, w..." Ianto trailed of as he felt the room swirl around him, he swayed and Jack caught him as he knees buckled.
"I got you," Jack told him as he wrapped his arms around him and helped him sit of the floor.
"Sorry, I not sure what's wrong," he said as another wave of dizziness hit him.
"I do," Jack said quietly as indicted to John who started to see there was anything to eat.
Ianto lifted his hand to stroke Jack's cheek as Jack wrapped his arms around him and sweetly kissed him as tears flowed down his face.
John pull into view with a plate of meat and a beaker seeing the moment he placed the plate and beaker by their side and, pulled Ariana away.
Chapter 30
Cupping Jack's face in his hand, Ianto lost himself in Jack's kiss. Pulling back he brushed the tears from Jack's face. He rested his head against Jack's chest listening to his heartbeat. Jack placed his hand against Ianto's check and caressed it with loving ease and kissed the top of his head. After a while Ianto pulled back from the embrace. Taking his thumb he traced Jack's lips and face as Jack lent into his touch. Jack ran the outside of his fingers down Ianto's face.Sitting with his back against the wall, John watched the two lovers, oblivious to the world around them. He hoped nothing would intrude, because he knew they had earned this moment of peace. Ariana snuggled up to him and he put his arm around her and kissed the top of her head.
"My tigress," he said to her.
"Do you think I will ever find someone to love me as much as they do each other?" Ariana asked him.
"What you're seeing a truly rare sight," John replied as Ariana looked up at him.
"Two souls bonded through trial, sacrifice and love," he told her. "So yes, I would hope someone would love you as much as they do each other, but I hope you won't have to suffer so much for it," he said as he kissed her forehead.
John felt his stomach growl, as he watched Jack and Ianto with delicate care began feed each other small tidbits still not breaking their gaze. How banal he thought after everything that happened this day he was hungry. Standing he pulled Ariana up with him and stretched. As he did he realized the sounds of battle had begun to fade. Making his way to the door he cautiously stuck his head around the corner as Owen almost ran into him.
"Where the bloody hell have you lot been!" He burst out.
"What happened to you?" Ariana burst out as she saw a grime covered man holding a blood stained sword and wearing splattered clothing.
"I stormed a bloody castle," he told them", that's right me, Dr. Owen bloody Harper stormed a castle. And do you know what is so tragic about this moment? I am never going to able to tell a living soul because no one is ever going to believe me," he said loudly as he walked towards Jack who was now standing.
"How ya doing mate?" He said as he wrapped his arms around Jack in greeting.
"All the better for seeing you," Jack replied.
"Did you really storm the castle?" Ariana said enviously as they pulled apart.
"Anlaf and company?" John asked.
"He's dead. First, they threw him off the battlements. Then he went to pieces. If you want to catch up with him, he's on display atop pikes along the castle wall", Owen informed them grimly.
"One down, one to go," John commented as he put his hand on his weapon holster.
"Rodderick?" Ianto queried.
"Mopping up the last pockets of resistance, but to be honest there's not many left fighting because most of Anlaf's men scarpered as soon as they saw the battle was lost, the rest you do not want to know," he cautioned.
"Gray?" John asked a darkness growing on his face as Jack looked at him.
"No one has seen hair nor hide of the bugger must have some bolt hole. Any way I am bloody starving where can a man whose stormed a castle get some grub?" Owen inquired.
"Follow me," Ariana indicated as she led them out to the door and along the corridor , down a level via a series of winding stone stairs till eventually they came up to a large room with two large fire places containing meat spits and several overturned tables with food scattered around the floor.
Searching through the remains of the kitchen and large pantry, they had managed to find enough food for a simple feast of bread, apples, cheese, black pudding and several hard boiled eggs which from the size and strong flavor were either geese or ducks eggs all, washed down with spiced ale.
Sitting as close to Jack as he could Ianto took deep sip of the beaker in front him. He grimaced at the sour dirty taste; one thing he knew he would not miss was the poor excuse for beer in this time.
"Bad," Jack agreed as he saw the grimace on Ianto's face.
"It's the furry", Ianto began. "After taste", Jack completed the sentence.
"Bloody hell, it's like listening to twins," Owen snarked commenting on the way Jack and Ianto finished each other sentences.
"Get used"... "to it" Jack spoke followed by Ianto as they leaned in and kissed each other.
"Stop doing that its freaking me out," Owen told them.
"Pair bonds, bloody insufferable, they have these little unheard conversations," John said as he winked. Ianto smiled and pulled up Jack's hand and kissed it.
"Your just jealous," Ianto told him as he grabbed another slice of bread and spread some butter on it.
"Damn right I'm jealous, Jack's a lucky man and if doesn't work out between you two, you know where to find me," he told him.
"I thought you and Tosh?" Owen pointed out.
"Always room for one more, you interested Owen?" John offered as Ariana burst into fits of giggles as John grinned at her enjoying the sound of her unrestrained laughter.
"Tosh?" Jack inquired.
"Well apparently John and Tosh have been having this hot and ..." Owen began to be explained but interrupted as a battle weary Rodderick accompanied by several men dragged Gray into the room and dumped him onto the floor.
"We caught him trying to escape via the barrow. We were uncertain of what to do with him as he is not one of us and we decided we should bring him to you for justice," Rodderick explained as everyone around the table stood.
John drew his weapon. "Endgame Gray. The moment you took Ariana you must have known this moment was inevitable. Yet I think you knew that but you hated Jack so much that you didn't care." He pointed his weapon at him, "I hold no regrets in killing you because I'm just putting your body out of its misery, everything that made you a human being ended the moment the Sla-harg took you," he said to him.
"Don't", Jack spoke for the first time.
"Don't what Jack?" John turned to him, "send him into the oblivion he deserves?"
"I forgive you Gray," Jack said to the figure as he cowered on the floor. He stepped around the table and pulled Gray to his feet as he resisted.
"This is my fault, I should have been a better brother to you, please forgive me". He pulled back and saw to his sorrow the look of hatred on his brother's face.
"I have no forgiveness for you, only hate", he sneered and with a sharp movement he jerked out a compact weapon he had been concealing and fired. Jack felt and saw Ianto clutch the top of his right leg and collapsed onto the ground.
As they all heard another shot, echo around the room Jack dashed to his side in an effort to break his fall. In one movement Owen tore open the blooded area of Ianto's jeans revealing an entry wound pumping out blood which grew in volume with every passing second.
It took only a fraction of a second for Owen to assess the entry wound on the right hand side of his groin and the blood literally draining out of his body to know Ianto was fatally wounded.
"He's been hit high the groin compromising his femoral artery Jack, he will bleed out in less than ten minutes."
