12th August 2018 site updates

These are the stories I’ve added to the Slash Archive today:

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Sherlock Holmes Slash: (new stories page)

In Puris Naturalibus” by DataAngel (TheNinth) (previously mickeylover303)
FANDOM: Sherlock
SERIES: 1) “Two Bedrooms w/shared Bath
SUMMARY: For treez_r_green, who commented here with “If you wanted to write a sequel where they share a shower/bath (in a non-sexual way) I would love you forever because that is my ultimate kink and no one ever writes it! (I suppose because it would normally be a bit weird to share a shower or bath with someone you weren’t intimate with!)” Normally, it would. But Sherlock’s not conventionally normal, now is he?

How Sherlock Holmes and I Started Sleeping Together” by DataAngel (TheNinth) (previously mickeylover303)
FANDOM: Sherlock
SERIES: 1) “Two Bedrooms w/shared Bath“, 2) “In Puris Naturalibus
SUMMARY: From the unblogged journal of John H. Watson. Expository tale about how the doctor and the consulting detective started sharing a bed.

Supernatural Slash: (new stories page)

Playing with Fire” by DataAngel (TheNinth) (previously mickeylover303)
SUMMARY: For the Fic_Promptly Side-Quest (Day 1). For those who want an added bit of challenge, here’s a side-quest: Fill for a source you wouldn’t normally write. That could mean a fandom you’ve never written, or one you haven’t written for in a long time. omens requested the prompt “Supernatural – Dean – GUESS WHO STILL HAS BOTH NIPPLES!” I’ve never written Supernatural fic before.