22nd July 2018 site updates

These are the stories I’ve added to the Slash Archive today:

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Criminal Minds: (new stories page)

Who’ll Stop the Rain” by Ann
PAIRING: Prentiss/JJ
FANDOM: Criminal Minds
SUMMARY: Sometimes you need someone in your life to remind you that there is more to the world than monsters, and right now, JJ really needs that someone.

The Morning After” by Ann
PAIRING: Prentiss/JJ
FANDOM: Criminal Minds
SUMMARY: Just a bit of after Christmas fluff; actually, quite a bit of fluff with a touch of clich?

The Unexpected” by Ann
PAIRING: Prentiss/JJ
FANDOM: Criminal Minds
SUMMARY: Sometimes the unexpected is what happens.

Sherlock Holmes Slash: (new stories page)

Days Like These Lead to Nights Like This” by Jessie Blackwood
PAIRING: Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade
FANDOM: Sherlock
SERIES: 1) “Bonfire Heart”, 2) “People Like Us
WARNING: AU, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
SUMMARY: This is for the lovely bourbon-and-bitters who bid on and won my Mystrade story for the Rupert Graves Auction. The request was for more in my People Like Us universe, with a piece concerning Greg Lestrade’s POV as he is away in the Yemen with Medecin sans Frontieres. However, looks like I cannot write 2000 words to save my life. This is 5k and counting!!!!! Enjoy.

Supernatural Slash: (new stories page)

The World Can Wait” by aisling_door
PAIRING: Dean/Castiel
SUMMARY: Castiel comes to grips with his developing humanity and his feelings for Dean.