"JACK" Ianto pushed out "I ... Jack felt something shift in Ianto's mind and he was gone.
"No" Jack pushed back "stay with me Ianto, please stay with me not like this, we are so close so close to a life, a life I promised you a life Ianto, no please, please,"
"Do something!" Jack cried out to Owen as he tried to reconnect with Ianto.
"It's fatal Jack, even in the 21st century. He needs blood, an air lift to a trauma hospital, I can't even stabilize him, there is nothing I can do," he said shouted back desperation distorting his words.
Jack screamed out a deep visceral howl as he took Ianto into his arms, "Do something!" he screamed at him.
Looking around Owen grabbed one of the sharp eating knifes from the table and a rag he found on the floor, with swift precise strokes he sliced into the wound. Taking the rag he wrapped it around his fist and jammed it as high into the wound. As he did so he felt Ianto shudder as he pushed with all his might straining to bring the bleeding under control.
"I've bought us about two extra minutes so you better start fucking thinking of something," Owen told them as the bleeding eased perceptively. John slid beside him and fumbled with the jewel on his ring.
Ariana now joined them as she saw what he was trying to do as he handed her the ring. With trembling hands John shouted instructions as she removed the jewel exposing the crystal underneath. At the same time John opened the panel on the wrist strap on Owen's wrist.
"Rodderick search Gray and see if is wearing a leather wrist band," John yelled out as the men began frantically searching Gray's body.
"the bloody things drained you told us that," Owen hollered at him.
"It's all we got and it's his only hope," he roared back as he took the crystal from between Ariana's fingers and delicately replaced it back into its original position. Rodderick tossed the wrist strap from Gray's body to Ariana who placed it in John's stretched hand. Now he opened the panel and ripped out the screen and took out a black chip. Flipping the panel on the wrist strap on Owen's wrist Owen noted a number of gaps as John seated the chip in one of them. Checking that both the crystal and chip were seated correctly he closed the panel.
"Just recalibrating," John said as his fingers flew over the panel as he saw the look on Jack's face as an understanding passed between them as he nodded.
"Nine minutes", Owen called out as John finished punching in information as he stood up.
"Good luck," he shouted as he stood back to see the three huddled men enveloped in an orange haze.
Rubbing a sore spot on her neck, Tosh began to unwrap a small power bar as Gwen handed her a mug of coffee as she returned to her computer.
"Thanks Gwen," she said as she took the coffee. As she took a sip she noted an orange light began to fill the Hub. Looking around for the source of the glow, three figures materialized by the water feature. One figure was prone, another had his arms wrapped around him and a smaller man looked like he had is hand inside the other's leg, She blinked as the smaller man began to shout frantic instructions at her.
"Tosh call 999, tell them we have a man who has been shot in the groin and has compromised his femoral artery and we need a medi-vac, tell them he is blood type A+," the voice told her.
"What?" she repeated.
Owen took a deep breath. "Call 999 tell them we have a man shot in the groin and has compromised his femoral artery, we need an emergency air lift, tell them he is blood type A+ ," he repeated as she now realized it was Owen, the prone figure was Ianto and Jack was holding him.
"Got it", Tosh said as she flicked open her phone and began to speak.
"Where do they land?" Tosh demanded as she spoke to the emergency services.
"Plass," Jack shouted at her.
"I'll go grab the stretcher," Gwen said speaking for the first time.
"Stop!" Owen shouted at her.
"But we need do we get him up there," Gwen told him stung by his tone.
"Yes," Tosh said in defense of Gwen. "We can save time and meet the medi-vac."
"One of you get up there and bring the paramedic down here along with every intravenous kit he has," he yelled at them. "If I remove my hand Ianto will bleed to death in the time it would take us to move him from here to the lift."
"DO IT!" Jack screamed at her as they saw her hesitate.
"ETA Four minutes," Tosh told him still holding the phone to her ear.
"Seven minutes, three minutes and he goes into cardiac arrest," Owen told Jack who was looked back at him struggling to keep his composure.
The moments ticked by as they waited silently, it seemed as if time had slowed, as Owen and Jack looked at each other trying to stem the desperation they both felt. An age passed when at last they heard a sound, they both looked up as the saw the lift began to move downwards. Owen swore this was the longest moments of his life as two paramedics descended carrying some substantial equipment.
"Fill me in, "the man said as both paramedics began together working on Ianto. One incubated Ianto and attached an ambu-bag along with a small oxygen flask and began to squeeze it rhythmically. The main paramedic with speed and skill drove a needle into the back of Ianto's hand and established a line and connected a saline pack. He opened the valve fully and handed the pack to Jack who stood, "Squeeze that with all your might", he told Jack as the other medic in between pumps ripped open Ianto's tee shirt, placed two round wired patches on his chest and switched on a mobile heart monitor.
"He's gone into cardiac arrest", she called out as the other man pounded on his chest.
"He's back", she called out picking up another kit he set up another intravenous drip and handed it to Gwen.
"Same instructions, we need to replace as much fluids as we can," he told her.
"He's gone again," the other medic called out. "he's in fibrillation. Stand back," he told them as he applied the paddles and Ianto's body arched.
The medic watched his equipment. "Again", he called out as the action was repeated.
"Normal rhythm," she told him.
"Blood pressure's up slightly, keep those fluids coming," the main medic told them.
"Doctor Matthew Abrahams", he introduced himself as things calmed.
"Delia Smith, the other paramedic said.
"Now," Dr Abrahams said looking at them after a few more moments passed and he noted Ianto made small steps moved towards stability. "We come to the really difficult part," he told them honestly.
@-Buffeted by the vortex of the helicopter blades Jack stood and watched as the helicopter lifted from the Plass then headed briefly out across the bay, gained height then turned towards the city skimming across building tops. It was not until he felt a touch on his elbow that he realized Gwen had parked the SUV beside him and had opened a door.
Staring out the window of the SUV as it speeded through the streets of Cardiff Jack battled to maintain some semblance of himself. The last hour has been a kaleidoscope of emotions, one merging into the other. He pushed out and the connection so strong just a short hour ago was absent. He looked down at his thumb and brought the ring to his lips, willing there to be something... anything. He could be dead right now and he wouldn't know. Jack felt an urge to smash to his fist against the windscreen. The ring responded to his grief and began to sing out a hymn of sorrow.
The hymn, a lament woven into the night sky cried out because they were unable to grant their parting gift. As the last of their kind they had intended to endow Ianto's essence to Jack, something he could carry forward with him for eternity, but the bond was too new and needed the gift of time to prepare. He shuddered as he felt their cries and felt his own soul dying. Without Ianto he knew he would live a half-life. A continuation of what was and he wondered what he had done to be so cursed, so punished, to be denied a life with the only two people he had ever loved.
