Title: Happily Ever After
Author: Shanyle
Rating: PG-13 for language
Pairing: Gil/Nick (smallest mention of Catherine/Lady Heather, Warrick/Greg, Brass/Al and Ecklie/OMCs)
Summary: Ok, I read a fairytale fic and I couldn't resist. It's silly, but I enjoyed it. Not to be taken seriously at all
Author's Notes: I'm on crack... there's no other way to explain this.
Feedback: is my lifeforce*~*~*
It was a beautiful spring morning when Nick opened his eyes at the sound of his alarm going off. The early light peaked through the closed shutters over the window, dust could be seen dancing in the rays. Nick sat up in the corner by the fireplace and stretched his sore muscles; stone floor was a bitch to sleep on. Nick threw open the window and took a minute to relish the crisp air before turning around and getting quickly to work; it wouldn't do for his stepfather Lord Conrad Ecklie to find that he had been slacking off this morning.
After finishing his early morning chores, Nick made breakfast and was placing it on the table when his two stepsisters came in, Lady Sara and Lady Terri. Nick was carelessly shoved out of the way by Lady Terri as she sat in her seat across from Lady Sara and waited to be served. Nick waited until his stepfather sat down at the head of the table, knowing that it simply was not polite to start a meal before all members of the household were at the table.
"Nick, I want the stables cleaned out this morning, I will be entertaining guests and I don't want shit lying about." Before Nick could voice his agreement, Lady Sara interrupted.
"Well father, it is much too late for that, unless you want to get rid of Nick also." This sent the two women into fits of giggles.
"Oh Sara, you are so bad!"
While Conrad was still smirking at the rudeness of his daughters, he was quick to chastise them. "Girls! That is quite enough of that behaviour. Those are not your good laughs." The girls quickly switched their sharp, genuine laughter into something soft and utterly fake. "That's better." It seemed that Conrad only now noticed Nick was standing there, despite having spoken to him not two minutes earlier. "What are you still doing here? Get a move on you lazy slob."
Nick bowed his head. "Yes sir!" Nick walked briskly out of the room and into the kitchen where he finished cleaning, before heading out to the stalls. With a sigh, Nick looked up at the sky, wishing for something more. Nothing happened. "Same shit, different day."
The mood of the house quickly changed later on that day when the postman dropped off a very prestigious looking letter. The paper was of the highest quality and very thick a royal blue color. The letters were gold and embossed on the envelope and the envelope itself was sealed shut with a gold mesh ribbon. The excitement grew impossibly in its intensity when the letter's purpose was revealed.
"To all subjects,
We are pleased to announce a ball to be held in honor of our beloved prince."The words were barely out of Lord Ecklie's mouth before-
"Heaven's above! The prince is having a ball!!" The stepsisters were squealing in joy as they bounced up and down at the thrill of it all. Conrad was still holding the letter looking rather pinched and serious.
"That's enough! I wasn't finished." The girls tried their best to stop mid-bounce and would have succeeded if not for that pesky thing called gravity. "The letter also says that the ball is being held tonight, at eighty o'clock. This is no time for fun! We haven't anytime to loose. Nick, quickly! We need our outfits ready within six hours!"
"And what about me?"
Conrad sneered and the stepsisters gaped. "What *about* you?"
Nick took in a cleansing breath, gathering his courage before continuing. "The invitation invites all subjects, if I am to attend I will need something to wear."
There was a moment of silence before all three of his family members burst out laughing. "Y-you w-w-want to go?" Conrad's eyes began to tear as he struggled to speak. Suddenly he sobered. "Girls! Social laughs." They hearty, gasping laughter suddenly transformed into the same robotic, unfeeling laughter as before. The laughter died in a few moments leaving Lord Ecklie to stare at Nick in disbelief. "You cannot attend. You are not even suited to scrape the horse droppings off the shoes of those guests." Nick felt the comment like a punch to the gut. "However, you are correct. The letter clearly states `all subjects', so if you finish our dresses- uh, their dresses and my suit along with your regular chores, then you may attend the ball with us."
Hope fountained in Nick's chest and he couldn't keep the winning smile from his face. "Yes sir, I'll get on that right away!" Nick sped off, his heart pounding with anticipation; he could finish the outfits if he tried hard.
The girls watched Nick go with twin expressions of indignation. Then turning to their father, attacked. "You can't possibly be serious about him attending."
"Father, he's a servant!"
