Title: Poetic Justice
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Rating: NC-17
Table: 12
Prompt: Prompt: 9, Furs
Author's Note: Continuation of To Die For.
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the Tenth Doctor or Jack Harkness. Please do not sue.***
Jack peered around the doorframe that he was poised behind, frowning as his eyes darted around the hallway. There were doors on either side of the hall, a good distance from each other, which told Jack that the rooms behind them were probably fairly large. At least there were no guards, which was a good thing. Hopefully, he wouldn't be caugt.
There was no way of telling which of those doors the Doctor might be held prisoner behind, or what had already been done to him. He didn't want to take the time to check all of those doors before he found his boyfriend and got them both the hell out here -- but it seemed that he had no choice, if he wanted to be sure of finding the Doctor.
Where was he going to start? Well, with the first door, obviously, he told himself, sighing and moving cautiously across the hall. He was surprised to find the door unlocked; he'd expected resistance when he tried to open it. But there was none, and he pushed it open, letting it swing forward into the room as he peered in.
Nothing. Only an empty room, dusty and disused. Jack could feel his heart sinking, settling somewhere near the region of his ankles. What had he expected? he admonished himself silently. To find his boyfriend tied up in the first room he'd looked into?
He didn't doubt that the Doctor was tied up somewhere in this place, but where? He stepped back, closing the door and moving to the next one. Should he try all of these doors, and then work his way back up the hall? And what if the Doctor wasn't behind any of these doors? What if the Time Lord had been taken somewhere out of Jack's reach?
His heart was starting to hammer against his ribs, his breath constricting in his throat at the thought of losing the Doctor. No. That wasn't going to happen, he told himself firmly, pushing his fears into the back of his mind as he moved to the next door and pushed it open. He was going to find his love and get them both out of here and back to the safety of the Tardis. He had to.
Nothing again. There were two more doors on this side of the hall, four on the other. Was he going to work his way down one side and back up the other? Might as well, he said to himself, shrugging mentally and moving on to the next door. The room behind that one was empty, too. He could feel his spirits sinking lower, hopelessness starting to sink in.
He squared his shoulders, turning the knob of the next door and pushing it open with his shoulder. Brightness met his eyes; the sun was on this side of the building, flooding the windows with light and illuminating everything in the room. He stood by the door, raising a hand to his eyes and blinking. After the dimness of the hallway, this was unexpected.
His heart leapt from where it had settled; it now appeared to be in his throat, struggling to jump out of his body and attach itself to the man in front of him. The Doctor was lying on a pile of furs in the center of the room, a gag in his mouth, his wrists and ankles bound. He didn't look too happy at being trussed up like a Christmas turkey, but as far as Jack could tell, he was unharmed.
Well .... other than the fact that he was stark naked. Jack's mind registered that piece of information at the same time that a warning siren began to shriek in the back of his thoughts. Why would the Doctor be naked? What had been done to him?
Jack pushed the door closed, making himself move across the room towards the Doctor. He'd intended to walk, but after the first two steps, he threw himself across the floor, nearly sliding into the furs in his eagerness to touch the Time Lord, to make sure that he was unhurt and that he was capable of getting up, finding his clothes, and getting the hell out of here.
He didn't think, didn't question anything about the situation. His first thought was to make sure that the Doctor was all right; everything else was secondary to that. Gathering the Time Lord into his arms, he gently pulled at the cloth wedged between the Doctor's lips, working it loose until the gag was hanging around the Doctor's neck like an oddly-shaped necklace.
The Gallifreyan gasped, running the tip of his tongue over his lips and coughing a little. "Why is it that every time someone shoves a gag into my mouth, it tastes like musty cloth?" he complained, scowling. "It's nearly impossible to get that taste out of my mouth."
"Maybe they're just turned on by seeing how sexy you look when you're gagged and helpless," Jack replied, hoping that his words didn't sound too flippant. After all, they were in a fairly dire situation -- especially if they were caught trying to get out of this place. "It sure as hell turns me on."
"I'm not interested in discussing your sexual peccadilloes, Jack," the Doctor said, struggling against his bonds before giving a frustrated sigh. "Untie me, please? This is getting awfully uncomfortable. I can't feel my hands."
Jack complied with the Doctor's request, reaching for the pocketknife he always carried and slicing through the ropes that bound the Time Lord's wrists, then his ankles. He sat back on his heels and studied the other man, thinking that he didn't look like someone who'd been through a traumatic experience. Though with the Doctor, that was hard to tell.
"Doctor." Jack laid a hand on the Time Lord's arm, making the Gallifreyan look at him with his brows raised in question. "Did he .... hurt you?" He held his breath, praying that the Doctor would say no, that nothing had been done to him other than being stripped naked and bound.
"It depends on how you categorize 'hurt,'" the Doctor answered, not looking up at Jack. The immortal frowned; the Doctor was suddenly finding the furs he was lying on absolutely fascinating, which meant that there was something he didn't want Jack to know. Or something that he wanted to put out of his mind and not talk about.
"Doctor, he -- he didn't." Jack's mouth was dry, his breath hitching in his throat. He knew what purpose the Doctor had been brought there for, but he'd been hoping against hope that the Time Lord's abductor hadn't had time to think about doing anything sexual to him. Apparently, he'd been wrong, if the way that the Doctor was avoiding his gaze was any indication.