Steering the SUV into the parking bay at the hospital reserved for such occasions Gwen pulled on the handbrake and saw Owen hurrying towards them.
He opened Jack's door. "He's alive," he announced as saw the tormented look on Jack's face.
Pulling Jack around he knew what had occurred and he shook him "Jack, Jack, Ianto is alive, he's in surgery," he said strongly as Gwen came to next to him.
"What's wrong?" she asked him her voice trembling as she saw clearly for the first time the state Jack was in.
"A lot has happened, Gwen the short version is," he took Jack's hand and showed her the ring. "Jack and Ianto are bonded. It's an emotional, come everything, god knows what bond. I saw this happen to Ianto when the bond broke because Jack lost himself." He stopped at the look of confusion on her face realizing that it was not possible to share with her the emotional journey they had taken over the past days, in the middle of the car park of a trauma hospital with a catatonic Jack Harkness and his lover in surgery, fighting for his life.
"He's shut himself off, because he's lost the will to live," he struggled to explain.
"What do we do?" she asked him.
"We need to do something to bring him back," he told her bring his hand to his mouth.
"What worked with Ianto?" she asked.
"We had John Hart," he told her and she raised her eyebrows.
"What did he do?" she asked
"He made Ianto angry?" he told her as he looked at her and pulled his lip in thought.
"Gwen, kiss him," he ordered her suddenly
"What!" she burst out.
"Kiss him Gwen, you been wanting to kiss him since you first met him," he told her.
"That's not the point, there's a difference from fancying someone in your head to actually following it through. What about Rhys I mean..?" she told him wide eyed.
"Fuck sake Gwen snog him, I won't tell Rhys, close your eyes and think of Torchwood," he interrupted her
Glaring at Owen she pulled Jack around and kissed him.
"I meant snog him, really snog him, like you love him. Kiss him like you mean it, put some real passion into it woman," he instructed as she threw him a dirty look. "Look I would do it myself, but if I'm right this will only work if it's you," he told her.
Pulling Jack around so he was facing her she put her arms over his shoulders she crashed their lips together and began to give him a passionate kiss.
After a few seconds he began to struggle and he pushed her away forcefully, putting one hand up to stop her in case she tried to kiss him again and wiping his mouth with the back of his other hand as if something extremely distasteful had happened. He looked in confusion at Owen and back at Gwen.
"I'll explain later," Owen said aside quickly to Gwen who was looking equally confused at why the tactic had worked.
"Ianto's made it, he's in surgery," he moved forward to catch Jack as he buckled.
"Come on mate, let's get you as close to him as we can," he said gently to Jack as Gwen locked up the SUV and ran to join them.
With gentle movements they directed Jack through the main waiting area into the lift bay which took them to the top floor. The lift door opened to the large area with a couple of hospital type leatherette seats and a coffee machine. The floor was marked with a large thick red line that ran from left to right with clearly indicating they were to go no further.
"He's down there," Owen told Jack as he maneuvered him to one of the seats and he fastened his eyes on the corridor.
"Cup of tea, Gwen," Owen directed her as she nodded in understanding.
"Coffee," Jack spoke for the first time since he had screamed at Gwen at the Hub.
"Coffee black, two sugars," Owen told her as he saw the look of distaste on Jack's face. "He's going to need you Jack. You're close to collapse, doctors' orders."
His hand on Jack's shoulder he watched as Gwen brought a cup of coffee from the coffee machine just over to their left.
"Sorry mate this is the best we can do," he said as he handed over the cup Jack broke down.
Handing the cup back to Gwen he rubbed his back. Several moments passed as he composed himself and wiped his face dry.
"I'm starving, we've had nothing real to eat for days one of us needs to go down to the cafeteria and get some grub," he said looking at Gwen.
"Stay here with Jack, you look like a refugee from the 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre'," she told him as he looked down at himself for the first time. He was covered in the stains from the battle earlier and his hands, forearms, and front of his clothing were blood soaked. Jack looked no better, his grey coat was equally soaked in blood and he was naked under that.
"Anything in particular?" she asked him.
"Nothing with peas in it or resembling porridge of any kind," he informed her.
He smiled at her and nodded as she headed for the lift.
"Where there's life Jack there's always hope remember that, there is always hope," Owen told him as he put his hand on Jack's shoulder.
Returning with an assortment of sandwiches and sodas, she noticed Jack had not dropped his eyes from the corridor and was mostly oblivious to his surroundings. It was only with gentle coaxing they managed to get to Jack to eat half a sandwich and drink some of the coffee.
Owen however devoured everything she had brought including the half-eaten remains of Jack's sandwich, and all the fruit, when a woman dressed scrubs approached them.
"Are you people who are waiting for news about Mr. Jones?" she asked as they stood up to support Jack who was trembling.
"I'm Doctor Abby Williams, I've just had a call from the operating theatre and they've asked me to give you an update," she said as she saw the look on their faces. "Its good news," she assured them quickly. "They've managed to stabilize him and the vascular surgeon is now beginning to repair the femoral artery," she told them.
"Once he comes out of surgery he will be taken up to intensive care and considering his critical status is there anyone we can reach parents, partner , who would want to be with him?" she asked.
"This is Jack Harkness, Mr. Jones'partner." Owen explained. She kept her face neutral and held up a finger as she disappeared down the corridor then returned several moments later.
"Not sure about size but I think these should fit," she said handing two sets of scrubs over to Gwen along with several large hospital towels and some soap.
"I am sure you will want to join him as soon as you are able, so I suggest you take this opportunity to clean up," she told them matter-of-factly. "There's a shower a floor down and this would be a good time as it's going to be a while before he's out."
"Thank you," Owen said as he gave her the thumbs up. Owen led Jack over to the lifts as she turned away.
"Told ya, 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre," Gwen repeated as the lift door opened.
"Right," Gwen said as she stood outside the bathroom door as Jack cleaned himself up.
"What the bloody hell happened in the car park? Why did you get me to kiss Jack?" she said to Owen as she recalled the look of distaste on Jack's face when he pulled back and saw it was her.
"Ianto doesn't know this but I had quick look though the journal he had with him when he was brought to Hub by John. The part I read over was about how much he felt he was in competition with you for Jack's attention and affection." He saw the look on her face." I know the flirting between you and Jack was harmless fun, but not for Ianto. It caused him real hurt because he noted every look, comment and touch. It wasn't jealousy he just felt that at some point you would win. Some incident would occur and whatever they had would end because Ianto was only a pathetic part-time shag tea boy and you were the one Jack really wanted. I think he seriously believed Jack was only with him because he couldn't have you"
"Now I know Jack had read his journal when he found them and through the bond they shared Jack would have an understanding of this. So kissing you is the one thing Jack would avoid at all costs. Doing so would confirm Ianto's worst fears about not being worthy enough and being replaced. And secondly you are not Ianto, the only person Jack needs and wants is him."
