Title: Black Tie Affair
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: VRD challenge - Black, 5_prompts
Prompt: Black tie
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
"I'm not too enthused about the idea of going out to a party when we have so much to contend with once we go back to Earth," Ianto grumbled as he glanced across the hotel bedroom at the Doctor. "This just seems awfully .... well, frivolous."
"Maybe it is," the Doctor agreed, turning away from contemplating himself in the mirror to look over at his lover with raised eyebrows. "But we need a bit of relaxation, Ianto. There's no telling what could be waiting for us when we do confront the Master."
Ianto had to nod, reluctantly agreeing with what the Time Lord was saying. This might be the last time for a very long while that the two of them had the leisure to enjoy themselves, if only for one evening. He didn't blame the Doctor for wanting to do so.
"And there's another reason for going to this little black tie affair," the Doctor told him, moving across the room to stand in front of Ianto and meeting his gaze squarely. "There could be someone here who can give us a bit of information about the Master's whereabouts."
"Oh?" Now it was Ianto's turn to raise his eyebrows, the intricate business of tying his tie forgotten. His mind went back over the conversation he and the Doctor had been having earlier; yes, he did think he remembered something that he'd overlooked at the time.
"This is a planet that the Master has always seemed to like spending time on," he murmured, his eyes meeting the Doctor's. "And you think that someone might slip and let you know where he was heading the last time he left here."
"Exactly." The Doctor reached for Ianto's tie, shaking his head as he did so. "Ianto, you're very efficient at so many things -- but you're completely hopeless at tying a bow tie on a tux. Here, let me get that for you. I've gotten quite good at this."
Ianto smiled as he let his hands drop to his sides, waiting for the Doctor to work at his tie. But instead of doing that, the Doctor leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek, then moved those soft lips down his throat.
His eyes fluttered closed, his body swaying slightly. Ianto wanted to let himself fall into the Doctor's arms, but he wasn't going to play the swooning damsel. Even so, it was pleasant to be the one on the receiving end of the Doctor's aggressiveness.
He loved it when the Time Lord behaved like this; of course, he'd found that he thoroughly enjoyed being the more dominant partner when it came to the sexual side of their relationship, but he found it incredibly exciting when the Doctor took the lead.
However, this was not the time for them to be thinking about removing each other's clothes and falling into bed -- even though Ianto had to admit that the bed did look very inviting at the moment. It would be so easy to forego this party ....
But no. This was what the Doctor had come here for, after all -- this trip to a pleasure planet wasn't done simply for them to enjoy themselves, even though the Doctor was trying to put that sort of a light onto their reasons for being here, to take their minds away from any worries.
It was impossible to do that completely, Ianto thought with a sigh. And as much as he hated to say no to the man he loved, this wasn't the time for them to toss those worries aside and think about themselves. They'd have time for that after they'd done a bit of reconnaissance.
"Doctor --" He sighed as he put his hands on the Time Lord's shoulders and pushed him back a bit until their eyes met. "As much as I would love to take that tux off and make love to you, we have other things that we should be concentrating on at the moment."
The Doctor nodded, sighing heavily and squaring his shoulders. "All right, Ianto. I know I shouldn't have let myself get carried away -- but you look absolutely incredible in a tux. I couldn't stop myself. Do you realise what you do to me when you're dressed like this?"
"I'd imagine it's the same thing that you do to me when you're getting undressed," the young man told him, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "And given the way you look in that tux, I think you'll have to contend with a sleepless night when we get back here."
"As long as it's a sleepless night because of lovemaking, and not brought on by more of those disturbing dreams, then I have no problem with that," the Doctor told him with a laugh. He bent forward, his hands moving to Ianto's bow tie again.
"Have no fear, I intend to make love to you tonight until you're so breathless you can't even gasp my name," Ianto whispered, leaning close and brushing his lips against the Doctor's cheek, just in front of his ear. "Consider that a firm promise."
"Oh, I will," the Doctor assured him, glancing at him with a wicked smile curving his lips. "I intend to hold you to that promise, you know. The moment we get back to this room, you'll have less than a minute to start getting out of that tux."
"What if I want to get you out of your tux first?" Ianto asked, quirking a brow at his lover. "We'll just have to see who can get undressed the quickest," he added as the Doctor finished tying the bow tie and stepped away from his to survey his handiwork.
"Does it look all right?" Ianto asked anxiously, craning his neck to look past the Doctor into the mirror. "I've never been able to tie one of these things," he said, his tone apologetic. "I'm good with normal ties, but bow ties utterly defeat me."
"I think it looks fine," the Doctor told him, adjusting the bow tie just a bit before stepping back to give Ianto a clear look into the mirror. "You look absolutely delicious in a tux," he said softly, his gaze roaming over his young lover's body. "I almost don't want to go to this party."
"Keep thinking of that while we're there, and it'll make the time go by more quickly," Ianto said with a laugh, smoothing back his hair. "Well, are we ready to go on our little fact-finding mission? Let's get this done, so we can have some time to ourselves."
The Doctor nodded, sighing as he slipped his hand into Ianto's. "Let's hope that this goes well, and that we can put this all behind us soon." Ianto nodded in agreement as the two of them left their hotel room hand in hand, heading for the party that was already in full swing.***
Next story in seires - Blue Daze.
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