Title: True Faith
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Rating: NC-17
Table: 6
Prompt: 9, Concubine
Author's Note: Continuation of 1) To Die For & 2) Poetic Justice.
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the Tenth Doctor or Jack Harkness. Please do not sue.***
Jack was poised above the Doctor, his hands on the Time Lord's hips. The two men stared at each other, desire crackling between them. The Doctor's lips were parted, his eyes wide, his hands clutching at Jack's shoulders.
"This isn't the best idea, you know," he whispered hoarsely, his gaze never leaving Jack's. "If we're heard, there's no telling what could happen to either one of us."
"I can't die, so that's not as much of a problem as you might think," Jack murmured, leaning down and brushing his lips across one small, pebbled nipple. "I told you I was going to do this right, and I am. You're not even going to remember anything he did to you once I'm through. The only thing you'll be able to think of is me. And you'll be begging me for more."
"I don't think I'll be begging, not when we need to get the hell out of here," the Doctor told him, his voice a little tart. "But I know how you can be when you have your mind set on something, Jack. And who am I to try and stop you?"
"You don't want to stop me, and you know it," the immortal whispered into the Time Lord's ear. "You want this just as much as I do. You want my hands on you. You want my cock in you. Admit it, Doctor. You want me. You want this. The dangerous aspect just makes it more exciting for both of us."
"Oh, shut up and get on with it," the Doctor told him, those slender arms sliding around his neck and pulling him down. That action told Jack everything he needed to know -- in spite of the tartness of his voice, in spite of his warnings, the Doctor did want this.
Jack was only too happy to comply with the Time Lord's words. He shifted his position slightly, moving one hand between the Doctor's spread legs to stroke a finger over his entrance before pushing it inside the other man, watching the Gallifreyan's face intently as he did so.
The Doctor didn't seem to be in pain; he was breathing hard, his eyes closed, cheeks flushed, lips parted. Jack slid a second finger inside him, moving them in and out, scissoring them. He didn't know how long it had been since that bastard had taken the Doctor, and he wanted to make sure that the Time Lord was prepared for him.
He didn't have the patience to keep this up for long, Jack thought, looking down at the man below him and feeling his desire rise, hot and sharp as the edge of a knife blade. He had to have the Doctor -- now. To hell with waiting and being patient.
Sliding his fingers out of the other man, he lifted the Doctor's hips again, pressing the blunt tip of his cock against the Time Lord's entrance. The Doctor groaned, pushing his hips up against Jack's hands; the immortal couldn't keep a satisfied smile from spreading over his features. Ah, yes, the Doctor definitely wanted this. Wanted him.
"Just do it, Jack," the Doctor told him through clenched teeth. "Don't make me wait. Go on, take me. I want to feel you inside me. I want to feel your hands on me. I want you to make me forget that anyone else ever touched me."
"I'll make you forget there are any other men in the universe," Jack whispered, looking down at the Time Lord, a mixture of love and desire in his eyes. "There's no one for you but me, Doctor. And I know damn well you're the only man I'll ever want."
With those words, he pressed himself forward, burying himself inside the tight heat of the Doctor's body. The Time Lord shoved a fist into his mouth to keep himself from crying out, his body arching up against Jack's, his muscles going tense and taut around the other man.
Jack had to swallow his own cry; it was always like this when he was with the Doctor. He never quite expected that searing, engulfing heat; it was like falling into a pool of liquid magma, or boiling lava. But the heat didn't burn him; instead, it was a tight, contained heat that drew him in and made him want more, made him want to lose himself inside that velvety warmth.
The Doctor's long, slender legs wrapped around his waist, the other man's nails digging into his shoulders. Jack wanted to crush that thin body against his, meld the two of them together, fuse their bodies until he couldn't tell where one ended and the other began.
He was fairly sure that he could hold back his own moans -- but the Doctor was always very loudly vocal when they were making love. Jack would have preferred to let the Time Lord cry out in pleasure and moan his name -- but given the situation they were in, that was out of the question, he said to himself.
Jack reached down to cover the Doctor's mouth with his hand -- and not a moment too soon. At the same moment that his hand clamped over the Time Lord's mouth, the Doctor's body arched up against his; he could hardly hold back his own cry, but he managed to keep himself quiet.
He leaned over the Time Lord, cautiously taking his hand away from the other man's mouth as they lay there, panting and sated. Jack finally leaned down to press a kiss to the Doctor's parted lips, taking a breath to ask his lover if he'd achieved what he'd set out to do.
"Ah. Quite a performance. Though the penalty for helping yourself to another man's concubine without permission is life imprisonment. Or death, whichever I might decide."
Jack's head snapped up, his eyes widening momentarily as his gaze darted towards the door. Oh, fuck. Oh no. He should have listened to the Doctor, and waited until they were safe inside the Tardis and away from here to even think about doing this. They'd been discovered, caught in the act. No telling what they were in for now.
He'd have to try to talk his way out of this. He'd always been good at that -- if he couldn't manage it now, then both he and the Doctor were in a lot more trouble than he'd been prepared to deal with. Tightening his arms around the Time Lord, Jack scowled at the man standing by the door.
"He's nobody's concubine. He's my mate. What's the penalty for kidnapping someone's mate and taking them against their will? Huh? You're the one who's committed a crime here, not me."
Jack didn't have to feign sounding angry. As the words tumbled out of his mouth, his ire rose; he was boiling mad, so mad that he wanted to stand up and pummel this man to a bloody pulp. He'd dared to touch the Doctor, dared to put his hands on the man Jack loved. He'd dared to think he could help himself to someone else's mate without paying a price for it.
The man looked annoyed at first, then surprised, then shocked. An expression of consternation spread over his face, and he looked from Jack to the Doctor and back in disbelief.
