Title: The Ducati
Author: Bj Jones
Rating: FRM
Disclaimer: I don’t own them. Never will. They are owned by various executives, producers, writers and studios who have more lawyers on retainer than I want to mess with. Not making any money off of this, believe me. I promise to return them when I’m done….maybe.
Summary: Horatio admires the man and the bike.
Beta: Not Beta’d
Genre: Slash
Author’s Note: Theme Day – Ducati for [info]cochranefanatic
Challenge: [info]lover100 Horatio/Speed
Prompt: #19 - Grace
Word Count: 547


Ever since Horatio Caine had met Timothy Speedle, the younger man had ridden a bike. Over the past decade the bike has changed, and so has the man. The most recent bike sits outside in the parking lot, waiting for its owner to come out of the lab. Horatio leans back in his office chair and stares out his window. The past two years he's had the best seat in the house. He can look down at the lab to see Tim working, then turn his chair and see the sleek racing bike gleaming in the sun.

The Ducati.

The bane of his existence.

It mocked him.

It teased him.

Ever since Speed rode up on the Canary Yellow Ducati, he hasn't been able to keep his eyes off the man or the machine. He didn't know when it happened but somehow the skinny, shy, gawky kid that rode in on a old worn Indian, suddenly became the confident, scruffy, hot as hell Trace expert that rode in on sex on wheels.

Daily Horatio would watch as Speed walked out of the lab to the parking lot, and mount the sleek racing machine. Watch has his hands caressed the handle bars, then down the body of the machine and turn the ignition. Horatio would moan in pleasure hearing the growl of her engine. He then would watch as Speed's body molded with the bike, the two become one as they flew down the streets.

What he would give to mold his body to Speed's, feel him move under him as he sank into the warm willing flesh. He bit back a moan and forcefully removed his hands from his aching cock.

A cough interrupted him.

Horatio turned to see Speed standing at his office door. The Lieutenant looked over to the parking lot to see the Ducati still standing there. He frowned and looked back over at Speed, putting on his best 'I'm the boss look.'

"How can I help you Speed?"

Timothy Speedle closed the door and leaned against it a sultry smile on his face. "I was hoping I could take you for a ride."

As they flew down the streets of Miami, Horatio gripped Speed's waist tighter. Feeling the power of the Ducati under him, and the feeling the muscles play under his fingers was better than any fantasy he had come up with. He could only grin, when they pulled into a secluded section of beach. As Speed slowed the machine to a stop, Horatio leaned forward and nipped at his ear whispering. "Now it's my turn to ride you."

Their screams of passion echoed against the beach cliffs and rocks, the Ducati stood in its spot guarding and watching over them.