Warning about site updates

This is for the Slash Archive as a whole. Things are currently going nightmarishly badly for me in rl at the moment – everything that can go wrong has gone wrong and as badly as possible. (Literally everything including an Amazon.com check being stolen, it’s been cancelled and will be re-issued but will turn up and clear at least a month after my next payment is due for the site 🙁 ).

To say that I’m horribly stressed out at the moment is putting it mildly and will be focusing on trying to get things sorted out in rl, which means that the site as a whole will be suffering as I won’t have much time or mental energy to update it. Which I am very sorry about.

The Amazon links and Paypal buttons can be found here. I am genuinely not expecting anything esp any donations or subscriptions via Paypal, but it does help me mentally and makes me feel as I’m actually doing something… 🙂