Title: Shower
By: Consternatio
Pairing: Nine/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Series: 1) Tease
Warnings: Another PWP, although perhaps more like my usual style than the last one. I think. Oh, I don't know! Anyway, it's sex in the shower, in case you hadn't guessed.....
Disclaimer: All Characters belong to BBC, Russell T. Davies and various others. I make no money from this.
Summary: Sex in the shower. That's it. Don't go looking for a plot, because you won't find one here!***
They had been working on the TARDIS' innards, again, when one of them did something that the ship clearly didn't like. Jack couldn't help snickering at the look of shock on the Doctor's face, as he knelt there, gunge dripping off of his chin and glittering in his eyelashes. For just a second, he'd thought that the Doctor was finally going to lose his temper, but the moment passed, and then the Doctor has started laughing, such a deep, infectious laugh that Jack had been unable to hold back his own amusement. They knelt there, laughing so hard they could barely catch their breath, and Jack had never felt so comfortable, so at home, as he did then.
When their laughter finally died down, the Doctor had looked mournfully at his shirt.
"Well, I guess the TARDIS thinks we don't need to look at that then.."
The look moved to the TARDIS console, and changed from mournful to irritated.
"...although there was no need to ruin a perfectly good t-shirt, just to make that point."
Jack grinned, amused as always by the way the Doctor spoke to his ship, as if it were a living, breathing entity, rather than a space and time ship.
"Maybe the TARDIS just wanted to force you to get naked in the control room" Jack leered at the Doctor.
The Doctor looked at him for a moment, expression unreadable, then laughed.
"I doubt that."
The Doctor shook his head, clearly amused.
"Insatiable" he muttered as he stood up. "Can you put those panels back? I think I ought to go shower before this stuff starts to dry. I have a feeling that it would be even more unpleasant dry than it is wet"
"Most things are" Jack smirked. The Doctor rolled his eyes, but Jack could see the upward tilt of his lips, and the creases at corners of his eyes that said the owner of this time machine wasn't as exasperated as he made out.
Jack waved him off "Go. Shower, I'll sort this out"
The Doctor grinned and disappeared off. Jack watched the retreating arse with appreciation. The Doctor had told him to just ask. Jack was going to replace all the panels the two of them had removed from the console, and then he was going to ask. Somehow, he suspected that the question would be neither unexpected, nor unwelcome.
Jack followed the sound of singing, towards the TARDIS' shower.
The singing was off-key, and inharmonious maybe, but loud and surprisingly cheerful. Jack couldn't help but grin. It seemed that nothing dampened the energy and enthusiasm of his enigmatic and, frankly extraordinary, travelling companion. Not even a face and chest full of who-knew-what gloop.
He slid into the bathroom, quietly. He could make out the outline of the Doctor behind the frosted glass of the shower. A shiver of lust and anticipation ran through him. He'd caught a glimpse of that body once before, but he hadn't had a chance to appreciate it properly, pinned as he had been between it and the wall of the control room, with the Doctor fucking him. Jack felt the rush of arousal that surged through his veins, as it always did when he thought about that. It had been a pleasant surprise to find out that the Doctor did indeed have a sharper edge when pushed, and Jack knew just how to push people to get what he wanted; he'd have made a lousy conman otherwise. What he hadn't expected was the skill and the depth of the Doctor's sensuality, once unleashed. It was an irresistible combination for a man like Jack, and he had every intention of taking each opportunity he was offered to taste that pleasure again.
The sound of the shower door sliding open caught him by surprise. The Doctor's face appeared, surrounded by steam from the obviously hot water of the shower.
"Well, are you just going to stand there all day, or are you going to join me? I presume that is why you're here. Although, knowing you, it's quite possible that you make a habit of lurking around bathrooms...."
The knowing and frankly somewhat lascivious grin and the hint of dark mischief in those blue eyes had Jack forgiving the slur on his character (which wasn't entirely untrue, in any event), and heading for the shower cubicle, shedding clothes as he went.
