Title: Blue Daze
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Table: VRD challenge - Blue, 5_prompts
Prompt: Blue haze of dawn over the city
Author's Note: Continuation of Black Tie Affair.
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
Ianto opened his eyes, feeling slightly disoriented as he awakened. It took him a few minutes to realize that he and the Doctor were in a hotel room; they'd been to a black-tie party the night before, trying to ferret out information about the Master's whereabouts.
They really hadn't found out much; it didn't seem that the Master had headed for Earth when he'd left here, but the Doctor hadn't managed to get any sort of concrete idea of where his enemy had gone. They'd gone back to their room with their hopes unfulfilled.
But that had been forgotten when they'd begun to strip their clothes off and get ready for bed, Ianto told himself, smiling at the memory. It had only taken a few moments of him watching the Doctor unbutton his shirt before his libido had taken over.
The Time Lord hadn't been pleased that Ianto had ripped his shirt open, scattering the small pearlized buttons across the room -- but that annoyance had seemed to melt away when the young man's hands had begun to roam over his body.
Ianto didn't remember much after that -- only that he had made love to the Doctor like a man possessed, hungry for the Time Lord in a way that he hadn't been since all of this business with the disturbing dreams had begun a few weeks before.
Their lovemaking had left both of them sated and exhausted; the Doctor had actually fallen asleep before he did, which hadn't happened in a while. Ianto could only that he'd managed to tire his lover out enough for him to have a good night's sleep.
Though with the problem of the dreams that they'd been dealing with lately, he certainly wasn't going to count on that, he told himself with an inner sigh. And as their bed was empty at the moment, it was obvious that the Doctor had already gotten up to start his day.
He was more than likely in the sitting room part of their suite, Ianto thought, throwing back the covers and swinging his long legs out of bed. He reached for a dressing gown, pulling it on and tightening the sash around his waist as he went into the other room in search of the Doctor.
Blinking slightly in the dim morning light, he stopped at the doorway to let his eyes adjust; it took him a moment to realize that the Doctor was standing by the full-length window, looking down at the city below them, one hand pressed flat against the glass.
What was it about that stance that made him wonder if the Doctor felt .... trapped, somehow? It almost seemed as though he was behind a barrier, looking down at the city as though he wanted to reach it but couldn't find a way out.
That was silly, he told himself firmly as he moved across the room. He slid his arms around the Doctor's slender waist, bowing his head to place gentle kiss against the Time Lord's throat and smiling as the other man leaned back against him with a soft sigh.
"There's something about early morning that makes a city look so .... vulnerable, isn't there?" the Doctor whispered, his voice barely audible even in the quiet of the room. "I can't bear to think of the destruction that the Master could wreak on this place if he comes back here."
"Or on Earth," Ianto murmured, wishing that they didn't have to break the peace of the moment by talking about the Master, but knowing that the subject was probably uppermost in the Doctor's mind. "I hope you were able to get some sleep without his dreams bothering you."
The Doctor sighed softly, nodding. "I slept for longer last night than I have for a while," he said, turning his head slightly to look at his lover, a small smile on his lips. "Thank you for that, Ianto. Without you by my side, I doubt I'd have slept at all."
"I'm glad that you at least managed to sleep for a while," Ianto told him, tightening his arms around his lover's waist. Part of him wished that the Doctor's body was bare, though with him standing right in front of the window, that probably wasn't the wisest idea.
The Doctor nodded, his eyes still on the city that was awakening below them. "There's something about the light of early morning that makes a place look brand-new, doesn't it?" he murmured, his gaze fixed on the sight below them. "Even if I do still feel a bit dazed."
"I think we all feel that way in the morning when we first wake up, love." Ianto laughed softly, his gaze moving over the lights that were slowly starting to flicker out now that they were no longer needed to light the darkness. "We're all in a bit of a blue daze."
"As the lights of the night fade away, they're replaced by the brighter light of day," the Doctor said softly, his tone musing. "Though I don't think that we're going to have any brighter a light shed on our particular little problem, judging from last night."
Ianto shook his head, sighing and closing his eyes. "I don't think so, either," he admitted, wishing that their appearance at the black-tie party had been a little more fruitful. "But it wasn't a complete waste. Not considering how lovely the rest of the night was after the party."
"Oh, were you thinking along those lines, too?" the Doctor asked with a soft laugh. He turned in Ianto's embrace, sliding his own arms around his young lover's waist. "You know, we still have a few hours left to be in this hotel," he whispered, his gaze riveted on Ianto's.
"I have a very good idea of what we could spend those few hours doing," Ianto whispered back, a smile starting to curve his lips. "I'd like to be able to start off this day on a good note, and I can't think of a better one than making love to you."
"Then let's adjourn to the bedroom, and put our troubles behind us for a while," the Doctor told him, taking Ianto's hand and pulling him in the direction of the bedroom. The young man willingly followed, without so much as a backward glance over the day dawning just outside the window.***
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