Title: Bath
By: Consternatio
Pairing: Nine/Jack
Rating: NC-17
Series: 1) Tease, 2) Shower
Disclaimer: All Characters belong to BBC, Russell T. Davies and various others. I make no money from this.
Summary: Bathtime takes on a whole new meaning in the TARDIS.....***
Jack was particularly fond of the TARDIS' bathroom, and not just because of the extremely pleasant memories he had of the shower cubicle, although those memories certainly played a large part in his attachment to the room.
The other reason Jack was so enamoured of the bathroom was the large, old-fashioned roll-top bath that dominated a large part of the room. A bath that he and Rose had fought, often spectacularly over, until they had finally managed to sort out both a truce and a workable rota for using said bath. Rose had full use of the bath in the mornings, Jack in the afternoon. They alternated the evenings. Sometime in between, Jack assumed that the Doctor got to use his bathroom, although apart from that one time in shower, Jack had never seen him in the room.
Jack was pretty sure that the Doctor had been amused at the sight of them, bickering like children over the bath. Jack got on well with Rose on virtually every other issue, but he had been absolutely unwilling to back down over the bathroom. Jack thought he was getting better at reading the Doctor, because he was almost certain that the owner of the TARDIS had intended all along to suggest that they work out a rota for the bath, because he'd had that annoying, but damned sexy smirk on his face when he'd been called, yet again, to mediate in one of Jack and Rose's arguments.
Jack had wondered, for some time afterwards, why the Doctor had waited so long before suggesting the solution. The realisation, when it hit him, was both cute, and saddening. It was the same reason the Doctor had apparently had a long procession of companions and fellow travellers during his lifetime. He wanted, no, needed, the company. Even to the point of letting Jack and Rose stand in the corridor, shouting at each other. It was something, anything, to break the lonely silence that seemed at times to surround and engulf the Time Lord.
There were times, when he thought no-one was looking, that the Doctor looked so lost, so forlorn and alone that Jack could hardly bear to look at him. Rose had seen it too, she had no more idea how, or even if, they should broach the issue. After all, what comfort could you offer to a 900 Time Lord whose entire race has been wiped from not just space, but time itself? Rose wanted to cheer him, to take his mind off of his loss. Jack hadn't the heart to tell her that any distraction they could think up was only going to be temporary at best. There just was no way to ease that kind of misery.
If the truth were, told, Jack wasn't entirely sure he'd want to either, as selfish as that was. The pain and grief, and Jack was almost certain, guilt, gave the Doctor a hint of darkness, of danger, sometimes of madness. Jack had the sense that the Time Lord had the potential to be every bit as dangerous and unpredictable as anything they might face on any of the myriad worlds they visited. Jack had seen hints of what he thought of as the 'real' Doctor, the one that was carefully hidden behind the silly grin and the lightening changes of mood and direction. It was that 'real' Doctor that kept him interested. That and the chance of more, frankly great, sex, of course.
This was one of Jack's evenings for the bathroom, and he was in the mood to indulge his sensual side. He ran the bath water into the huge bath just the hot side of comfortable, added bath oil that reminded him of the scent of sea spray, and lit candles all around the room. When everything was to his satisfaction, he sank into the water with a sigh, letting the warmth and the aroma and the gentle light soothe him. He'd been disappointed recently that he'd not been able to spend any time alone with the Doctor. It seemed that if they weren't hip deep in helpless, or alternatively, murderous aliens (and why the hell didn't they ever seem to find the harmless but helpful aliens?), then Rose was hanging around. Jack liked the girl, he really did, and if the Doctor hadn't captured his attention so firmly, then Jack would most likely have been interested in bedding her, but just lately she was starting to get on his nerves, hanging around the Doctor at all times. It was almost as if she knew or suspected something was going on, and was doing her damnedest to ensure it didn't happen again. Jack wondered whether she was jealous, and if so, of whom. It was frustrating, but Jack could be patient, if the rewards were worth it, and in this case, they definitely were.
Jack never locked the bathroom door. Rose knew better than to disturb him when it was his turn for the tub, so when he heard the *snick* of the door opening, he knew that it could only be the TARDIS' owner. As the door clicked softly shut again, and he heard the faint sound of the lock being slid into place, he couldn't help the tremor that ran through him. He was already more than half hard, beneath the water. This was the first time that the Doctor had sought him out, the first time the Time Lord had actively initiated anything between them, rather than reacting to Jack's actions. Not, it had to be said, that Jack had been at all disappointed with said reactions, but he liked to be pursued once in a while.
"So this is what you get up to in here, on your own"
Jack smirked to himself, glad that the bath faced away from the door.