When Jack was both finally naked and standing in front of the shower, he found the Doctor leaning against the shower door, watching him with a predatory look in his eyes that Jack found decidedly arousing. He couldn't help pausing for a moment to appreciate the view. Naked Doctor, water still beading on his skin, clouds of steam surrounding him and filling the bathroom was *definitely* on Jack's (constantly updated) top ten sights list. The subdued lighting of the room caught the angles of the Doctor's face, making him look less human, reminding Jack again that this creature in front of him was an alien. A homeless, rootless, nomadic alien, with a strange fascination for Earth, and a life span that had, literally, stunned Jack into silence when Rose had casually let it slip in conversation one day. Not that any of those things dampened Jack's desire for the man who'd rescued a former conman and offered him a place in the Doctor's home. Oh no, if anything, it merely whetted the Captain's appetite even more.
He'd wined and dined Rose, quite deliberately, and gradually wheedled more and more out of her about their travelling companion. He'd heard about the Gelth and Satellite Five. He'd also managed, eventually, to get out of her a hushed tale of their encounter with the last Dalek. Her residual unease at the Doctor's reactions to seeing the creature, and The Doctor's apparent readiness to take up arms and kill it had left Jack momentarily divided. He'd had to attempt to appear sympathetic to her discomfort, whilst his insides had clenched in perverse, but undeniable arousal at the thought of the Doctor, composure gone, ready to kill. Rose had clearly had trouble reconciling the Doctor's ruthlessness with the eccentric and slightly mad persona that he more usually showed the world. Jack had no such problems. It was part of the reason that Jack did no more than flirt with Rose. He had a feeling that she wasn't ready to deal with the darkness that dwelt in the universe, let alone within her two travelling companions, and Jack had had enough of being the joker 24/7. He wanted to be able to drop that mask of smiling, flirting banter, wanted the chance to just be himself, nothing hidden, just for a moment.
He'd had just a taste of that darker side to the Doctor, and it hadn't been nearly enough. Jack wanted to see all the different facets of this man. He wanted to see the darkness behind the sunny smile, and dry wit. He wanted to understand the strange dichotomy of the Doctor's almost childlike enthusiasm and excitement, and his knowledge and the weight of his age. Jack wanted to know what had caused the almost crushing sadness and guilt that he sometimes saw in the Doctor's eyes.
He wanted to unwrap and understand the enigma. The knowledge that he probably never would merely made him more determined to try.
"Tell me, are you intending to do anything, Captain, or did you just come here to stare at me?"
Jack smiled, the Doctor's voice was a blend of arousal, amusement and impatience. He stepped up to the Doctor, and pushed him gently back into the shower, shutting the door behind them.
Jack ran his hands up the Doctor's chest, fingers splayed against the damp skin. He wasn't sure which made his blood surge more, the way the Doctor's breath hitched or the way those changeable eyes darkened, the irises dilating as he watched. It gave Jack an immense thrill to see the effect he had on the Doctor. This was all the power Jack ever wanted, to cause this being, this exotic and unpredictable man to want *him*; Captain Jack Harkness, former Time Agent.
So lost was he in his triumph, that Jack missed entirely the Doctor shifting, one hand coming up to grasp the back of Jack's head, pulling him in for an almost bruising kiss, whilst the Doctor's other hand slid around Jack's cock, stroking it with long, slow caresses.
Jack was caught between the sensuality of the Doctor's kisses, and the raw sexual gratification of the other man's hand stroking him just the way he liked best, as if they had all the time in the world, and nothing mattered but their mutual pleasure.
He would have whimpered when the fingers wound in his hair tightened against his scalp, had his mouth not been otherwise occupied. When the fingers pulled, he resisted, partly from reluctance to end the kiss, partly because the pain as the fingers tugged on his hair added spice; a sharp edge to his arousal. Finally though, he allowed the Doctor to pull them apart. There was a slightly dangerous look in the Doctor's eyes that made Jack want to offer himself up as a sacrifice to the man's lust.
When the Doctor's hand slipped stroked down his neck, to his shoulder, then pressed down, his intent clear, Jack shuddered. He dropped to his knees, mourning briefly the loss of the Doctor's hand on his cock.
The sense of satisfaction as the back of the Doctor's head hit the wall when Jack willing applied hand, tongue and a lot of practice to the Doctor's cock definitely made up for the lack of attention his own body was receiving. The low, almost pained groan as Jack dragged his nails down a strong thigh, raising faint red marks on the pale skin raised goose-bumps on Jack's skin.
When the fingers still resting on his shoulder tightened, Jack felt a rush of satisfaction, but then the hand pulled.