"You are mated?" he questioned, his voice rising slightly. "Why did you not say this when I first took him? I have never been known to deny myself what I want -- but I am an honorable man. I did not know that the two of you belonged to each other."
"Because you never gave me the chance!" Jack snapped, warming to his topic. "You could at least have asked if there was some reason the two of us were together, and asked yourself why I tried to keep you from taking him away from me. Your actions weren't honorable at all."
The man shrugged his shoulders, not speaking, but Jack could swear that he looked more than a little discomfited. If he really did believe in being honorable, then he would obviously be bothered by what he'd done -- and Jack was going to work that angle, though not as much as he'd like to. Right now, he was only assured with getting himself and the Doctor out of here safely.
"I'm not happy with what you did," he stated, shaking his head and trying his best to look regretful. "But I'm prepared to live with it. I just want your guarantee that the two of us can leave here safely, and I won't expect anything else."
"What if I was traumatized from the horrible experience I went through?" the Doctor said, looking indignant. Jack knew that he was only trying to play along, but this was definitely not the time for the Gallifreyan to chime in with his own words.
"We'll have to deal with that, sweetheart," he said, his arms tightening around the Doctor's slim waist in an attempt to warn him of one thing: to shut up and let Jack handle this.
Jack made a show of pulling out of the Doctor and slowly getting to his feet, stretching and then holding down a hand to help the Time Lord to his feet. He threw a glance towards the chieftain who'd caused all this in the first place -- and he couldn't help but feel a little piqued that the man's eyes weren't focused on him at all.
No, he was staring at the Doctor, his eyes roaming up and down the Time Lord's naked body as though he was admiring the pleasant view.
Jack couldn't blame him -- it was the most perfect view he'd ever seen. But he didn't like the way this man dared to look at his love -- that gaze was almost proprietary. He'd probably forget his "honor" and decide that he wanted the Doctor again at any time.
They needed to get out of here. Now. Sooner, if possible.
The immortal reached for his clothes and began shrugging into them, raising an eyebrow in question at the man standing silently by the door and watching. "I take it you do plan on giving my mate his clothes back so we can leave."
A smile curled the corner's of the chieftain's mouth, and he inclined his head in a nod. "Yes, I will let the two of you leave. It seems that I have committed an act that could leave a stain upon my honor, and amends should be made."
He stepped forward and whispered to one of the guards, who left the room quickly. Jack assumed that the man had been sent to get the Doctor's clothes, and he resisted the urge to heave a sigh of relief. Apparently they'd get out of here with no trouble -- though he wasn't going to count on that until they were safely in the Tardis and away from here.
The chieftain stepped close to the Doctor, raising a hand to stroke his fingertips down the velvety-soft skin of the Time Lord's cheek. The Doctor winced slightly, a noticeable tremor going through his body, but he didn't pull away.
"Ah, if you did not already belong to someone else, beautiful one -- the magic I could work upon your body," the man said softly, his gaze not leaving the Doctor's face. "But I have had you, and I suppose that memory will have to suffice."
He looked over at Jack as the guard came back into the room and silently handed the Time Lord's clothes over. The Doctor busied himself with getting into his shirt and trousers, not looking at either the chieftain or his lover, though both of them had a hard time keeping their eyes away from him.
"Treat him well," the chieftain finally said as the Doctor knelt to pull on his shoes. "He is quite a remarkable man. You are very lucky to possess him."
"I don't 'possess' him," Jack said, stepping to the Doctor's side as the other man rose to his feet and sliding an arm around the Time Lord's slim waist. "We belong to each other. I love him, and he loves me. It's not about ownership. It's about emotions."
"Ah. You are heartbound." The chieftain nodded, his brows raising again. "Then you are indeed a very lucky man, to have the heart of such a one."
Jack could see the Doctor opening his mouth out of the corner of his eye; he was fairly sure that the Time Lord was going to correct those words and point out that he had two hearts -- which, under the circumstances, might not be the best thing for him to do. Jack quickly moved forward, tightening his arm around the Doctor and nearly dragging the other man along with him.
"I think we'll be going now," he said, trying to keep his voice on an even keel. "I know the way back from where we came -- we don't need any guides."
The chieftain nodded, standing aside so that Jack and the Doctor could make their way through the door and down the hallway. No more words were exchanged, but Jack could feel that dark, enigmatic gaze almost boring a hole in his back. He was sure that he wasn't too popular here, and he'd feel a lot better once they were safely away from this place.
The Doctor blinked as they emerged from the fortress into the sun, squinting and looking around. "I hope you were telling the truth when you said that you knew which way to go to get back to the Tardis -- because I'm a bit lost."
"Don't worry, I know the way back," Jack told him, smiling in spite of himself. "We'll be out of here as soon as we can walk back there. It's not far -- in fact, it's just over that ridge. Closer than you might have thought."
"I knew you would come for me," the Doctor murmured, glancing back at the fortress as they walked, then at Jack. "I never for one moment thought you would leave me there. I was waiting for you to find me, Jack. I knew you wouldn't give up."
"I'd never have left you," Jack told him, turning to the Doctor and pulling the slender Time Lord into his arms. He closed his eyes, clasping the Doctor close against him. "I'd have let them kill me over and over again before I'd give you up. No matter what, I'd have gotten you out of here."
"I had faith in you," the Doctor answered, raising his gaze to meet Jack's eyes. The immortal bowed his head, pressing his lips against that soft mouth, molding that thin body against his own and losing himself in kissing the man he loved.
After a few moments, the two men tore themselves apart, both looking in the direction that Jack had been leading them in. Twining their fingers together, they set out for the Tardis, their footsteps fading into the distance and leaving behind no sound but a faint rustling of leaves.***
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