Title: 2nd Collection of E/S Drabbles
Bj Jones
Pairing: Ecric/Speed
Rating: PG-13
Summary: When things go wrong.
Disclaimer: I think we all know I don't own them and the reasons why. They are owned by various executives, producers, writers and studios that have more lawyers than I want to mess with. I'm not making any money just borrowing them for a bit and promise to return them
Beta: Kay


Title: Building
Prompt: # 21 - Friends
Word Count: 115

The moment the two met they became fast friends. Eric's upbeat personality accented Speed's dark cynical attitude. Many times the Cuban pulled Speed out of the lab to get out and have some fun. Soon people were seeing soft smiles and playful banters between the two men. They became close and inseparable. If Speed was in a dark mood, Eric was sent to Trace to deal with him. It was Speed's views on the world that kept Eric grounded and focused, instead of getting lost in cases they couldn't win.

So it wasn't much of a shock to their friends, the lab, or even Eric's family when the two friends turned lovers.


Title: Destruction
Prompt: # 22 - Enemies
Word Count: 120

The lab was a battlefield. No one dared to enter Trace without good reason, plenty of armor, and preferably backup. Speed was not only in a dark, cynical, depressive mood. He was agitated, hurt, and pissed.

Their friends had been shocked when the lovers became bitter enemies. It had taken Alexx's sheer stubbornness to get the story out of Speed. He had broken down and cried on her shoulder.

Eric had cheated on him.

It took Horatio and Calleigh to stop her from hurting the Cuban. Calleigh and Horatio had tried to get the two to talk, but both were stubborn.

So the lab stayed a battlefield and no one dared entered Trace - especially Eric.


Title: Rebuilding
Prompt: # 23 - Lovers
Word Count: 152

The case had set everyone on edge, but Speed had lost it. There's only so much a man can take. When the suspect that everyone and their mother knew was guilty as hell smirked and winked at the New Yorker and said, 'Better luck next time', no one blamed him; even Stetler turned a blind eye when Speed flattened him.

Eric stood outside the Trace lab watching the scruffy CSI. He had everything he ever wanted in his hands and lost it because of a stupid comment from an old, now ex-friend. He didn't even remember the girl's name.

Speed looked up when Eric walked into the lab.

"I love you," Eric said.

Speed choked; the Cuban had never said the words the whole time they were together. He found himself back in Eric's arms, holding on to him tightly.

The lab watched as enemies became lovers once again.