"Up. Get up Jack."
Reluctant as Jack was to lose the opportunity to prove just how good he was at giving head, he delighted in the sound of the Doctor's voice. He wasn't quite gasping, but he was definitely breathless, and his voice wasn't exactly steady either.
Jack stood, making sure he rubbed against as much of Doctor's body as he could while doing so. The delicious hitches in the Doctor's breathing as he did so made him pant. The slide of slightly damp skin against skin one of Jack's favourite pleasures. The close confines of the cubicle; the steam rising from the still running shower at the other end of the cubicle; the heat of the body touching his; the strength of the body he pressed against; the reactions to his touch; the faint scent of soap and sex that he could smell: these moments were just about as close to paradise as Jack figured he'd ever get.
When he finally stood, blue eyes watched him. He made sure to press even more firmly against the Doctor, rocking his hips gently; hands sliding over warm skin, making him wish for soap and lather and *slickness*. That thought made him catch his breath, and made him rock into the Doctor just a little harder. Those intense eyes narrowed. Unexpectedly, a finger traced his lips, and Jack wondered when the Doctor had moved his hand. As the digit moved, he realised that he was smirking, and that just made him grin even more.
"Hmmm, feeling smug are we Captain?" The Doctor's voice was low and ever so slightly husky "We can't have that now, can we?"
Jack watched the Doctor's eyes, savouring the feel of that fingertip, still tracing his lips. He was caught by surprise when the Doctor ran fingers of his other hand down between his buttocks. He decided that we wasn't ever going to play poker with the Doctor, because no hint of his intentions had shown in that gaze. Jack let the lazy pleasure wash over him, enjoying this gentle, slow intimacy as much as he had enjoyed their previous, frantic encounter. He slid a hand up the Doctor's chest, fingers brushing, with just a hint of nail, against a nipple. His hand curled up, over the Doctor's shoulder, around to the back of his neck, where Jack let his fingers stroke the soft skin, even as he was pulling the Doctor towards him. The Doctor's finger trailed down Jack's jaw, down to his shoulder. The kiss was hot and slow and matched the movement of their hips and hands. The steady escalation of arousal, the slow and intense seduction left Jack wanting both to drive this rendezvous to its ultimate, inevitable conclusion, and to stay right where he was, wringing every possible sensation possible from each moment.
When the Doctor pulled away, Jack wasn't sure which was stronger, the surge of arousal at the knowledge that they were, finally, going to get to the main event, or the disappointment that this slow, intense passion had been interrupted.
The Doctor's eyes were dark, the usual pale blue gaze largely hidden by the pupil. His hands continued caressing Jack's skin, sending pleasant shivers through the Captain's body. When the Doctor's hand drifted from Jack's shoulder, down across his chest, to slide between their bodies and wrap long, fingers around his Jack's cock in a firm grasp, Jack couldn't stop his shuddering breath, and the goose-bumps that broke out over his body.
"Wanna fuck Captain?"
Hearing the Doctor say 'fuck', so casually, really shouldn't have been so erotic. It wasn't as if he hadn't heard him say it before, in equally sexually charged circumstances. Nevertheless, there was something about the sound of that word in the Doctor's voice that, on some totally primitive level, absolutely did it for Jack. It pushed everyone of his buttons, and combined with the hand still stroking his cock, left him no patience for this gradual build up.
"Do it. Fuck me."
The Doctor chuckled, and if Jack wasn't so turned on, he might just have taken offense at that, had the Doctor's next words not stunned him into silence.
"Oh, I thought we do something difference this time"
When the Doctor let go of his cock, and dropped his other hand from where it had rested on Jack's arse, the Captain began to protest. But when he turned his back on Jack, and braced his arms against the wall, the thought died before it was given breath. Jack was staggered at the mere thought of what he was being offered. He couldn't resist running reverent hands down the expanse of pale skin in front of him, aware as he did so of the faint trembling in his hands.
"I'll be careful" Jack heard the words, almost as if someone else had said them. It was almost laughable, that this being who had traveled through time and space, who had faced untold dangers, might need such reassurance. Yet, despite that, Jack felt he needed to offer this, unsure why, beyond a vague awareness that somewhere in the past, the Doctor had been very badly hurt in some way, and Jack wanted, very much, not to make that mistake himself.