"So basically what you are saying is the one person in the universe Jack would never want is me," Gwen said to him.
"Sorry Gwen," Owen told her.
"God almighty, the pain people suffer on their own, I wish I'd known Owen, I mean I could see how much Ianto cared for Jack and I always hoped they would... I could have put him straight. I see Jack as a hero but I could never be what he needs, can you imagine it Jack and me..." she stopped exasperated as she mulled over his explanation some more.
"You know Owen, I had this thought for a while I am not sure for how long but I have this feeling Jack's been lonely a long time, like he's just going through the motions because he's had no other choice. I was so happy for him because he had finally found someone. We all saw the difference in him over those months before he went off with the Doctor," she commented and saw Owen nod as the bathroom door opened and Jack emerged dressed in scrubs holding a large white plastic bag.
"You look a little better?" Gwen she told him as he handed her the bag.
"Ianto loved this coat, please look after it" he told her.
"Of course," Gwen replied puzzled not sure why he was using a pass tense.
"He's not dead yet mate", Owen told him "Ianto loves your coat and it will be cleaned and repaired for whenever you need it" he told him as Gwen nodded and he now headed to clean up.
Chapter 31
Several hours passed as they waited, when a surgeon started down the corridor toward them."Dr. Harper?" she asked. "I'm Dr. Meredith Vincent I'm the main trauma surgeon. "
"This is Ianto's partner Jack Harkness," Owen said as he introduced Jack to her as she looked at the worried faces before her.
"We've just finished. I can tell you it was touch and go there for a while. He suffered a further cardiac arrest during surgery; at that point we stopped until he could be further stabilized. He's had 20 units of blood and a further seven of plasma. He had a partially severed femoral artery, the force of the bullet shattered part of the lower pelvis and his right hip joint.
"Right now we've repaired the femoral artery and we've stabilized the pelvis with external fixation so when you see him he will have lots of wires and screws. As for his hip joint we've removed any visible bone fragments. Later we will have to schedule more surgery to fully replace the external fixation with internal fixation and replace the hip joint and repair the socket. He was hit in the groin but I can assure you all his important parts are undamaged. However what nerve damage is yet to be seen, but its early days", she took a deep breath, as she viewed the raw fear on Jack's face as she continued", He's been taken to intensive care where you can join him. I'll come and check on him through the night, and tomorrow we will assess his condition. He is critical however baring some unforeseen difficulty I am cautiously optimistic." she saw Jack relax slightly. "Any questions?" she asked finally
"Can I go to him now?" Jack inquired quietly as the surgeon gave him a nod.
"Of course", she replied and watched as he was led to the lift.
His heart pounding Jack wished he could will the lift to go faster, as the door opened he moved directly to Ianto. A nurse moved to intervene but Owen shook his head as he saw Jack lean over and kissed his forehead taking his only free hand he placed it against Ianto's face as Owen pushed a chair under him and he sat down.
"Is Tosh still at the Hub?" Owen asked Gwen as they watched Jack stroke Ianto's face.
"I'm not sure" she replied.
"Well get her there, there's something she needs to know," he said wearily as the events of the day began to catch up with him as he shook slightly.
"Lean on me," Gwen offered as they made their way out.
"I'm sorry Tosh" Owen began as the entered the Hub and Tosh raced over to them."Ianto," she burst out and saw him shake his head as he saw her eyes flood with tears.
"He's going to make it," Gwen quickly corrected Owens statement.
"Then what?" she asked distressed.
"It's John," he told her.
"He's dead isn't he," she sobbed.
Owen moved over to the sofa and sat down heavily." There is no easy way to say this, when Ianto was shot he butchered his vortex manipulator to make a workable model to give him his only chance."
"I can fix it, I'll go back" she stated as he threw the wrist strap to her. Catching it she immediately opened the panel to see there was nothing but blackened fragments which disintegrated to powder as she touched them.
"I think he powered it by focusing all its energy for a one way jump," he told her as he leaned forward as a wave of exhaustion flooded through him.
"No," she cried out as she slumped to the floor.
Kneeling Gwen stroked her back as she rocked herself.
"What about that Time Lord Jack hangs about with? Can't we ask him for help?" Gwen offered desperately trying to think of a solution.
"Can't see him lifting a bloody finger," Owen stated angrily.
"But he's Jack's friend," Gwen said.
"We have no way of contacting him and there is no guarantee he would come anyway," he said resignedly
"No," Tosh said now standing." I will not let this be," she said as she started pacing as tears ran down her face.
"Fuck, what a fucking horrible way for this to end," Owen shouted out as he stood to comfort Tosh.
"What the hell happened?" Gwen asked.
"It was Gray, he shot Ianto, Jacks been to hell and back and and...It's over, Ianto's gone, Jacks with him," he tried to explain.
"What do you mean?" Gwen asked not sure she understood what he was trying to tell her.
"Ianto. The Retcon damage, when he was shot it he realized he was dying and his brain began to shut down. The bottom line is his higher functions are already gone, the rest will follow in cascade failure," he told her, "Jack already knows, and I tell you now Jack won't survive this."
"Jack can't die," Gwen reminded him.
Owen pointed to his heart. "He can in here," he warned her.
"Is there nothing we can do?" Tosh said looked up with a tear stained face.
"The only person who can save Jack is Ianto," he told her sadly.
"He seemed a bit out of it I mean that's to be expected, but he kept himself together," Gwen told him quietly.
"This is a crisis and he's only able to carry on for Ianto's sake. He's recovering from what Gray did to him, only Ianto had the full picture. It was clear he was tortured and I know it pushed Jack over the edge and somehow through the bond they shared Ianto got him back but it was touch and go."
"Well I'm not giving up, "Tosh said as he looked at him as she started to take the wrist strap apart, "And neither should you, we lost hope when we thought you were dead. It was a terrible moment and it taught me there are more surprises in heaven and earth than can be imagined."
"Dead?" he said as he blinked at her.
"Just as you jumped the rift flared," she informed him.
"Rift flare?" he repeated not sure what she was talking about.
"When you jumped there was a massive rift flare Owen, we thought you had all been vaporized," Gwen explained
"I have no idea what you talking about," Owen told them becoming more and more confused.
"As you jumped there was a massive rift flare, it was only intervention from the Henge that enabled the jump," Gwen enlightened him.
