Title: Breaking It
Author: Bj Jones
Prompt: #71 - Broken
Word Count: 106
Rating: FRT
Disclaimer: I think we all know that I don’t own them, cause if I did…. Anyway. Various executives, producers, studios, and writers who have more lawyers on retainer than I want to mess with – own them. I’m not making any money, just borrowing them. I promise to return them to the lab when I’m done with them
Beta: Kay (Joe)
Warning: Slash – if you don’t like it – don’t read it
2nd Warning: Spoilers from all seasons
Author’s Note: The episode – didn’t happen
Challenge: 100 Drabbles – Horatio Caine/Timothy Speedle

“I’m sorry.” Horatio whispered softly. “This has to end.”

“Why? What did I do?” Speed asked, his voice shaking.

Horatio didn’t look at him. “It’s not…”

“Don’t even try… just… get out.” Speed turned and walked away, holding on to his emotions until he hit their, no his bedroom.

Speed slumped against the wall, sliding down to the floor as a sob escaped his throat. He barely registered the door closing, the soft sound of a click making the words final. He let the tears come.

He had thought they would have forever. He guessed he was wrong. Speed curled on the floor a broken man.