"He's dusty!"
"Girls please! Have faith. there is no way I would ever allow that. thing to be seen with us in public. Now, all we have to do is make sure that Nick has no time to get ready himself." Lady Sara and Lady Terri's faces grew ugly as they smiled, eyes full of sadistic pleasure.
Nick sagged in relief as he finished the last of his chores. However, no matter how much work Nick had done today, energy was still abundant within. he was going to the ball. The thought was barely completed when his stepsisters and stepfather entered the foyer. Conrad was dressed in a rather frilly blue suit; Sara was wearing a baby doll dress that had pink at the top and a frightening orange skirt. Terri looked rather frumpy in a black strapless dress with a sky blue stripe streaking across the front of it. A puzzled expression formed on Nick's face. "Are you leaving now?"
"Yes, of course we are." Conrad looked at Nick as though it were the most idiotic thing he could have asked.
"But. aren't I coming with you?" Nick felt the joy and hope in heart begin to wither.
"Coming with us?" Conrad now looked puzzled. "Look at you boy, you're filthy. Did you honestly expect to attend looking as you do now?"
Conrad was shaking his head sadly. "Stupid boy. you didn't leave anytime for you to get ready yourself. You can't possibly go with us. Maybe next time." At that, the three pillars of the community left the house and as the door closed, Nick could hear the cruel laughter of his adopted family.
"Oh my, you really are too trusting." Nick started at the feminine voice and turned to see a beautiful woman with strawberry blonde hair.
"Pardon me? May I help you?" Nick wiped away the tear that started to fall.
"Oh no honey, I'm here to help you." The woman smiled and Nick looked at her, really looked at her for the first time. The woman stood proudly, dressed smartly in slinky blue dress made of silk, a gleaming white wand held delicately in her hand. "I'm your fairy mother, Catherine."
Nick blinked. "Don't you mean godmother?"
The perfect eyebrows shot into the woman's hairline. "If you're saying I look like I could be a godmother, I think I might just have to leave you here and not help you to the ball."
"Nonono, of course you do- wait. what was that last part?"
The woman's smile lit up her whole face. "What, the ball bit? Yeah, I'm going to help you out with that honey. You're going just as soon as I can get you ready."
"How are you going to do that?" Catherine wiggled her wand at Nick. Nick smiled and took a step forward, so suddenly filled with happiness that he was dizzy. "I really want to give you a hug right now."
"Well restrain yourself, at least until I clean you up. this is a designer dress."
Nick stood in front of the floor length mirror and couldn't believe that it was his own reflection. Black slacks, black suit jacket, forest green silk shirt that had two buttons undone at the top. A whistle caught his attention and he turned to grin at his fairy go-, er, mother. "Thank you so much. I can't tell you what it means to me."
"Just as well, we don't have time to talk about how great I am. we have to get you to that party!"
Prince Gil Grissom stood stoically as he observed all the guests present at the ball being thrown for him, not by him though. This shindig was his magic users' idea of getting him to find a spouse. Though Gil believed the party was mostly Heather's doing. Gil had never really found the company of others very stimulating, he preferred to read and immerse himself in knowledge.
"Prince Grissom." Gil looked at his right hand man, Warrick Brown and smiled softly.
"Did our security chief send you to protect me?"
"Sir Brass does worry about you. you often put yourself in harms way." Gil's mind flashed to the time he went to see the blacksmith Sid Booth Goggle by himself, he had nearly met his end at the tip of a hammer.
"I do not do such things on purpose, I'm just-"
"Curious, yes, so you have said many times before." They stood silently together watching people enter and loose themselves in the crowd. "I'm taking bets you know."
Gil smirked at this, Warrick was always taking bets, he never made them though, not anymore. "What are they betting on?"
"Whether or not you'll find the love of your life. Most people are betting no, but our resident magic users are putting they're money on yes."
"Heather and Greg believe I am going to find the love of a lifetime tonight?" Warrick shrugged his shoulders and continued surveying the crowd.
Nick entered the grand hall; he couldn't believe he was at the ball. Nick giggled nervously, that rhymed! Nick was giddy with delight at his good fortune. Everyone around him was laughing and talking and dressed so nicely, the atmosphere was infectious. Nick was looking up at the incredible ceiling paintings and chandeliers when someone caught his eye.