The Doctor turned his head slightly, and for a second, the expression on his face was utterly unreadable, though it chilled Jack somehow. Then that inane grin was back, and the shadow in The Doctor's eyes was gone.
"Why would you want to do that?"
The leer in his voice was unmistakable, and Jack couldn't help but grin in response, although he recognized a clear diversionary tactic when he saw one. He mentally filed that look away for consideration at a later date, when most of the blood in his body *wasn't* heading south.
"Do you have any.....?"
"Shelf next to you"
The thought that hit Jack, of the Doctor heading for the shower, using the lube so obvious on the shelf beside them was the final straw. Jack firmly intended to stick to his promise of being careful, but he was damned if he could wait another minute longer.
The tremble was back in his hands as he grabbed the lube. Had Jack been less frantic with lust, he'd had taken his time, teased the Doctor some, made them both wait for the inevitable. But his lust had too strong a hold, and whilst he'd promised to be careful, he'd made no such promise to be gentle, and from their previous coupling, he suspected that the Doctor wouldn't object to a little rougher handling.
Fingers slicked, Jack leant forwards, lips brushing against the nape of the Doctor's neck, his gratification at the shiver and gasp that provoked causing him to press two fingers into the Doctor's body a little harder and faster than he'd intended. The low moan that action produced indicated that the Doctor definitely shared Jack's taste for an edge of pain with his pleasure.
Jack was as patient as he could be, but within minutes they were both panting and Jack couldn't wait. He dumped about half the bottle of lube over his cock, dropped the bottle to the floor and pressed into the Doctor's body.
The thrust in was slow and smooth, though it nearly killed Jack. He had to pause, in as far as he could get, and rest his forehead on the Doctor's shoulder.
"Jack? I hope that's not all you're going to do. I'd be really disappointed if all that flirting had no substance behind it."
Oh, thought Jack, that's really below the belt. And how in the hell can he form whole sentences? Damned arrogant Time Lord. I'll show him substance.
The first thrust was short, clearly catching the Doctor by surprise, if the sudden intake of breath and heartfelt groan were any indication, and Jack let instinct take over, let his body and mind bask in the hedonism of the moment. It was the only way he could stop the sensations overwhelming him prematurely.
When the Doctor took one of his own hands away from the wall to stroke his cock, Jack had to close his eyes and grit his teeth. While he would normally lend a hand, as it were, the thought of the Doctor bringing himself off while Jack fucked him was just too damned close to several of Jack's recent fantasies and Jack could barely maintain the rhythm of his hips, let alone attempt to co-ordinate his hands as well.
Eventually, it wasn't just the sound of the Doctor groaning his name in mingled pleasure/pain as his body tightened and tensed against Jack's, wasn't just the assault on his senses; it was all that, and the knowledge the he was fucking a Time Lord. A 900 year old man with two hearts who was the last of a race of people Jack had believed to be nothing more than myth. It was all Jack needed, and for a long, silent moment, the world greyed around him.
It took him some time to get his thoughts and body back to some semblance of normality. Jack was gratified to realise that the Doctor didn't seem to be much more with it than he was.
"Are you planning to use me as a leaning post for much longer Jack? Only, my arm is about to go to sleep."
Or maybe not, Jack thought, only slightly begrudgingly. Did the man have no weaknesses? Or, did he just never show them. Before Jack could contemplate that thought any further, the Doctor elbowed him, gently, in the ribs.
"Okay, okay, I'm moving" Jack grumbled, disentangling them, carefully.
The Doctor turned to face him, expression neutral again. Then he looked down at himself, then at Jack. He looked back up again, and that stupid grin lit up his face.
"Looks like we both need a shower now."
Jack laughed, he couldn't help it. He didn't think he'd ever get used to these mercurial changes of mood, or fully understand what made the Doctor tick, or how his mind worked, but suddenly, it didn't seem quite so important that he did.
He reached past the Doctor, to the rack next to the still running shower, and grabbed the soap, waving it in the Doctor's face
"Better not drop this then, or we'll never get out of here. Not that I'd mind that, of course."
He leered at the Doctor, who laughed. Mysteries and enigmas could wait, Jack was perfectly happy to just accept the Doctor as he was now, and enjoy the strange companionship offered to him.
There was plenty of time for his curiosity to have free reign later, anyway.***
Next story in series - Bath.
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