15th April 2015 site updates

These are the stories I’ve added to the Slash Archive today:

Criminal Minds: (new stories page)

Not Giving This Up” by angstytimelord
PAIRING: Greg Sanders/Spencer Reid
NOTE: CSI: Las Vegas/Criminal Minds
WARNING: on-going series, previous non-con
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 20: Bittersweet.

The Big One” by nancy
PAIRINGS: multiple, criminal minds pairings – Morgan/Garcia/Kevin & Hotch/Reid
FANDOMS: Psych, dueSouth, The Closer, Leverage, Numb3rs, Life, Supernatural, Criminal Minds, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Diagnosis Murder, Monk, CSINY, Fastlane
WARNINGS: angst, violence, character death, language, disaster!fic,het, INCEST, slash, underage, threesomes, WiP and fem pairings
SUMMARY: The Big One finally hits California.