"Yep. This is what a poor, tired, ex Time Agent does when he's got a bathroom like this all to himself."
The Doctor's laugh was low, with a wicked edge to it, and it did absolutely nothing to dampen Jack's arousal. Quite the opposite in fact. Jack had wanted to wait, had wanted to make the Doctor do all the running this time, but he was suddenly too impatient for that. He turned in the bath, slipping a little in the oily water.
"Why don't you come join me? See what this hedonist lark is all about."
The Doctor was leaning against the door, for once without his leather jacket, arms folded loosely across his chest. He looked as though he was enjoying the view, and Jack contemplated standing up and really giving him a view to appreciate, then he remembered the slick water and decided that slipping and breaking his neck would not be conducive to the mood.
"What makes you think I don't already now all about hedonism, Captain."
"Because if you did, you'd be in this bath with me already. Now get that sexy arse moving, before the water gets cold."
That earned him another laugh. The candlelight softened the Doctor's features, made his ears seem to stick out less, made the nose seem a little less formidable. His eyes however, were hidden in shadow. Jack found that very apt, if a little too poetic for his tastes.
He stretched out a hand, watching the Doctor. For a moment he thought that the Time Lord was going to refuse and Jack wasn't ready for the stab of disappointment and loneliness that though caused. A second later though, the Doctor pushed away from the door and walked over the Jack and the bath. He shed his jumper and trousers as he did so, and Jack couldn't help the way his breathing sped up. Even in the shower he really hadn't had time to appreciate the reality of a naked Doctor. Jack had seen more physically beautiful bodies, but there was something about the easy confidence and the sense of power that the Doctor exuded, even naked; especially naked, that made Jack's breath catch and his pulse speed up. The Doctor caught Jack's hand just as he was lowering it, suddenly uncertain, and tangled their fingers together, thumb rubbing over Jack's palm in a manner that really shouldn't have been at all erotic, but, nevertheless, was.
Jack was entranced by the sight of their joined hands. There seemed to him to be some significance in it that he couldn't quite grasp, though he really was trying to. When the Doctor's other hand stroked along his shoulder, up his neck and gently along his jaw, Jack couldn't help but close his eyes.
The kiss was not unexpected, but it was more aggressive than Jack had anticipated. He was definitely breathless when the Doctor pulled back. He opened his eyes, and wondered if his pupils were as dilated as the Doctor's.
"Shunt up"
Jack was confused for a moment, then realised what the Doctor meant, and grinned. He turned and scooted down towards the other end of the bath. The Doctor climbed in behind him, and Jack was very glad that the bath was so big, because there was only just enough room for the Doctor's legs either side of him. He was also glad he hadn't filled the bath too full, because with both of them in the tub, the water came up to an inch of so below nipple level. He scooted back towards the Doctor until he was as close as he could get, his back resting against the Doctor's chest, his arse pressing against the Doctor's groin. He wriggled as if trying to get comfortable, grinning as the movement cause the Doctor's cock to slide between the cheeks of his arse.
"You're not fooling anybody you know. It isn't that difficult to get comfortable"
There it was, that blend of amusement, arousal and mischief that Jack found such a turn on. He wondered if the Doctor realised what that tone did to Jack's libido. Then hands began to wander down his chest, stroking firmly over his nipples, teasing them and Jack decided he really didn't care. The Doctor scooped some of the warm water, and tipped it over Jack's chest. He leant his chin on Jack's shoulder, and idly traced the path of the oily droplets down to the water line. Jack sighed, whilst he certainly enjoyed the fast and furious nature of their first encounter, and the intensely passionate tryst in the shower, he could definitely get used to this slow, easy seduction.
When the Doctor's hand dropped lower, below the water, and clasped his cock, Jack couldn't stop himself arching into the touch, just a little. Though the water didn't make the best lubricant, the bath oil added just enough slickness to stop the friction from the Doctor's grip becoming uncomfortable. The Doctor's other hand slipped below the water, trailing almost ticklish touches down over his ribs, down to cup Jack's balls. Jack sucked in a breath, and arched some more. He was almost panting, the sensual combination of warm water, candlelight and gentle touches shockingly erotic.
Jack was almost tempted to stay right where he was, and let the Doctor's talented hands work their magic, but as pleasant a thought as that was, it wasn't enough. This, 'thing' between them, whatever it was, was too new for Jack to be sure it would last, and in case it didn't, he wanted to make the most of it. Later, if there was a later, when he was surer about his place about the TARDIS, he'd be more than happy to spend long hours stroking and fondling and kissing; in fact, he'd insist upon it.