A man stood at the top of a wide yet short staircase; he stood tall and still, the people around him seeming to revolve and orbit around him. Like the sun, the man was drawing Nick closer like gravity. Nick was staring, he knew he shouldn't, but the clear, intelligent eyes, soft looking lips that Nick wanted to see moving when they formed word. everything about him. The man's hair was greying but it only seemed to add to his beauty.
The moment was shattered as a bright orange. thing entered his line of sight. Lady Sara, Lady Terri and Lord Ecklie were approaching the man, predatory smiles twisting their features. Nick decided that he had to intervene and save the man.
"Prince Grissom!" The loud and overly cheery voice offended Gil's ears, but he turned and acknowledged the man with a polite smile. "Prince Grissom, I am Lord Ecklie, may I present to you my daughters, Lady Sara and Lady Terri." They curtseyed and smiled, a worrisome gleam in their eyes. Gil looked over at Warrick, eyes pleading for help, but Warrick couldn't be bothered when it was clear he found it quite amusing.
"Hello ladies."
"Prince Grissom, I must insist you dance with me." Lady Sara was stepping forward, the gleam only increasing along with her proximity. The color of her dress was enough to give Gil a headache and he was momentarily relieved when Lady Terri pulled her away from him by her arm.
"Lady Sara, you must not be so forceful, perhaps Prince Grissom would like to dance with me first." The sisters were glaring at each other, ready to fight; Gil swore he could hear hissing.
"Excuse me?" The whole group turned to see the source of the intrusion, or in some cases, the source of rescue. The man was incredibly beautiful. Strong jaw was tense regardless of the courteous smile and the man's torso tapered down to his hips in such a manner that made Gil want to grasp them as if they were handles. Dark brown eyes burned with a passion Gil could see lying within the depths. "I am sorry to interrupt, but I believe we were scheduled to dance now." Gil nodded, happy to have an escape from the two women at his back, who were now glaring at the man rather than at each other.
Silently, Gil accepted the arm the man offered and let himself be led to the dance floor. It was usually Gil who led others, but he could make an exception in the case of his hero. Besides, if the man led on the dance floor as well, that would give Gil the perfect excuse to grasp those hips.
The man did end up leading.
"Thank you." Gil said, smiling as he wrapped his arms around his saviour's waist. "You saved me from what I'm sure could have been a fate worse than death."
The man grinned and Gil suddenly felt that it could no longer be night, not with a smile that bright. "It was my pleasure." No more words were spoken, there was no need, their eyes were saying everything.
Nick was having a wonderful time, after dancing to a couple of songs with the man, who said his name was Gil, they found somewhere quiet to sit and talk. They were still there three hours later.
"And that's how I knew the man was lying."
"Because of bugs?"
"That's incredible." Nick was looking at Gil with a dopey expression on his face. Gil was an amazing person, so intelligent and charismatic and his stunning good looks didn't hurt either.
"I'm sorry, I must be boring you." Gil sat up straighter on the sofa.
Nick was sitting up as well, quick to correct him. "No! Not at all Gil, really. It's fascinating and, well. I like to hear you talk." Nick was blushing and looking up at Gil through his lashes, trying to save face.
"Oh. Really?" Gil was a little confused. sure most of his friend indulged him, but most of them didn't get it, let alone enjoy it when he rambled for hours on end.
Nick was looking at Gil now, nodding, as he apparently looked right through him. "Oh yeah." Gil was leaning forward; Nick was too, mere inches away and then-
"Honey, get over here, I need to talk to you." They jerked apart to see a woman standing several feet away.
"Catherine?" Nick looked back at Gil and held up a hand. "I'll be right back. don't move." Nick stood up and walked over to Catherine.
"What are you still doing here? It's almost midnight!"
Nick's eyes narrowed and his eyebrows scrunched together. "What are you talking about?"
Catherine's face fell. "You mean, I didn't tell you?" Nick shook his head frantically. "Oh. sorry. I've had a lot on my mind, my daughter Lindsey is in a play at school and she's been going to rehearsals a lot lately so I've-"
"Catherine? What about midnight?"
"Right! Sorry. Ok, so you have to get out of here by midnight or your clothes will dissolve and you'll be naked."
"What!? This just slipped your mind earlier?" Catherine shrugged and Nick sighed, not wanting to leave, he looked back at Gil longingly. "Naked wouldn't be so bad."
"But that would be indecent exposure and your friend over there is very law abiding." Nick sighed again, a buzzing noise interrupting him mid-breath. "That's your cue! You have about two minutes before your clothes disappear."
