Title: Tease
By: Consternatio
Pairing: Nine/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Note: Dedicated to Sairensu
Disclaimer: All Characters belong to BBC, Russell T. Davies and various others. I make no money from this.
Summary: Jack has been teasing the Doctor all day, now he's about to reap the rewards of his efforts....***
Jack was vaguely aware that he made a most undignified 'oof' sound as his back hit the wall, having been propelled there by 6' 1'' of irate Doctor. He thought that winding the Doctor up all day had, in hindsight, not been one of his smarter ideas.
When nimble fingers wormed their way under Jack's t-shirt, and burrowed into the hair at the nape of his neck, Jack held his breath. When the hand in his hair pulled his head back so that a mouth could nip at his neck, Jack moaned. He decided that flirting so outrageously and persistently with the Doctor all day was definitely just about the best idea he'd ever had.
The Doctor' hand moved from under Jack's t-shirt, slipping down to his hip, pulling Jack closer to the body pinning him to the wall. The hand slid further down, gripping Jack's thigh, pulling and encouraging Jack to wrap his thigh around the Doctor's hip, pressing them even more tightly together. Jack was certain that this was probably the best day of his life so far, missing memories notwithstanding.
The feel of the Doctor's body pressed against his, the knowledge of exactly *who* and *what* the being plastered against him, fingers stroking the back of his neck, whilst hips rocked gently into Jack's, was absolutely intoxicating.
Jack was dimly aware that he should be doing more to reciprocate than merely clutching desperately at the Doctor's arm and shoulder, but he couldn't seem to coordinate his limbs long enough to do something about that. There was something unbelievably ego-boosting, not to mention arousing, about having a 900 year old Time Lord slam you bodily against the wall and attempt to fuse every synapse you possessed.
When the Doctor tugged at Jack's shirt, it took some seconds before Jack could get his thought processes into order enough to lift his arms enough to assist. At the sight of the Doctor throwing the garment carelessly away, something finally kicked in in Jack's brain, and he reached for the Doctorhis movements more than a little frantic. One hand pushed at the leather jacket, whilst the other grabbed the Doctor's arse and pulled their hips more tightly together.
When the Doctor grinned, wickedly, and dipped his head down to bite, hard, at Jack's shoulder, whilst a hand pinched one of Jack's nipples, Jack momentarily lost his focus, and a strangled sound that Jack barely recognised as a moan escaped him.
He rallied quickly, pulling at the Doctor's jumper until he managed to persuade the other man to let go long enough to remove said article of clothing. Then it was nothing but a confusing blur of hands and buttons and zips as they both fought to undress the other first.
Jack won, just. Although he nearly lost when he realised that the Doctor clearly didn't approve of underwear any more than he did. But win he did. He had his hand on the Doctor's cock while the Doctor was still struggling with his zip. The almost blinding flash of satisfaction that rushed through him at the hitch in the Doctor's breath as he started to stroke was better than anything he'd previously felt. The rush of arousal and *wanting* that swamped him when the Doctor returned the favour and stroked Jack's cock with a sure, practiced hand was even better though, and Jack willing gave himself over to the pleasure.
When the Doctor leant closer, his mouth brushing Jack's ear, and whispered
"I want to fuck you Jack. Do you want that too, Jack?"
Jack heard himself whimper, but there wasn't a damned thing he could do about, even if he wanted to. This was like Christmas morning; every damned fantasy he'd ever had coming true all at once. To be the recipient of that intense focus. To be here, now, with this alien being who had seen things Jack couldn't even begin to imagine, who had been there, in the midst of the time war. Jack didn't think he'd ever been as aroused by the promise of sex as he was then.
"Yes, fuck, yes"
A chuckle, low and seductive, made the hair on the back of Jack's neck stand on end. There it was, that hint of darkness that Jack had to admit was a large part of the Doctor's attraction. Those little clues that hinted at a dark past. Jack loved danger, and he had a feeling that the Doctor could be very dangerous, when he wanted to be.
He couldn't believe that the Doctor was going to fuck him, here, in the Tardis' control room, up against the wall, with their clothes strewn around them.
Jack regained enough sense to toe off his shoes, and push his trousers down to his ankles, where he kicked them off. The Doctor leant back, giving him *just* enough room to finish stripping. Those pale blue eyes were almost totally eclipsed by black irises, and Jack was gratified by the heat and the lust in the look the Doctor ran over his body.
If Jack hadn't been so desperate to get on with the show, he'd have preened, maybe posed just a little so that the Doctor could look all he wanted, but Jack's lust was too strong, his arousal too intense for that kind of distraction and delay.