However, moving on to more energetic activities required him to move, and whilst the Doctor was doing that crazy little twist as his hand stroked up and down Jack's cock, and his fingers were stroking the insides of Jack's thighs as his palm gently cupped and manipulated Jack's balls, Jack could barely remember his own name, let alone coordinate his arms and legs.
"Stop. Wait a minute.."
"Oh, yes, no, wait, god..."
This time the laugh was throatier, even sexier if that was possible, and Jack really, really had to fight his body's inclination to stay right where it was.
"Fuck. Hang on....Where the *hell* did you learn to do that?"
When the Doctor ran his tongue up Jack's neck, Jack knew he had to move, now, or it was all going to be over, and he wanted to stretch this encounter out for as long as he possibly could.
He grabbed the Doctor's wrists, pulled his hands carefully away from his body, and scooted forwards, away from the tongue.
The voice sounded a little uncertain, and Jack wanted to reassure, to explain. But he had to catch his breath first, had to remember how to form coherent sentences.
"Wait. God." He realised he was repeating himself and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. When the Doctor made as if he was going to pull his wrists out of Jack's grasp, Jack tightened his grip and held on.
"Nice as that was, and it was, oh god it was, I want something else." There, an almost entirely comprehensible sentence.
He could almost sense the tension easing out of the body behind him.
"Oh, do tell Captain, what is it that you want?"
Jack shuddered, like some gothic heroine in one of those dreadful romance novel Rose seemed to enjoy, but he couldn't help it. It was such a turn on, to hear that 'I-want-to-fuck-you' voice from the Doctor.
"Fuck me."
Great, Jack thought, coherency has gone again then.
Dark chuckle behind him as those wrists pulled free of his grasp. This time he let them go without a fight.
"You'd better get on your knees then Captain"
Jack absolutely, definitely, did not whimper. Although, he may have moaned, just a little.
It was a struggle, and at one point, a tangle of legs that almost threatened to dislocate Jack's hip, but finally Jack was on his knees, bracing his knees against the sides of the bath, whilst his hands gripped the edge. The water just reached the top of his thighs, and gently swirled around, and cupped his balls, the ripples as the Doctor moved both arousing and maddeningly distracting.
He heard and felt the Doctor moving behind him. When he heard the soft pop that could only be the cork stopper of the bottle of bath oil, he closed his eyes. The trickle of warm oil down his back caused goose-bumps to break out over his skin. Fingers trailed through the oil, following the trail as it ran down the small of his back, sliding down between the cheeks of his arse, the sensation so light it was almost ticklish. The fingers lifted, then started again, this time the large hands ran down his arse, palms cupping his buttocks, thumbs running down, then back up, the cleft, gently separating his cheeks. Jack held his breath.
One hand lifted, and Jack felt more oil sliding over his skin, then slowly the thumb still stroking him shifted, pressing gently. Jack groaned as the thumb slowly pressed into him. His breath stuttered, and he knew, distantly, that he had a death grip on the edge of the bath. This was one of his favourite things, and the feel of it, the slight drag as the slightly sticky bath oil only partially eased the entry made the sensation stronger, more intense, as the Doctor worked his thumb deeper still. When the Doctor's other hand stroked over Jack's other buttock, and thumb trailing down the cleft of his arse came to rest just above the digit sunk in his body, Jack bit his lip. Oh god, he wanted, desperately wanted what he hoped was going to happen next. He would have asked, but he couldn't find the breath to speak. Then the thumb slid slowly, carefully in, next to one already gently stretching him, and Jack groaned, dick jerking between his thighs, heartbeat pounding.
Jack wondered how the Doctor seemed to know just what Jack wanted, what he needed, how the Time Lord always seemed to know what would turn him on the most.
The Doctor began to move his thumbs, pumping them slowly, together at first, then as Jack relaxed, sliding one out as he slid the other one in. Jack's breath caught in his throat, and all he could manage was a strangled groan at the unfamiliar sensation. It was a strange sensation, but it was enough to make Jack dizzy with pleasure. His head hung forwards, chin on his chest, as the Doctor teased him, his pace slow and deliberate. Everything in this encounter had been just the same, decisive, almost planned. Jack found that thought unbelievably arousing.
When the Doctor slowly pulled first one thumb, then the other from Jack's body, the ex Time Agent couldn't help trembling, the strain of holding his position, together with the intense pleasure of the Doctor's thumbs plundering his willing body.
