Title: Tastes like chicken
Author: Beverly aka Bev *too*
Fandom/pairing: CSI, Gil Grissom
Wordcount: 100
Summary: Based on prompt #059 Food.

"Food is essential, my dear Nicky."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, it is. Now grab your fork and eat."





"No. You want me to eat...this...feed me."


"I will."

"You won't."

"Oh yes, my love."

"But I...hmmph."

With a satisfied smile, Gil pulled the fork back and watched his lover's face. It was a pleasure to watch. Dark at first, then, while chewing, it changed. Finally he swallowed and said, "Tastes like chicken."

With a weird expression Gil looked down on the plate. No one had ever told him that grasshoppers tasted like chicken.

The end