He was about to ask the Doctor what exactly they were going to use for lube, when he was slammed back against the wall again, a mouth covering his. The unexpected kiss had him struggling to pant through his nose, whilst his hips ground against the Doctor's mindlessly.
When questing fingers breached him, he realised that the Doctor was exceedingly well prepared for any eventuality, because the fingers were cool and slick, and the pleasure they brought had Jack wrenching his head away and gasping. Despite the lube, the intrusion of two fingers still burnt, but to Jack it merely added another layer of sensation, a sharper edge to the pleasure.
A few minutes of the Doctor's mouth on his neck, and his fingers in him, and Jack was almost desperate with the need to have the Doctor fuck him. He wanted to feel that strength, to be the one to crack that shell, get beyond the walls of manic humour that the Doctor used to keep the world at bay. He wanted to see the real soul behind the mask.
When the Doctor pulled his fingers from Jack's body, and urged the Captain to wrap his legs around his hips, Jack could have crowed. The Doctor's face, as he looked at Jack, was a picture of lust and need. Jack braced his back against the wall, hands on the Doctor's shoulders as he trusted the Doctor not to let him fall.
There was a moments pause and a brief fumble, before they found a mutually comfortable position. Then Jack shifted, and with the Doctor's hand on his hips, steadying him, he pressed down, holding his breath at the burn of the entry. When his hips finally rested against the Doctor's, he breathed out slowly. The Doctor's hands cupped his buttocks, pressing into his flesh in a way that implied he was struggling to hold back. But Jack didn't want that, he wanted to know what the Doctor hid behind that façade of his. Jack wanted to see the Doctor unleashed.
"Ok Doctor, now fuck me"
Cocky voice back, arrogance and smugness firmly in place. It was just this attitude that had brought Jack to this point, and he figured that it ought to work again.
Like a magic charm, the words and the voice seemed to spark something primitive in the Doctor, and Jack had only a moment of exultation at being proved right so conclusively, then the Doctor was lifting Jack slightly, and pulling his own hips back, before thrusting in *hard*.
Jack threw his head back, not caring that the back of his skull connected with the wall of the Tardis. All he knew was that he was getting the fuck of his life. His fingers gripped the Doctor's shoulders, and some distant part of his mind noted that the Doctor would almost certainly have bruises on his shoulders to match the ones that he was leaving on Jack's arse. And that thought shouldn't have been half as arousing as it was. To know that they were both going to be walking around with the bruises from this encounter, hidden beneath their clothes. Jack's stomach clenched, and he knew that he wasn't going to need much more to come, although from the Doctor's near frenzied movements, he guessed he wasn't alone in that.
Jack braced himself, and managed to unwrap his hand from the Doctor's shoulder, bringing it down to stroke over his own cock, even as the Doctor fucked him harder than Jack would have thought possible in the position they were in.
It was fast, and brutal and raw, and Jack was loving every single second of it. The reality was, for once, better than the fantasy. The feel of the Doctor's hands on his skin, the rough pounding of his arse, the way the Doctor's eyes were virtually black, as he watched Jack's face.
When the Doctor's rhythm finally began to falter, Jack sped up the movement of his hand on his cock, wanting to finish at the same time, just in case the Doctor couldn't hold them up once the lust had been sated.
A final, brutish, merciless thrust, and the Doctor froze. Jack tensed a moment later.
The Doctor slumped forward, pinning Jack in place with the weight of his body. Jack carefully unwrapped his legs, already feeling the strain in muscles that were out of practice at such energetic activities.
They stood there, still pressed tightly together, breathing slowing, Jack feeling the slowing thump of the Doctor's twin hearts.
Eventually, the Doctor moved back. Jack looked around him. The Doctor's trousers were still around his thighs, and the rest of their clothing was haphazardly strewn about the control room. Jack thought he spotted his t-shirt draped across the console.
He looked back to the Doctor, suddenly unsure of what he'd see. The Doctor looked at him, face impassive. Jack fought the urge to fidget, or to make some smart arse remark that would get him dumped on the very next habitable (or not so habitable) planet.
Then a sly grin spread over the Doctor's face, and Jack released a breath he hadn't been aware he was holding.
"Next time you want something Jack, just say so, ok? Saves a lot of time and effort I find. Although I can't deny the effort that you went to was quite flattering...."
Jack grinned back. He didn't think now was the time to mention that if *this* was the result of a day of flirting and teasing, he didn't think he'd be asking outright for anything in the near future.***
Next story in series - Shower.
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