The Doctor shifted behind Jack, then hands gripped Jack's hips, and gently pulled him back down into the water, stroking his skin as they positioned Jack. Jack waited until the Doctor had him *just so*, then he took matters into his own hands, and in one steady movement, he sank down, feeling the burn as the Doctor's cock, slid into him. The Doctor had clearly used plenty of oil, but the water still created friction, not enough to be painful, but enough that Jack felt the entry more intensely than normal, and he wondered if he'd ever want to feel it any other way again.
When he sat in the Doctor's lap, he rested there for a moment, savouring the pleasure of the Doctor's cock inside him, the novelty of the water swirling around them, the sound of the Doctor's less than steady breath gusting over the skin of his neck.
One of the Doctor's hands slid from his hip to grab Jack's cock in a firm grip. As Jack arched involuntarily, the Doctor's other hand tightened on his hip, impeding his movement. Jack grunted, frustrated now, wanting to move, wanting to feel the pleasure of being fucked, wanting to come, wanting to feel the Doctor come, wanting them to fall apart together.
"Is this what you want Captain?"
The Doctor's hand, greasy with oil, stroked Jack, his grip almost hard enough to cross the line between pleasure and pain. Jack moaned, absolutely unable to stop him squirming in the Doctor's lap. He should have known better than to think this was going to be a sweet, innocent fuck. He'd seen the darker side of the Doctor, he'd encouraged it, flirted with it, wanted to see it unleashed. Now he was getting what he wanted, and even though he was so turned on now it nearly hurt, he still couldn't find a single moment of regret.
A wicked laugh in his ear, another stroke. Jack wondered if the Doctor was trying to kill him. When a hand wrapped around his wrist, and pulled his hand away from the bath top, Jack was confused, his mind too flooded with endorphins to understand at first what the Doctor was intending. The Doctor wrapped Jack's hand around his own cock, and Jack finally caught on. The thought of bringing himself off whilst the Doctor fucked him made his muscles clench.
"Ok Captain, let's fuck"
It never failed, the combination of that obscenity, in the Doctor's voice, a voice that was heavily tinged with lust, to drive Jack crazy, in the best possible way.
Flexing his thigh muscles, Jack lifted himself up, hand braced on the bath top, then slid slowly back down. He began again, each lift up and thrust down faster, and smoother than the last. He finally managed to co-ordinate the movement of his own hand, dragging almost harshly up and down his cock. The Doctor's hand stroked and fondled, sometimes pinching Jack's nipples, then scratching nails over his thighs and hips.
When the Doctor began to thrust up, restricted though his movement was, Jack decided that this had to be about as close to heaven as he was ever going to get. He also decided he'd suitably berate himself for thinking such clichéd rubbish later.
Jack felt the first signs that meant his orgasm was close. He could feel his muscles tense in preparation.
The sudden sensation of the Doctor, biting hard at his shoulder caught Jack unprepared, and the hand on his cock tightened in reaction. It was enough for his already heavily stimulated senses, and he arched up, welcoming the burst of pleasure as he came. He was aware of the Doctor, still moving under him, realised that he himself was still moving, despite the contractions rippling through his body. Jack was barely over the wash of gratification, when the Doctor thrust once more, hard, sending a final throb of pleasure through Jack, then stiffened, his groans raising goose-bumps on Jack's skin.
They sank back into the water. Jack leaning back against the Doctor's chest, and Doctor's arms loosely wrapped around his waist.
It was only when he began to get cold that Jack bothered to stir himself. He eased himself up onto his knees, wincing slightly as both his thigh muscles and his arse protested. He shifted to rest at the other end of the bath, facing the Doctor, turning the hot tap on as he did so. He glanced down at the floor, and couldn't contain his laugh.
The Doctor raised a tired eyebrow at him. Jack pointed to the floor.
"I think there's more water on the floor than there is left in this bath"
The Doctor looked at the floor, then back at Jack. He slid further down, a look of smug contentment on his face.
"Well, I guess you'd better mop it all up before you leave then."
"Hey, *we* made the mess, why do *I* get to clear it up?"
"Well, it was your turn for the bathroom. I doubt Rose is going to be impressed with a wet floor, and I don't think she'd be impressed if she thought you were trying to blame it on me"
Jack knew that he was gaping at the Doctor. He couldn't believe the man's cheek.... He chuckled. He shouldn't have been surprised. And it wasn't as if the sex hadn't been worth a little cleaning up.
"Fine Doctor, I'll mop the floor. But you better have warm fluffy towels waiting for me afterwards...."
The Doctor just grinned at him. Jack relaxed into the bath. He was sure that if he forgot to get dressed before he cleaned up the water, the Doctor might just come through with the fluffy towels...or something....***
Next story in series - Amends.
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