"I must be more tired than I realized, did you say Henge?" Owen repeated.
"Yes Owen, the Henge. It released a massive amount of power, did all sorts of damage, took out satellites, the energy signature circled the earth fourteen times and... well, you arrived didn't you," Gwen informed him grimily amused at the shocked looked on his face.
"Yeah we did a hundred miles away from where..." he stopped as he realized what had occurred. "Bloody hell," he said after a few moments as he took in their revelation.
"So what I am telling you don't lose hope Owen, because I'm not, John may be stranded in the past but I will find a way to get to him back," Tosh told him wiping her face clear as a look of determination replaced grief, "You just wait and see."
Five days later
Carrying a cardboard tray with two cartons of coffee Owen headed towards the Intensive Care Unit. It was had been five days and Ianto's physical condition had only marginally improved; he was not truly stable and had good and bad days. Last night had been bad, and all he could to was offer moral support. Walking passed the nurses' station he saw the head nurse indicate that he should follow and she led him to her office and closed the door
"'Dr. Harper we need your help," she began uncomfortably. "It's Ianto's partner, we're very worried about him. He hasn't slept since he got here, he won't eat, we've only see him drinking coffee,"she indicated to the cups he held. "I've seen shock before, we experience it as day to day reality and we can see he is close to collapse. We made up a cot for him but he just refuses to use it. Is there any way you can persuade him to take just a couple of hours rest?"
Owen shook his head and saw the look of exasperation on her face.
"I also wanted to tell you that the Dr. Vincent has called a conference about Ianto's condition it's not looking good" she said sadly. "She thinks there's been some kind of brain damage and wants to prepare Jack and I need to know he has some support because he's going to need it."
Owen touched her arm "Thank you. I will see what I can do, let he know when the conference is and I will there," he told her as she opened the door and he made his way to Jack's side and nudged his elbow.
"Jack," Owen said gently as he handed a carton of coffee to him. It grieved him knowing there was nothing he could do to stop Jack's descent into hell. He had a haunted look that reflected every year of his long life in his eyes.
Looking up briefly he took the cup before returning his gaze to Ianto.
"How are the preparations going?" Jack asked him.
"We can't move him," Owen told him sighing repeating the phrase as he had done hundreds of times over the past days.
"How are the preparations going?" Jack repeated.
"They're not Jack, we have to face the reality there is no way we can move Ianto. If we do it will kill him," Owen told him honestly. "He's not stable enough and you and I both know why."
"His mind is deteriorating. Owen I can feel it , every passing moment a little more shuts down, a few more days and his autonomic systems will start to fail, please, please tell me there is some way we can get him there," Jack begged as she saw the look of distress on Owen's face.
"Moving Ianto is logistical nightmare, he is totally dependent on the skill of the staff here and the life support systems within this care unit. Even if we could get a helicopter and whisk him off, it's a five hour helicopter ride, he could go into cardiac arrest at any time," he explained.
"Ambulance, don't tell me we can't do this," Jack told him desperately.
"No need," a voice said at the end of the bed and they both stood to see a tall man wearing glasses in a brown suit.
"Doctor!" Jack burst out as he spun around.
"I'm sorry I'm late," he declared, "but I been having a bit of a row, argument. No that's the wrong word, let's call it a debate. You see I was hijacked, or was it commandeered, is that the right word? Anyway, there was a heated discussion, well shouting really, demands were made, negotiations were entered into, leading to agreements, and here I am," he said as he saw the stunned look on Jack's face then across to Ianto. "First things first," he said as he went to Ianto's side and drew out his sonic screwdriver, adjusted it then pointed it at Ianto's forehead. As he did a stream of pink energy surged out in a series of precise bursts. As the last one faded he pulled away and saw Ianto's eyes lids begin to flutter, he started to stir then opened his eyes and looked directly towards Jack. He began to struggle against the incubation tube as a nurse raced in and Owen assisted in its removal.
"Hey," Ianto croaked as Jack collapsed into the chair taking Ianto's hand as he laid his head into it and sobbed.
"It's ok Jack, I'm here now," he soothed as he raised his other hand and stroked his hair.
The Doctor folded his arms he watched as Jack gently began to gently kiss every part of Ianto he could safely touch, starting with his face as nurses began to assess his vitals and check equipment.
"Doctor Owen Harper," Owen said holding out his hand in greeting.
"I not sure how to ask you this but there's a couple of people we need you to rescue, there're stuck in the year 999," he added after a few moments as they watched as Jack continued in his adoration of Ianto.
"Already done," the Doctor coughed in reply, "part of the agreement, dropped them off at the Hub. From what I saw there's a major reunion going on."
"Agreement with whom?" Owen asked puzzled by the reply.
"The Anaclouthia Solution," he told him. "Six of the most stubborn beings it's been my displeasure to encounter," he told him annoyance creeping his voice. "There are not many objects in this universe that can stop a Tardis in full flight but they did it. So to cut a long story short, I was stuck fully materialized no way up, down, forward sideways or backwards until..." he stopped as he saw the look of confusion Owen's face.
"Oh you don't know who they are do you?" he said to Owen smiling. "Do you know how long the search for The Anaclouthia Solution has been going on?" The Doctor asked as Owen shook his head. "Hundreds of thousands of years, and here it was on Earth all this time hiding itself away," he explained.
"I gather it's in disguise," Owen hinted hoping for an explanation.
"Well yes, it would be considering what it is," the Doctor told him.
"And what is it then?" Owen asked frustrated at not getting a clear answer.
"A weapon, some would say the most powerful weapon in the universe. It's the last of many created during a long and disastrous war, kept ready and watched over by six beings. Three from one side and three from the other. They made the ultimate sacrifice and chose to remain as buried souls living within its matrix for eternity, guardians of the peace they had forged. You see it's a one use desperate solution type of weapon made at a point of madness between two races who had forgotten why they were fighting. It was made at a point where both sides were prepared to annihilate the other to win. An alliance of sanity was formed and six brave souls risked everything to steal one of the weapons and made an ultimatum, stop fighting or be prepared for the suffering of both races to be over permanently."
"You're talking about the Henge," Owen said as he began to understand.
"Yes I believe that is what is currently camouflaged as , "the Doctor told him, "and apparently they have a soft spot for Ianto," he said as Owen raised his eyebrows, " and Jack of course. They've remained quiescent for millennia sleeping mostly; waking every now then, until an immortal and his damaged lover turn up. They were saddened that neither would ever be able to fulfill the love they held for each other and they decided to intervene. They were quite eloquent about how much they care and the happy ending they want to see, in fact they were very insistent about it."