"He didn't hurt me, Jack." The Doctor didn't look up at him; his voice was low, his words mumbled. "Yes, he had sex with me -- and no, I didn't want it. That's why he tied my hands and gagged me -- because I was struggling too much for his liking. But he wasn't rough, and he wasn't cruel. He didn't want to hurt me; he just wanted to .... to take his pleasure."
Jack could feel a wave of anger sweeping over him; he could literally see a red haze in front of his eyes. Heedless of what he was doing, he grabbed the Doctor's slender shoulders, shaking him until the Time Lord cried out and tried to push him away.
But Jack wasn't letting go of him; his fingers sank brutally into the other man's soft flesh, leaving bruises on the pale skin. "Did you like it? Huh? Did you? How many times did he fuck you? How many times did he make you come? How good was he compared to me?"
The Doctor wrenched away from him, rolling over and burying his face in his hands. As quickly as it had surged over him, Jack's anger was gone, leaving him feeling weak and drained.
And guilty. More guilty than he'd ever felt in his life. This wasn't the Doctor's fault; the Time Lord hadn't asked to be kidnapped and raped by someone he didn't know or want. Okay, so maybe it wasn't technically rape if he hadn't hurt the Doctor. Was it? Jack wasn't exactly clear about that. But still -- he couldn't punish his lover for this.
"Sweetheart, I'm sorry." Jack gathered the Doctor into his arms, inwardly wincing when the Time Lord whimpered softly and tried to pull away from him. "I didn't mean it, I swear I didn't. I was angry, but not at you. I'm sorry, baby, I'm so sorry."
The Doctor was sobbing, not turning towards him, his hands still pressed to his face as though he could hide his tears. Jack tugged at his hands as gently as he could, finally managing to pull them away and pressing soft kisses against the Gallifreyan's skin, tasting the saltiness of those tears and hating himself for being the cause of them.
"I didn't mean it," he whispered, wishing that he could take back those words. What he'd said had probably been crueler than anything that man had done to the Doctor; instead of his lover being the one to comfort the Time Lord, he'd been the one to hurt him the most.
He didn't deserve the Doctor's forgiveness, not after what he'd just said. But he hoped with all of his heart that the other man wouldn't hold it against him. He couldn't bear it if the Doctor turned away from him because of this, not when he hadn't truly meant those cutting words that had only been born out of fear and anger.
"I didn't want him, Jack," the Doctor sobbed, resting his forehead against Jack's shoulder. "I tried to fight him. I did. But he was stronger than me .... don't hate me. Please."
"Don't think like that," Jack murmured, clutching the Doctor against him, his arms tightening around the thin body clasped in his embrace. "I could never hate you. I'm sorry, Doctor. What happened wasn't your fault." He tilted the Time Lord's face up to his, giving him a weak smile. "I can't blame him for wanting the most beautiful man in the world, now can I?"
"Hardly that." The Doctor sniffled, looking down again. "Twice," he whispered, his voice choked and quiet. "He made me come twice."
"Twice? That's nothing." Jack let out a hollow laugh; he hadn't really wanted to hear that, but it served him right. The Doctor could be so literal at times. "I can make you come a lot more than that. In fact --" He leaned forward, laying the Doctor down on the furs and moving his hands down the naked man's body. ".... I think I should."
"Jack!" The Doctor's eyes opened wide, his jaw dropping. Jack had to laugh at the expression of incredulity on those handsome features. "Not now! We have to get out of here."
"Yes. Now," Jack said firmly, pushing the Doctor down and starting to lift his own shirt over his head. "You know how I can be when I have something to prove, Doctor. I'm not going to stop until I'm satisfied it's been done right."
"Done right?" The Doctor's voice was breathless, his eyes wide.
"Yes, done right," Jack whispered, leaning forward to flick his tongue over the Doctor's earlobe. "You said he made you come twice. I'm going to make you come so hard that you forget he ever touched you."
"You're out of your mind," the Time Lord protested, but his voice sounded weak and uncertain. Jack leaned down to press a gentle kiss against first one nipple, then the other, moving his mouth down the Doctor's body to swirl his tongue around the other man's navel.
He worked at his belt buckle, then the zip of his trousers, pushing them down his hips and kicking them off. Pulling the Doctor's thin body against his own, he looked around for something to use as lubricant -- and didn't see anything. Had that bastard taken the Doctor dry? Jack frowned, knowing from experience how painful that could be.
But the Time Lord was reaching up over his head, his fingers closing around something that lay on the floor near the pile of furs. Jack's lips curved into a smile when he realized that it was a small bottle of oil; at least these people knew enough to lubricate a man before they fucked him. Maybe they were less uncivilized than he'd first thought.
"Here," the Doctor murmured, handing Jack the bottle as he laid back against the furs again. The Time Lord was looking up at him, that dark gaze fixed on his, waiting for whatever came next.
Jack looked down at the Time Lord, sliding his hands under the Doctor's bottom and lifting him slightly. He couldn't see any hesitation in those dark eyes; apparently, the Doctor wanted this as much as he did.
Well, he was going to give the Time Lord what he wanted. What they both wanted. Maybe it would make up for his cruel, unthinking words. And if they were lucky -- very lucky -- then they wouldn't get caught before they could get dressed and get out of here. He was fairly sure they wouldn't be. After all, the place seemed deserted for the time being.
Besides, Jack thought to himself, a smirk spreading over his face, it would be poetic justice to fuck the Doctor here, where that chieftain or whoever he was had done the deed himself. It would show him just who the Doctor belonged to in the end.
He almost wished that man would be here to see it. Almost. But not quite.***
Next story in series - True Faith.
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