9th December 2018 site updates

These are the stories I’ve added to the Slash Archive today:

Any money earned from any of the Amazon links and Paypal links on the site, (Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, and Amazon.ca), is used to help pay for the site’s url and hosting fees. Based upon AOOO  doing it’s annual fundraising for $(US)130,000 for 2019 – their finance page. I have a new page for Chance’s Archive’s links. (And if anyone is looking for it the Paypal unsubscribe button is found near the top of this page).

Doctor Who:

Birds” by carolinecrane
PAIRING: Jake/Mickey
SUMMARY: This is the last of the comment fic prompts, written for oh_mumble and inspired by Kate Nash’s “Birds”. It got longer than I planned so I’ll just post it here instead of in five comments in Lisa’s journal. It’s probably not all that good, and it hasn’t been Brit-betaed, but at least it gave me something to do at work.

Rain Like Ghosts” by carolinecrane
PAIRING: Jake/Mickey
SUMMARY: Two working class heroes, one bed, and a narrow escape. Emotions really can’t help but run over.