"So they stopped the Tardis?" Owen asked impressed by the power they had wielded out of love to reach out and stop the unstoppable.
"I was held captive in my own Tardis until I agreed to their terms," he said indignantly.
"Agreement, about helping Ianto?" Owen queried trying not to smile at the Time Lord's predicament.
"Oh I was willing to help Ianto, god knows I owe Jack, it was just the rest of the terms I had issue with," he said as he narrowed his eyes and looked uncomfortable.
They watched as Jack now slept his head resting on the bed close to the head end. Ianto's fingers entangled in his hair his eyes closed.
"A happy ending," Owen said "I like the sound of that. "
"I don't think there is a being in this universe who deserves a happy ending more than Jack," the Doctor agreed as he took out a mobile phone and handed it to Owen, "Tell Jack to call me when he and Ianto are ready," he said winking as he turned and left quietly.
"Ready for what?" Owen said confused.
"He'll know, now I need to go and soothe my Tardis," he explained as passed through the doors.
Holding on to Jack's arm, and using a walking stick to steady himself Ianto carefully maneuvered himself down the last few steps into the main area of the Hub. He paused for a moment as Jack kissed him.
"Are you ready?" Jack asked him smiling.
"I have never been more ready for anything in my life," Ianto told him excitedly as he took Jack's arm.
"Packed?" he asked Jack and saw him smile.
"Checked, double checked, wrapped in bubble wrap, and packed in boxes and stored in the Tardis," Jack told him.
"Your coat, you packed your coat, we're going to need it," he said squeezing Jack's arm as he saw him break out in a huge grin as they now reached the main area.
"I would hate for us to get there and find we've forgotten something..." Jack stopped his words with a kiss.
"Trust me I have not forgotten anything," he told as he looked around and saw everyone was gathered.
John Hart his arm draped around Tosh's shoulder, her arm around his waist. Next to him was Ariana looking every bit John's sister complete with belt and samurai sword. Gwen, Rhys and of course Owen standing around the water feature. Waiting along with them was the Tardis, its door open in front of which stood the Doctor.
"Excellent," he said as he saw Jack and Ianto enter and joined them. "Thank you for meeting me here," he started with a cough knowing full well he had no choice in the matter he tugged at his shirt collar as if it was strangling him as he pulled out a large piece of paper with something written on it and cleared his throat.
"Today I have to make a public apology in front of Jack's friends, I need to say the following: I am sorry that you got left behind on Satellite Five," he stopped abruptly as it looked like he was engaging in a silent conversation," I will amend that I am sorry I ran away and left you behind from you on Satellite Five, leaving you stranded this was very wrong of me," he took a deep breath.
"I am sorry I ran away again and used the Tardis to escape trillions of years into the future. I also apologize that I called you 'wrong' as I understand this has caused you real anguish," he paused for a moment to compose himself.
"I further apologize for not recognizing how hurt you were after the Master died or thanked you... " He looked thunderous as it appeared he was interrupted again and amended his words.
"I take this moment to thank you for your sacrifice during the year that never was. I realize that without your help I would have never have been able to defeat the Master. I was aware he used you most cruelly. I am sincerely sorry that I did not give you the support you truly deserved or check on you to make sure you were alright and recovering." He looked up and took off his glasses and indicated to the open door He folded the paper carefully and moved back into the Tardis as he viewed the opened mouthed astonishment of the people before him.
"I hate long goodbyes," Owen said as he grabbed Jack's hand and pulled him into a hug, "You look after each other, "he told them.
Tosh followed as she threw her arms around first Jack then Ianto. As they parted Jack took John's hand as John pulled him hug. Ianto followed as he slapped his back.
"I am so going to miss you," Gwen said kissing Ianto on the cheek and hugging Jack as Rhys shook Ianto's hand.
Jack pulled away from Gwen and handed her an envelope. "It's my resignation, just to make it official."
"We have something for the both of you," she said as took a large wrapped gift as Jack kissed her cheek as Ianto looked at her.
Opening it he saw it was framed group photograph of all of those present including John Hart and Ariana.
"Thank you," Ianto said as he looked at Jack turning now they took a last look and entered the Tardis.
Pulling shut the door of the Tardis, Ianto pulled Jack into a deep kiss as Jack started to grope him.
"Hey, enough of that," the Doctor told them, as they proceeded undo each other's belts. "If you can't contain yourselves your room is down the hall on your right," he indicated with his arm.
"The list," the Doctor said holding out his hand as they passed him by, noting Jack had his hand on Ianto's arse and Ianto's hand was down the back pocket of Jack's trousers.
"Oh right," said Ianto pulling out a long roll of paper which unraveled to around a meter long. Seeing the look of horror on the Doctor's face, he started rolling it up again
"Sorry that's the list of things I intend to do to Jack," Ianto said grinning as he felt Jack stifle a laugh. Jack put his arm around Ianto's waist in support as Ianto now pulled out a folded A4 sheet of paper and handed to the Doctor.
"I see you two are enjoying having fun at my expense," he warned them as he set the Tardis to move and the put on his glasses and started to look at the list then looked at them.
"This is impossible," he burst out, "It's going to take months!"
"Well that good," Jack said as he slapped the Doctor on the back. "Cause we were hoping for a long honeymoon," he grinned.
"Who came up with warm and weather?" he asked incredulous.
"Warm, that what was me," Jack replied.
"I added weather," Ianto told him.
"In a peaceful quadrant of space which is politically staple and nothing happens for at least 500,000 years," the Doctor said as he continued to read out loud from the list.
"We want guaranteed peace and quiet," Ianto replied as Jack nodded in agreement and kissed Ianto.
"Contemporary with 21st century earth," the Doctor continued.
"We want to keep in touch," Jack replied
"No cities, a colony, no more than 5000 people, balanced ecologically, but high tech, high standard of living not based on exploitation ,medically advanced, self-reliant, multi species, family orientated," he looked up from the list.
"Never saw you as a family man," the Doctor said as he saw a look of sadness fleetingly touch Jack's face as Ianto squeezed his hand.
"No organized religion, must be based on the principals of equality and tolerance, where there is high standard of education and thirst for knowledge," he took a deep breath as he continued.
"A place where everyone contributes to the welfare of the community but everyone has a high level of individual achievement and finally there is a sense of fun and no one takes themselves too seriously," he stopped and looked at them both, " and it must have warm but changeable weather," he said as he finished.
"Oh absolutely I hate the cold," Jack told him thinking it ironic he had lived in Cardiff for over a hundred years.
"Nothing like a good storm," Ianto said as he winked.
"Right you too go enjoy yourselves and I'll be getting on then," he said sarcastically starting his search.
