Title: Dear Diary
Author: Bj Jones
Prompt: #99 – Writer’s Choice: Diary
Word Count: 115
Rating: FRT
Disclaimer: I think we all know that I don’t own them, cause if I did…. Anyway. Various executives, producers, studios, and writers who have more lawyers on retainer than I want to mess with – own them. I’m not making any money, just borrowing them. I promise to return them to the lab when I’m done with them
Beta: Kay (Joe)
Warning: Slash – if you don’t like it – don’t read it
2nd Warning: Spoilers from all seasons
Author’s Note: The episode – didn’t happen
Challenge: 100 Drabbles – Horatio Caine/Timothy Speedle

Dear Diary: I met the most gorgeous man today. His eyes are captivating and the hair… oh God the hair just makes you want to run your fingers through it.

Dear Diary: I can’t breathe. He asked me out to dinner. Me. What am I going to where?

Dear Diary: He kissed me in the moonlight. It was magical I know it's clichéd but it was.

Dear Diary: I think I’m in love…

“Give that to me!” Horatio grabbed his journal from his grinning lover. “It does not say that.”

Speed grinned as he pulled the redhead to him his voice husky in Horatio’s ear. “Dear Diary: Today he proposed…..”

Dear Diary: I said yes.