20th July 2019 site updates

These are the stories I’ve added to the Slash Archive today:

Any money earned from any of the Amazon links and Paypal links on the site, (Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, and Amazon.ca), is used to help pay for the site’s url and hosting fees. If anyone is willing to donate or subscribe via Paypal to help support this site, anything extra would be a massive help – I have a new page for Chance’s Archive’s Paypal & Amazon links. (And if anyone is looking for it the Paypal unsubscribe button is found near the top of this page).

Good Omens:

“Resonance” by Macx
PAIRING: Aziraphale/Crowley
FANDOM: Good Omens
WARNING: Slightly AU.
SUMMARY: They had been friends for six millennia. They had been on their side. There had only been their side. Of course, they had never known it until it was all supposed to end. They had stood against their respective sides, had been hurt, had suffered, had felt desperation, fear and terror. Now it was suddenly over and both Crowley and Aziraphale have to deal with the consequences. Not just those of Up Yours and Down There. They have come a long way at a very slow pace. They have come so much further in just within day. And they were still going incredibly fast, changing, evolving, becoming something that might be part of the Ineffable Plan…