"You know there are six beings who would love to help," Ianto offered.
"Go to your room," the Doctor spluttered pointing in the direction of the corridor.
"Yes I know the Henge beings would love to help," he told the Tardis as she began to hum as Jack and Ianto headed to their room. "And just when did you get to be on a first name basis with them?"
"Yes I know you've made friends, just try keep your enthusiasm for each other down to dull roar," he said advised muttering to himself thinking he would never live down being ordered around by a bunch of rocks... 'sorry,' be pushed out, 'Henge beings.'
Closing the door Ianto slumped leaning heavily on Jack." I need to lie down," he said exhaustion slurring his words.
Sitting Ianto on the edge of a large double bed Jack began to undress him easing out of his trousers as Ianto pulled off his tee shirt. "I am knackered and not in a good way," Ianto told him as he lifted up his right leg on the bed.
"Do you need anything?" Jack asked him as he pulled up the covers.
"You, get in here," Ianto ordered as Jack gleefully slipped out of his clothes and carefully got into bed with him and took him in his arms as Ianto started to laugh. Jack laid his head on his chest listening to the sound.
"He really thought we were actually going have sex in the console room of the Tardis," he laughed.
"The look on his face when you shook out that roll of paper," he grinned.
"Yeah it was worth the discomfort," he grimaced slightly, "just to see that look,". Ianto told him still laughing.
"Are you in pain, I've got pain relief?" Jack said sitting up abrubtly as he remembered the foil of pain killers in his trouser pocket.
"Just sore, I just need rest and so do you," he told him pulling him back down.
"Yeah," Jack admitted truthfully as he took Ianto's hand kissed it and snuggled back down.
"When we get to the resort will you kiss my scar?" Ianto asked after several quiet moments.
"You know it's great you have scars in places that are so strategically placed," Jack told him snuggling up as he yawned and Ianto kissed the top of his head.
"Is that a promise?" Ianto teased gently.
"After I have caught up with months of sleep," Jack yawned again stretching out his whole body before settling himself around Ianto
A few more moments passed he let out a small sigh of relief as Jack fell asleep. Jack was exhausted having spent every waking moment devoted to his care. Now at last they were on their way and he could finally get Jack to a place where he could heal. Ianto might have scars on the outside , well mostly on the outside. But he knew all of Jack's were all on the inside. Ianto knew he was good at faking it but he could no longer hide anything from him. Jack was deeply wounded and he would need time to overcome the past hundred years let alone the last three. Ianto hoped he was worthy of the task before him and his love would be enough to heal the wonderful being in his arms. He kissed the top of his head, and held him closer, as he did six beings started to sing with joy and joining with two rings, created a hymn celebrating fulfillment, destiny , love, of promises made and kept and happy endings.
Closing his eyes, Ianto sensed the Tardis humming along as he drew Jack closer and felt himself drift into a deep peaceful sleep.
Standing at the on the end of the small jetty, Jack reached over and took of the mail bag from the outstretched hand of the young man."Extra mail today, transport just come in from the Centari, Earth run," he told Jack.
"Thank you Josh," Jack said as he quickly glanced inside and saw a satisfactory number of letters.
"My pleasure, Mr Harkness," the young man replied shyly as he received one of the Jack's famous dazzling smiles as he took off on his wave rider heading off to the next island.
Jack stood for a moment and watched as he headed out and he took in the view. He would never get tired of this. He loved every square inch of their slice of paradise. He ran his eyes along the beach, the white sands sparkling as the sun caught the fragments of quartz left over from when the colony was first created. The sands curved around to create a perfectly sheltered lagoon, complete with overhanging trees that hugged the shore line creating pockets of shade. He put his hand over his eyes as he squinted, he could just make out Josh as he crossed the deep water channels that carried the tides in and out.
Many the times he and Ianto had walked and swam across, Island hopping visiting neighbours. In fact over one week they had challenged themselves to visit every family on each Island. Their effort had culminated in a beach party on the Big Island to congratulate them on their round trip and everyone agreed it was a fun way and novel way to introduce themselves. Now it had become an annual group event where everyone joined in ending right here on this beach, where they had introduced the colony to the delights of a BBQ.
He loved the way the people here were so open to using every opportunity to have fun and create their own traditions. It made the wait to find this place so worthwhile. He picked up the bag and began to head back to the house which stood on the highest point so it took in every aspect of the landscape. He pushed out with his mind and received a gentle response. Ianto was in the garden picking vegetables, preparing a salad for lunch.
He put the bag down on the sand and went down to the sea to let the gentle waves wash over his feet. He looked down he could just make them out and saw his ankles were swollen again. That meant more rest this afternoon. Not that he really minded it was the warmest time of the year and he didn't want to move around much anyway.
He turned around and looked up at the house. Ianto had loved building it, they both had. It was a requirement for entry you had to build your own house. It made it more personal, somehow building something with your own hands. He chuckled at that and the rest of the community who wanted to help the 'boys' set up their home he recalled.
It was open, spacious, cool in summer, warm during the short cold spell that went for winter here. It took in the whole island and every room had a view. 'A view,' he smiled to himself; the best view as far as he was concerned was Ianto.
Ianto often berated him for what he called Ianto watching, and replied equally strongly that he was often Jack watching. In truth was they could not bear to be separated from each other; the furthest they ever got was the distance from the house to the jetty. He pondered on this and he knew why, they were still both healing. Ianto still had nightmares and the odd bad night, so did Jack for that matter and it was only each other's presence and reassurances that eased their night terrors. For himself he knew it was because he wanted to spend every waking and sleeping moment with the man he loved. He felt Ianto touch his mind telling him lunch was almost ready. Turning he picked up the bag and followed the path back up to the house.
Feeling Jack's response Ianto smiled as he saw Jack begin to make his way back up to the house. He busied himself in the kitchen pouring out juice and slicing bread. Taking the leafy greens he had picked from the garden he rinsed them under the tap, enjoying the view from the wild side of the Island he had placed the kitchen in just this angle to capture. He loved watching the waves roll in and hit the craggy rocks his love of storms undiminished.
It had taken the Doctor ten months to find somewhere that had fulfilled each requirement on their list. Not that he and Jack were complaining they had found the ideal place and were enjoying an extended honeymoon. They had started out at a popular planetary holiday resort but soon found neither of them had any tolerance for large crowds or noise and realised they needed almost complete solitude free of any stress. They called the Doctor and asked to be re-located; he had found them a wonderful place, an out of the way villa in a private and intimate resort. There they found the space where they could finally relax and began the long road to recovery.