"Oh god!" Nick ran back to Gil and kneeled before him. "I have to go."
"What? Why?" Gil held the man's hands in his own, suddenly realizing he hadn't gotten the guy's name.
"I wish I could stay." Nick was rising and he began to jog.
"Wait, no!" Nick grasped the side of the wall to aid him in turning the corner and was gone. "Wait! What's your name!?" Gil ran up to the corner and looked into the crowd, not seeing the man anywhere. "Dammit!"
Warrick suddenly appeared at Gil's side. "Sire, are you all right?"
Gil looked longingly into the crowd, hoping to catch a glimpse of the love of his life. guess Heather and Greg won the pool. "No, the man of my dreams just ran off."
"Your highness?"
"I'll find him though."
"How do you expect to do that? What, he left his shoe or something?"
Gil shook his head, looking at the table by the sofa. "No, something better." Gil was looking very intently at the glasses there. "Get Greg down here right away!"
Gil stood in his magic users `lab' and awaited the verdict. There was a puff of smoke from whatever it was that Greg was working over. "Eureka! Ok, your Royal Highness of lurve! What I've got here is something we call DNA from the glass your boy was using. With this you'll be able to find your love bunny." Gil rolled his eyes at the young man, but was unable to keep the excitement out of his eyes just the same.
"How do I do that?"
"Well, take Lady Heather here," Lady Heather suddenly appeared from behind Gil and smiled softly. "Go around to all the houses in the kingdom and find a match! See, DNA is all well and good, if you have something to compare it to. Lady Heather will be able to do a comparison test on the spot using magic. She's also really good at getting people to do what she tells them." It was settled and soon enough (though not in Gil's opinion) they were on their way to find true love.
Gil's heart stuttered in fear inside his chest as the door was opened to reveal the women from the other night. the evil ones.
"Prince Grissom, how lovely to see you!" Sara was pushing forward to get out from behind her sister who was trying her best to stay in front.
"Girls, where are you're manners!?" Lord Ecklie pulled the women away from the door and made a sweeping gesture with his arm. "Please, come in, your majesty."
"Thank you Lord Ecklie, we won't be staying long." Gil entered the foyer with Heather right behind him. "I wish to test the DNA of any male in your household. I have a warrant." Lord Ecklie stiffened. Gil wasn't surprised that the man was so disappointed in the lack of interest for his daughters, if he had children like that, he would be eager to unload them as well; that didn't excuse Lord Ecklie's slimy nature though.
"There are no males other than myself to test."
Lady Heather was quick to interject. "He is lying sire."
"I am not!"
Heather pursed her lips and eyed him carefully. "Do you wear women's clothing?"
Conrad blushed furiously. "No!"
"Lying again." Heather turned to Gil who was quite confused by the whole exchange. "There is someone here he is trying to hide."
"She's right you know." They all turned to see a woman sitting upon a table. It was the same woman from last night, the one who had taken Gil's love away.
"You! Where is he?" Gil was moved forward, tense and agitated by the long day and the situation here.
"They locked your boy up in his room. which is actually just a walk in pantry by the way."
Gil turned on his heel and focused his glare upon the members of the household. "Take me to him!" Lord Ecklie jumped and began scurrying to the back of the house. Gil followed the man to a door that he unlocked. Opening the door, Gil saw the man sitting on the small window ledge.
"There you are!" Nick turned at the voice, elated at the possibility. it was! It's Gil!
"Gil!" Nick rushed to the man and hugged him tightly. The hug was returned in equal measure, but they were soon interrupted.
"Prince Grissom. I am sorry to disturb your moment, but we must make certain that this is indeed the man you were with.
"Oh yes, oh course." Heather turned to Nick and asked him to open his mouth. Heather placed a cotton swab in the man's mouth and left the room. The minutes were tense until Heather returned with a small smile on her face.
"It is a match." Gil was grinning from ear to ear now, he had found his love.
And they all lived happily ever after. except for Sara and Terri. they went to jail. Ecklie went to jail too, but since the boys in prison really like Ecklie, Ecklie was happy. He dresses like a woman openly now and found that because of this release, he was a happier and well-adjusted person. As for Warrick, Greg, Heather, Catherine and Chief Brass? Well, Warrick and Greg got married along side Heather and Catherine. Chief Brass is currently dating the undertaker, Al Robbins.
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