Then the Doctor had located this colony. It was perfect; less than 5000 beings that lived in perfect harmony with the planet they had settled. Filled with a mix of artists, writers, scientists, inventors, and other creative beings all living together in artificially created group of small Islands, one for each family. It had taken them six months to prepare their application for membership and another four months before they had been accepted. It had included an exhaustive round of interviews and submissions. It had also meant complete disclosure of Jack's immortality plus their personal histories. The committee had welcomed them saying they believed that Jack and Ianto would add something truly special to their community. It had been with a sense of relief when they had heard; both knew how privileged they were to be accepted, because they were the first for over two hundred years.
Ianto felt Jack was nearing the bottom deck and went to meet him. He looked hot and out of breath, so he went down the steps and held out his hand. Taking the mail bag he pulled Jack up to the steps to the main deck that ran around the house. "Steps... my nemesis," Jack puffed out as they reached the top.
"Lunch is ready and I see your ankles are swollen again," Ianto told him. "I'll check your blood pressure after lunch," he added as he guided Jack to the outdoor double recliner seat and handed him a plate and laughed as he balanced it on his tummy. He placed a cushion under Jack's feet raising them.
"You know you better watch it one kick and the lot will be on the floor again," he said as he watched the plate wobble as took his own lunch joining him.
"I reckon there's co-ordination going in there," Ianto said as he took a bite of his salad.
"What, ganging up, little rascals?" Jack said laughing
"You two," Ianto leant over to Jacks tummy and started talking, "stop kicking your dad's food on the floor he needs it." Jack pulled him across and kissed him.
Putting his salad down Ianto now took the mail bag and emptied it between his legs and began to sort through the different sized envelopes.
He was always amused at the colony's love of actual mail. It was delivered every other day and meant for a lot of interaction between each colony family. Receiving and sending mail was a colony highlight that everyone indulged in including them.
"You know that Josh has a crush on you," Ianto told him as he took a sip of juice.
"I noticed, it gives me a good reason to keep up my flirting," Jack told him.
"You should know I caught him snogging Alia's eldest Manly outside during the last social," Ianto added.
"Manly has lovely tentacles, such a prefect shade of green" Jack commented taking a sip of juice.
"Well he had his tentacles all over Josh," Ianto advised as he took now empty plate from Jack.
Jack opened the first envelope. "Colony celebration coming up, 400 glorious years, organising committee wants to know if you would like to give speech."
"Hell no," Ianto replied.
"Some one's got to do it," Jack told him, "and you are now the colony's historian."
"Not doing it," Ianto told him as Jack smiled.
"But they loved the last one," Jack added a few moments later.
"All I said was 'it was great everyone could come and hoped they had good time," he said.
"Yes it was all of twelve words and took less than 30 seconds," Jack told him. "That's why they loved it. Are you sure?"
"I'll think about it," Ianto told him as Jack opened another envelope.
"Oh there's a message from the Doctor," Jack said in delight as he read it out. "'Please ask the Henge beings to stop using me as message service.' "Oh and he sends his congratulations."
Jack opened another message. "The Henge beings send their best wishes and thank us for the message crystal of the solstice gathering 'we really enjoyed it, send more, we are sending a surprise, we are excited. '"
"What do they mean by that?" Ianto said looking slightly concerned
Jack laughed. "If they were human they would be knitting baby booties."
"I sense another angry note coming from the Doctor," Ianto told him.
"Yeah well it's what happens when you're on your own for 400.000 years and make friends,"
Jack told him.
"You know I have my suspicions that the Tardis and the beings are you know," Ianto said raising his eyebrows.
"You sure?" Jack asked him as Ianto winked at him.
"What the hell are they going to send" Ianto said worry creasing his face.
"God knows" Jack replied as he opened another letter, "I just hope it's not a mini henge,"
He handed a photograph to Ianto who read the back. "Me 8 months gone" It was Gwen heavily pregnant with Rhys, his arms around her.
"You know that woman is amazing, head of Torchwood, training up new a new team and pregnant. I don't know how she does it," Ianto said as he viewed the photograph.
Jack nodded in agreement unfolded the letter and began to read.
Ianto reached over and opened a buff envelope, "Oh Jack, Jack they like the new title, and are going to publish Rodderick Brice, Captain of the Guard: Story of an Unknown Hero," he burst out in excitement as Jack leaned in and kissed him.
"I am so proud of you," Jack told him as he saw Ianto beam with delight. He was so thrilled for him thinking of the hours he had spent working on the manuscript and the struggle to find a publisher.
" Print run starting in three weeks, should be on the shelves in two months," Ianto said his eyes glowing as he grinned and stretched up alongside Jack who put his arm around him and kissed him as they admired the book cover, which had a handsome man in a green jacket holding a sword with andlean engraved down its face. Jack started to nuzzle his neck as Ianto reached up for a long deep kiss.
When they drew back Ianto snuggled up against him as Jack continue to read Gwen's letter.
"Gwen writes that Owen sends his regards, says he is sorry he couldn't write he's just finishing his training as an emergency trauma specialist. He says under no circumstances are we to burden either of the babies with the name Owen."
Jack and Ianto looked each other for a moment as the mulled over the name. "Agreed," they said almost simultaneously as Jack returned to Gwen's letter.
A few moments later Jack threw his head back in laughter. "John has run off again. He left Tosh stranded on Sigma 85 apparently with a dodgy cargo of samlimi he had won in some card game."
Ianto rolled his eyes before speaking. "That's the fourth time he's run off. I think they enjoy it, he gets her angry and she vows to track him down, and chases him half way across the quadrant, he runs hoping to be caught."
"And he gets caught every time," Jack added.
"So he can't be running all that fast then can he?" Ianto replied as Jack looked into his eyes.
"You gonna tell me?" Jack asked as Ianto gave him a shy grin., They were open to each other at all times, except when they were working on a surprise for each other and he had sensed for days that Ianto was hidden that part of his mind he preserved for such occasions.
"I've been thinking, of names, and I was thinking of Sarah, Esme for our little girl," he said softly as he saw the look of surprise on Jack's face as a tear began to flow down Jack's cheek. Ianto reached up and used his thumb to wipe the tear away. Ianto knew Jack would get emotional because Jack had never fully recovered from the loss of his first wife Sarah and their baby Esme and wanted something in honour of their memory.
"Oh Ianto," he said as he buried his head in Ianto's shoulder.
"I thought it would be perfect because it would mean Sarah and Esme would be here with us somehow," Ianto explained as he reached over and kissed Jack's swollen belly.
"I think Sarah would have liked that very much," Jack told him softly.
"Two more months and they will be here," Ianto said with a sigh.
"Two more months and we will have a family at last," Jack said looking down at his lover.
"Two more months" they thought together as they interlinked their left hands.
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